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Posts posted by pixelcat

  1. 11 hours ago, bearcatfan said:

    The freeway/highway/interstate discussion reminds me of the pop/soda discussion on TWD boards last year.

    Hah, that actually is one more graphic from that poster that I missed.  Was this about the episode with Denise and the cooler, where Daryl says soda?


    Of course the data is only as good as the people replying to the survey, but Georgia looks like it could go either soda or coke, depending on where in the state you live.

    14 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    As for the question of why would Lucifer heal Vincent’s sister*, for me that has generally been in Lucifer’s personality. That same trait that makes him a whiner when it comes to his daddy issues is why he wants – maybe even needs – his host to like him at least a little bit.

    Aha, now THIS makes sense to me!  He did the same with Sam, both with rounding up all the demons that'd been watching him over the years, and letting Dean live.  Now I kind of wish we had a short scene with Lucifer talking to Vince in the mirror about healing his sister, and to shut up sit back and enjoy the ride!

    Also thinking more about Castiel, maybe he's just angry that God left AGAIN and he's handling it much worse than before.  Lucifer being out of the cage is IMO entirely on him, since he is the one who said yes.  And I know he did it out of desperation, since God wasn't around, who else was even close to Amara in power?  Then God finally does show up and everything is all better and Lucifer!Cas was pretty irrelevant in the end.  I'm still angry that Cas never got ANY sort of discussion with Chuck; this is the angel that spent season 5 searching for him only to be told "he knows but doesn't care", then season 6 trying to stop poxyclipse round 2 and begging God to show him a better way than the only one he could see.  Maybe all of this + remembering how Lucifer felt about God (and working with Crowley) has just thrown him over the edge.

    14 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

    IMO, Cass is probably more snarky simply because he's been hanging around Crowley and picked up on some of Crowley's snarkiness. That can happen when you spend 24/7 with someone for a few weeks on end. 

    Or that could be it too.  Or a combination.  It was really just the one episode where he seemed very OOC to me, the rest of the time he has seemed pretty much normal Cas.

  2. 1 minute ago, MysteryGuest said:

    Just did a re-watch, sans commercials, and this one's still a pretty mediocre episode, IMO.  There were some fun scenes, some nice eye-candy, but entirely too much Lucifer for my taste.  Since this episode was all Lucifer and next episode appears to be more of the same, I really am hoping that's the end of him.  He's boring, regardless of his choice of meat suit.

    To get back to the episode, I agree with all of this.  I'm just worried that even though TPTB said there was no Big Bad, Lucifer is going to turn into the Big Bad and the storyline will continue throughout the season just so they can end up with Mary/Dean/Sam all having to make some sort of choice where Lucifer is concerned (which probably would involve Billie since Dean still owes her).  I do have a question though, specific to Lucifer's plan in the nightclub.  What exactly did he have in mind for all of the fans?  Force them all to mutilate themselves?  Kill themselves?  If he really wants to spread true misery and destruction, all he'd need to do is set off a few earthquakes in populated areas, collapse a few buildings, change the weather patterns or get demons to do it for him.  For that matter, whatever happened to the Croatoan virus?  Maybe there's a stockpile somewhere he could get his hands on.

    Overall I'm liking the season, but I wish there were more small moments between Mary and Dean/Sam.  For example, I wanted Mary to comment on how tall Sam is.  Or hear what she said when she first saw the Impala's weaponized trunk.  Or when Castiel healed them.  I'd prefer ANY of that over the Lucifer storyline.

    I'd also be a lot more interested in BMoL than Lucifer.  It would've been an interesting take, for this episode, if they'd done it (or part of it) from Mr. Ketch's POV following them around and having him report back to "the boss".  I'd really like to know how much they really know about all the crap that's been going down (do they even realize Lucifer is out of the cage?) 

    • Love 2
  3. Just now, catrox14 said:

    Cas craving burgers never made much sense to me because I thought Cas was rebuilt in his own meatsuit after s4 and Jimmy's soul was in Heaven. But I suppose the desire for a hamburger came from Jimmy's DNA vs a psychological influence.

    I thought he wasn't completely rebuilt until the end of Season 5?  After Lucifer atomized him is when I thought Jimmy's soul went to Heaven.

  4. 7 minutes ago, pixelcat said:

    Ah, I think we have our terms crossed.  To me, freeway = Interstate, like I-70, I-5, etc (at least 4 lane, no stops), like this:


    Everything else to me is a highway, like Route 66 (which can be 2 lane or more, stops in towns).  In my neck of the woods, Route 1 is a highway, but I-95 is a freeway (aka Interstate).  Of course, everyone else here seems to call everything a highway...

