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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. So did Kim pay for contribute to the production of this video about his ex, Zara?
  2. Good evening everyone! All set to snark although I did see the preview and... I officially think Jasmine is too much for Gino.... or well, anyone.
  3. Same here. Bleh. I'm going to try to put them out of my mind during dinner. Which I'm going to try to eat after this episode... Have a good night all! See you soon!
  4. How hard is it to understand that vegans don't eat eggs? Look up the word, Stupid Gino!! Look up vegetarian and a lot of other words that end in "arian," while you're at it.
  5. I noticed no one but Jasmine laughed at her explanation of why she exploded on his assistant...
  6. They are quite protective of her. Maybe they need to be because of her past relationships, and then here comes online hipster boy from the US...
  7. Don't worry. I bet he won't keep it on for long....
  8. Memphis, y'all not that alone. We all can hear this uncomfortable conversation. Poor Hamza.
  9. Johnny you should feel guilty leaving your son behind for Ella! Another cute kid, that Stony.
  10. Such pretty green scenery! Those waterfalls look so nice, refreshing! Much nicer than icy rain and snow...
  11. The closed captioner got lost for a bit there, they kept calling Gino, Caleb. Oh sorry, I never told anyone I watch tv with the closed captioning on. No reason, I just like to read, and hear dialog simultaneously.
  12. You would think they did have sex, as much as we see Alina and Caleb in that pink bed....
  13. I hope Hamza's mother doesn't know anyone with the internet.... though I am sure she knows already about their "sexy time" time.
  14. Hi everybody! Ready to get snarking! Or snacking... either is good for a Sunday evening by the tv.
  15. Imo, more than he's worth and way more than he'd spend on her if he could. Sad. Good night, everybody. See you later. Married at First Sight is back (now in Boston) so maybe on Wednesday. 👋
  16. Heh. Sherlock said he can't put a number on the amount of love he has for Odin, nothing about Aryanna. She needs to realize this.
  17. Agreed. I have the feeling his commitment to her will wain again once she's back in the States.
  18. Amber is stressing me out too, Daniel. Do this, do that.... sheesh.
  19. Aww... I do hope sweet little Odin is as strong as a Viking. He's been through a lot already.
  20. Wait, was there this much PDA when Mark arrived? Or during his entire stay?
  21. Yes, we do melt for newborn babies, puppies and kitties. Every once in a while I catch the Too Cute show, and they will have all three on the same episode. 😍
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