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Posts posted by love2lovebadtv

  1. On 5/20/2021 at 11:05 PM, SuzieQ said:

    I'm really enjoying this show.  But I'm done with the old Benson/Stabler crap crossovers.  Hope those are over!  They need to let it sink or swim on its own.

    I didn't think Richie would actually kill Gina.  She was a good character and I'm bummed that her run is over.

    Dylan McDermott is a good villain and nice to see Steve Harris from The Practice show up! 

    Yea, I think the crossover adds more to the mix that the audience doesn't need. The crossovers make it seem like you need to watch SVU but I watched SVU for a really long time until I got tired of it and I have no desire to return. There are so many characters in OC who don't know Stabler's backstory that he can tell it to them and new viewers get just enough information without the crossovers. 

    I really liked Gina, too. I was impressed with her skills and the way she switched up so well. It was so sad when she said (and I think it was true) that she had been undercover since she was 21. 

    • Love 5
  2. On 5/13/2021 at 10:07 PM, WendyCR72 said:

    I know he stopped it...and she's NOT Benson, so it's a plus...but holy hell. Didn't Stabler's wife JUST die?! And yet he is lusting after Wheatley's ex and devouring her? Hmm.*

    (*Switching from this to another show, so maybe I missed context? Still...wow.)

    I think that's just his grief being + being drawn to someone understands his grief. 

    On 5/16/2021 at 9:06 AM, icemiser69 said:

    They both have suffered an emotional loss, that can cause some people to emotionally connect when they otherwise wouldn't.  That said, I do think that Angela and Elliott have a heckuva lot more chemistry than Olivia and Elliott have ever had.

    Yes, way more chemistry!

    On 5/17/2021 at 10:13 PM, jabRI said:

    She really  needs a new stylist.  You gain weight as you get older, try more tailored clothes not wearing a coat constantly (like S. Epatha Merkerson knows how to dress), get a haircut or at least brush it, and stop with the 'snarling' looks it looks really bad on you.  At least I watched it with only subtitles so I missed the 'whisper'.  And I'm sorry, with the whole NYPD and Children Services at their disposal, they had to wait for HER to talk to the daughter?  Why not Bell if they just wanted a woman to do it? 

    On another note, the ex wife ordering the hit only makes sense if she knows her ex is responsible for her son's overdose death, and this is a long play to get him investigated for something to bring him down.

    I like Mariska Hargitay a whole lot but I thought always she had a snarling look even when she was younger, back when SVU first started and I knew nothing about her. I can't explain it well but it's like her acting facial expressions exaggerate her features - similar to (but not as bad as) Kerry Washington. 

    Also, did the son OD? I thought he was shot during a raid or something.

    On 5/19/2021 at 6:15 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

    As of now, it doesn’t make any sense why would Angela be the one who ordered a hit on Kathy, what is her motive? If she needs a relentless cop to pursue and take down Richard & his empire, why Elliot and not other NYPD cops? What if Angela is actually innocent, she is framed by Richard’s wife, Dana??? 🤨

    I really love Gina in OC. Her scene with Richard at her home is so intense and marvellous. Her scenes have more impact than the other 2 detectives and that hacker girl. Bad writing & characters’ development? If the OC doesn’t want her after Wheatley’s story is wrapped up, please send her to Chicago PD, she can replace that wooden actress who doesn’t know how to act. 👍

    And ohh, no more steamy scene between Elliot and Angela please, that’s so cringey!!! 🥴

    Wait, who's Dana?

    And yes, I love Gina, too! 

  3. On 9/29/2015 at 7:22 PM, lottiedottie said:

    The more I think about the frozen glove, the more irritated I get. It's not a thing! When you give birth, you are given a squeeze bottle and told to use warm water to clean the area each time you go to the bathroom, because you are bleeding and a mess for a week or two after giving birth. There is NO way any doctor is telling you to insert a frozen finger up in there. You aren't even supposed to use toilet paper, things are so delicate down there!

    I've never understood how writers could mess things up like this. All it takes is ten minutes of talking to someone/googling to know what the what is.

    Someone who recently delivered (and I realize this post is pretty old but I'm just watching the show now) told me she did this and found it helpful. So, I googled and discovered it's a thing.  Apparently, frozen condoms work, too. It's not something I was familiar with and it's certainly not the same as toilet tissue but I'm pretty sure many of the things I've done over the years (childbirth and otherwise) weren't written in any textbook.. I'm OK with it on TV, too, because it doesn't need to be a thing for someone to know it helps and recommend it. Just like the doctor told her not to look "down there." That's not standard medical advice but  I've always appreciated medical personnel who shared tips, even if they were not the standard. 

    • Love 1
  4. On 5/12/2021 at 11:03 PM, LBS said:

    I’m sorry but if you have a free ticket to Hawaii and your boyfriend can’t come why don’t you ask one of your family members?  Ugh . This season is so contrived.

    I've been wondering why everything is about her and Ben as if she doesn't have children. Maybe Harris and Mark can't go to Hawaii but wouldn't it be nice for them to get away for a couple of days - even a short road trip? That house is depressing for everyone. I went with my older kids to an airbnb cottage just 2 hours away and we had a blast spending time together but also having a change of scenery to do our own thing. 

    On 5/13/2021 at 12:31 AM, Bastet said:

    As happy as I was to see Estelle Parsons looking good, I was a little disappointed that Bev's trademark passive-aggressive behavior was missing, and they just wrote her as directly insulting throughout.

    Yes, I feel like her insults were usually more nuanced than that. 

    On 5/13/2021 at 12:47 AM, Cherpumple said:

    I really disliked the way they did the Jeopardy scenes (Aaron Rodgers cameo aside). I don't need Jackie to be a multi-day champion or anything, but was it really too much to ask to let her have a good time and leave with her dignity? They could have even kept the whole Edith Piaf rant as a response to the Final Jeopardy clue, and still make her come in third, but not even letting her finish the game, and then having her leave the studio in handcuffs just felt mean spirited. Geez, why does this show think we all want these characters to keep getting kicked while they're down?

    I liked Becky, and was annoyed by the reaction of the family. Yes, she was being preachy, but she was happy and proud of herself for completing rehab and I think she deserved a more positive response. I couldn't believe that Dan refused to forego beer for even one meal, and preferred to eat in the garage rather than share in Becky's first meal home. Selfish.

    I'm so over the Darlene/Ben mess. Go to Hawaii, don't go to Hawaii, I don't care anymore. Her heartfelt speech at the end fell completely flat for me, as did Ben's passive-aggressive response. I like the actor who plays Ben, but please, break them up! They are a terrible couple!

