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Posts posted by Luckylyn

  1. 17 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

    The Christmas House 2 was wonderful. Only the Exhusband stuff was unneeded. They also had the best product placement ever. 
    The Modern Family type of testimonials were all terrific. 

     I liked the ex husband storyline.  The neglectful father who finally decides to make his son a priority and the step father feeling displaced now the the biological father is around full time  felt realistic to issues families can have.  The tension between biological and step parents is something that can happen.   I was on Andi’s side when she tried set boundaries because the father kept showing up without calling first .   I get he wants to see his son but calling his ex-wife before coming over to her house  is basic courtesy.  It made me think of that movie My Blue Heaven when Joan Cusack expresses frustration over her ex coming over all the time and just letting himself in because it made her feel disrespected.

    The Sears product placement was hilariously bad on purpose and that was awesome.

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  2. I really liked the first Fantastic Beast movie but hated the second. I just think JK isn’t a great screenplay writer.   There are things that make no sense and storylines that eat up screen time  that end up being pointless.  The second was so poorly done I won’t be seeing the next one.

    Why It’s The Worst



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  3. I am reading All I Want For Christmas is the Girl Next Door by Chelsea Bobulski.  Teen Graham has been in love with Sarah since they were kids but she’s dating his best friend.   One night Graham makes a wish on a star and wakes up in a changed world where he’s dating Sarah.  Being with the girl of his dreams isn’t what he imagined and he finds he’s drawn to his coworker Piper.

  4. I think word of mouth will be excellent for this film.  It might get a Greatest Showman type growth where the first weekend appeared to be a flop but the following weekends lead it to be a success.   

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  5. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    He didn’t leave of his own volition-he was fired. This happened right after the cancellations of All My Children and One Life To Live, and the show runners of the latter took over General Hospital. Sadly, he came back five years ago. Good Riddance to him leaving again, but he’s a cockroach; he’ll be back.

    I think he was doing some MLM scam and selling it to fans so he was fired.  I might be remembering wrong.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Clawdette said:

    In a Royal Queens Christmas, Megan Park said:  "A bird and a fish can fall in love but where would they live?"  Didn't Drew Barrymore deliver this line in Ever After?"

    I remember also hearing that line in the film Corinna, Corinna in the scene where Ray Liotta’s mother is trying to discourage him from falling for Whoopi Goldberg.   Fantastic movie.  Their chemistry was amazing.

    I am very behind in my Christmas movie watching and trying to catch up.  

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  7. I am half way through Will Smith’s biography Will.  I think the audio book is particularly entertaining with Will himself narrating and the inclusion of music at various points.   He doesn’t shy away from discussing his family’s dysfunction.  His father was abusive and an alcoholic while also being a successful business man.  Other rappers judged Will for coming from a financially successful family.   His father ran the family like it was the military.   His mother highly valued her education and took Will’s decision to fixate on a career in rap instead of college very hard.  His father caused a lot of trauma but ended up being the one to come up with the compromise that Will had one year to prove he could make a career as a rapper and if he couldn’t he would go to college for engineering as his mother wanted.  Will is famous for his humor and he writes that he associated comedy with safety.  Making his father laugh could diffuse dangerous situations.  Putting on a humorous performance also helped him get around bullies.  Will’s coping mechanism is to be a people pleaser.  

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  8. I haven’t seen it yet because I am waiting for it to go on Peacock.   Still I watched this analysis because  she does commentary I enjoy a lot.

    What Went Wrong With Dear Evan Hansen


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  9. Did anyone catch Our Journey to Christmas ?  Holly Robinson Peete’s experience as the mother of a son who is autistic really showed in the writing.  The movie had legitimate stakes.  I really felt for the daughter who always felt second to her brother because it’s realistic that the child with special needs would dominate the parents attention.   Plus Peete had clearly wrapped her life around her son and was struggling to let him go out in the world more independently.  I hope we get a movie where the character who is autistic is the lead.  I liked the movie but it’s more about the families reaction to the situation then it is about his.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I had to put this aside(!) because Nora has done the one thing she’s never done before: Exposition Dumping. That’s all the prologue was and  the first chapter. 

