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Posts posted by Paloma

  1. On 10/20/2022 at 10:52 AM, circumvent said:

    Maybe I am from another planet because while I go "aww" when I see a baby, I also go "phew" when the babies leave

    I'm from the same planet, even though I have an adult daughter and a 7-year-old granddaughter whom I love dearly. But I was never into babies in general, and especially babies that are the main focus in TV shows and movies. I'm really annoyed that the Padma and the babies, as well as Gigi, have practically taken over this show.  

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  2. On 7/17/2022 at 8:33 PM, Sheikh Yerbouti said:

    I think Allan is the father, but Tom is the murderer, and his insistence on accompanying Claire isn’t so much to protect her until she can receive a “fair” trial as it is to be able to confess during said trial.

    But why couldn't Tom confess to this when Brown and his gang came to the Ridge to take C&J away? I know, then it would be a very short episode, but it doesn't really make sense that he would wait to confess at a trial--why make Claire go through a farce of a trial?

  3. On 5/6/2022 at 1:12 PM, gingerella said:

    I think most of us here feel that Allan was raping her and she got pregnant from him, so it's he who killed her to keep her from confessing to Claire.

    But we know that she had consensual sex with at least two other men (Ian plus the one in the church), so we don't know if Allan was the father. The question is whether Allan knew she was having sex with others. It's possible that he was not raping her but killed her because she brought shame to him and his father by getting pregnant by means of sex outside of marriage. 

  4. I'm confused about the various Irish characters who have been introduced. Is the man who died the farmer who was previously seen sitting in a field with a bull and chatting with the podcasters?

    Also, if Seamus and Malachy were brothers, why did they have different last names? Unless I'm misremembering (entirely possible), neither Seamus's current last name nor his last name in his former life as a smuggler / criminal in Northern Ireland was O'Connor (which I think was Malachy's last name).

  5. On 6/8/2022 at 10:51 AM, GiandujaPie said:

    The COTW - I know we are not supposed to discuss politics here but this storyline seemed very designed to show what happens if/when Roe v Wade gets overturned, and the mother's life is no longer the primary factor in deciding on medical care, especially in certain states. Right now, it seems as if the doctors still have a choice in being able to discuss all of the options with the family, including terminating the pregnancy. But someday, what if that no longer becomes an option, especially in a red-leaning state like Georgia? If that actually happens, I wonder if the show would actually have a storyline that shows the doctors not having that option with a patient. 

    Georgia now has a 6-week abortion ban, and I would like to see storylines on medical and legal shows representing the real consequences of these types of laws, including the chilling effects on doctors who can't make a decision based on the patient's needs. 


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  6. On 5/18/2022 at 5:03 PM, amarante said:

    I actually thought this was might have unintentionally foretold a future in which Roe v Wade is no longer around since there is pressure to eliminate the "health of the mother" exemption and narrowly define it.

    May have been unintentional but you were (sadly) right. I am watching 2 years later with Roe v Wade overturned, and in many states doctors are afraid (for fear of prosecution) or unwilling to do a termination even to save the life of the mother (not just her health).

    On 5/18/2022 at 8:20 PM, statsgirl said:
    On 5/18/2022 at 7:09 PM, izabella said:

    Leela seems to have this need to be and do everything, as if to prove something to somebody.   Did she grow up feeling second best to her sister or something?

    That's an interesting thought. Padma had leukemia so I bet that she had a lot of parental attention and concern. Even after she was in remission, her parents would have been doing everything they could to make sure that she got better and it didn't happen again.

    I'm pretty sure that Leela coming in second for parental attention and concern was discussed in earlier episodes with Padma and maybe in the one scene at the restaurant with their parents.

  7. On 4/9/2024 at 2:18 PM, mythoughtis said:

    Leela has a right to not want kids… but Devon has a right to want them.  This isn’t a ‘what do we want for dinner’ compromise.    Either one or the other has to change their mind to stay together.  Neither should be looked at badly for their choice.  The only things done wrong were 1) not discussing  it much earlier and 3) Leela not being honest about her choice when they did discuss it. 

    I mostly agree but have some sympathy for Leela not being brutally honest because (1) when they first discussed it, she may have really thought that she would consider having kids at some future point and/or (2) she was afraid of losing Devon if she said "Never" with no possibility of changing her mind. I did not have an important career like Leela, but in my 20s and early 30s I knew that I did not want to have kids because of my bad relationship with my mother and because I did not enjoy being around little kids. Also, my first marriage was to an alcoholic. I married the love of my life when I was 29 and knew he wanted to have kids (though it wasn't really discussed before we got married). After we were married and he suggested trying to get pregnant, I told him why I was reluctant but agreed to go for couples counseling to see if we could work through it. 

