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Posts posted by Ynicknan

  1. Was it last season that had the, uh, for lack of a better term, the sex room? I remember there was much discussion about icky Josh and Amanda calling dibs on it. Seems weird there’s no mention of it this year. Are they trying to take a less slutty approach this year?

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  2. Former bachelorette Ali had the following quote on her site today:


    I’ll be the first to say that the guy I chose on my season I spent 90% of my time with him kissing. Maybe if we had spent more time talking we would’ve realize that we didn’t have as many things in common as we might’ve thought.

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  3. I have friends that have gone thru miscarriages a few weeks after finding out they are pregnant and it’s awful, so I hate to judge. But I remember Pao saying that she thought she was pregnant and then a few days later found out she wasn’t. Can anyone correct me on this? If so, there’s a lot of dramatics for what is a fairly common occurrence. 

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