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Posts posted by zenme

  1. On 5/26/2024 at 8:52 PM, Tuneful said:

    Even Borin's mother tells us to put a sock in it -- "You chose it! I don't want to hear complaining" (surgery) and "I never saw chins." I really can't wrap my mind around how selfish someone has to be to elect cosmetic surgery in a BIG bundle that carries SERIOUS risks and will disable you for months; and you might get a serious complication or even die. Nice to consider leaving her husband with three kids under, what, five? And for now all the care on him, too, now while he is the sole earner? Is Borin' trying to goose a longer media career?  

    Mama Loren should’ve hired a sexy young au pair to help out Alexi temporarily. As punishment!

    • LOL 1
  2. I think Thaiis’ dad is attractive with his  cool demeanor, but I couldn’t marry him! He seems a little too macho.  I wonder what is wrong with him that Thaiis’ mom left him  WITH Thais?  Was it him, or did she simply not afford to keep Thais? I want to know their story because I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the bring your mistress to the house for dinner type.

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  3. I can't stand the recklessness of drinking and driving.  She can kill people.  It's just a very selfish thing to do.  A friend of my parents was drinking and driving with his child in the car, wrecked, and now the child--now grown adult, is blind.  Glass got into his eyes and blinded him for life.  Just beyond selfish.  

    • Sad 8
  4. Looking at the images, I don't think Amy has ever heard of Oil of Olay.  (God help me.)

    I don't know how she could sleep with that mess in the house, and I agree, the kids would have been helping me clean up that mess.




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  5. 5 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    I know it's been mentioned before, but I don't understand why Teresa did the work she did to her face - she completely changed her looks and not necessarily in a good way.

    When she was talking to Louie by their pool, the side/profile views of her reminded me of Alexia from RHOM - her face and mouth looked too stretched out.  She was naturally pretty before all the lip fillers and cheek hollowing.  I have no problem with some Botox and filler to soften the inevitable marionette lines and jowl sagging that comes with age, but she went overboard.

    But - her girls are all beautiful, and apparently, they're smart, too!  

    I will give Teresa that--her kids seem like confident and intelligent young women.  

    I was watching old seasons of RHONJ, and ironically enough, Teresa was making fun of Kim Granatell's lips, which by the way, looked very normal when compared to the lips of today's Teresa.  Yes, she did mess her face up.  She used to be much cuter.  

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Notabug said:

    More posing in an unflattering frock that she didn't even bother to iron first.  It boggles the mind that they ever sell anything at all. I'm not quite sure where one wears a dress that bares the shoulders and is so short it barely covers the derriere.  Sitting down without revealing the good china would be a real feat.

    Personally, I think the dress is kinda cute, but I just don't see how this is modest.  I guess all the modesty goes out the window once one becomes married in the Bates household.  I might wear that if it had a short sleeve--as a matter of fact I do have a similar dress in embroidered denim.  I'll tell you this:  when I wear it, I have to take an elevator instead of the escalator.  

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  7. Alcohol is a depressant, and could’ve played a role in what happened that night. Being in a depressed state and then adding alcohol…then having very easy access to a firearm…What a combination. My heart goes out to him. 

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  8. Nicole has a nice little figure, but pregnancy really is becoming on her.  Her face is a little more filled out.  She's adorable.   

    I'm sorry, but if I were Michael Jordan--or Marcus Jordan's mother, I would be so pissed off if my son wound up with someone like Larsa.  Just the sex comments alone would repulse me.  The fact that she claims to have had sex with her ex 4 times a night, just ugh.  I have a 31 year old son, and I'd be disgusted with some older lady he brought home who claimed to have sex FIVE times a night with my  son.  She's a disgusting narcissist.   

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  9. 2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I have said/thought that since day one, Jody needs to look at her with a critical eye, if their relationship ends then Jody will live rent free in Lisa's head.  LOL. Who am I kidding, Jody will have to pay that rent.

    Exactly! Geurdy wants camera time more than she wants to eliminate stress.

    It is funny that Lisa is all over Alexia having Todd, I think Todd is not what he appears to be in the wealth department, there is something fishy with him so maybe Lisa is better off without a Todd.  Although, Lisa has her eyes on the prize which is Jody's wallet and nobody can tell me different, that man is odd and unattractive.


    That seems to be Lisa’s type. Odd and unattractive, with a wallet.

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  10. 13 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    I always had naturally curly hair. Then it seemed overnight, I "lost" the curl. I did dye my hair but I don't know if that would cause it. I ended up doing perms for a couple of years. After my son was born, I got my curl back! However, I became allergic to hair dye! 

    After my second child my hair went from VERY wavy to stick straight.  I loved it! It took about 3 or 4 years before the wave started coming back.  

    MLM, LOL.  

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  11. On 1/21/2024 at 12:37 AM, ZettaK said:


    Alexia might be jealous of Nicole because she is a doctor. Her parents were doctors (her mother was a psychologist), but she is not one, and it's possible they were disappointed. 

    Yes! That sounds about right! And like Adriana said, Nicole is the real Cuban Barbie. Doctor Barbie, living in mansions, whose “Ken” is a lawyer/pilot. I guess Alexia would be “Thrice married ex of drug dealer, mother to abusive son, bankruptcy Barbie.”

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  12. 2 hours ago, Vivigirl10 said:

    Sadly, knowing that the brother died of an overdose and Taylor lives a life of questionable morals and being an outed liar, makes you kind of wonder about this family?  They seem now to hide behind a "what would Jesus do" religious façade, while living lives behind the scenes that don't match that at all.  Not a "practice what you preach" bunch apparently.  

    (Of course adding that many wonderful, good people are addicted to drugs, I understand this.  Just pointing out there is more going on behind the scenes with this particular family then how they present themselves).

    I totally agree. I wrote somewhere on another thread perhaps that the extremes of Taylor’s wholesome family, and Taylor’s very questionable behavior and choices, leaves me to believe that something else is going on in their upbringing. Just Shep’s treatment of her alone, and her acceptance of that, leads me to believe somewhere down the line she learned this was acceptable or that it feels normal. Add to this her ease of sending nudes “come one, come all.” Doesn’t seem to value herself.  Brother overdosed? Hmm…


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  13. I can’t imagine have umpteen unruly people in my home, especially if people aren’t respectful of my home and its contents. I would hate kids walking around my house with snacks and juice boxes, etc. I don’t blame them for not always inviting folks with small, unruly children.

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