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Posts posted by BogoGog24

  1. First off, yay for Caleb being called first safe! Hahahhahah I was laughing at all the people on here saying they would do cartwheels if he was booted.

    Is this the only results show in Idol history not to have a guest performer? It felt weird. Sorry but how is CJ STILL here???? He is a cockroach. He may be a nice guy but he does not deserve to outlast any of the remaining contestants. Even Dexter can at least sing in tune. The longer CJ lasts, the more I'm starting to dislike him being there. I don't even really find him all that likable to be honest. He does this weird thing when he talks where he shakes his head back and forth and it's really distracting. He cannot sing in tune if his life depended on it. The judges are too soft on him every week with his pitch problems. What is it gonna take for this guy to go home? Nice guys who can't sing don't deserve to win a recording contract, especially over more talented singers. Please do this guy a favor and let him go- he is just embarrassing himself every week by exposing his weaknesses as a singer.

    I know Malaya was not everyone's favorite and she sure had her own share of pitch issues, but I liked her the most of the girls and found her so fun and funny. She has the best personality of any of the remaining girls, Jena and Jessica are just so cold. In a few years, Malaya will be great and I think she could do really well on Broadway like Fantasia or star in a Disney/Nickelodeon show. I hope we hear from her again in the future because she really has talent and a likability factor about her. Such a shame CJ outlasted her, I mean really?

    Malaya's singout brought back Angie Miller memories of how painful her singout was. 

  2. I don't think Debra Byrd is a coach for the show anymore. Michael Orland still is though. 

    Aw I will be sad if Caleb goes home tonight. :-( He's the only one I can really root for at all. His song made it to #2 on the iTunes Rock charts, so clearly people like what he is selling despite whether or not they like him as a person. It's too bad that song downloads don't count towards votes like The Voice. That would entice more people to buy the songs. I think B3 tonight though will be CJ, Malaya, and Jena, with CJ finally going home. And it's well-deserved since he should have been gone weeks ago. 

  3. Basically, if Caleb had said "I want to make all the young ladies cry!" nobody would have given it a second thought. But because the word "old" was used, which nowadays is usually meant as an insult, it was taken as one. As bad as Caleb might be with his faux pas, it's nowhere near last season's group. Lazaro alone made far worse faux pas than Caleb has. Caleb might have made dumb jokes about peanuts and old ladies, but he never directly insulted the judges, the media, or his fellow contestants. I remember Lazaro trying to say something like "Well all the judges have had bad spots in their careers too", Devin with "Somebody messed up their part and I had to cover for them," Amber not knowing who Michael Slezak is and slagging him off because he dissed her outfit… I think a semi-stupid remark about old ladies is hardly that bad in comparison. That being said, all the contestants this year could use media training. Even the shy and nice ones like Sam could use it because they seem so awkward. Some of them need more confidence and some need less. Maybe they are depositing all their money for PR towards Randy's salary to basically sit and do nothing.

  4. Or, you could say that if he STILL hasn't won after two attempts, then he's not good enough to win after a third, fourth or fifth attempt. "Deserves"? Really? There isn't a person in this thing who is entitled to win anything. You audition, you get selected, you work your ass off and hope it pays off with the voters and that's that. Now I hate Caleb even more. He's an obnoxious little creep, pretending to be a big deal. I'd never pay a cent to see or hear him do anything. 


    Candice Glover auditioned 3 times and won. Maybe he thought the same could happen for him. 

    Creeped out indeed. I thought he was about to introduce us to his daughter.... but she wasn't. Creepy.




    THIS. Also calling someone "old" is hardly a compliment in any context imo and seems insulting to me. Even Caleb knows that or he should.


    "Old" may not be a compliment but I don't see it as an insult either. Unfortunately it's usually used in a way that is meant to be an insult. But it's true that there are many "elderly" women out there who are fans of the show. If you are 60+ years old, you are old and it's just the truth. It doesn't mean it's an insult, it just means well… that you are old! It's not any different than saying "I want to make all the young ladies cry!" It's just a reference to age… And you can't really fault him for speaking the truth- there are indeed many old folk who watch the show. 

    I think Caleb has a slightly different attitude because he's admitted he's not looking for a solo pop career. He really wants to front a band. So I'm not sure if he cares enough about winning to pander and change his personality at all. I think of him more as a Steven Tyler or even Mick Jagger type, being "wild" and slightly outrageous, and he's hoping that a band contacts him after the show, regardless of whether he wins.  I think he would kill for the sort of career Daughtry or Adam Lambert have.