    The show doesn't let Jackie have a good moment. She has always reminded me of my mom's younger sister who is goofy and not quite together but also caring and wise. I don't think she needs to lose all the time to be funny. 

    Also tired of Hawaii. I think the Ben actor is good but there's already a large cast so the back n forth with him is too much. Not to mention there's no chemistry or shared interest. And why can't he get his own place like he had before? 

    On 5/13/2021 at 5:29 AM, Sile said:

    Really, show?  You couldn't at least let Jackie participate in Final Jeopardy?  Plus I really wanted to see the cat question.

    I know. I thought she was good at Jeopardy and that surely she would have 

    On 5/13/2021 at 9:18 AM, marceline said:

    The show really is leaning in to making everyone as unlikable as possible.

    Ben needs to cut Darlene loose. They don't want the same things and she keeps lying to him.

    Wacky Jackie was a pain in the original series and she's a pain now.

    I have no idea why Ben is even still hanging around and now even getting his mother involved. There's no chemistry or shared interest. Darlene has lied and cheated and continues to lie (so how does he know she's not still cheating?) and it doesn't seem like she's into him. Why can't Ben just get his own place? Darlene doesn't seem to be into anyone but herself. She has 2 kids. I know Harris is a legal adult technically old enough to work/contribute but that doesn't mean she is not too old to benefit from parental guidance - instead of asking her for advice about how to lie. 

    On 5/13/2021 at 4:35 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Ben just started running that business. I can understand his reticence walking away from it for several days. Although I think Dan is perfectly capable of holding the fort but with his track record, I would not be surprised if Ben came back to find his store in foreclosure.

    I shouldn't have laughed at this but I did. Dan doesn't have a head for business. Ben needs to keep his business up and running, get an apartment, and date Darlene (without living together) or break up. I don't understand why they're together. 

    • Love 6
  5. On 5/13/2021 at 1:24 PM, Snow Apple said:

    She has people in her life. But they all take a back seat to Freddy, even her daughter and boyfriend. 

    I know many parents have a golden child, but I'm getting bored with Jean's obsession with him.

    I know a couple of mothers who are just as obsessed - especially their sons. I'd like to see it addressed more in the show. I think they can make it funny and real.

    20 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

    I like Kyra, but “Mother Raines” is darned near insufferable. Annoying though Celia can be, I loved it when she stood up to Jean about Christmas. Jean is written as the kind of pushy, self-centered mom who’ll be posted about in the JustNoMIL subreddit. Just watch her wear white to Freddie‘s wedding if the wedding actually happens…

    I like Celia way more than I expected. Actually, I like all the side characters except Jean's children lol. I was happy with the way Celia spoke up without being mean about it. She does put up with a lot. 

    • Love 5
  6. 21 minutes ago, jmonique said:

    I usually don't mind Tom, but all his talk about "helping out" and "watching" his own kids annoyed the hell out of me.

    He was acting like a little kid who's proud of himself for helping out with chores. Annoying but not unrealistic for some folks, unfortunately. 

    I know some folks were annoyed that they borrowed money from Connor instead of the wife going back to work. But I can see why she hasn't. I don't see her husband being able to manage the household. Depending on the type of law she practices, the firms are mostly the same. But maybe they can find some middle ground like a part-time sitter while the husband writes, or contract work for the wife, etc. 

    4 hours ago, I Want My MBTV said:

    I'm not a proponent of physical violence but if Sarah grabbed a phone out of my hand and hung up on person I was speaking to.... I would strongly be considering changing my stance on that.   I liked seeing Denise hanging out with Connor.  It looked like she was actually having fun being away from Sarah's morality cop purview.  Connor is the only one I'd hang out with. Not because of his money but because you can actually relax around him and not be judged if you say the wrong word or want to wear a wedding dress or whatever.  

    Connor is officially my favorite sibling! I like that he's not just the rich one. He and Denise were cute together and they were learning from each other, plus the kids were 100% into it before Sarah showed how rude she can be. She's worried about Connor teaching the kids bad ways but that wasn't acceptable behavior at al. And I love the way Connor taught the nephew the value of working smarter. 

    • Love 4
  7. On 4/17/2021 at 2:07 AM, SallyAlbright said:

    I love Charles and Liza together (mostly because I have a huge crush on Charles) so I'm sad that they broke up and will just wait the rest of the season for them to hopefully get back together. I'm pathetic, I know, but shipping TV couples is the kind of frivolous thing I've been enjoying during covid! I wondered if they were going to do the whole "I Choose Me" thing with Liza at the end, but after so many seasons of so much focus on the romance, that would feel a little flat for me. 

    One episode in and I already really miss Diana, she is by far my favorite character. Zane, on the other hand, doesn't feel like much of a loss as I could never quite figure out his character. 

    I love Charles, too, especially before he got together with Liza. I even bought Persil because of that commercial. So, I'll see your pathetic lol. But I really don't like them together - kinda boring. I would love to see Liza just be Liza and be single but I don't think that's what the show has ever wanted. 

    On 4/15/2021 at 7:26 PM, gesundheit said:

    That felt like a lot of deck-clearing! Weird. And yeah, Kelsey's bronzer was rough. I'm going to miss Diana this season so much, but I'm a completist. 

    I don't understand how it's airing. It's airing normally on TV Land, but not yet? But the first 4 are out now on both Hulu and Paramount+, and weekly after that?

    Is Diana gone for the whole season? I thought it was just a couple of episodes for her honeymoon. I love her! I prefer Lauren in small doses. 

    On 4/15/2021 at 3:30 AM, Aulty said:

    Good grief.
    I expected some twists to get them from last season's cliffhanger and through the obstacle course that was shooting their swann song, but woah. So many scenes that felt ooc.
    Of course Lauren immediately runs to show Josh the video, and Josh's little 'we're always us' speech - dude, grow up.

    On a VERY superficial note: all hail the make-up artists. I think its fair to assume that they had to make do with a smaller team than usual because they all look noticably older now and less fresh. Exhausted, actually. Which suits the theme of the girls slowly aging out of the hip age bracket.

    The scene with Lauren and the necklace in the drawer was priceless though. And Quinn was spot on with her assessment of Kelsey. And in my opinion they way the Liza/Charles breakup went was pretty much true to what their relationship was - they both thought is was what they wanted, but they never realised that they want different things. I just hope that they didn't put the 'you can propose to me' in to have Liza get down on one knee in the very last episode.
    Bring on Charles and Quinn.

