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Posts posted by love2lovebadtv

  1. Has any mention of Torres' sister been made so made since he first appeared? She was in critical condition but still alive, right? I get that the show is going lighter but the character was the introduced with a tragedy that seems to have been forgotten. I know he's been undercover. But they care enough about each other to have in touch  in the first place. She hired someone to find him and he came to warn her. Am I missing something? 

    • Love 1
  2. On 9/29/2016 at 3:12 PM, roamyn said:

    I didn't watch the last few seasons, as I find Bishop horribly dull & inexperienced for this job.

    She's really dull. I feel like they added her to fill zivas spot but her character is just boring. I liked her quirkiness but she's just plain old meh . When  she had the storyline about her cheating husband ,  I thought she was leaving the show. No such luck. 

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  3. On 9/28/2016 at 3:07 PM, MyAimIsTrue said:

    I hated seeing Vernee made up to look old.   I also hated seeing her as the bad guy in the end!

    Well,  she certainly had me fooled. I don't mind seeing her in a bad guy role if it means she will be memorable and possibly get more parts. Hopefully they don't have to age her to use her talent. 

  4. On 10/3/2016 at 5:07 PM, possibilities said:

    Rebecca's rotting corpse would also account for Annalise's freak out.

    Yea but her freak-outs are followed by calm, collected moments where she instructs her team. Honestly , I'm not even sure where her pain/freaking out ends and her conniving antics begin. Remember when she was bleeding on the stand? It was real but then it wasn't. 

    • Love 2
  5. On 10/1/2016 at 7:56 PM, penelope79 said:

    Am I the only one who thought that Annalise was protecting Oliver this time around, in the flashback? Maybe he's the one who torched the house (perhaps he's been asked to, by Annalise?) and then found out there was someone inside. I don't know why but when he reached Annalise he already looked devastated, and I found their exchange suspicious. Paraphrasing:

    Oliver: They say there was a body in there, is that true?

    Annalise: They don't know for sure, don't let our mind go there

    Oliver: Ok, but what if it's true?

    Don't know you, but my first question would've been: "Annalise, so sorry about your home, are you ok? Is there anything I can do for you?" Instead,  Oliver's devastation for me seemed coming out from some guilt he felt in that moment and, to me, he looked like he already knew the house had been burned down. Of course, that was only my impression, apparently.

    The fact Annalise did't confirm the corpse and/or who it was when talking to Oliver, made me think Connor could be the body. But for some reason I think the body does not belong to any of the K5.

    My money is on Bonnie, Nate and Frank.

    Usually I have some speculation but this time I got nothin'. I honestly don't know what's going on in this crazy show except that I'm still watching lol. 

  6. On 10/2/2016 at 2:20 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    My first thought was they don't even bother to come up with excuses anymore.

    I'm NOT complaining just to clarify.

    Billy Brown looks like THAT and I'm always going to be here to laugh and snap those pictures but I'm attracted to Alfred Enoch in a way that is pretty intense.  I'm crazy about him.  I think probably because Billy looks unreal.  Who looks like that?  

    I think I used to care about Oliver?  But man, I just don't anymore.  I think I'd much rather have Nate on my screen.  I feel totally spoiled and happy that the writers continue to stick with him.  He's my dessert.

    For me it's absolutely Cicely Tyson

    I vote for Marcia Gay Harden.

    • Love 2
  7. On 9/29/2016 at 11:07 PM, Gillian Rosh said:

    Line of the night: "I don't have time to strip you of all your terrible white habits." Too funny. I do wonder what direction they'll take with Michaela and Asher. 

    I really didn't like that comment. While he is goofy and perhaps not up to her standards, I dislike when they bring race into it all the time. 

    Laurel doesn't look at all impressed by Wes' attempts to be happy. As long as they're not hooking up, I'm happy. 

    I was a bit confused when Annalise asked Wes to move in with her since I'd assumed Nate was already living there.

    I also thought he was living there. Sure seemed like it. Not sure what his purpose is on the show. 

