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Everything posted by narrativeaddict

  1. It's not a court of law, but you were making a case for something (hence the stretching of the age gap), and I disagreed with that tactic. Like you said, I'm allowed to do that. Do you ever read Lainey Gossip? She criticizes Taylor A LOT, but I love how calibrated she is about it. She ends up being very convincing.
  2. truthaboutluv, how do you know they were dating (while she was 22) before he turned 18? That seems pretty speculative. I'm not saying I don't think a 22 year old dating an 18 year old is kind of squicky, but when you're playing this kind of numbers game, facts matter. Turning 22 in 6 months is not the same as 23. You can make your case without misrepresenting facts.
  3. I liked her unabashedly until her success with 1989, which seemed to really go to her head. When she was younger, her antics didn't bother me as much because most young people (even extremely successful ones) are immature. Now that she's 26, she should display more maturity. At least she's dating older men again (though I don't think she ever dated anyone who was 17 when she was 23).
  4. Across numerous allegiances (Swift fans, Kanye fans, Britney Spears fans, Trump fans, Hillary fans), there are people sitting behind keyboards who will say terrible things. Saying "in this specific instance, no one would ever, ever do this" is overreaching. Anonymous Internet commenters will say all sorts of things. I don't know Taylor's friend, but I'd believe anyone who said "I got death threats" for saying something controversial.
  5. I definitely believe she got death threats. Other people not seeing them doesn't mean they don't exist (if someone sent me death threats, I would delete and block that person). Honestly, it's more difficult to imagine her not getting them than her getting them.
  6. It's not hard to believe that Abigail got death threats. Most celebrity fanbases include people who will do this to whoever dares criticize their idol. Although part of me rolled my eyes at Abigail's tweets, another part of me admires her for her nerve and loyalty. She's always been feisty (even once appearing to criticize Taylor for not calling her). She knew the tweets would get picked up and reported on; she's no stranger to this game.
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