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Posts posted by Kat

  1. From Sarah's excellent recap:


    Eve Myles has the most slappably self-satisfied psycho face in TV right now.

    She TOTALLY does! She plays Claire so well; I haven't been so infuriated (and yet captivated) with a character on tv in some time.


    I am actually looking forward to a series 3!

  2. I'm surprised how much I've grown to love this show over the past few weeks since it's premiere. Even the age/time period inconsistencies that I've pedantically complained about - e.g. Liza's supposedly only "40" but that doesn't match with her daughter's age/when she supposedly gave birth, how long she's been out of the workforce or the age she was when she saw Nirvana - I've now let go and just enjoy the show for what it is.



    But even if my very best friend in the whole world who is closer to me than a sister, asked me to help her remove a menstrual cup, I would gladly take her to an urgent care center but that's it.

    • Love 1
  3. Last night's episode seriously tried my patience with this show, but gawddammit I'm still invested enough in the characters and a couple of the storylines that I'm not going to stop watching it.


    Crash and his spit curl can GTFO!

    • Love 1

    the reason why she calls herself  'Trixie'? That was equal parts brave and heartbreaking.

    I cried actual tears watching this part, and I am normally a cold-hearted stone of a woman. Glad to have Trixie back competing! And yes, her and Pearl's win, especially considering Pearl sent her home in the first place, was scripted to death, but I just didn't care.



    And although some duos were weaker than others, I thought all 14 ladies did great.



    Now that I've tasted it, I want this every week. Every single mini-challenge would be improved by Latrice putting on a costume and hollering. So would every single staff meeting at my office. "Mmm-hmm. Kim got something to say, don't she? Puttin' up her hand when everybody dreamin' 'bout they lunch."

    Preach, Mark! Preach!

    • Love 7

    I started watching at the very end of the first season, so I have no idea how Rick was injured, and I think that I missed most of whatever happened to their relationship, but I like the two of them together.  Plus, I have lots of goodwill for the two men built up from Brendan Fehr's days on Roswell and Luke Macfarlane's time on Brothers and Sisters.

    RIck was injured and had to have his leg amputated after his platoon was in a bus accident on their way home to the base from a 1 yr deployment in Iraq. He and Drew had both been Captains in the Army and very much in the closet, although living together for years.


    If you get the chance I'd recommend watching the episode from the season 1 where Drew and Rick's relationship is exposed. Super powerful and one of the best written and acted episodes this show has produced.



    I understand the need to compress time lines to tell a story, but the brain tumor segment was just too much. The girl had a tumor removed from her brain (sucked through her nose? I never saw Derek on Grey's Anatomy do that, but okay) and then less than four hours later she has a lap band surgically inserted?! And all under the direction of her emergency room physician? The story would have worked better for me if they had just stop with the discovery of the tumor.

    This is my main complaint for all hospital-based shows! Grey's Anatomy is the biggest offender, and "Night Shift" is usually fairly okay about it (although they spend way more time in the field doing an EMTs job than real ER docs would do), but last night's ep absolutely stretched the plausibility to ridiculous limits.

    That kind of brain surgery takes HOURS. Gastric bypass takes HOURS! We're only talking about a 12 hour period here folks - IRL that girl wouldn't have even been out of recovery, much less awake and vomiting etc. ANYWAY...***fan wank fan wank***



    Do local TV stations often do on-camera interviews in bars?

    At 8:30 in the morning?!! Yeah, that was dumb.

    • Love 1
  6. TC is seriously the worst. In all aspects, personally and professionally.

    Re: HIPAA violation with Topher - if this was real, the doctor would advise the fiancé of her condition. The end. Topher would have a separate conversation with the soldier then mention that it's possible that the fungal meningitis happened because of a suppressed immune system because of HIV. Also? "Bio-shrapnel" Ewwwww!

    I think I alarmed everyone in my household with my screaming of "JUST KISS HIM!!!" as Drew and Rick were talking.