    Too bad Connor was too devastated at moving out of Oliver's to snark on Michaela and Asher. I hope we get to see some trash talk from Connor about that. 

    Fantastic episode, and as always, the last 5 minutes had me on the edge of my seat. As usual.

    I thought I heard her say "Wipe it clean. Everything on it," while slipping him a cell phone. Yep,  that's what I heard, too. 

    • Love 1
  8. 22 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

    For God's sake, how much crap are we expecting Sonia to swallow?!  She is on par with Mother Teresa if she takes that asshole back.  I know several women who would have knocked a couple of Nick's teeth out of his mouth if he'd dared to speak to them the way he did to Sonia last week.

    I'm genuinely mad over here!  These "experts" are effing bananas. 

    Thank you. People say she's annoying, she's fat, etc. Regardless of personal taste, she has done Nothing to deserve Nick's poor treatment of her. 

    • Love 7
  9. On 9/27/2016 at 8:00 PM, TheBride said:

    I'm glad Sonja left, Nick is so empty...and so gay. She is a little mouse-like, but she's nice and really wants to be in love. Wrong guy, Sonja. Take off for good!!

    I'm glad she left,  too. I don't know if he's gay but he's definitely into something and it ain't her. That's a deal breaker. He's not into her and he's not going to be.  I hope she doesn't return. If she works as hard at a relationship as she did with this train wreck,  she'll find love for sure. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 9/21/2016 at 1:21 PM, Neurochick said:

    I think Sonia could turn anybody into a jerk, make that Sonia + Producer manipulation.  If someone is on their computer and not saying anything, that means they want quiet.  Nothing jerky about wanting quiet sometimes. 

    Where is Heather's family in all of this?  We saw Derrick's mother last night, what about Heather's family and friends?  I wonder what they think of all this.

    Even if you find her annoying,  I don't think she could turn someone into a Jerk. She isn't a bad person hut apparently Nick is self-centered and not ready for marriage ,  especially not this kind.  He just wants to make out with his dogs. He  doesn't just eat quiet sometimes.  He has not acknowledged the effort that she has let forth with the dogs.  And takes every opportunity he can to put her down.  Saying he's not in love with her when that wasn't even a question . Saying he didn't want to accidentally touch her boob as if that was the worst thing he could do to his wife.  I can't stand him. He would make me turn into a Jerk. I find her to be annoying but I think she's nice.  And I think she honestly came on the show to find a partner . 

    • Love 7
  11. 11 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

    I'm guessing Nate because he's the last we see before the reveal of her anguish...I thought they tried to cram in too much..and of course...the deportation drama held no interest for me..

    I did yell at my TV when Ollie broke up with Connor......and is it me but when Bonnie and Annalise were drinking, did anyone else expect some random hookup between those two? Knowing this show, I can see that happening...

    So if Frank was in the car, who shot Wes' dad? ..and who was that other guy Annalise had to follow Frank?

    Now that you mention it, Frank was in the car. Maybe analise hired the other guy to kill Wes'dad.  When Frank saw what was going on,  he ran.  That's why analise is so desperate to find him. 

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  12. On 9/19/2016 at 9:25 PM, timimouse said:

    This episode was very much in keeping with the rest of the season.... rubbish. That whole Louis-and-the-Designer story made me roll my eyes so hard and yawn so hard that I nearly fell off of my chair. I don't know why we're expected to buy into that relationship when it has been 3 weeks? Really?

    Rachel is weak. Mike hasn't learned a thing. Harvey has no remorse. Donna is no longer awesome. Jessica is gone.

    I LOVED this show, but sadly, I think I'm done.

    Bye Felicia.

    I LOATHE the Louis/architect story line. The lengths he went to just to get a date with that woman is so foolish, needing Donna to intervene for every little thing was annoying to watch. And yes, the relationship is short-lived if we realize that designer was brought in to help rebuild the place after Mike went to jail and Mike wasn't in jail but a hot minute. 

