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Posts posted by normasm

  1. They found the younger girls, and "Violet" was reconciled with her parents, the younger girls' grandparents. I don't recall, and haven't seen the end for Gina, perhaps she was reunited with her parents.

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  2. Hotch killed the Reaper who had killed his ex-wife and threatened to find and kill his son. Elle killed a suspected (OK, he did it) rapist who triggered something in her memory, which we aren't privy to, but is probably connected to a rape experience. She killed him because he taunted her with his getting away with his crimes, thanked her for making it happen. Hotch's killing came from abject terror and loss. Elle's killing came from anger and disgust mixed with dread and not a little misplaced guilt. 

    I liked the team part of the episode, too.

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  3. I do not think she left the windows open. He broke in,as he had several other places in the episode, and he left the windows open, for dramatic affect.

    All we really see of her place is the front room and the front door, no telling where he broke in, but not likely, IME, through the windows.

  4. Yes, probably by next week they should announce. Harry Bring ( and others) has said that everyone is signed to do a season 14, so that doesn't seem to be an impediment. I agree with you that TPTB wouldn't just renew for sentimental reasons, they would go to the bottom line. CM has been a solid performer, and the change to the 10 o'clock time slot didn't kill it, so I think it has a good chance. 

    They did make us wait till the upfronts one year, several years back, but there were several actors who were not solid re-signs, if I recall correctly. So, yeah, it's a little tense if you want to see 300 and beyond, but the decision has likely already been made, and there is no veiled grumbling anywhere I've seen. 

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  5. The partial prints they got were Lindsey's, and she wasn't even on their radar until Reid told Prentiss "Find Lindsey!"

    And my points aren't to dispute your criticism of later writing being inferior and inconsistent, I've said this many times. But Reid's being more sensitive and less likely to be confrontational, especially physically, has nothing to do with whether his adversary is male or female, and this trait is present throughout the canon.

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  6. I think we've discussed this before but i thought this was fascinating. 

    This man was featured in the episode Omnivore, he was lecturing and Reid was attending. Talking about the psychopathic brain, specifically giving his family, especially his mother, credit for steering him towards being a functional person who could have decent relationships, even a marriage and children.

  7. 8 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

    Even during the prison arc, he didn't do anything to save himself- he only got out because Garcia found partial prints and Prentiss presented it as proof that Reid couldn't have committed the crime. The rest of the time Reid was only there to get bludgeoned and threatened by his stronger male prisonmates, and perhaps even raped if Calvin Shaw's heteroflexible "joke" is to be believed.

    Yeah, Reid bested a woman in "Red Light"...but it was the BAU doing the legwork to rescue his mother, and it's telling that the only storyline where Reid actually gets to affect the plot it comes when his antagonist is a woman.

    These two points I totally and vehemently disagree with, along with disagreeing with your post in general. Reid only got out of prison - after 3 months of the BAU whining about how much they needed to get him out of there - because he recognized Linsdey, and knew his mother was in danger. Emily didn't even believe him until it was made evident by Cassie's stinking corpse (poor Cassie), hours later, and only then did the BAU begin the "legwork" needed to get him out. Oh, and, he had to stab himself to get to protective custody.

    Reid affecting the plot when his antagonist was a man include LDSK (with Hotch), Derailed ("I totally saved your life!"), Fisher King Part2, Revelations, Damaged ("I do some of my best work under intense terror"), Elephant's Memory, Corazon, True Genius, Persuasion, there are probably others, but you get my drift.

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  8. JenJen, I think his whole world when he was a teenager was all about losing his mom, and to a disease he thought he would inherit. Once he finally dodged that bullet in his mind (long after the odds played out for him to develop schizophrenia), he started looking at life a bit differently. When he fell for Maeve, he actually also fell for the concept of having a family, wife, kids, the whole magilla. I think he still pined for that blissful option until he went to prison and ruined his self-image. Now, he lives with overwhelming shame and guilt, and his only touchstone (whom he nearly sacrificed everything for), is fading fast. He's un-moored. Adrift. Bereft.

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  9. 1 hour ago, JenJenBosco said:

    I think is what it is.  He's introverted and likes to be alone, but now, he's been alone for so long that he doesn't want it anymore.  And yes, he has other friends, but all of them have their own lives, he's always on the outside observing, and I think he's reached the point where it's too much.