    But seriously, I really need Drew and Rick back together for good.

    • Love 1

    Emily did some terrible things, but so did Victoria.  Doesn't killing Aiden count as revenge for all of Emily's revenge-y schemes?  What more does she need to do to feel like she's won?

    THIS. It's especially infuriating that Margaux and Louise just forgive Victoria ALL of her crimes including straight up murder, and can't see that Victoria was so faking the "terror" she felt about Emily coming after her. 


    Last episode, didn't Victoria have her own techie guy (Mr. "Nolan Ross is the old me") come and make copies of the files?

    Yes! And this was the number one reason why I think that Victoria faked her death. I think she still has this evidence hidden somewhere.

    No way, ab-so-lute-ly NO way that ginormous house would have exploded like that from a leaking gas fireplace.

    You could see the air spaces under the French doors in the room that contained the fireplace itself. For that to have actually have happened, Victoria would have h to stuff towels under all the windows and then duct tape everything in place. A house that big is hella drafty.

    I call shenanigans. But then, this show has long ago let go of any semblance of reality.


    They showed Victoria standing on the balcony with the french doors wide open after she turned the gas on!! There's no freakin' way that room, much less the whole estate would blow up. Also, how did Victoria get into Emanda's house? You can't tell me that she hadn't had the locks changed and Nolan wire that place up to be recording every movement on the property. And how did Victoria get that damn ugly-ass chair into the house by herself?



    Josh Pence is hot. He looks damn good in a suit and glasses.

    But I can't abide his neck beard. Clean that shit up!



    Geez, Tess is a real peach, eh? You threw your career away for my screw ups, but I won't let that make me feel obligated to do my job in any way. I suppose when Hardy and Miller solve it, she'll happily swoop in to take all the credit too.

    I know that we're supposed to like Tess but she bugs the crap out of me and I don't think she and Hardy should get back together. Not that I want him with Ellie either.



    I don't know why Ellie didn't just say, "My sister does this all the time. She runs up her debts and then asks to borrow money from me. I always say no because she is an adult who should be able to take care of herself but she inevitably wears me down because she knows how to guilt trip me. It's an endless cycle and I always vow never to lend her money again but my sense of duty to my family eventually gets to me every time. I can't count how many times she has asked for money, I said no, she nagged me, and then I ended up giving her money. It's just a coincidence that I gave her money the day that Joe was arrested."

    Or Ellie could have said - look, my sister is sort of a fuck up, I lend her money all the time. If you go through the past year of my account you can see the pattern. That way even though this particular 1K was info, the jury could at least know that there was an established pattern of bailing her out.


    I can't decide if they're going to find Joe guilty and end this particular story, or if they'll continue the drama. I thought I'd read somewhere that there was indeed going to be a series 3?



    Hee! This part of Sarah's recap cracked me up. But holy yes, Alex Saxon's hair is so damn magical, and I don't typically like long hair.


    It is beyond ridiculous that Lori would be able to call Carter and Taylor; I can't even fan-wank it.

    David and Elizabeth continue to make very poor choices. What am I saying; EVERYONE on this show makes poor choices.


    I find the actor who plays Crash to have a very punchable face. It's not doing this character any good because I just want to wipe that smirk off his face with my fists.

    • Love 5

    Brendan Fehr and Jeannee Goossen are incredible with the friendship between Drew and Krista.  It is one of the best things about the show for me.  I thought that the "I Love Yous" that Drew and Krista exchanged were so touching and heartfelt, and I really hope the writers don't screw up the wonderful friendship they've written and the actors have created.

    Drew and Krista's friendship is like my favorite thing on tv right now. I just love them. 


    Paul was so careless and did such a shitty thing stealing Kenny's ID. If he wanted to get that kid the Rx, he should have filled out the paperwork and paid for it himself. Infuriating.


    TC and Jordan still seem to be taking impending parenthood so CASUALLY. They bug the crap out of me. 