    Rachel was soooo much more interesting as a paralegal that Mike had a crush on. Harvey sucks and hasn't learned his lesson.  I don't think he had any legitimate reason for jeopardizing his career, his clients' futures, his colleagues' careers, Jessica's career, the firm. I mean, it was all for laughs. Donna bores me and is way too needy. I only became interested in Jessica in later seasons and now she's gone. A Daddy Zane merger might add some more interesting stories. I would love to see them practice law and see how he interacts with the loser son-in-law to be who's now a consultant. But then Rachel would be even whinier than ever. I dunno. I guess it's time to give up on this show. 

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  13. On 9/14/2016 at 11:30 PM, Athena5217 said:

    So all the problems with Mike not being a lawyer could have been solved years ago by calling him a "consultant" instead of a "lawyer?" And it took Harvard Law alum Harvey how many years to figure this out?  Meanwhile, Jessica, also a Harvard Law grad, is taking cross-examination tips from the movie A Few Good Men.  I think Harvard should sue the producers of Suits.

    In the show's defense, I don't think Mike would have had the knowledge (book knowledge, yes; legal knowledge, no) to be a consultant right off the bat. However, I do think he would have made a great paralegal. I'm not really clear on his reason for hiring Mike in the first place. It seems like it was just for kicks. But this is too serious to have been just for kicks. And I always wondered why Mike couldn't just walk away from it. I mean, I know things didn't work out at the hedge fund but not everyone is cut out to work at a hedge fund and clearly Mike wasn't. Before PSL he was a bike messenger. Is there no profession that's somewhere between bike messenger and fake lawyer? I mean, even Harvey worked in the mail room before going to law school. Rachel was a paralegal, which doesn't have a specific set of criteria. 

    I would have rather seen a show about his brilliance and photographic memory being the brains behind the lawyers. The fraud was far-fetched to begin with and got even worse as the show progressed and so many people found out. I have no idea why I stuck it out so long. 

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  14. On 9/16/2016 at 5:43 AM, Rapunzel said:

     So Brenda is finally killed in this version (man, do I feel bad for Justina Machado - she keeps getting killed off in TV series lately). I like the actress a lot and would like to see her in a role that lasts again.

    I really liked Brenda. This was my first time seeing anything with Justina Machado but I found her accent to be distracting. Epifanio's and Teresa's accents don't fit their characters either but Epifanio isn't on screen as much and Teresa's is milder so it works.  But Brenda/Justina Machado sounds like both her Spanish and English have been influenced by Caribbean Spanish even when she uses Mexican profanity. I still liked Justina and will have to look into her and see some of her other roles. I cried when Teresa found her, even though I already knew she'd likely be dead. 

    El Guero still being alive is a bit of a surprise. I love that we got to see original actor who played the original El Guero in the Mexican version ("La Reina del Sur") in the beginning of the episode. He was played by  Rafael Amaya in that version. Rafael is now playing another famous Mexican TV character that they have introduced into this show in one of the first scenes of the episode, Aurellio Casillas, in "El Senor de Los Cielos,"  (not sure if he will play a long term role, especially given who his character is in the series he is currently in and that he is the lead - it just finished it's third series, with each series being over 60 episodes - they may have just brought him in for a Cameo given that he was the original Guero). We also go to see "new version" El Guero at the end of the episode (played by the actor they chose for the US version). The new "El Guero" didn't get nearly as much screen time as the original El Guero (Rafael Amaya) in the original series, but since they have kept him alive that may change in the next season. I'm not sure that the fact that he is alive now necessarily means he'll stay alive for too long. I think he's alive, in part, because he's been working with the DEA while he was stealing money from Epi and the Cartel and the DEA wants that journal just as bad as Epi does (there is some additional info in my spoiler tags).

    Someone asked her on the forum if El Güero was really dead. I never gave it a second thought but I guess I should have since Teresa only got a phone call and it was never clear who the call was from. I wiped my tears after the Brenda scene and leaped off the couch when I saw who was watching the video feed of Teresa. I can't wait to see how this unfolds.