    I do like that they're showing the millennials age out of their original roles. 

    • Love 1
  8. On 4/21/2021 at 11:33 PM, juno said:

    The winner of this episode was that bowl of ice cream. The loser was anyone that had to listen to Sarah. Why would she choose a children's party to counsel a child. That was amazingly unprofessional. Generally counselling should be given if help is wanted and asked for. She was lucky that Connor wanted to talk about it, otherwise I wish he would have thrown her out. Geez read the room.

    I guess every show has to have at least one character that is just awful and Sarah is the one. I am wondering how much I can put up with her disrespect of her awesome mate and her siblings each episode.

    OK, so now I'm learning the names. Sarah is awful. And part of helping her niece was about proving to herself that she's still got it. 

    On 4/22/2021 at 1:20 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Topher Grace can sing so beautifully.  I loved his rendition of Mad World.

    Even better, his rendition of Jump by Kriss Kross.  I could watch that on loop.  That's what sitcoms should be.  Fun, like that.  Not just boring people exchanging conversation 😄

    Yeah, I hate this characterization because I'm a middle child and people will say rude things directly to my face about how middle children are screwed up.  TV like this does NOT help that stereotype.  As if people can help when they're born.

    I loved the singing and rapping. And that he had 1.5 beers and would be hung over for 3 days!

    • Love 3
  9. OK, so I'm going to keep watching this show - mostly because I am mostly into easygoing shows these days and this isn't bad or overly silly. I'm in. 

    I kept things that the guy who plays the rich brother reminds of someone. Then in the forum for the last episode, I saw comparisons to Modern Family (I'm getting that vibe) and the character Luke from that show. Now, in this episode, I can't stop thinking the rich brother looks and carries himself like he could be Luke's older brother. Or Luke in the future. I could totally see Luke being a goofy, aloof adult who's also a rich, savvy investor. 

    Now, back to the episode. 

    I didn't like the sister using someone else's wedding to try to make up for not having one. Especially after people from their group already made a scene. Well, two scenes - the fight and the vomiting. 

    I do like that the cousins like hanging out. I know others aren't crazy about kids on a show. And this show has a lot of them. But I love their interactions. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 4/14/2021 at 7:53 PM, Johann said:

    I really liked it.  Smiled a lot and laughed a few times.  It was over before I was ready and I wanted more.  I actually liked all the characters.  Well, I didn't pay much attention to the kids, but they didn't annoy me.  I also liked that the rich brother didn't lord it over the others.  He made a point about the house belonging to...(Matt Damon? Can't believe I forgot that.) But I think that was more because he was excited by it than that he was bragging. 

    Lol'd at the fewer/lesser correction.  Rich brother thought he nailed that and I liked the smart brother's head shake.  Did smart brother correct his sister or did someone look at him for confirmation?  Either way, I don't think he meant it as a criticism, just a correction.  Frankly, if he is going to correct everyone's grammar and the viewers are paying attention, it could only be a good thing.  I did miss the 'daughters -in-law' misstep, though.

    Looking forward to the next episode.

    Oh, I assume these characters have names and I guess I'll eventually learn them.  I can't even use the actors' names, because I don't know who any of them are.

    I enjoy grammar on TV shows. 

    On 4/11/2021 at 8:55 PM, PRgal said:

    Yeah, 43 or turning 43 this year.  I'd think an actor would have a good skincare routine. He looks kind of tired to me.

    Things like genetics, sleep, and health conditions have a lot to do with how someone ages. I'm sure the actress playing his wife has a good skincare routine but she has looked older when she was on How to Get Away with Murder and she looks even older now. They are struggling financially with 3 kids, including infant twins. So their look makes sense for both of them. 

  11. On 4/8/2021 at 11:07 PM, truthaboutluv said:

    Like others, I enjoyed it well enough. I try not to be too harsh on Pilot episodes of shows, knowing how many shows that eventually became really great, had clunky pilot episodes. Definitely got the "this feels a bit Modern Family-ish" vibes.

    The only thing that didn't really work for me was the sister. Honestly she just seemed obnoxiously aggressive and unpleasant. I hope they calm her character down as the season progresses because holy annoying. At one point I wondered what her totally awesome wife saw in her. 

    The sister was an adult brat. I hope her personality gets toned down a bit. Overall, it's good enough for me to watch post-pilot episodes. 

    On 4/11/2021 at 4:05 PM, PRgal said:

    There ARE people like her.  I see that in the DEI space ALL THE FREAKING TIME, and it's really annoying and a turn-off from people who REALLY want to be involved in that space.  They also don't like listening to other perspectives.  I'll just put it at that. 

    Yep, there are definitely people who speak that way, including outside of the DEI space. Didn't seem unrealistic to me at all, nor was I turned off by it on the show.

    On 4/15/2021 at 8:10 PM, seacliffsal said:

    I have a hard time getting what the younger brother is saying (maybe his voice is too low?) but I can understand everyone else.  Just me?  Okay.

    I didn't like asking the wealthy brother for a loan so the wife could stay at home and not work while the husband is writing a book (at home).  I feel like it was kind of an entitled action when the answer seemed to be to have the wife go back to being an attorney.  Maybe I'm just too old to feel sorry for people who want to stay home and therefore want loans/money from siblings in order to do so.

    So funny because I was wondering why the husband didn't get a job since his last book tanked and this new one sounds disastrous lol. 

    On 4/19/2021 at 12:35 PM, joanne3482 said:

    I agree. And I didn't like how there seemed to be only two options - her stay at home or her go back "to the firm."  Like there are no other law firms or other ways to practice law in San Francisco? 

     But I do really like the concept and hope it does well. 

    I assumed she was a corporate lawyer, in which case "the firm" may be all she knows/does. I know she said they were living off of the husband's small royalties but I think it's more realistic that they're living off her past income contributions. 

    • Love 1
  12. On 4/21/2021 at 9:30 PM, Annber03 said:

    And speaking of people named Mark, glad that the younger Mark was able to get things sorted out with his school. My mom thought that the show was going to go in the direction that the parents who could afford tutors were doing some sort of shady pay thing, like that college scandal from a couple years ago. 

    I also thought the show was going to go there.

    On 4/21/2021 at 9:40 PM, Snow Apple said:

    They rewrote history again. Dan may be disappointed how Becky's life turned out but he  liked Mark. Now he's saying he always hated him and glad he died. At least we now know how Mark died.

    I have been wondering how Mark died but also respected what I thought was a decision not to say. I didn't feel like Dan was saying he always hated him. I think Dan liked Mark but still blames him, having seen what's become of Becky. I also know some dads are angry at themselves when their daughters run off like that and I think Dan is just angry and hurt in general about Becky's situation.

