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Posts posted by LoveIsJoy

  1. Since Frank and Oliver are keeping tabs on Gabriel, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Gabriel is also tracking them.  If he’s as smart as the show wants us to believe, he's probably got his own apartment under surveillance and has already seen footage that Frank broke in last episode.  And as an earlier poster suggested, he may even have two computers.  I have no idea if any of this is true or just another red herring, but it makes me wonder.

    ETA:  I was under the impression that Bonnie was raped by her father, and so her son would be a product of incest.  It’s a surprise to me that so many are speculating that Gabriel is possibly Bonnie’s son; the actor appears biracial.  What did I miss?

    • Love 3
  2. At one point, Annalise called Bonnie to ask for a computer password.   Bonnie replies that it’s the usual XYZ, while she and the DA are fumbling with their clothes.  Annalise hears the commotion and asks if something is going on.  Bonnie says no, and they finish the call.  Am I being paranoid, or did Mr. district attorney probably make a mental note of that password?  Bet it will come up again later.

    • Love 20
  3. I thought Dayna--aka, the Etsy lady--was completely hypocritical in her review of Khiem's cake topper.  She woefully mentioned (paraphrasing) that she'd already seen numerous peg doll items on Etsy already, like that was a bad thing.  Normally when something is plentiful on Etsy, Dayna would have raved that his wooden peg family was "on trend," which would have been a good thing.  Then she gushed that Jo's cake topper included the couple's two girls and the  joining of the families as a positive element.  But that aspect of  Khiem's cake topper was completely ignored.  His creation had the same married couple, two girls--and dog to boot!--but Dayna didn't mention that at all in her judging of Khiem's project.  

    Hoping for more consistent critiques next season.

    At first, I couldn't stand the banter between Amy and Nick.  Now it is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the show.  They have really relaxed into their roles.   I'm looking forward to a new season; warts and all.

    • Love 13
  4. I'm still watching too.  I mostly FF through the bits with the twins joking around with the brother or anything that looks goofy, and just watch the parts of the rooms being transformed.  Then I skip the judge coming to joke around with the twins, FF again to the reveals, and turn it off immediately--right before whatever stupid bet they have is shown.  I, too, thought Drew's room was the clear winner.  I really like Scott McGilvrey, but even he couldn't make me watch another moment of joking with the Property Brothers.  So I got through the show pretty quickly.  

    I didn't like the plant wall at all, but I think it was maintenance free (unless it gets all dusty, I suppose).  I think I remember there being a note onscreen that said the sap of the plants were removed and replaced with glycerin, making them maintenance-free.  So, it would actually work for people with "black thumbs" hee.   I just thought that since it wasn't completely green, it may dictate your color scheme.  I would have taken it down as soon as I bought the place and replaced it with some nice artwork.

    • Love 2
  5. I found it interesting that Meghan was so measured and calm in her response to all the vitriol that some in her “tribe” have spewed against her father—a hero and patriot by any reasonable standard.  I was waiting for her to explain to us why the Trump voter and Christian conservatives in middle America are okay with this despicable rhetoric, and why we should understand and accept their feelings.  Could have even thrown in some poll numbers about how nothing that’s been said about her father will change the “base” or their support for Trump and his administration. She seemed like a totally different person than the Meghan who normally occupies that seat.  

    • Love 16
  6. I swear I kept drifting off to sleep and having to rewind my DVR several times to get through this “finale.”  Laverne is a horrible host, and I don’t know who convinced her (or why she believed) that her pretentious, robotic, odd sentence pauses, and over the top strutting, posing, and general demeanor was a good look for her.  I don’t remember ever seeing her that way before, and I hope I never see her on my screen again.  She made the whole thing nearly unwatchable for me.  I will watch nearly every creative competition show there is, but if she comes back as host you can count me out.  

