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There was a post on her facebook page (I think) where she came out to her family as being polygamous. I don't think she told a lot of people she was in polygamy before the show aired. Probably that is why she doesn't have pictures of her sister wives and their kids.
Someone on Reddit wrote this: If this is true, I called it earlier, lol. I didn't see a live and if they did do one, the Snowdens didn't leave the video up. And if she did say that, well folks, now we know why she's ok with polygamy. The more it goes, the more it looks like Dimitri is nothing but a hoodrat and Ashley is holding on for dear life. Has her age ever been revealed? Funny how he's not for scheduling time with the women. I bet he would spend most of his time banging the younger/newer wife.
Dimitri has posted the following link in order to justify or explain his reasoning for pro-polygamy stance: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/the-big-question-whats-the-history-of-polygamy-and-how-serious-a-problem-is-it-in-africa-1858858.html 1. The article is mostly about how polygamy was a NECESSITY or a way to boast about one's wealth. So is Dimitri doing polygamy only to show off how much he earns? What happens if he gets injured and his stay at home "wives" with their children can no longer live the same lifestyle they are accustom to right now? 2. Trying to go back to their African roots is stupid. They can't. They don't live in the African cultures that practice polygamy. There are reasons so many African women who hate polygamy stay in polygamy. Single women after a certain age is seen as undesireable. Divorced women with children may be ostracized by society. The women really do need a man's protection to live a peaceful and safe life, etc. Dimitri and Ashley cannot recreate those things in the black community in the US. I am more than sure if the majority of African countries were similar to the US (a larger educated population, women in the workplace, laws that prevent discrimination, etc.) a shit ton of women who are in polygamy today would have opted for monogamous marriages. I have friends who are from Africa. Some of them grew up in polygamous homes. Out of all of them, NONE, not even the men, want to live a polygamous lifestyle. Besides the expense, according to the guys, polygamy is just too much work for sex. Having to keep all the women happy and deal with fights is just too stressful. One guy told me one of his father's wives killed a co-wife and her child out of jealousy. Finally, there is a part of me that thinks Dimitri isn't going to marry any of the women to keep them dependent on him. His current wife is a stay at home mom and he wants the other woman to be a stay at home wife as well. So, if Ashley or the other woman is done with Dimitri and wants to leave, at most they would get is child's support.
From Facebook (question about if he was on all his kids birth certificate): Answer to the question about health insurance: A lot of the polygamists posts attempt to compare their push for decriminalization with what gay rights had to go through. Drew writes:
They both believe that by not marrying: 1. I am not sure if they mentioned it on TV but on FB they mentioned they aren't legally married because they wanted to keep the government out of their union (they still call their relationship a marriage even though it isn't legal and no mention of a religious ceremony). 2. They believe that both wives should have equal standing in their "marriage". Since both women cannot legally marry Dimitri, neither women will be married to him.
Well, there is a possibility that Aspyn is marrying her cousin.
It was asked on the FB page but hasn't been answered yet. Could be her. I might need to rewatch that episode again to see if the cameras caught her face.
Wait one moment. Aspyn Brown is engaged to Vanessa's brother! Talk about keeping it in the family. Jeez. So maybe Aspyn and Vanessa were friends. Which would mean Vanessa would be over at the Brown family home to visit Aspyn. She meets Jeff and the rest is history. Barf. Also turns out Jeff was at Robyn and Kody's wedding. Someone posted a screenshot of him taken from Sister Wives tv show.
Angela Briney, Plural Wife by Choice podcast: http://www.yearofpolygamy.com/year-of-polygamy/episode-142-angela-briney-plural-wife-by-choice/
So he is no better than Kody. Added another wife but can barely provide for the harem he has. Wasn't he a lawyer? And I bet, I'll get some sensitive nancy telling me I'm wrong again...Why didn't he list "Sell or get my wives to go out and work" as options? Why go immediately to food stamps? What is stopping him from picking up two jobs. What is stopping two of his wives from going out and getting jobs? On top of saying that, the idiot has TWO wives with young babies. Did he or any of his wives stop to think about finances and what they would do if or when hard times came? Is it always "we'll mass produce children because the government has our back?".
She can say whatever she wants to make herself sleep better at night. The third episode got me thinking Ashley is just desperate to hang on to Dimitri. Even educated, empowered women can fall into the trap of love and desire. My Theory: I wouldn't even be surprise if she had caught him cheating. He probably gave some BS story about how men are designed to spread their seeds around. She fell for that crap explanation and decided to do polygamy as a compromise and to keep his dirty behind around. I also bet that he chose the woman who was into him and not her the first go round. She was probably the one who called it quits on the previous woman banging her husband and he got pissed. Compromise between the two? I have a hunch that she'll do her best to choose the woman (one she can control, intimidate). Third episode, her man looked like he was ready to jump on the younger woman right there on the table, in front of Ashley, right before dessert was served, and have her pregnant before the night was over. Ashley, on the other hand, looked like she was ready to cut a bitch 50 shades to Sunday and be ready to deliver her baby right on time. All while wearing that cute wrap of hers.
Oh it gets even better (or worse)...found the following on reddit: So Vanessa and Jeff met at the Brown family home. Makes me wonder: 1. Did Jeff court Vanessa while she was underage and wifed her up when she turned 18. 2. Was Vanessa a friend of one or more of the Brown kids. 3. Why didn't Jeff find women closer to his age? Something about him grosses me out.