    On 4/21/2021 at 10:44 PM, Cherpumple said:

    That was my initial reaction too, but now I can buy it. I'm sure his feelings towards Mark are complicated. Yes, they did eventually become friends, and Dan defended Mark on several occasions, but I can totally believe that after he died and Dan watched Becky sink into depression and alcoholism with no financial security or education to fall back on, that Dan's feelings hardened and reverted back to "I wish they'd never met." He went through a similar thing with David in the original run. He didn't like him at first (guilt by association with Mark), then warmed up to him when David moved in, then went ballistic when he found out that David moved to Chicago to be with Darlene. Suddenly he blamed David for the whole thing and painted him as a manipulative schemer who forced Darlene into it. Luckily Roseanne was around to say "have you even met Darlene?" and they patched things up, but this obviously wasn't an option with Mark. This time Dan was just stuck watching his daughter suffer, with no one to blame or yell at except a dead man.

    Darlene is a terrible person and a terrible mother. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at what she did, since she had no qualms about cheating when she was in school, but I was still appalled. And her rant to the teacher was wildly misplaced. Do we have any indication that she had done anything to help Mark during all these weeks that he was studying so hard? It sounded like she left him to his own devices while he ran himself ragged, then came up with an idiotic plan at the 11th hour, and then screamed and stamped her feet when it didn't work. I dearly hope that Mark gets out of that house as soon as possible, and takes Mary with him.

    Agree re: Dan's feelings about Mark. 

    Darlene annoys me. The whole time she was going back and forth with Ben about the trip to Hawaii, I kept thinking about my little getaway a couple of hours from home with my late teen/young adults and how refreshing it was for all of us. Darlene needs to get away from kids she doesn't seem to spend much time with and is so focused on Ben and his needs. Not saying single parents don't deserve to have relationships but that's all she ever goes on about. 

    On 4/21/2021 at 10:55 PM, UYI said:

    1. The big reason Becky eloped with Mark is because she had just been told that there was no money to send her to a four year college like she had always wanted (and she felt like she would be selling herself short by working her way through community college--the stigma towards community college has lessened considerably since 1992, thankfully), and so she convinced Mark to get married so they could still be together. Also, and don't forget this: SHE was the one who proposed to Mark, not the other way around, as Mark made abundantly clear to Roseanne at the time. Otherwise, they basically got it right.

    2. While it's true that Dan was very angry when they first got married (giving them the silent treatment when they returned to pick up her stuff, for one thing), it's complicated by the fact that DAN GENUINELY LIKED AND RESPECTED MARK overall for his work ethic as a mechanic--he may not have wanted Becky to get married as young as she did, but he saw Mark as providing for them as a couple, especially compared to David.

    Speaking of DJ, he had more than one scene today, and one of the funniest lines of the show!

    (Which now I can't remember, BAH!...It was at the the rehab clinic, though!)

    I didn't remember that Becky didn't want to attend community college. I do think there was more of a stigma but it sure would have been better than just not going at all. Did Becky also drop out and get a GED? My memory is fuzzy. 

    DJ's funny line was about his meteoric rise to success. 

    On 4/22/2021 at 12:34 AM, Bastet said:

    Yes, Dan simplified what was a very layered history, but would he realistically, after all this time, having come to resent Mark again (who knows what happened between when we last saw everyone and when he died), believe it to be the way he said?  It's entirely possible; he can be irrational, selective in his memory and empathy, and wearing some real blinders when it comes to those he loves.  Especially when, in a situation he didn't feel comfortable in to begin with, Becky presented an unrealistically rosy picture of her life with Mark, like things were going great and only his death caused her to totally stall out in life.

    Robin coming to visit Becky was great; I love how they mostly dislike each other but have this grudging respect that makes them not want the other to get screwed by life.

    Yes, that part with Becky glorifying her time with Mark was so realistic. And when she broke down and talked about how hard it was to catch up, I really felt that. 

    I like Robin on this show. They have a great relationship.

    On 4/22/2021 at 12:53 AM, qtpye said:

    I am not saying Mark was perfect but he really makes a far too easy scapegoat. I do think by the time they moved in the trailer he was afraid of losing her if she achieved academic success.

    I remember Mark being afraid of that. I understand Becky angry at herself and at Mark. And I get Dan being angry. It's all realistic to me. And it's so easy to forget that Mark was only a couple (I think) years older than Becky - basically a kid who's barely a legal adult. He didn't even have the loving parents that Becky had. The Conners were never perfect but they're still rallying around Becky. Mark just had David - and he was the oldest so he was trying to provide for David what he never had. I'm glad the show is touching on some of what happened to Becky.

    On 4/22/2021 at 1:11 AM, Irate Panda said:

    Every week I think that I can’t dislike Darlene more, and every week I am wrong.

    She's awful.

    23 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    The storyline with Mark not knowing about the quadratic equation because Darlene can't afford a tutor for him may have worked 20 years ago, but in this day and age there are plenty of free online resources for learning math (Khan Academy, Math Is Fun, Wikipedia, etc). Even just googling "quadratic equation" returns the formula right there on the search results page. Mark is a smart kid, he would have for sure been able to find that information on his own. It seems like the show wants Darlene to have a new "crusade" every episode and they're grasping at straws.

    I'm glad to finally know how Becky's Mark died and that it wasn't from a drug overdose. I know Dan ended up reconciling with Mark in the original, but I can see him being angry and disappointed with the way Becky's life turned out and dead Mark being easier to blame than holding Becky accountable for her own choices (like not even trying to get loans or scholarships for university after she found out her parents couldn't help her pay for it; it still boggles my mind 25+ years later that she didn't).

    I know the Conners were probably not poor enough for Becky to get a full ride but loans have been around for a long time and so have community college transfer credits. It boggled my mind that they don't mention this but then I remember that I only heard about loans and scholarships from my mom's friend. My parents were not familiar and no one mentioned any of that to me at school. Once I learned about financial aid, I took it from there. I consider myself blessed. And my kids are fortunate that I'm well versed in lots of ways to make education more affordable. 

    17 hours ago, nokat said:

    Lecy is so good. I got teary for Becky. That scene with Dan was so good. "You can't be angry at a dead person." "Yes you can." "I'm angry at me, because I let him take my college money."

    Lecy as Becky is my favorite. I'm glad to see the show focusing on her rather than Darlene all the time.