    Including FA's post about solitude (ref), I do think that as long as Spencer had his mom as a touchstone, he felt loved and validated. Now that she is fading, and he almost lost her due to his job (I think that's the way he sees it), he's, well, bereft. 

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  10. I like both your scenarios, jmo, and i would hope they could actually incorporate both. Seeing him in therapy would also be a good way to show what his job is, and the toll it takes on committed people. And the cold case scenario could also be done with maybe one or two other actors in a different FBI office setting. His making new friends would also help the character by forming new friendships, perhaps a girlfriend (but not necessarily). 

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  11. Oh the zigs! Oh the zags!

    I had hopes for this episode, mainly, the hope that the mole who worked in the FBI and funnelled Reid's personnel info to Cat Adams in prison last season would be found and brought to justice. As the show began, those hopes were still in order as we had not one, but eventually 2 such candidates. But the way it ended really didn't point to a mole at all.

    In the opening SWAT raid, Reid is gorgeous, and I liked the 299 on the door. After Quinn ends up alive after all (but with burned-off fingerprints), the team is debriefed. JJ's worried that the behavior isn't like Reid, he's hiding something. I thought at first that he was lying, maybe to protect her, but it seems more like he's distant, separated from the whole team somehow. He's much more invested in Quinn, and his story. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. 

    When Tara and Luke go back to the storage unit, after some cute repartee, they find a lot of girl's stuff and 7 hyoid bones. Garcia finds out the unit was rented in Quinn's name 2 days ago. Reid gets Quinn to tell him about the family keeping him, particularly the son, Theo. A little digging and Reid remembers Theo auditing his class. They track his parents to their home, finds them shot to death in the basement. It doesn't add up to Rossi, the perfume, etc. SA Meadows from the VICAP team tells Prentiss she doesn't think Quinn did anything wrong. 

    Another JJ/Reid scene where JJ tells him "We fought so hard to get you outta there." Um, no, you fretted and worried about him, and then he gave you a couple of clues and you stayed up for 18 hours and got him out. **ugh the family thing with this show** She also tells him that Quinn went missing 2 weeks after he was arrested, and my heart's mole flame reignited!

    Reid brings Quinn's ex-wife and son in, and he calls the son Theo, which, sadly, isn't his name. Reid asks about Theo's GF, April, and it turns out she's the perfumey one, and Quinn was forced to try to kill her, but Theo turned the tables and killed his parents. He kills 2 guys in the subway, who end up with burned-off fingerprints. Reid figures Theo was protecting April now she's protecting him, and Garcia tracks down a property. Reid goes in and finds out from Theo and April that they won't be safe until "they're" all gone. Who? The Believers, headed by the Messiah. O-KAAAAAY. So, yeah, they go find the Messiah dude, and bring him to Quantico. Quinn makes Reid promise him something. We don't find out explicitly, but I'm thinking it's to tell his son he's not a wacko.

    All is well, so Prentiss calls for a party at Rossi's, which Garcia will be late for and which Reid tells JJ he won't be able to make, as he will be staying with Quinn's son until he gets out. Reid thanks JJ and hugs her, which had a very "goodbye, and thanks for all the fish" vibe. Like "I won't be coming back" vibe. Like "think of me fondly" vibe.

    Meadows leads Quinn onto the elevator and Garcia joins, just as Prentiss calls her to say Quinn really is a cult member, apparently because he has no fingerprints. Garcia tells Meadows to draw her gun, and we see Quinn diving for her. A shot rings out, which the messiah and everyone else in the 7-story building can hear, including Reid (he's already gotten a call from Prentiss, too) and Reid goes off alone, without his vest, to confront what he thinks is Quinn in the elevator. He sees Quinn, but he's gut shot, and says "She's one of them" as Meadows rounds on Reid with gun drawn. She tells him to take her to the Messiah. He says no, and then she brings around the car with Garcia the Hapless (thanks, jmo) in it, and tells Reid he must join them or she dies. Fade to black. Welp, that's a wrap, 13.

    Some say this Meadows could still be the mole. But it doesn't make sense to me. Why would a killer cult that worships some doofus conspire with someone in prison to acquire private info on Reid, and get him framed for murder? How else could Cat have gotten the information needed to hack his life? And it begs the question: if there is no mole, what was the reason for the prison arc and Reid's whole last 2 seasons? 

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