    Having said all that, I actually really like Caleb and think he's a cutie.  I am hoping against hope that Jena or Dexter go home tonight.

    Glad to see someone else here who doesn't completely despise him lol. I think he's cute too. That fabulous hair makes it hard to admit he can sometimes be a jerk, or at least come off like one. He's even said he doesn't read his Twitter, even when fans are tweeting him supportive messages. Probably not a smart idea. Oh I wish someone from PR would clue him in. I love the man but he's doing himself a major disservice. I know he doesn't want to play the popstar game but he has to- if it's his aim to win, he has to play by the rules. He's probably just at that age where you think you know everything. I know it'e easy to pick at and criticize everything the contestants do, "Oh she folded her arms! Oh she has bitch face! Oh he said we're old!" but I think people should remember they're just kids and probably aren't aware of how they come off on camera. It's a very awkward thing to look and sound professional on camera. I'm sure everyone watching said and did similarly stupid and obnoxious things and were awkward or shy at that age. Some viewers take everything they say and do a little too seriously.

  5. Maybe I'm just biased because Caleb is my favorite but I doubt he meant the old lady comment to come off as an insult. I'm sure he and the other contestants are perfectly aware of what audience this show has and maybe he thought old ladies would cry at his song because it's a ballad. I don't think he meant for it to sound like "I'm gonna make old ladies cry 'cause I'm mean!" He can no doubt come off snarky a lot, but I don't think he intentionally does it to sound like a jerk- some people just say stupid things because to them, it's funny, but they don't realize how it's coming off to other people. The same thing happens to me all the time, where I might say something that's intended as a joke but someone else takes it the wrong way as if I meant to insult them. Unfortunately for Caleb, he is going to have to learn to watch what he says more often and how he says it. People who know him in real life say he's a nice guy though. I just think the cocky attitude comes from his determination to win. He clearly knows he's a good singer and since this is his 3rd time auditioning (no one else in the Top 10 auditioned more than once), he probably feels he deserves the win the most. His attitude is like a defensive mechanism when the judges don't give him a stellar review. I do believe he is a nice guy in real life, if only he would just show that more on the show. If he had CJ's likability, he'd have this thing in the bag. Someone from PR please help this man, he is doing himself a disservice.

  6. About Caleb's "old lady" comment, I think he is just one of those people who say stupid things and don't realize it until people get upset over it. Like the peanut comment. He probably means it has a harmless comment but people take it the wrong way. Maybe what he meant about making old ladies cry is the sentiment of the song- it's about remaining faithful to your lover and I guess maybe he thought old ladies would find that heartwarming? I doubt he meant that as some kind of insult or something. 

    I've honestly never cared much for David Cook, but he was a great mentor tonight and really had a lot of valuable advice for the contestants. There was a definite improvement from all of them. I wish they would bring in former Idols as mentors every week. They are clearly more useful than anything Randy has to say.

    • Love 1
  7. Jena- Points for rearranging the song. The band was drowning her out though and the song was too low for her. Couldn't really hear most of it and since she also went first, I think she could be B3 this week.

    Dexter- Predictable song choice, nothing really new from him. At least they did some interesting choreography with the stage.

    Malaya- I never understand why the judges don't call her out for those shrieky high notes. I like Malaya the best of the remaining girls and she has a great personality, but she doesn't hit the high notes well and I wish someone would speak up and tell her that. I don't think this song really allowed her to do much until the chorus. She could be B3 again.

    Jessica- I'm always happy to see the contestants ditch their guitars and move around the stage. Vocally it's probably one of her better performances but I agree with the judges that she always seems stiff and needs to loosen up more.

    Sam- I would not have chosen that song. And I hate hate HATE it when the producers surround him with tween girls. The teen heartthrob thing is not happening, Idol, just let it go! He looked into the camera a lot more, but like the judges said, he should have balanced it between connecting with the TV audience and connecting with the audience right in front of him. Oh Sam. Either his fan base will rally after last week and keep him out of the B3, or it will have no effect and he will once again land in B3 and possibly go home.

    Alex- I liked his rearrangement of the song. I liked that he made it more tender and less like it's about a stalker. However, it sounded kind of like everything else he's done. He hasn't gone one week without stepping out from behind his guitar and I think he needs to change it up a little next week. If this was a concert, would he stand behind the mic the whole time with his guitar?

    CJ- He did much better with pitch tonight. It was a boring song choice though. Could be B3 if it's not Sam or Malaya this week. I feel like it's his time.