    14 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I never did understand what was happening during that season. I got the distinct impression the network lured Goranson back to the show for what was supposed to be the final season, against the wishes of Roseanne Barr, and that Roseanne made her uncomfortable enough to leave so Chalke could come back. During Roseanne's short-lived talk show she had a Roseanne reunion, and Sarah Chalke was there but not Lecy, and Roseanne referred to "that other girl" kind of snidely without ever saying her name. I think she was pissed at her for leaving the show in the first place. They apparently made amends eventually. 

    Wow, I didn't know about any of that.

    14 hours ago, nokat said:

    I like that the show touched on this. I think that was such a cathartic moment for Becky and for a lot of viewers. Yes, you can be angry through the grief. Becky was the one who was smart and college was in her future. I can see Dan being angry too because she was the golden child. I didn't like him attacking her because with her upbringing, bad choices aren't surprising.

    So many mixed emotions. And Dan probably feels guilty. 

    13 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

    In theoretical Roseanneland, the Conners would have been poor enough for Becky to have gotten a lot of financial aid. Am I forgetting some reason that wasn't an option? In the 80s, tuition wasn't as insane as it is now, and you could go to school on financial aid and a part time job. 

    I think she would have gotten something and she could have borrowed the rest, especially if she was starting at community college. I know it's not the case now but at that time, I thought being a homeowner made it harder to get financial aid. 

    13 hours ago, nokat said:

    That happened to me. It meant working my way through college back when you could do that. The debt people find themselves in is horrible.


    7 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    Wow.  They went there.  This was a powerful episode, despite the missing box of doll heads (did I miss something?).

    We finally know how Mark died; a tragic accident.  We don't know what happened to the deer though.  Enquiring minds want to know.

    Now we know why students must wear blue blocker glasses while taking Zoom tests, I guess?

    The glasses were for eye strain since he spends so much time on the computer. 

    5 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I feel really bad for Mark, he's getting a posthumous blame for everything that's gone wrong in Becky's life.  And this is the new Dan:  All hate, bitterness, and rage.  No one else in the entire family has ever been successful, but suddenly it's Mark's fault?  I know he's a fictional character, but I don't like that he's not around to defend himself. 

    And again, I don't understand what they're doing with Mark.  I thought he was supposed to be a bright kid.  Now Darlene talks about him like he can't get by without cheating or an expensive tutor.  And she gets to go on a rant and take it out on a school poster, because hey, having a work ethic is such a terrible thing.

    I think she was trying to give him a leg up since his school is really not as up to speed as the other students Mark is up against. She went about it all wrong and she could have really helped him if she weren't so self-absorbed. 

    2 hours ago, lexiexx said:

    Are we really supposed to believe that Darlene can't afford three hours  of  tutoring when like three episodes ago she was ready to 100 percent support Ben when he wanted to be a podcaster, plus they managed to spend more than that on podcast equipment?   And what happened to that room that Mark had supposedly fixed up ?  Becky mentioned it when Darlene was looking for somewhere to do the zoom meeting didn't she?  

    Idk if I believe that Mark ruined Becky's life.  They were both young, came from homes that could not really provide anything for them, and had no idea how to make what they wanted to happen a reality.  It would have been more believable if Becky ended up in a a ton of student loan debt for a degree that was pretty much useless which is where a lot of people find themselves.  Even so, two kids who got married too young with no money, no life experience, and nothing to fall back on is what it is.  They both made bad decisions, including Becky.  Speaking of Becky, it's kind of funny that even when she was an alcoholic waitress she had a small apartment and Ben is apparently still living in the hardware store.   

    I don't think Mark ruined Becky's life either. They were both kids. And Mark didn't even have a loving family like Becky did. Mark ended up being insecure about her going to school. But I can see how Dan feels Becky would have been much better without Mark.

    1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

    And here we are.  Yet more pile  on.  Becky is an alcoholic waitress widow single mom of an infant from a non citizen one night stand.   She really never wanted that life she claimed she wanted because if she did, she would have left Mark in the dust.  I’d liked to know how they were married so long and never had kids.  

    I just figured they didn't want kids or didn't want them at the time. Lots of people are married for a long time without kids. 

    1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

    The stimulus checks she received on behalf of Mark should have well covered this.  Even if she needs to use a majority of it for bills and living expenses....she should have received $2600 give or take (I can’t keep track to be honest) in total for her dependent.  She couldn’t have spared even $200 from that to hire a tutor?  For cash?

    At this point she is like Beverly Goldberg levels of cringe.  How many times has she gone off stomping up on the school for their wrongs against her precious kid?  The Halloween thing, the mall / voting thing, I think there was something else.  Now this.  Ok Darlene. 

    Darlene would have needed to spend time with Mark to realize that he could benefit from a tutor and when she's not working, she spends most of her time fawning over Ben. 

    • Love 12
  13. 35 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    No. His name s short for Elliot. And yes, Elliott is Irish, so all his kids are also Irish. It’s just Elliott, Kathy, and Eli had been living in Rome these last 6 years or so.

    I was responding to someone mentioning that at least Eli looks Italian/like a Stabler. And I was curious if he was supposed to be Italian because I've always known Elliott to be of Irish descent. But I realize that just because he is doesn't meant that Kathy is, too. So I thought maybe there was some Italian ancestry I didn't know about. 

  14. On 4/12/2021 at 11:48 AM, shapeshifter said:

    But really, there should have been a fake TV interview with Professor Plum from Hudson University's School of Epidemiology in which the local TV newsperson would have pointedly mentioned the current state of vaccine distribution in that area.

    Ahhhh, good ol' Hudson University!

    On 4/10/2021 at 8:40 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I really don’t know why I’m watching this. This is not Law & Order. Hell, it may be Law, but there sure as hell isn’t any Order! What the FUCK with the villain in the opening credits?!

    And the whole subplot of the Vaccination Parties was BEYOND STOOPID, not to mention giving the impression to idiots who watch, that it’s perfectly okay to drink alcohol. The CDC has stated you shouldn’t have any until two weeks after your second shot. So all these wealthy entitled assholes who were drinking it up while getting jabbed? The efficacy has shot down a great deal.

    I wouldn’t normally care, but we are still living in a pandemic, and this show has decided to include it in their universe, so they need to be ACCURATE about this stuff.

    Can this be the last time I see fucking Olivia on this show?

    I didn't know about the drinking but the way this show deals with the pandemic is ridiculous. They've made it part of the plot so they have to acknowledge it but I wish they didn't. We saw a patient sitting in the doctor's office putting on a mask after being told they were under arrest. Like, what? Vaccine parties, huh? Elliot and his fake date didn't shake hands but then she ends up caressing him - a complete stranger? I don't usually understand organized crime shows/movies but I've been able to follow along so far. I like Stabler so that's why I'm tuned in and I like it so far. 