    I”ll try to pick it up again later this week.

    I didn’t love the prologue especially because the information gets repeated when the situation is explained to Marco.   I understand the second book including reminders of events of book 1 but it was unnecessary when dialogue later in the book covers the same territory.

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  11. I’ve started Becoming by Nora Roberts which is part 2 of her Dragon Heart Legacy series.  I really like the characters.  Keegan can be a little annoying sometimes.   I get that he’s focused on the battle ahead and his feelings for Breen make him particularly worried about the danger she’s in.  He has a tendency to assume the worst of Breen and that at this point he should know better.  The way he was surprised she maintained her training when she was away bothered me.  He’s so ready to criticize.  His harshness as her weapons teacher sometimes makes it hard to root for them to get together.  I hope he shows more trust towards her because I can’t see the romance working for me without that.  He isn’t wrong that she has to get better at fighting but sometimes he doesn’t give her enough credit.  I do like that she pushes back and doesn’t crumble when things get tough during training. Breen has confidence issues because of the emotional abuse from her mother and it’s been great to see her gain faith in herself.  

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  12. 8 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

    This insistence by Hallmark that Christmas is not "Christmassy" (one of their favorite words) unless it is celebrated in a four season climate is just....insufferable to me.

    They think we all want this  Currier and Ives, Dickensian atmosphere.  Well, let me tell you, I live in Florida (I'm a NYC transplant, been here 20 years) and wouldn't trade our warm weather, dreamy wavy palms, beaches, and the lighting of our holiday sand tree (called Sandi) for any so-called traditional decorating versions.

    In the movie Let it Snow which is a favorite if mine, there are multiple mentions of a brother who moved to Australia. I always hoped we’d get a sequel In Australia featuring the brother just to have something different.  Christmas exists in places with warm climates too Hallmark.


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  13. 56 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

    Omigosh  - I remember watching this, and it was long before I watched Andrew in any of these Hallmark movies.  Yeah, I too rooted for his character and the warden's wife.  And if I recall, Andrew's character abducted her to save her from her husband (the warden) who wanted to kill her for some reason  (was it because he would inherit tons of $$$ if he died?). 

    The warden was running for office while cheating with his campaign manager and thought a divorce would make him look bad during the election.  He thought having a dead wife would make him look more sympathetic.  So Andrew Walker pretends to agree to do the murder but then instead saves her. They had fantastic chemistry.  Plus there was a subplot about him ending up in prison because he was framed for a murder he didn’t commit.  

  14. 2 hours ago, bankerchick said:

    I go through my fictional Hallmark existence with Paul Campbell as my Hallmark husband.  Then I watch a movie with Andrew Walker and I think, 'you know, bigamy is not such a bad thing.'

    Andrew Walker has been one of my tv boyfriends since I saw him years ago in a Lifetime movie Abducted where he’s a convict who kidnaps the warden’s wife when he escapes but then they fall in love.  It’s available on prime.

    Paul Campbell is also a favorite of mine.  

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  15. 2 hours ago, GaT said:

    I just finished The Wolf by J.R. Ward, it's the 2nd book in her Prison Camp series & I didn't like it much. I felt the story just dragged on too long, and every villain (& of course there's more than one so there can be a book 3) was so "mustache twirly".  She could have wrapped up the whole series in this book, in fact, I don't see how she's going to drag this out to make a series. She may need to move on from the whole BDB world, she's run out of things to write.

    This is the 3rd or 4th book in a row that I've read & didn't really like. I'm tired of books that I have to struggle to finish, I just want a good book to read. 😢

    I tend to prefer the Blackdagger focused books more than the spin offs.  I liked The Wolf more than The Jackal.  I think the spin off that focused on the trainees with the Brotherhood were better than the prison camp.  I think book 3 could be really interesting if they don’t drag things out and destroy the camp setting everyone free.  

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