    Caleb- Everybody else might as well not have even performed tonight. Caleb stole the night! Love love love him. Predictable song choice, yes, but he sang the shit out of it, so who cares? I really felt like he was genuinely singing it from a real-life experience or like he was thinking about someone while singing it. I loved seeing the tender moments at the start and then seeing him wail it out like he usually does- shows everyone he can do both. Not only was it the best performance of the night, but I also think it's his personal best performance on the show to date. Wow. And Randy loved it, so that must count for something. I would say for sure that Caleb did this song justice. If this guy doesn't win Idol, there is something wrong with America. This man can SANG and he's the most consistent performer on the show. He makes tuning in each week and waiting till the last five minutes just to see him perform worth it. Love love love Caleb and his amazing hair.

    Overall the duets were a massive improvement from last week. Much better songs and much better pairings.

    Alex and Sam- Eh song but their voices blended well. I just felt like they could have connected to the song and to each other more.

    Caleb and Jena- Far better pairing than Caleb and Jessica. That duet was so awkward, whereas this one I felt like both of them connected to each other and looked like they were having fun.

    Malaya and CJ- Malaya carried most of this song. They did okay, but nothing compares to when Jessica Sanchez and Joshua Ledet did this song back in Season 11

    Jessica and Dexter- Jessica also carried this song. She sounded great and their voices blended really well together, but again, I think Skylar Laine and Colton Dixon from S11 have them beat just a bit.

    Prediction for B3 is CJ, Jena, and either Sam or Malaya
    Going home: CJ


    The judges were bizarre tonight though with all their antics. Did they have some of Malaya's caffeine or something? 

    • Love 2
  8. I think CJ's time is up. He should have gone home last week, to be honest. There are only so many weeks he can sing off key and survive. 

    I think elimination order will be:


    Maybe Sam or Malaya, depending on performances

    The next week would be whichever one of the 2 didn't go home last week

    Top 5: Jessica, Jena, Alex, Caleb, and Dexter

    Sam has been in the bottom a total of three times, the most of anyone. CJ and Malaya are tied with 2 times each, and Jena and Dexter with once each. I wish Sam could have outlasted Dexter but we all know he's not coming back from being in the bottom so many times AND having to be saved. Wish Malaya could make Top 5 too but I don't see her outlasting Jena or Jessica.

  9. This is the first season I've watched so maybe I don't get where all the Aviva hatred comes from… but aside from whatever she may have said or done, I applaud her a lot for going back to the site where her accident happened. It couldn't have been the easiest thing to do. And she did it to prove to herself she wasn't afraid of it anymore. That kind of thing takes courage. I'm sure it was planned to help with the writing of her memoir but wouldn't it sort of be necessary for her to return to the site where it happened so she could write about it more vividly? 

    I like Kristen- she always says pretty much exactly what I'm thinking. They are STILL talking about the stupid book thing?

    Don't know what's up with that image consultant butting in everywhere. Maybe they're testing her for a possible addition to the show?

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  10. I won't reveal the song spoiler but I can tell you Caleb is singing a ballad tonight. And from the short preview on Amazon of his studio version, he sounds great!

    joystickenvy- Anyone can actually audition for The Voice. You first have to register on their website and create an artist account and pick a time and location you want to audition at. If anyone is bad, they are just simply not chosen to advance. I would like to know what Caleb was doing while Season 12 was taking place, if maybe he did audition for The Voice then. As good of a voice as he has, I could see them not picking him because of his "outdated" style or maybe they didn't think he was a serious enough artist. Maybe we'll find out when he interviews with Slezak.

  11. I keep wondering why he didn't go audition for The Voice. No offense to him, but everyone knows Idol is a sinking ship, even if they are the only show to keep consistently producing successful winners. After being rejected twice in the past, it puzzles me why on earth he would audition again (unless he thought third time could be the charm like it was for Candice) He has a killer voice and could have gone very far on The Voice, perhaps even won, easily. Maybe he thought the coaches would not understand his style?

    I don't think it's his sound that's outdated, as it is so much his clothing style. He has proven that he can make his voice work for modern songs like Skyfall, Pressure and Time, and Edge of Glory. I don't think it's his voice that's the issue (and I happen to really enjoy his classic rock, Chris Cornell-esque sound), it's the fact he dresses like he's still in the 1970s. When he dresses in more modern clothing, he looks fine though.

