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Everything posted by Trackdawg

  1. Thanks for always remembering me @greekmom! Sorry I have been absent so long, Y'all. Since I started dating TrackKitty, February through July is the part of the year I call The Gauntlet. I have a big friggin' family, but she has 5 siblings, about 17 aunts and uncles, dozens of cousins and maybe a billion friends. And this year, we had Mother's Day, NieceKitty's birthday, my Mother's death anniversary, FatherKitty's birthday, MotherKitty's birthday, a graduation party in town, a graduation party in San Diego, BestieKitty visiting from South Carolina, Father's Day, and this past weekend I was a groomsman in a wedding...ALL within about 6 or 7 weekends 😖😩😫! This is really the first Sunday I've had to myself since early May!
  2. Also, there's huge diversity amongst Muslims in any one country or society. One of my best friends (the one in prison, sadly 😞), started out as a Sunni in his early twenties (he later converted to Shi'a). People would say he was SO devout if they saw that he wouldn't even drink water on hot days, when Ramadan fell in the summer. Not even while playing basketball! But, as a young red-blooded male, he was a hooooor! That boy would fuck anything that moved. He came to my house and the fish stopped swimming! [© Eddie Murphy]. And like any Muslim living in a non -Muslim culture, he had great trouble finding time and privacy to make salah 5x/day...let alone the time and facilities for wudu (ablutions/washing), so it sometimes got missed. Oh, on the Hijab vs Chador vs Niqab vs Burqa thing, that's the most obvious example of Religion not being the same as culture. I asked my buddy about it (countless times, I recall), and he said that, in essence, all the Quran decrees is modesty.
  3. Exactly! Y'all get it. And for anyone else in this century that doesn't (looking at you Matt Sharp), let's go over the basics:
  4. Do you know any good climbing walls? [yeah, I know. The censors will ding me for that 🤬 ]
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