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Posts posted by Gudzilla

  1. Steffy's zip line had no zip, she can add this entrance right next to the world's slowest motorcycle entrance.

    What were all those curlers in Steffy's hair for ?

    Ivy's two best gal pals have tried to kill her, she's the most forgiving person ever.

    I'm surprised Thomas wore a shirt to the wedding.

    Saul doesn't like Sally doing something underhanded, but if it's Coco........

    If there's no Carter is it really a wedding ?

    • Love 18
  2. 2 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

    Could Brooke be any more flirtatious and breathy with Bill and then wonder why he comes on to her all the time..!!

    She has to make sure her crawling worm.. I mean "Stallion" is still on the hook.

    So the first half of the week we get badass Bill, the second half we get wimpass Bill. I've got whiplash from this.

     Speaking of whiplash, where's Whip?

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