    Also to quote myself, this is going a bit off topic.  There was a fascinating project done by a PhD at NC State that used a dialect survey to determine where people were from.  Unfortunately, only the main page remains, all the results are gone except this image:


    I only bring it up because one of the questions was something like "What do you call a 4-lane divided highway with a high speed limit and no stoplights?"  The map for that one showed the closer you said you lived to southern California, the more likely you were to call it a freeway.  The rest of the country referred to it as a highway or interstate.

    Main page here:


  5. 1 minute ago, rue721 said:

    I'm saying that I think those two-lane roads we're always seeing them drive down *are* freeways/highways. I've driven on plenty of freeways or highways like that. Off the top of my head, I've driven on freeways like that in Arizona, Kansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama...lots of places, all over the country.

    Ah, I think we have our terms crossed.  To me, freeway = Interstate, like I-70, I-5, etc (at least 4 lane, no stops), like this:


    Everything else to me is a highway, like Route 66 (which can be 2 lane or more, stops in towns).  In my neck of the woods, Route 1 is a highway, but I-95 is a freeway (aka Interstate).  Of course, everyone else here seems to call everything a highway...

    11 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Never before this season in SPN, has there ever been any indication that a demon was altered by the meatsuit or vice versa. Why would the demon be influenced by the meatsuit but not the other way around?

    Shouldn't Crowley have an accent similar to Rowena's then?  I always assumed his accent was the original meatsuit's accent.

    2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    I'm coming back around to my original spec that Cas' snarkiness is a residual effect of being Lucifer's meatsuit. I say that because back in 12.01, Dabb altered/introduced a change to canon by having the bearded demon retain some of the personality of the 14 year old meatsuit he possessed. It had never been a thing before. The  problem with introducing that change is that it implies that any meatsuit would be affected that way.

    This line from Cas in season 6 (from "Family Matters") always struck me as sarcastic:


    Dean: You better tear the attic up, find something to help Sam.

    Castiel: Of course. Your problems always come first. I'll be in touch.

    But with the way the line is delivered, it could go either way.   When Cas ran into Famine, he picked up Jimmy's hunger for burgers, which implies to me it was there all along.  Since Cas didn't need to eat, he was able to ignore it until Famine dialed it up to 11.

    This season I will agree with you though, he has not been acting like himself.

    • Love 2
  6. 7 hours ago, rue721 said:

    Why do you say they don't drive on freeways? (honest question) Interstates are just two lanes in a whole lot of places IME.

    I'm not saying they DON'T drive on freeways, I'm saying we've never SEEN them drive on freeways.  And I'm fine with that.

    I've never seen a freeway less than 4 lanes (2 each side), except where they are merging with or splitting off from another freeway.  This question did take me down the rabbit hole of looking up Interstate standards, but it's way too early to do serious investigation into that.  I did however find out that the heaviest volume of traffic on a freeway (as of 2008) is the 405 in LA.  The longest east-west is I-90 from Boston to Seattle, and the longest north-south is I-95 from Miami to the Canadian border near Houlton, Maine.  Texas has the most miles of freeway, but New York has the highest number of different freeways.  I also found out that the system was designed to connect to nearly every military base in the continental US, in case of invasion for ease of military response.

    The route google maps had them take for this was US-36 to I-70 to I-15 (I-70 is also the highest elevation of the Interstate system, almost 12,000ft in Colorado).  Hopefully the Cajon Pass wasn't on fire again.

    Interestingly, Lebanon sits between the I-70 and I-80 and is about 60 miles from either.

    • Love 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I thought he said they were 450 miles away.

    Boosting up the volume a lot it sounds to me now like Dean said 150 miles?  But looking at the transcript, you are correct 450 it is.  Maybe my hearing is finally going.


    Just out of curiosity I mapped out the route between the bunker and LA, and it said it'd take about 20 hours, and that's if they used the freeways.  Despite them mentioning freeways from time to time (like Sam in "In My Time Of Dying", telling John "They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83.") we never actually see them DRIVING on the freeways.  Don't get me wrong, I love the scenery of back roads and two-lane blacktops, it just always strikes me as a little funny.

    • Love 3
  8. 7 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Couldn't Cas or Crowley tried to heal Vince's vessel?