  12. glowlights- I can see how Caleb can come off very Rock of Ages/Jack Black in School of Rock… even the judges commented about that in Hollywood Week. Part of it I think is the way he dresses. I think the stylists did amazing with him when he sang Skyfall and that was a performance where I think people also took him more seriously as an artist. I think he just pushes the "I'm rock n roll" agenda too hard. We get it, you like rock music and you are a rockstar. But I think sometimes he could tone it down a little, maybe cut out those antics like falling down on the floor at the end of the performance. I love Caleb and appreciate him for who he is, but at the same time I can understand why some people may not take him seriously and think there are things he could do differently that would make people see him in a different way. 

    Personally what I love about him is that he's the most consistent of any of the contestants. He's auditioned already 3 times for the show, so he's definitely persistent. He has one of the greatest voices in the industry right now, especially for a rock singer. You don't find many current rock singers who can wail like he can. And I think most people forget how young he actually is. He's only 22 (even though he looks a lot older) but already he looks and sounds like a seasoned performer that could hold his own with any rock band. Idol hasn't had a true rocker like him since probably Season 10 with James Durbin. And James couldn't really handle those high notes quite like Caleb can. 

    I think Caleb's main issue is that he is too theatrical and over the top. Kind of like Angie Miller was in Season 12. However, instead of trying to stifle those qualities about a performer, I feel like he, as well as people like Angie and Malaya, would do really well in theater or Broadway. I definitely feel like Caleb could easily star in a Rock of Ages type show in Vegas or something. Taylor Hicks has made a living doing Vegas shows and I think Caleb could do the same. I think he would be happy there. I definitely don't want people to try to change him and tell him he should lose those theatrical qualities about himself because I don't think he would be very happy with people trying to change him. Instead they should find a place for him where those qualities would work, like Broadway or a Vegas show. 

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  13. Porsha's singing in the beginning was not good. Her singing in general is… okay… but she really goes off tune at the ends of her phrases. How is she going to sing in this musical? Also a massive facepalm at her "assistant" who can't read e-mails.

    Yes, poor Velvet. What a tragic way to go. :-(

    Kandi sings a lot better than she acts… The other people she hired that are super famous (D Woods, Shirley Murdoch, and that other guy, forget his name) were all really great though. 

    Poor Todd. As badly as Momma Joyce treats him, he still always tries to be nice to her. Does anyone else think he looks like Kanye West?

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  14. Meatloaf would be too obvious. People already say he looks like the lovechild of Jack Black and Meatloaf and just think of him as a joke contestant. Doing a Meatloaf song would only make that comparison more obvious and people would not take him seriously at all. Kind of like how they stuck Jessica with TWO Stevie Nicks songs. We get it, she sounds like Stevie. No need to keep reminding us though.

    I want to see Caleb sing a Soundgarden song. His voice is nearly identical to Chris Cornell's and he counts Chris as a vocal influence of his. I think he'd do an amazing job on Spoonman. 

  15. YES. Where the eff was Randy the Mentor Almighty to advise Ben not to do that song? Even Randy had to know that was suicide. If Randy is going to fill the mentor role he really should try to do at least a little mentoring. "Ben, do not under any circumstances do that song unless you want to go the hell home"  should have been word one to Ben from the mentor. [/air quotes/finger bunnies here]

    It's possible Randy did say something about it (not very likely though, I mean… it's Randy) but at the end of the day the contestants choose what they're singing. Every person in the crew could have told him it was a bad idea, but he chose to go ahead with it anyway. I can't remember what he said about it in his interview with Slezak but I do remember him saying he wanted to take a risk and do that song. No matter how many people may have told him not to, it was his choice in the end. 

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  16. I'm surprised no one has compared her to Miranda Lambert yet. Her original song definitely sounded like something you'd hear on a Miranda Lambert record. 

  17. Alex's fashion is usually pretty awful but then again, isn't it always for most of the contestants in general? Sometimes they are hit or miss. Jessica's red dress was awful, but her outfit for the duet was much better. Sam's outfit was more normal this week without the stupid hat! Jena has had her fair share of fashion mishaps on the show too (that too-small top she wore for Clarity, ugh) Sometimes the styling is on point, other weeks it's not.

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  18. I think once she gets the braces off we will be seeing an improvement from her. And of course as she gets older her voice will mature more and she will probably be able to control it better and hit the high notes without sounding so shrill. I can see a big career for her though, in Broadway or acting like on a Disney show or something. 

  19. I wonder if CJ has a vocal nodule and doesn't know it, although with the vocal coaches they have, they should have noticed if he did. I've read that vocal nodules can make it hard to stay on pitch and control the voice. His voice is so rough, I wouldn't be surprised if he's got something like that going on.

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