    Although I wasn't fully persuaded by couples counseling that I wanted to have a child, I knew how important it was to my husband and agreed to try. So I wasn't being honest, but I'm not sorry about the decision. The maternal instinct kicked in when I had my daughter, and though we had many challenging times and I seriously doubted my mothering ability, she was an amazing child and now an amazing adult. And I love being a grandmother to her daughter--all the affection and fun of mothering without the difficulties.

  8. On 4/27/2022 at 12:32 AM, statsgirl said:

    Kit/Conrad are the best and so cute with each other. Who knew that the best relationship story on the show would be the senior couple?

    Being a senior myself, I like when a show includes senior couples in a positive way. Unfortunately, I don't find Kit/Randolph (Dr. Bell's first name--Conrad is a different character) a believable romantic couple. When Kit was first introduced, she and Dr. Bell had a good platonic relationship, and I still get more of a platonic than romantic vibe from them (despite some dialogue about love and plans for marriage). In the somewhat rare instances of physical affection shown between them, it's kind of perfunctory--a light kiss or touch. It's noticeable to me because my husband and I are in our 70s, have been married for 45 years, and still kiss and hug passionately on a regular basis. I wonder if the actors playing Kit and Randolph just don't feel comfortable showing sexual chemistry with each other.  

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  9. On 4/5/2022 at 7:43 PM, christie said:
    On 4/4/2022 at 11:25 PM, KaveDweller said:

    I thought that was odd too. But it looked more like a warehouse so maybe it is connected to a pharmacy company....they must have storage for various drugs/chemicals. 

    Or maybe he took a temp job while figuring out what to do next?

    I thought he was lying when he told her that he got a job in pharmaceutical research because when he called her it looked like he was working in a warehouse. 

    And what kind of pharmaceutical research requires what looked like a safety helmet that welders or other factory workers wear? 

  10. On 12/20/2021 at 1:09 PM, WinJet0819 said:

    To have no digital footprint at all means somebody either has never used a computer or smartphone, is anti-social, or they're hiding from somebody and the name they give is not their real one.

    I can believe that someone would have no social media presence, but it's pretty hard these days (I am watching the show in 2024, which is not much different in that sense from 2021) to have a life with no digital footprint at all. You have to provide basic information to get an apartment or a job, especially for a medical professional, and that information goes into various databases. If this new doctor was working at Atlanta General under the name she gave to Chastain (and apparently she was since Kit called AG to check her out and heard praise), at a minimum there should be a digital record of her with that name as an employee of AG. She also claims to be double board-certified, which should be verifiable by checking the databases of those boards or at least calling the boards. Once Pravesh was getting 0 results in his first couple of searches, he should have checked her board certifications.

    I'm sure there are some medical professional impostors, but she did seem to have the skills she claimed to have. I doubt she could be in WITSEC working as a doctor in the same field as she worked before WITSEC, because she might be easy to trace--and based on my vast knowledge of WITSEC (LOL--based on what I've seen on TV), you have to change your type of job as well as your location. I do think she is likely fleeing abuse or maybe even a cult. Changing her name because she is transgender would be an interesting plot, but I agree with the poster above that the writers probably wouldn't go there.  

  11. On 12/2/2021 at 11:23 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

    I know there's been a massive retcon but really? Bell going to Conrad about his hand tremor?

    IKR? I was half expecting Conrad to say something to the effect of "I told you so--why didn't you stop performing surgeries and just be a celebrity TV doctor a few years ago when you were known as Dr. HODAD?" I guess having Bell go to Conrad now is to show Bell's total change from arrogance to humility. And, of course, everyone knows that Conrad is the world's best diagnostician--even Bell knew that back in the first season when he was so annoyed with Conrad.

  12. On 11/24/2021 at 6:08 PM, izabella said:
    On 11/23/2021 at 9:29 PM, preeya said:

    From that last scene, it looks as if Billie wants to get into the Conrad dating scene.

    Yes, yes she does.  I've been expecting this ever since Billie came back.

    And I've been dreading it ever since Nic died, if not sooner. When they started talking about him dating again in this episode, I said to my husband "Oh no, they are definitely going to make them a couple soon." I'm sure there will be a couple of episodes of Conrad dating Marion and other random women before he "realizes" that Billie is the one because they both loved Nic. I'm not sure why I dislike her so much. 

    On 11/24/2021 at 12:03 AM, statsgirl said:

    Nice to see Veronica Cartwright and Richard Kline (Three's Company) again as the old ACLU lawyers.

    Thank you! It was driving me and my husband crazy trying to figure out why she was so familiar. She's been in so many things and has a distinctive face and voice.

    On 11/24/2021 at 12:47 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    I don’t get it why the nurses were going gaga over Conrad. He isn’t the hottest man in Chastain…🙄

    Same here. He's not my type, but what bothered me more is the way it made the nurses look like unprofessional ditzes who would use a child to try to get a man.