    When did Vince really die? On the stage in this episode or long before, like when Rowena sent Lucifer to the bottom of the ocean?


    I'd go with yes, bottom of the ocean.  We know meatsuits "die" from bullets that hit where it would normally kill a person (heart, brain), so drowning also seems like it'd be on the table.  I'd assume Vince was already dead so there was nothing left to heal/save.

    7 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    So, how can a rock star,  his band mate (who I quite liked) and two other dudes die all on the same day and the rock star's body decays almost instantly, and it NOT raise the eyebrows of the adoring public not to mention law enforcement and the CDC?

    I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.  (Hah sorry I see that image around way too much).  Good question; the news even points out that Vince died, but not the rest of his band?  What's up with that??  I'd think it'd be a huge story to report, aging rock band reunites for a super-secret show and they ALL DIE.

    11 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

    The only part of the episode that worked for me was the Hollywood Babylon call back.

    Oops, I guess like Sam I wasn't really listening (was cooking dinner) but got back in time to see Sam talk about the "history" he was listening to, and Dean pulling out the headphones.  Probably give it a rewatch later this weekend.

    Mostly the episode felt off again to me.  Maybe it was all the flashes of LA to show they're in LA?  They didn't feel the need to do that in "Hollywood Babylon"... I felt like I was watching some sitcom.  I don't remember them ever showing a city like that before just to reinforce where they are..  I had to laugh when Dean said "we're 50 miles from LA" on this little backroad nothing, lots of greenery around, AND IT'S RAINING.  50 miles from LA is either more LA or desert.  99.5% of the time the location to me doesn't really matter (snow in Louisiana?  NOT A PROBLEM MOVING ON) but this bugged me.

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  9. On 11/26/2016 at 4:51 AM, catrox14 said:

    I've watched about 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls in my life and I thought I'd check out Jared. The only thing I could think was, "This is alternate universe Sam".  LOL. But he sure was pretty. :)


    Funny you should mention that, Jezebel had an article on Monday about Gilmore Girls.  The relevant part (probably a small spoiler in here?):



    Full article is here:


    • Love 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Demented Daisy said:

    Did you want to join us in the next round @pixelcat?  I can send you a notification when we're ready, if you like.  :-)

    Nah that's ok, I don't check this often enough to get any pies.  I do love going through the question/answer though, see if I can get it right at least!

  11. I just wanted to say "Thanks" to all the folks that took the time to create a discussion thread for each and every episode, and to everyone that posts in them.  I missed out on TWOP for Supernatural (but I read the crap out of the Bitterness Thread for "Lost" there), so love to read the takes on each episode here. 

    I recently took up TWD (again) and went to their message board so I could read what folks thought on each, but the first three seasons only have one discussion for the overall season. I'm so glad that didn't happen here!

    • Love 3
  12. 14 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Someone on Tumblr spec'd it's a Velveteen Rabbit thing...and now I want to cry

    I seriously hope not. That book made me bawl my eyes out. 

    19 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    He looks so beautiful!

    I want a widescreen HD version of this for my computer background.  GIVE IT TO ME NOW.

    • Love 3
  13. Just popped in to say this episode made me happy!  And with the problems going on at work this entire week, all the way up to 6pm on a Friday, that's saying something. 

    i'll probably have more to add later after I watch this again, but for now thank you Supernatural for not disappointing me!

    • Love 5
  14. Thanks for the likes!  I seriously lucked out with that picture, it's the best one I've ever taken of him and it was on my older Canon, not my newer fancier Nikon no less!

    Despite being named after a serial killer that kills serial killers, he really is a Supernatural cat.  He's my binge-watching buddy, and hangs out on the couch on weekends with me watching the show.  I think at this point he's probably seen every episode at least once!

    • Love 2
  15. So it looks like Lucifer gets out from the bottom of the ocean by being summoned?

    Please let tonight's episode BE GOOD because this week has been craptastic and I need something I've been looking forward to turning out right!

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  16. 6 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    I don't know if you're supposed to know or care who she is, but the only thing I know her from is her stint on the last season of Justified.

    Why you might care in relation to Supernatural, I believe she's supposed to be in the Cass-centric episode and she's supposed to be some sort of enemy of Cass's....mwahahahahahah! ;)

    Just seems her name is being thrown around like I should know who she is, and clearly I have no idea.  But then again, I'd be lucky to identify Beyonce (Taylor Swift I got).

    If Castiel gets to be badass and stab her, then bring her on!  Otherwise... meh.

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