    • Love 2
  11. Finally got around to watching this bullshit glorified clip show and all it did was make me miss Aiden, and hot Barry Sloane. Also? I think I might miss Josh Bowman? Ack! What is wrong with me?!

    • Love 1
  12. ABC held a contest where viewers got to vote for the name of Avery and Juliette's baby? This is SUCH a bad idea. We are the worst at stuff like this! (see: every reality show voting scheme ever)
    But I hope they reveal it next week.

    And yeah, this episode might have been soapier than usual, and the Sadie storyline may not have resolved the way that I wanted, but I loved it anyway.


    Tess can go jump in the ocean as far as I'm concerned. She cheated on Alec AND let him take the fall for her mistake; now she wants to bask in the glow of his love while holding him at arm's length, knowing full well how much he wants her back. Pure ego, that one.

    I've had a problem with Tess' holier-than-thou attitude from the beginning! SHE is the one who fucked up the case! And I just know somehow she's going to make Ellie feel guilty about not being able to get that photo of Claire. Grrrrrr


    Ok so the junior defense lawyer is found going thru the town reporters private papers in his own home? After banging him?

    This sounds pretty dodgy ...Lucy should report this to Jocelyn.


    This also bugged me. What possibly could Ollie or his mother have had lying around on the kitchen counter that would help Abby and Sharon's case?


    As told, even her version of the story means she deliberately tracked down where her eggs went and then hooked up with the husband.

    This is what really confused me about Lori's version of things and makes me thing that she's even more of a crazy liar than I thought.



    Then if the lawsuit is separate--lets just say some badly explained gambit with some newly appeared Uncle to use Crash as a cash cow... how the fuck does that work?  Wouldn't MAX be the logical recipient of that money, not Crash?  Or are we supposed to believe that Crash could sue the gun maker, get mega-bucks and then what?  Max is supposed to sue Crash in turn?  Remember just late last season there was the whole issue of how Max and his mother were even going to pay for his hospital bills.  Did that just evaporate?

    Thank you! When Crash said that nonsense about the safety on the gun being broken and the lawsuit filed, I was like - WHY IN THE HELL WOULD CRASH BE GETTING MONEY FOR SHOOTING SOMEONE?!!! Max should totally get this settlement or whatever. I also totally don't get how Max is going to get himself involved with Crash and this drug shit or whatever crap is happening in the coming weeks. So frustrating.

    • Love 3
  15. God bless Tara and her irrational hatred of Elizabeth Reaser! I'm right there with you. I believe my hate for her began with her stint as "crazy preggers" on Grey's Anatomy, but it could have been anything she's graced. HATE. Just so much hate.

  16. Confession - I fell asleep during the middle 20 min of this episode, so that's not a ringing endorsement. But I truly loved this week's runway, and thought everyone brought their A-game, except for maybe Kandy Ho. Even Kennedy and Jaidynn, while weaker than the rest, still showed some creativity. Violet and Katya were my favorites on the runway, with Pearl a close third.


    There's 8 people left correct? So I guess they're going to do two rows of 4 for Snatch Game? I don't know why this bugs me but it does...

    • Love 1
  17. I've been loving this show, and was excited about it months before it premiered on March 20. But that's the Ben Mendelsohn and Kyle Chandler lover in me.

    Having lived in the Keys for a couple of years, I am so impressed by how they've captured the attitude and the atmosphere of those communities just right.

    I finished episode 7 last night. I binged through the first 4 on the Friday it premiered and have since been doling them out slowly, savoring them a bit. I look forward to the end but am also worried that we may not get more of them because this show is getting so little buzz. But hey, if Netflix could give that dumb Lillyhammer show a second season, surely they can give some love to this great one.

  18. Lori is so cuckoo. "I was donor number 3526!" "In the eyes of human beings I have rights!"- Okay crazy lady. Jesus.

    Love Max. And Max and Grant. And Max and Taylor back together. And Max's hair, even if it was off its lustrous locks game this episode.

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