    I don't think Olivia is going anywhere any time soon. They've got unfinished business lol. 

    On 4/10/2021 at 11:30 PM, dirtypop90 said:

    well Noah looks nothing like baby Noah.

    I actually dont remember what baby Eli looked like or ever seeing him. I do think this kid looks a little like Stabler and I like they are at least attempting to make him look Italian. I would say he's second to Kathleen as far as looking like a stabler. The others they casted are way off to me.

    Is Eli supposed to be Italian? I know the family was living in Italy but I didn't know they were of Italian descent. I always thought Eli was of Irish descent. Then again, I don't know anything about Kathy's family background. Either way, genes are funny like that - especially on TV. The Wheatley daughter has a white father and is darker than her mother, her father and pop-pop don't look like they're even remotely related, etc. 

    • Love 2
  15. On 3/11/2021 at 10:17 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    UGH. I’m gonna hafta watch that shitfest after I stopped watching like...10 years ago?

    I went back to watch Stabler's return after not watching for a couple of (few?) years and I had no idea before tuning in that he was going to have his own show. I'm so thrilled. 

    On 3/26/2021 at 3:07 PM, khyber said:

    I never watched SVU just the original mother ship.  I will give this a try but I don't think I will watch the SVU part of it since I don't know the characters, etc. other than the cross over L&O episodes.

    There were a couple of new characters I didn't know but I think the most important person to know is Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler's former partner for ~10 years. It looks like she's going to be popping up in the Organized Crime show, too. I think the other SVU characters are insignificant. 

    On 4/2/2021 at 12:08 AM, mledawn said:

    I was thinking this also but went with "Serenity" which was everso slightly earlier. She looks amazing!
    Meloni looks good, too,
    Olivia showing up unannounced at the hotel was annoying. Don't grovel after him, Liv. He's back for mere days, hold it together.

    I don't know that I'll watch this show week-to-week. It seems very odd the NYPD has people in another country... I probably missed something.

    He looks fantastic! 

    On 4/2/2021 at 12:55 AM, SHD said:

    I didn’t realize that I needed to see the SVU part to know the plot. I thought he was just going to be reintroduced there as coming back on the force and then his storyline would begin on the actual show. So basically, I didn’t know what was going on. And I was distracted by how Olivia’s face doesn’t move. (I stopped watching SVU many years ago.)


    You can watch that final episode but you really don't need to go back-back. I think you'll get it even if you don't watch it. Since Stabler is interacting with new people, his past is talked about a lot. 

    On 4/2/2021 at 4:42 PM, Vella said:

    I think the best moment of the entire episode was when Elliot whined about being profiled and Bell threw that bullshit back in his face SO fast. She was not having it and yet it is absolutely what a privileged, old, white male cop would say.

    The Olivia moments didn't work. First, please stop acting like old flames or that you broke up last year. I can buy that things might be awkward, but not "I've seen you naked" awkward.  Second, why did Olivia just show up at Elliot's apartment building? It must have been close to 10pm and it seemed like she didn't call. Weird. And rude.  I did kind of laugh at Elliot's semi-paranoid/frantic/panting confusion at her being there. Meloni did great there.

    Yes, kudos to the way she handled the "profiled" complaint. It shows an insensitivity 

    I don't understand what Olivia's problem is. She has moved on with her life and it's not like they were lovers. Even if she wanted to talk about the letter (it had to have been something professional, right?), couldn't she call ask to meet up for coffee?

    On 4/3/2021 at 5:16 AM, shapeshifter said:

    Agree with all the comments on the actors’ poor choices WRT botox, beards, etc., and since I can be at least as catty as anyone: WTH is up with Ice T’s “hair”? Is that the spray-on stuff from the infomercial? 
    Dear Mr. Wolf: With an aging cast, you really need a hair-and-makeup consultant who specializes in working with more mature clients. Go find out who Meloni uses.

    And, Mr. Wolf, while you’re at it: Don’t skimp on writers. You need at least one with the chops to drop some Lennie Briscoe snark, or else I’m out. 
    Your audience 

    I do miss the snark. Didn't notice Ice T's hair, will have to go back and re-watch now. 

    • Love 2
  16. On 4/14/2021 at 11:40 PM, TattleTeeny said:

    I feel like everyone in the episode had good points re. the living situations but also that it all does not have to be so all or nothing! I agree that the housing issues are not ideal (and selling the place may make the most sense) but maybe Ben and his mom could try appreciate/understand a person who wants to help out her dad (and Ben was the one who spent loads of dough on podcast stuff). They acted like a year was forever.

    All or nothing is a huge problem with this show's plots. For instance:

    Darlene couldn't just be a supervisor - she ends up being a manager. Ben wants to do a podcast so he spends $ on equipment instead of starting out in a closet like everyone else. Ben and Darlene are staying in her childhood room but they can't spend a couple of dollars on updating it a bit now that two 40-somethings live there. Can't attend college unless you have a college fund (though I was so glad to hear Becky talk about community college). Dan goes from not thinking to ask for a raise to asking for a partnership. The writers don't understand nuance. 

    On 4/15/2021 at 11:07 AM, ifionlyknew said:

    Yes they would have to sell it for more than the mortgage to have any money from the sale.  

    I can't see Dan getting enough money from the house to pay rent somewhere. 

    On 4/15/2021 at 11:24 AM, eel21788 said:

    That's what I was thinking. Darlene gets an apartment with her kids. Becky gets an apartment with her kid. Dan gets an apartment. Wouldn't that add up to more than the joint mortgage they're currently paying?

    Absolutely. And I think Darlene and Ben would need a 3-bedroom apartment or to rent a house. Becky wouldn't have the childcare she has now, though I like that Emilio and his family helps with that - way more realistic. 

    On 4/15/2021 at 3:24 PM, Caseysgirl said:

    I have been so disappointed by this show.  First of all, Dan has become an annoying curmudgeon. The fact that he has multiple very marketable skills ( mechanic, carpenter, handyman and contractor are some that come to mind, why has he never been able to make a decent living?  They’ve been in that house over 30 years and he still had a mortgage that he can’t even pay off?  Why until this time have neither of these relatively intelligent, and one college educated girls been able to find decent employment?  Why isn’t DJ helping out - his wife is in the Service and it seems as if he has a good job?  Why isn’t Darlene getting child support? Why isn’t Becky getting survivors benefits?  It’s depressing to see that in all the years none of these people have improved at living.  Also, personality wise, who would be attracted to a negative, sarcastic, self absorbed woman like Darlene and yet the men are falling over her.   I keep watching hoping for the magic of the first iteration of this show but I don’t see it coming.