    On 9/16/2016 at 5:43 AM, Rapunzel said:

    Teresa partnering with Pote happens in the original, though a bit differently. While Pote is a criminal and has done awful things, he's the least nefarious of Epi's men and the only one who appears to have a conscious or a code. Yes, Gato raped Teresa while Pote was there, but had Pote done anything to stop it, he would have been killed. I know it doesn't make it right, but given the world Teresa is living in, she doesn't have many options nor much support/help from anyone.

    Lots happened in this episode - some things that tie back to the original more, others that do not, however I'm looking forward to next season and to see how things continue to play out.

    I'll put some additional info on the original, including more about El Guero and thoughts about his future, in spoiler tags.

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    Towards the end of the series when Teresa needs help as Epi sends his henchmen to Spain to kill her, the Russian and his people help her capture them and then torture them to get info on what Epi is doing and what he is after. She has the Russians kill them all, including the one that raped her.  One of the henchmen. called La Rata in the original, is actually Epi's nephew (turns out later he is actually his son) had been wanting Teresa's blood for a long time - he even went to jail for a bit as Epi forced him to after he disobeyed Epi's orders and followed Teresa to San Diego and also since he was clearly going off the rails to some extent - his obsession with Teresa, as well as "getting high off of his own supply" too much led Epi to believe he was a loose cannon. Being his nephew/son, however, Epi would not have him killed, but opted to send him to jail in a Federal Prison in the US so he couldn't get out so easily, especially as Epi was Governor. He didn't get much of a sentence, however (I think it was 5 years or maybe even less), and he was eventually transferred to prison in Mexico, with Epi's help, and "released".  

    The other henchmen who go to Spain with La Rata are also killed, but she has Oleg's men keep Pote alive and sends him back to Mexico to tell Epi what she did to his men and that she has become fairly powerful. Pote sees that Epi isn't going to do a thing to protect him and, because Epi treats him like shit, he returns to Spain as he has nowhere else to turn as Epi kind of rejects him since he lived and the others, including his nephew didn't, which, starts to have Epi thinking he can't really trust Pote.  Since Teresa spared his life, he becomes loyal to her and ends up being her closest bodyguard and is with her until the end. He would, and did, do anything for her, and their relationship is actually kind of sweet, despite how things started, as Pote was so grateful to her.

    I don't believe they will keep Guero alive for long. If I remember right, in the original the DEA was also getting a cut of the money he was stealing from Epi and the Cartel (one corrupt agent in particular). That agent pretends to be a friend of Guero's and is actually the one who calls Teresa on the special phone and tells her Guero is dead and that she needs to run (later, at Teresa's request, he tells her how Guero died as he was actually there when it happened). The agent then starts to hunt Teresa just like Epi's men are. Teresa does not know that this is the man that called her claiming to be Guero's friend at this point, and he is eventually able to catch up to Teresa by pretending to be a business man on his way back to San Diego. She eventually figures out, while on the way to San Diego, that he's actually DEA and wants the journal. 

    The agent does help get her out of Mexico and to San Diego via one of Guero's planes with the understanding that Teresa will give him the journal though the agent has no idea she already gave the book to Epi in exchange for him arranging her safe passage to Spain and a contact she can meet there to get her a job/situated in a new life. Guero told her he had a ton of cash stored for her at a bank in San Diego that she needed to use to escape if anything happened to him, However, after briefly meeting with Guero's sister who lives in San Diego, she is denied access to bank money as someone had tipped off the bank. She manages to suss this out and escapes, but with none of the money.   

     I think in the US version, if the DEA doesn't get the book, Guero is as good as dead. It has info that implicates the DEA, especially the corrupt agent, as well. If Guero lives, I'm not sure what his role will be. If he comes out of hiding, Epi will have him killed, so perhaps he and Teresa leave the country together somehow by cutting a deal with Camilla and then that is where Guero teaches her about the drug business and she gets her start, which would mean Guero would possibly replace Santiago, her boyfriend in Spain, who teaches her how to work on boats to run hashish across the Gibraltar Strait. 

    There's definitely something to be said for the fact that Pote probably could have killed Teresa but didn't. And she could have killed him but didn't. They seem to kill only when it's necessary. I guess they have this redeeming quality in common.