    FWIW, the time constraints were ridiculous, and Zanna and Laverne’s makeup often looked hideous to me; so much of it seemed to be troweled on.  I guess this is the makeup of the future.  Don’t use makeup to enhance your features—spackle it on to literally create a completely different face, with wild colors and bizarre eyebrows to finish it off.  It actually reminds me of the Capitol residents in The Hunger Games.  Reality meets fiction.

    In spite of all of the colors, pigments, metallics, foils, fake lashes and embellishments, I didn’t feel inspired by the finale. I felt grumpy and underwhelmed.

    • Love 2
  7. I don’t understand the timeline. If Gellis was killed in the 1700s, and Clare witnessed proof of her bones in 1960, then how was Gellis also alive in the 1960s for Claire and Brianna to meet?  Gellis was alive in Ireland and dead in a Boston laboratory—at the same time??  Shades of Schrödinger's cat thought experiment?

    I guess I don’t get time travel.

    Each episode has gotten increasingly unbelievable, and is beginning to feel like a poorly written Harlequin romance book.  I can suspend disbelief to enjoy a show to some extent, but when every plot point is so conveniently contrived to save the couple from the latest, so-called cliffhanger, it’s redundant and boring.

    Makes me sad because I used to love this show.

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  8. 19 hours ago, orangeiguana said:

    So disturbed by this Jeremiah development. It's so obvious he is taking huge advantage of Nate and insults him at every opportunity. And now that they're married, Nate's up for an unpleasant $ surprise when boy toy moves on. Sorry Nate got roped into this relationship. J is terribly arrogant and bossy and complaining about his "daughter" doesn't help much. Nate is a sweetheart and deserves better.

    What is the "Jeremiah development"?  How did Nate "get roped" into their relationship?  What are Jeremiah's complaints about their daughter?  I honestly don't know.  I've watched most of the shows and they both come across as very affectionate and loving to me, so I'm surprised to read this.

     I have loved Nate dearly since the Oprah days, so I really hope there isn't some behind-the-scenes crisis brewing.  He has always seemed to have a big heart and I'd hate to see him go through another huge heartbreak.

    • Love 8
  9. I noticed that there wasn't an epilogue for the mama and sisters episodes.  So there must not have been anything good to report after the airings.  My biggest problem with Iyanla's format is the opening of extremely deep, extremely damaged wounds that cannot possibly be healed in a weekend; with some hugs, guttural cries, and chatty musical chairs from inside to outside.

     It just seems to me that these issues are torn open and laid bare, and then the subjects are left with the aftermath with no real, ongoing support.  Iyanla's wisdom may, in fact, be helpful to the audience (who doesn't have the first-hand experience of the problem), but I can see how it could be traumatic to the participants once the cameras are off, and they are left with raw emotions and no ongoing support.  We're not just talking about the "mom always loved you best" type of family dysfunction, but serious issues of molestation, abandonment, drug addiction, incestual sharing of sexual partners, abuse, etc.  I hated how the mother interacted with her daughters, but that was one seriously damaged woman.  I felt sorry for all of them.

    • Love 8
  10. I'm sorry, but I absolutely cannot stand! Mama Pope--the actress, her delivery, the crazy-faces, the out of place monologue, the scenery-chewing--even the way she drawls "babbbby."  That interminable  "tick-tock" routine almost made me turn off the tv (but I couldn't find the remote fast enough).

    I, too, am a completist.  Sadly, I will return for the final season to see how it ends, but I haven't actually enjoyed watching this show for years.  Horrible storylines, wretched overacting, tedious monologues instead of actual conversations, rapid-fire exposition when placing photos on the windows (to the point I have no idea what they're even talking about), and characters I've grown weary of ages ago--are just a handful of a million reasons why I hate this show now. 

    And I hate myself for continuing to watch it.  Ugh!

    • Love 13
  11. When Rosalee "inconveniently" went into labor and delivered a baby while simultaneously heaving large furniture around to barricade the room, my eyes rolled so far out of my head that I'm still looking for them and typing this blind!  The whole season was about Rosalee unrealistically surviving every imaginable horror (covered in leeches while pregnant...really, show?) armed with a pistol and a few packets of herbs, in a pouch filled with gauze strips.  Who needs Harriet Tubman when you've got "super hero/MacGyver" Rosalee?  And when she does finally reunite with Noah, it was completely anti-climactic since his role was largely in the background this season (as CTrent29 noted above).