    This show doesn't mention anything that would sound like a potential boost, but I think it would make the family's plots more realistic. There's no mention of DJ at least helping for childcare. Mary isn't a baby but she is another human who consumes water, electricity, and food. I can see David not being able to afford much child support but they could at least mention it. I don't know how old Mark was when he died so I was wondering if he hadn't worked long enough for there to be a decent check but they could at least mention it. And they don't mention the stimulus, WIC, EBT cards, financial aid, student loans, freelancing/side hustling. 

    Sadly, I have a couple of family members who live a little like Dan. Highly skilled but poor decisions have led to second and third mortgages, adult children who struggle to parent and be independent. 

    On 4/16/2021 at 12:15 AM, bobalina said:

    Ben works retail. Weekends are crazy important. Chances are he cannot leave without planning far ahead for staffing.

    I would love to see Darlene take her kids on a short trip. There's so much focus on Ben and that relationship and not much mention of bonding with her children. I booked a cute Airbnb two hours away from home and went with my young adult/teen children and it was so refreshing. 

    On 4/16/2021 at 7:40 PM, Annber03 said:

    Yes! I'd like to see how things are going with him and Mary, and at the very least, a mention of how Geena's doing, too. 

    I would love to see more of DJ and his family. Not a fan of his wife but they could still mention hear at least. 

    On 4/16/2021 at 8:29 PM, Marley said:

    Can Darlene and Ben even afford a place? I doubt his hardware store is raking in the big bucks. Why is Dan working there? He probably makes no money there he could be making more elsewhere. The whole hardware store thing is so dumb.

    Murphy Brown being a bitch about Darlene helping Dan out was stupid. The show annoys me when it comes to this stuff. If all these adults are living in the house then they should be expected to chip in. They are in their 40s like come on. Also 3-4 ppl chipping in how are they still so behind?

    No offense to Sara Gilbert but all these guys being into her is a bit ridiculous. Never mind chemistry or looks because whatever but the character is such a negative shrew. I don’t like Ben and Darlene together because to me they have no chemistry and I don’t get why he would even wanna be with her but I like Ben as a character so would suck if they broke up.

    This show should’ve just ignored Covid. It’s too all over the place with how it’s dealing with it. Some ppl wear masks but other ppl like Bens mom doesn’t and she just got there from Florida. Darlene is thinking about going on vacay. Which is that even allowed?? Can’t really go on vacation here. Anyways the show needs to just pick a lane.

    I have a hard time seeing Ben and Darlene affording a three-bedroom place.

    I agree that it's unrealistic that so many people are attracted to Darlene. People don't make themselves so this isn't a dig at her looks but the way she carries herself seems like it wouldn't attract men. I don't know why Darlene needs a love interest. There are enough characters in the show already. 

    And yea, skip covid. But people are definitely going on vacation. My friend has been on 4 vacations this past year. And I know of people going to various islands, Las Vegas, Disney World, etc.

    • Love 7
  17. On 4/1/2021 at 10:21 PM, CSunshine76 said:

    I love SVU (actually all L&O in general). I ignore the writing flaws and ridiculous stories because I just love the characters and always have. I was so happy to have Elliott back, and it broke my heart they went and killed Kathy immediately. The scene with El hugging the kids brought tears to my eyes.  Can’t say it was a good episode, but I’m happy to have Elliott Stabler back on my screen.

    I stopped watching SVU a couple of years ago but I came back to see Elliott Stabler and I was grinning the whole time. I always liked him AND I liked him as Olivia's partner.

    On 4/1/2021 at 11:27 PM, dirtypop90 said:

    Let me tell you something...My expectations were low...I'm shocked they managed to put an interesting block of tv together. Also, chemistry is just there or it isn't. Meloni felt more natural to this show than anyone else but Mariska and it's been a decade. He made the others, except Finn, of course feel like strangers. It's nuts. They really did Mariska no favors by not finding her a capable male lead (or female. Sorry Amanda fans). I guess they tried but none brought the energy Stabler does.

    It's been a decade and this man slid back in like it was nothing! WOW

    And Mariska actually decided to act this episode. But again your scene partner can pull it out of you.

    Yes, the chemistry is real plus I just think he's a good actor. 

    • Love 7
  18. On 4/8/2021 at 12:42 AM, Bastet said:

    Insert weekly mask stupidity grumble here.

    Great, Dan is still fucking delusional about what he deserves at the hardware store.  But at least he decided to get over himself to let Ben move back in, and at least Ben realizes that's not healthy.  His me or your family ultimatum to Darlene is inappropriate, but he's right that if they're ever going to live together again, it needs to be in their own place.  (So, hey, how about live separately until that's no longer the best thing for everyone, and then co-habitate; you don't have to share a home to share a life.)  Ben giving Dan 10% was far more than Dan deserves, but maybe it will work out.

    The accordion version of one-hit wonders was fun.

    I've been excited ever since I read that Molly was returning and she and Darlene would discover they rather liked each other based on some adult similarities; it would be pretty pathetic if they were still pissy about stupid teenage stuff like David and the Daisy Chainsaw concert debacle.  (Just like how it's pathetic Jackie acted like a tween stirring up non-existent drama.)

    And, indeed, it was cool to see her again, and I love them talking honestly with each other.  But now I'm sure I know what the next episode's description is referencing, and that's a bit of a bummer.

    It would have been far more interesting if Becky being able to stop after one glass of wine but knowing she can't continue to do that had been the storyline, but TV just loves relapse drama, so once you put "Rehab" in a title I know we're going down the usual path; I just didn't think it would happen this early.  Oh, well, it's certainly not unrealistic, and the laundromat scene was very well acted.

    Thank goodness she wants to go back to school.  No, higher education is not the magical solution the "American Dream" myth peddles, but Becky is suited to it, always wanted it, and kept letting go of it based on circumstances.  It's a hell of a lot harder to do now, but good for her trying.  Even "just" an Associates degree, hell even just some business classes, could help her make The Lunchbox more successful.

    Becky's reactions to her baby being more drawn to the caretaker than to her were perfectly played; that's something working moms are made to feel like shit about all the time (yet, somehow, dads aren't held to the same standard).

    Delusional is the perfect word for Dan. He did really well but it hasn't been enough time to ask for a partnership. And he's definitely out of line the way he's demanding it. 