    On 9/11/2016 at 11:49 PM, thewhiteowl said:

    Teresa risks her life to protect Güero's book; Camila's takeover hits a rough patch; Epifanio receives new intel.

    This show is giving me life! I'm glad there's finally more chatter about it here on the forum. 

  15. 17 hours ago, Gabrielle Tracy said:

    Marsupial, I thought the exact same thing re: joile laide the first time I saw Veronica Falcon!  I actually like how she never changes the timbre or intonation of her voice, though.  It makes her seem very confident and imperturbable to me.

    Agree with everyone who doesn't care for the daughter.  She's the Dana Brody (shout out to "Homeland" fans) of Queen of the South.

    Rapunzel, I'm sorry to keep peppering you with questions but I shall do so anyway :)   In the first episode, Brenda told Teresa that she had to give up drugs for awhile because she was pregnant.  Did she lose a pregnancy and it was glossed over or is the pregnancy she was referring to the son she and Teresa were on the run with?  Because that would mean that Guero and Teresa were together for much longer than I thought they were.

    Brenda said in the pilot that she thought she might be pregnant again. I took "again" to mean she already had little Tony (poor kid). Teresa congratulated her but no pregnancy or second baby was ever mentioned again, at least not that I recall. 

    I also think Veronica Falcon plays a helluva Camila Vargas. Her personality is not one that I would like but I find her character interesting and the way the actress plays the character is spot on. She doesn't change up much but then she stands a lot to lose by being overly emotional. Even when she was hurting, she couldn't afford to waver. You could see the pain on her face but she fought it and kept moving. She had started to cry but held back the tears and there was no heaving or sobbing. 

    Agree that the daughter is annoying but it's hard to have a non-annoying sub-plot that is centered around a teen.  In addition to Dana Brody, Anika on Satisfaction and Rusty on Major Crimes are prime examples of that. Does anyone know the age of the actress who plays Isabella? 

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  16. On 9/14/2016 at 2:56 PM, Evil Queen said:

    Dude is not shy at all. That is not why I have said he is gay either. There is so much more there that led to it. The scene with him and one of his friends really spoke volumes to me. 

    Why is it a bad career decision to be a social worker? Just because she isn't making a ton doesn't mean she wants a rich man (which IMO Nick is not). He has his own debt and wasn't it more than what she had? All he does is push his clothing line on the show. Wouldn't be surprised either if they are in his rental too so he can advertise it as seen on MAFS to drum up more business. He wouldn't be the first person to go along with a show to push their businesses no matter what the show was. They have a guy smoking pot that slipped through and "experts" that are oblivious to the fact that there is no "fire" between these too but the one seems to thing there is and pushing Sonia to believe it. I don't see her as "clingy" or "un-slim" either. I think anyone in this situation would want to know where they stand with the person they were matched with. Which instead of yelling later on he doesn't like her he should have been upfront with her. This is the totally another Ashley/David situation. The one comes off looking desperate because the other one won't admit they aren't attracted. Yet here we now have it as Nick/Sonia. 

    I don't think it's a bad career decision to be a social worker. However, I don't think it's the smartest decision to be that much in debt for an education she's not using. A bachelor's degree in social work should not require so much debt since it's a degree you can get at many public universities. Plus the MSW degree is needed for a more successful career in social work. I don't think Sonia has an MSW or if she does (highly doubt it) she's not using it. The job she has in a nonprofit could probably be filled by anyone with a human services degree from a public college that didn't require $80k worth of debt. Nick has his own student loans but they're far less than hers and he's in a field with more earning potential. Actually, Sonia has earning potential as well if she has the MSW but she's not leveraging it. Or if she's willing to do something besides the nonprofit work. Being single and not having kids, she's had time to pursue other options. Being a social worker isn't the problem; it's having borrowed a ton of money for an education that doesn't suit her work. I have lots of social workers in my circle. The only one who doesn't make a decent salary is the one who doesn't have the MSW and didn't pursue better paying opportunities. 