    I love the premise of the show and some of the cast, but the writing was so scattered and nonsensical this year.  I'm not sorry to see this version of Underground end.  That said, if it does come back on another network, I'll give it a chance and hope for a more solid production.

    • Love 5
  12. I'm only still watching this because I have an unfortunate obsession of needing to finish a book or series to see how it ends; no matter that I ceased caring about these characters ages ago.  My husband threw in the towel near the start of the 2nd season.

    As you say, North of Eden, everything seems so rushed and random.  Characters come and go with no explanation (still have no idea where Georgia came from or why/how she's "passing."  Cato's story makes zero sense, and Rosalee has become less a fully realized character and more of a canvas to illustrate every horror that slaves endured, whether or not it moves the story forward.  I'm truly disappointed in the series, but I'm hanging on until the end.

    • Love 2
  13. I tried searching for House To Home on Comcast/Xfinity, but it's not coming up.  Too bad...I love reno shows, although I'm sick to death of gray and white!

    • Love 1
  14. Thanks for letting us know GaT.  I'm surprised that it seems to fall deeper into the weeds each season.  It's actually a truly interesting reality show without a lot of manufactured drama, so I wonder why it doesn't have more viewers or publicity.  I would have never, in a million years, thought to look for it online.  It's a shame, really.

    • Love 3
  15. I honestly think I've been inoculated by 10 years of Bitsy driving me up the wall, that none of these ladies bother me too much.  I actually like Jed most of the time (although your nicknames for her really crack me up!), CCB just makes me roll my eyes, and Paula barely registers anymore.  I don't feel any of the rise in blood pressure that Hasslebeck incited in me on a daily basis.   Sara is kind of clueless, but seems sweet and harmless (kind of like Debbie Matenopolous was) so I don't really expect much from her.  I don't know, I think I've finally given up expecting more from the show than what it is.  I watch it almost dispassionately now.  In the early days it was an enjoyable morning habit that I looked forward to.  In the Hasslebeck era it was must-watch TV to see the cohosts fight.  Now, it just...is.

    • Love 5
  16. I couldn't understand why the investor lady acted like her brother taking 51%!! ownership of the guy's Tsu-rag company was the best offer imaginable.  She was just so damn smug about it.  I was proud of him for not handing over his company like that.  None of the other inventors were "offered" more than 10 to 30 percent share.  I just found it disrespectful...they could have just passed like the Gwynnie Bee lady (sorry, can't remember names).  Or they could have made the offers, while admitting they weren't ideal (for him).

    It will probably take him longer to get where he wants to be in his business, but there's definitely a market there and other avenues to explore to get his product traction.  I'm glad he didn't sell himself short to those two smuggy Mc Smuggersons who probably didn't clearly see his vision anyway.  He has much to learn, and he seems like the type who will happily do so under the right circumstances.  It just reminded me of record company label execs who take advantage of young talent and treat them as if they're doing them a favor signing them on, while quietly taking control of their future revenue potential.  

    Clearly, this iteration of PR is not for me.  Made my blood boil.

    Now I'm off to buy myself a couple of Tsu rags (dopey name though)...

    • Love 2
  17. Shallow comment alert...

    The thing that bugs me almost as much as Whoopi's ubiquitous scarf is Sunny's mohawk eyelashes.  It seems like they are much longer in the center of her eyelids; to the point of distraction.  She deserves better, View makeup crew!   Is this a new "thing," like multicolored yarn hair?

    • Love 3
  18. I'm a little lost on where Vi fits in.  Is she Ernest's sister?  Ralph Angel's mother?  Even though Micah called her Auntie Vi, I'm assuming she's a great aunt, and not Charley's sister.

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