    On 4/5/2024 at 9:50 PM, mythoughtis said:

    This episode was hard for my spouse to watch.  We are in our sixties and I have been taking care of my elderly parents for several years. Even with them in assisted living, there’s a lot for me to do.  I saw myself.  My spouse saw his own future  in the husband -not the Parkinson’s, but the reliance on his wife due to his ailments. He saw what my future as a full time caregiver would be.  He didn’t like it. 

    I'm glad they addressed this issue, but it was also hard for my husband and I to watch, because we are in our 70s. We did not have to take care of our parents, and so far we are both healthy enough that we don't need any caregiving. But we know that we are approaching the age when things are likely to happen that will require one of us to take care of the other at least temporarily, and that at some point one of us might need to go into a nursing facility (both of his parents did, his father because of Parkinson's and his mother because of stroke). It's a scary prospect, and honestly I would rather die than go into a nursing facility.

  13. Watching this in Netflix in 2024, I've gone from being addicted to the show to feeling like I'm done with it after this episode. I was OK with the time jump--which was actually only 3 years according to an ET interview with a showrunner/producer as shown in the link below, not 4 or 5 as I originally thought and other posters mention in this thread.


    But I hated the manufactured rivalry between Austin and Bell, and I hated even more the choice of Billie for chief of surgery--there is simply no way that is credible. I understand that the main cast does not have more surgeons to choose from, but if they didn't want to bring in a new cast member, they could have delayed or even omitted that plot for now. 

    I also did not like the twin plot, partly because it's cliche and partly because the actress is not compelling and neither of her twin characters is interesting. I didn't think the twins were really played by twins because it seemed obvious that their faces were never shown together on the screen (one was facing the camera while the other showed the back of her hair and body), except for one brief moment in the van that could have been a camera trick or even a double. 

    Last but not least, I don't like the big Conrad/Nic romance being replaced by the kind of boring (to me) relationship between Devon and Leela. I'm sure the shower sex scene was intended to make this couple more interesting, but it didn't work for me because it just reminded me of the Conrad/Nic shower sex scene.

    I'll probably watch a couple more episodes to see if it improves, but the show is no longer bingeable for me.

  14. On 4/27/2024 at 8:30 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Didn't Carol seem a little over-the-top ditzy when she came to the costume party before she died? Would it be believable to fanwank that she had the beginning of Alzheimer's when she died, so she's literally not the same person we met in the previous season?

    I did notice that she seemed a bit ditzy at the costume party, but it seemed more like "yenta" behavior (Yiddish word, I think, for someone is a gossip or busybody) than like possible dementia. I'm not sure if her behavior at the party was inconsistent with what we saw when she was first introduced--I'd have to rewatch that episode.

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  15. On 10/14/2021 at 10:50 PM, jewel21 said:

    Transcript from the episode: 


    So, Trevor, what do you know about your birth father? Trevor: All she told me about my biological father was that he was three years older than her, teenage ladies' man, football stud. Mm. So, two careless high school kids, huh?

    Thanks for this quote. But even if this is what Billie told Trevor, can he not do basic math? If the father was 3 years older and they were both in high school (which we know is not true, but let's go with this for now), Billie could not have been more than 15 when she gave birth. So why does Trevor think he has the right to accuse her of abandonment? How many 15-year-olds are psychologically and financially equipped to become parents? 

    I keep wishing that Billie would just tell Trevor the truth, including the fact that keeping him was not an option for a 13-year-old. He is old enough to deal with the truth and to put the blame where it belongs, on the rapist.

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  16. 44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    I think she's just too dippy/spacey to be believable in a romance subplot. Half the time she doesn't even know what's going on. Last week she didn't even remember who Pete was! She's kind of a one-joke character. I really didn't miss her while she was gone, frankly.

    Totally agree. I figured that she would probably forget Thor's confession and the throuple idea by the end of the episode or by the next one.

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    Since I'm catching up with this show on Netflix, I just watched the last episode of Season 4 a couple of days ago. So I'm wondering why there was no follow-up on the last scene from that episode, where Billie came home to find her stalker son in her apartment demanding to know why she doesn't want contact. Even though I don't care at all about her character (and am annoyed that she is now a main character based on the opening credits), that's kind of a big plot point to just forget about. Maybe they will address it in a later episode, or maybe they figure the audience will assume it was resolved during the time jump. 

    I'm also a bit annoyed with Conrad and Nic as a couple being replaced with Devon and his GF (like others here, I can't remember her name).  I don't mind her character, but as a couple they just don't seem as interesting. Maybe it's because we saw that Conrad and Nic had a complicated history that made us (or at least me) want them to have a happy ending. Devon's romance seems more boring, and I still don't totally forgive him for his involvement with Julian and leaving his bride on their wedding day.