  17. On 9/14/2016 at 2:56 PM, Vinyasa said:

    After last night, I am kinda, sorta, maybe thinking Sonia would have been good matched with David.

    Seems like she would appreciate a guy like him and he would be attracted to her in time.


    100 times yes! I mentioned this (or someone else mentioned it and I agreed) in another thread. Ashley could have been with Nick because even if he's not her physical type, she would also rather be hugged up with her dog and would be OK with no touching. 

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  18. 14 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Maybe that's what he thinks of kids.  Nothing wrong with that; not everybody likes or wants to have kids.

    But, as I said, no one knows what these people put on the questionnaires.  I don't know what Derek said about smoking, or what Heather thought of it; I don't know if Nick said he's in love with his dogs, or that Sonia is scared of dogs.  Did Tom say the bus was very important to him?  Did he say he wanted children?  Did Lilly say she wants to have kids now?

    I can't really fault the experts unless I know how these people answered the questions.  Sometimes  people lie when they're asked personality questions, because they want to appear cool, with it, and hip. 

    I get not liking or wanting to have kids but referring to them as assholes is harsh and unnecessary. Tom is upfront, though, so Lily probably has a better sense of what she's dealing with than the other two. 

    I think Heather said she was OK with an occasional smoker. I think that had something to do with their pairing. I remember them saying that made it difficult to match him. 

    15 minutes ago, princelina said:

    And Davina said no Indian men :)

    Ahhh, ok. I didn't know that. 

    • Love 1
  19. On 9/3/2016 at 5:40 PM, Snarklepuss said:

    Eh, I'm along for the romp, I don't take the show too seriously and Charles is my eye candy so I'm good.

    I do think it's becoming more of a stretch to find Liza a believable 26 at this point.  The show has been on the air long enough that she should be at least 27 by now, LOL.

    You would think, right? 

    I wish there wasn't so much emphasis on her age. People just don't talk about age ALL THE TIME at work. In fact, work is one of the places you make friends who are in completely different age brackets and lifestyles. And people just don't go rummaging through someone's HR file to blurt out their age. SMH. 

    I know, I know, it's TV. And I can't wait for this little show to be back on the air. 

    • Love 1
  20. 21 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    The original man Heather was paired with (who said HE wanted someone more exotic looking), was  POC.

    Also, the original woman Thomas was paired with was a POC; she was part black, part Hispanic and had her own salon and sold hair.  I remember they thought she would not be open to the bus.

    I remember the guy Heather was originally paired with. And I remember the hair entrepreneur. Didn't realize she was paired with Tom, though. 

    I wonder how they determine what woman would be OK with the bus.  If anyone, I would have thought a realtor wouldn't be comfortable with it. 

    • Love 1
  21. 7 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Derek Schwartz  is not a "person of color."

    Yea but I think he could be any color and they'd still have problems.  Her issues with him go beyond race and physical appearance. She actually said he had a nice face. 

    Just now, love2lovebadtv said:

    Yea but I think he could be any color and they'd still have problems. 


    15 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Perhaps she said she was open to other races. I think most people would not state a particular race preference, but could use things like "exotic" to kind of insinuate that. I don't think Derek's race or coloring are what the problem is here. I wonder if Heather and Derek will ever speak out fully to the issues, it could be that they just don't like each other. Heather is getting most of the grief, but she has not said anything about Derek's look or age and he has said some nasty things about her. 

    Yea, he's insulted her. But Derek is probably more into her than she's into him, though. He seemed happier with the match than she ever was. 

  22. 9 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    Do you think it was because she specifically stated persons of color as a preference? I just don't get how someone would think that was her preference based on the fact that she appears disinterested in Derek.

    For the whole time I've been watching this show, Vanessa is the only person I recall stating a preference for a particular race.

  23. 2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    The original guy they were going to match Heather with, I believe was a POC, not sure if he was black or not.

    Yes, the original match was a black guy. If I recall correctly, he wanted someone exotic. I don't know what his definition of exotic is but I'm pretty sure Heather isn't it. 

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