    And I totally agree that Ben should not want to be living in Darlene's childhood bedroom. I don't like the ultimatum but I do like him stating his intentions: let's get ourselves together in the next 6 months. Sadly, I think he gave Dan the partnership because he wants to move on with Darlene. And I also agree that you don't need to live together to do that. 

    I was disappointed in Jackie. I didn't see any flirting so she was just being extra. 

    Becky continues to be my favorite. I just knew she was going to stop at that glass of wine. I know on TV, most people do AA and swear off everything but there are lots of people who have issues with hard liquor but can still drink an occasional glass of wine, beer, or champagne, and be fine. I was hoping Becky wouldn't start drinking again. I really want to see her win. The actress is really killing it on this show. I also wonder if Becky couldn't attend an online degree program and actually enroll in a program and get financial aid (some combination of grants and maybe even a small loan). I feel like the show tries to capture the characters' issues the same way it did in the 90s. I'm not saying it's a perfect solution but I attended and now teach in a public university system that includes community colleges. I'm not saying online community college will fix all Becky's problems but this show seems to be all or nothing: she can't attend class until she saves enough money. If Darlene can't have a print magazine about, she can't write at all. No freelance, no editing, nothing. It bugs me because I think the show can do better at portraying  the family's struggles in a modern way. Sigh.

    22 hours ago, nokat said:

    I was happy that Becky went back to school, but that scene with Beverly Rose, my heart broke. I don't like that the writers are going there, but relapse happens when times get hard, and Lecy handled those so well. As has been said, she is carrying that show.

    Becky/Lecy is great. 

    • Love 7
  19. On 4/1/2021 at 5:37 PM, KayVeeTeeVee said:

    This is just an awful show - nobody is root-worthy.  How embarrassing for Kyra Sedgwick.

    Really? I like the show. I like Kyra Sedgwick and the show is goofy and entertaining. 

  20. On 1/26/2020 at 8:23 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    Fran: Fran's hanging because your dad called me and didn't know where you were and we thought you were murdered, but thank God you're alive and just inconsiderate.

    Fran: You can't just disappear and leave me to clear up all your mess. You have to be my friend too.

    Fran is such a good friend. 

    On 1/26/2020 at 8:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    S2.E1: Camp

    Part of me is glad that Ryan was so excited about Annie quitting her job and confronting her troll. The other part of me was just going ugh every time he did, well, anything.

    One very accurate portrayal on the show is how hypocritical people can be about the way they treat people. Annie's dad was so mad that she hadn't called him back but when his own wife, who left the country and only wrote a short note to say she was going to Vancouver, finally called him he was all sunshine and unicorns with her.

    Yes, I found the hypocrisy to be so accurate! I also figured maybe the dad was scared to rock the boat with his caretaker - what a realistic portrayal of illness putting you in that precarious situation and wanting to give his wife a break because of it. 

    On 8/31/2020 at 3:10 AM, possibilities said:

    Annie told Rusty that their sex life is private and that's why he shouldn't tell anyone about it, but that was not the real reason.

    Lamar told people about their hook up and they actually talked to her about it, and she wasn't pissed off at Lamar for telling. It was a little uncomfortable for her, but she was not angry about it, and she enjoyed sitting with him later and still felt drawn to him. Also, the women talk about their sex lives in the friend group all the time.

    The real problem was that Rusty had bad judgment about the workplace and also Annie is uncomfortable with and does not trust his friends. Those are valid reasons, but Annie was still not being totally honest with herself or him when she was discussing it with Rusty.

    Yes! The friend group definitely talks about their sex lives all the time. Emphasis on friend group - not coworker on a job Rusty (I like this name for him) just started and where Annie is trying to get back on track. Getting them (especially Annie) in trouble at work if a coworker blabbed didn't even occur to him. 

    I think it would have been more accurate to tell Rusty he shouldn't tell coworkers about their sex life. But Rusty has such poor judgment and has has an equally immature circle of friends that she's better off telling him their sex life is private and not to discuss with people. His outburst at the meeting shows just how clueless he is.

  21. On 3/21/2020 at 12:20 AM, pennben said:

    Yes!  And I loved that!  I think it was last year or so that he was “caught” on social media bagging groceries. Many mocked him, but he explained that there is dignity in whatever work you do to make a living. 
    I believe he was teaching acting at time?

    good on this show for getting him back to acting if that’s his first love. Does not diminish that bagging groceries is also a dignified job. . 

    People suck!

    I was so heated about that - mocking someone for doing honest work. 

    On 3/20/2020 at 10:31 AM, ShelleySue said:

    I saw a therapist after my mother passed away.  I told a friend how helpful the therapist was and my friend said that she might make an appointment to see that therapist.  I told my therapist to expect a call from my friend.  My therapist told me that she couldn't see my friend because I had mentioned my friend in my sessions with the therapist and it would be unethical for my therapist to treat someone  that she had discussed in therapy sessions with someone else.  She said that the only exception would be with something like couple's counseling. That's all that I could think of last night. Are there any therapists out there?  I'm wondering if my therapist was being overly cautious or if she as correct.  Either way, I don't think she should have been discussing Connie with Pastor Paul.

    I did love all of the truck discussions that were metaphors to women/men.  Very clever.

    I've heard something similar from a family friend whose daughter is a therapist. I don't know the actual rules, though. 

  22. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Lake Bell who both played Rio and created the show talked about creating a character her age and she was born in 1979.

    Wow, I didn't know that! Thank you for filling me in. I thought she was much older in real life than her character is supposed to be. 

  23. On 11/20/2019 at 3:20 PM, biakbiak said:

    I mean Lake Bell is only 40 plenty of women have kids in their early 40s.

    Plenty of women have kids in their 40s but I don't know that Rio is in her 40s.

    The actress playing Rio looks closer to 50 (to me) but I figured the character was in her 30s. I'm used to TV shows casting someone to play a younger or older part, so I don't think Lake Bell's age is relevant here. 

    On 11/20/2019 at 3:51 PM, Snapdragon said:

    Not easily though.  Also, there's a big difference between having your last baby in your 40s and your first.  Fertility starts to take a big dip after 35 and for a huge chunk of women trying to get pregnant at that age, a lot of intervention is required.  

    That's true for some but we have no idea if fertility is an issue for this particular couple. And I say couple because the man's fertility matters, too, if a couple is looking to conceive naturally. But we also don't know if fertility is an issue because Rio said she wanted to try but she didn't say how they would try. There are lots of different ways to bring children into your family.


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