    One thing I'm very happy about is that Cain is gone--not just because I hated his character, but because his personality makeover (courtesy of Rose?) and miraculous recovery as a surgeon was not believable.

  18. On 5/16/2021 at 9:15 PM, SuzieQ said:

    Love this show, but Bell is operating as a top notch surgeon again.  What happened to his tremors and almost killing people?  Was that resolved and I missed it?

    Nope, the writers just decided to forget about it and hoped that the viewers wouldn't notice. It still drives me crazy that this has not been addressed.

    On 5/17/2021 at 12:44 AM, Welp said:

    I’m wondering why they recast Denise Dowse as AJ’s mother?

    I had the same question so looked at IMDB and found out that Dowse died. Presumably they had to replace her quickly and did not attempt to make the replacement even superficially resemble Dowse by giving her the same distinctive hairstyle. I understand the problem but it takes me out of the story to see AJ's mom look so different.

    On 5/17/2021 at 1:50 AM, bros402 said:

    The Billie story was... unrealistic - Georgia has closed adoption - records can only be unsealed with a court order. It takes a *lot* to get a court order in states like that - I have a friend who only got her records mostly unsealed because she has terminal cancer and needed to try to find biological family to warn them about the risk of breast cancer.

    Even if the kid managed to find her name....how would he get her cell phone number?

    I assumed that he did a DNA test and found her through matches who were her relatives. And there are websites that will give you people's addresses and phone numbers for a fee.

  19. On 4/3/2024 at 10:37 PM, mythoughtis said:

     The doctors at Chastain seem to have all day to spend with a patient. In real life, an admitted patient is lucky to see their doctor for 5 minutes a day.

    When my husband recently had gallbladder surgery, his surgeon literally just stuck his head in the door for less than 5 minutes the next day to ask how my husband felt and to say he would be discharged that day. And no other doctor checked on him, though the nurses did. I'm sure my husband's experience is closer to the norm than what we see on this show.

  20. On 4/21/2021 at 2:29 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

    Isn't Devon supervising that intern?  There seemed to be a major power imbalance and him dating her would be super inappropriate.  I'm tired of TV shows glorifying this type of behavior.

    I think in the episode where she was introduced she was supposed to be a surgical intern and was making the rounds with AJ as the supervisor, and she also assisted in a surgery with him. (I may not be remembering this accurately.) But it still seems inappropriate for her to date Devon because of the power imbalance and the likelihood that he will be supervising her in some situations.

    On 4/3/2024 at 5:14 PM, mythoughtis said:

    Is it just me or is the woman playing AJ’s adoptive mother a different actress than the one playing her originally? 

    Not just you! The actress playing the mother in this episode does not look anything like the one who originally played her. The original was Denise Dowse and had a very distinctive look with close-cropped blondish hair; I looked her up and she died in August 2022. So they had to replace her, but it was jarring to see someone who did not look anything like her. The new actress playing the mother is Summer Selby. 

  21. On 3/13/2021 at 7:31 PM, statsgirl said:

    I'm interested to see how the show navigates a resident with dyslexia. They should have let her do her exams orally, the way many European medical schools run their exams.

    Although I was impressed with how hard she prepares, to compensate for dyslexia, wouldn't dyslexia be a potentially serious obstacle for a doctor? If she has trouble with reading comprehension, what happens in an emergency or high-pressure situation when she has to read a medical record or lab results? 

  22. On 3/4/2021 at 1:01 PM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

    I'm so glad Devon's patient survived! That really would have sucked for him (and for her). Loved him bringing in the dancers.

    That was touching but I didn't understand why Devon couldn't let her go to the recital that was scheduled for the night she came to the ER. I know he said that the surgery should be done while she wasn't in sickle crisis, but couldn't the surgery have been scheduled for the next morning rather that immediately after coming to the ER? I admit that I don't know much about sickle cell (though I know a lot more after watching this episode), but I would think that the chances of her going into crisis overnight were not great if she was stable in the ER and could get pain meds for that night.

    On 3/9/2021 at 10:32 AM, needschocolate said:

    Do we know how long Bell and the mom were together?  

    I thought in a previous episode Bell said it was 8 years, from when Jake was age 4 to age 12. So I can understand Jake coming to see Bell as his father and then feeling abandoned. And it's the kind of feeling that can fester over the years. Bell could tell him the truth now about Jake's mother not letting him see or have contact with Jake, but Jake might not believe him.

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  23. This was my favorite episode this season, and I think it's partly because Sam and Jay were not involved much. Although I like Sam and Jay as characters, their interactions with the ghosts can be a bit repetitive. But having the ghosts interacting mostly with each other was fun, and the writing seemed better than usual. 

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