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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Why didn't Jasmine get Gino a toupee or something, so he can have his head covered but it not be a stupid cap? Nope, she got him s & m stuff. Or did he buy it? Bleh Also, Amanda, just admit you don't want to really be with Razvan. Admit it and go back home.
  2. Alright, all it has been fun. Good night. See you next week! ❤️
  3. Hey TJ, welcome to America, in your country, because we bring America everywhere we go.
  4. Kimberly, I'm sorry, but I can't sympathize with you while you're wearing a Pikachu outfit. I can't.
  5. Aww... Brandan brought special undies to wear just for Mary. 🙄
  6. He should tactfully tell her that, rather than, ..." wear modest clothes here in SA, or people will think you're a prostitute!"
  7. So are we going to always deep dive into our relationship issues while wearing costumes, this could be a thing... a weird thing.
  8. Me too. Kenny's sounding a bit manipulative right now with his reasons for moving there.
  9. We definitely play the lottery trying to win millions.... 🫰🏿
  10. Hmm TJ's family has some prejudices against Kimberley already. This can't be good for either of them.
  11. Can she play dominoes? That would impress the family, Julio.
  12. Ooh the puppy is cute! Only good thing to say about Danielle and Johan in a long time.
  13. Hi everyone! Oh. Great, watch out for bugs and spiders at Mary's grandparents' place. Eww.
  14. Nope! Not needed. I do wonder how long will they play before it turns into another fight, though. And, why is Christian lying about Cleo to someone?! 😡 Guess we'll find out next week.... See you then, or maybe tomorrow for TOW. Have a good night all! ☮️❤️
  15. What the heck was she doing to that poor carrot? Just peel the thing, not shave it!
  16. Uh oh... a promise ring, after giving an engagement ring? Where's Darcey?
  17. I have no friends here, let me spill all my problems with Violet to a stranger.... all the footage of Ho Chi Min City was cool though.
  18. Ben said they're like chalk and cheese. I wonder which is which, but I think Stapler must be the chalk... so irritating.
  19. Lol What next, scrub him with Comet, or Ajax ( does that one still exist)? 🤔 Which might help...
  20. Well, if she were I'd hope she wouldn't giggle so much during the sex talk. Be embarrassed and wishing she were under the bike maybe, but no giggling with "Sis" about future BIL.
  21. Same here, regarding Max. Got it for the HBO, Food Network & HGTV stuff. And wow, it feels like there's 90 90DF franchises on there. Sheesh!
  22. Definitely. An entitled revolting sex pest at that. "She has to apologize to me." Oh, please miss me with that, Riley.
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