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Everything posted by Meadows

  1. Skyler White from Breaking Bad - Love the show, hated her character. Such a fun sponge. Gabriela Dawson from Chicago Fire - No composure at all, flies off the handle and is steadfast regardless of how ridiculous what she is doing is. Just annoying. Will Halstead from Chicago Med - Moany prat who is a pale shadow of his PD brother. Debra Morgan from Dexter - Just awful, in what world would she rise to the prominence in the police force that she did? Rude, careless and error prone. Twat. Jeanie Boulet from ER - Oh my god, has there ever been a duller character in any show ever? Pointless. She had what should in theory have been storylines that were heart wrenching and got you emotionally invested in her, but I found myself not caring in the slightest. Kono from Hawaii 5-0 (new version) - Pointless character. Sam Healy from Orange is the New Black - Creepy, creepy guy. Donna from Suits - Self satisfied, arrogant, self righteous, pompous tit. Acts like she knows everything and is brilliant, but is useless and forever screwing up!
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