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Posts posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. 7 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    Maybe Penelope could arrange for her mother and sisters the Fanny Dashwood solution.

    Something tells me that Portia has a bit more backbone than the Second Mrs. Henry Dashwood.  No one is going to get Portia to settle for the occasional side of beef.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Mari said:

    So, in the books Nicky was huge for Lestat--are we thinking that Armand is simply lying or minimizing, that Armand didn't know quite how much it impacted Lestat, or that the show runners are doing something else with that story?

    I think the show wants us to know Armand and also Louis are not giving Daniel the whole story.  As to why they are omitting details or flat out lying, that is what remains to be seen.  I personally think Armand has an agenda with Daniel and cannot wait to see what it is.  Louis, OTOH, comes across as more of a troubled soul who did not set out to lie to Daniel.  He has memory gaps (again why does he have them) and seems to want to fill in the blanks.  It also sets up next season when we get Lestat's version of these events.

    ETA--the show may also be pulling from other books in the series like The Vampire Armand and Merrick as they craft their story.  One thing with the books is the overlapping stories found in a few of them.  I would not be surprised if the showrunners decide to use them in their narrative.  

  3. 21 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    Quoting myself because we have another one.


    He really needs to stop talking. 


    He does.  I also do not get his argument here.  Jerry's claim to fame is a TV show where none of the male characters are "dominant" men.  In fact, the few characters like Puddy or J. Peterman who embodied what I think Jerry means as dominant or real men were often the butt of the joke.  He does not make any sense here.  

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  4. 17 minutes ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    That's a lot... Has he ever done anything like this before because, not that it would excuse it, an older man acting erratically and out of character makes me think mental problems, like dementia or Alzheimer's. Again, not that it would excuse it, but it would explain him hijacking an event out of the blue like that.

    His views line up with the shit his son Ben spews on Twitter, so I'm not that surprised that he believes the same.  Ben had to learn it from somewhere.

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  5. The song choice for this ad has me scratching my head.  

    I get that the instrumental part is banging and they cut it so the lyrics are not heard, but I still know them.  "'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, that's life. Tryna make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die" does not belong in an ad.  I also know this song from the end of Cruel Intentions where it actually fits.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    When I watch the second movie I stop once they go overseas.  It becomes unwatchable after that.

    I was cautiously optimistic about AJLT but it has been awful.  So many missteps. At this point I feel like I only watch so I can talk about it on the thread here.

    I have only read recaps of AJLT, and those told me that I am not missing anything.  SJP's backstage antics made me dislike her and Carrie to the point that even watching reruns of Sex and the City was a chore.  No way was I going to pay for another streaming service to watch Carrie being Carrie at 50.  And I still don't get making Miranda queer just because Cynthia Nixon came out.  I understand breaking up Miranda and Steve since David Eigenberg has a steady gig over on Chicago Fire, but how that divorce went down made zero sense.  Then there's how the show chose to handle Willie Garson's passing and what that meant for his character.  Why not just have Stanford pass away off camera?

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:


    It's easier for me to continue liking something if the creator is awful than to continue watching a character when the actor portraying the character is awful.  As much as I loved SATC I will never be able to look at Mr. Big and not think asshole. 

    Big was always an asshole, but so was Carrie.  They were made for each other.  I do get why Chris Noth cannot be a part of And Just Like That, but I really don't care about that show.  As far as I am concerned, Sex and the City ended after the first movie.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    So it's apparently been 10 years since the How I Met Your Mother finale. Am I still pissed off by it?

    YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And you know what? The alternate ending actually makes it worse! Because we could have had that ending, and in a less cursed timeline we could have only seen the other ending on the DVDs and said, "Oh God, that's how they almost ended it? Ugh, that would have been awful! Can you imagine how pissed off we would have been if after all that buildup about how Tracy/The Mom was Ted's once-in-a-lifetime soulmate, they just killed her off so that he could wind up with Robin after all? Thank goodness the writers still had some brain cells left!"

    Spongebob Squarepants Ngapa GIF by The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run

    I have never sought out the alternate ending.  I realized as the final season was airing that the finale was going to suck.  Didn't know how bad it would suck, but knew the writers were going to fuck it up.  That whole season has got to go down as a prime example of how not to write a season of television.  Twenty whatever episodes of the lead up to Robin and Barney's wedding just for them to undo it in the finale?!?  Then there's Lily giving up on her dream job for Marshall.  That job in Italy was a once in a lifetime type of job where Marshall's judgeship was something he could achieve when he was older.  

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

    Lord Debling wanted to do the Northwest Passage, which at the time was an impossible crossing and likely would have resulted in his disappearance and death. One might say that’s even better, with Pen now being free and a wealthy widow but the estate would pass to the nearest living male relative, and unless Pen had a son by Debling, which is obviously no guarantee, her place is not secure, nor might she be free to remarry especially if Debling just disappears. Who knows how long it would take for someone to be declared legally dead then?

    I don’t think its as good a choice as it seems at first at all.

    Pen's place might be secure, it all depends on her marriage settlement with Debling, and I don't think Debling is the type of guy who would screw over his bride.  He would make sure there was a dower house for Pen and enough money for her to live in the manner of which befit the widow of a man of his station.  And yes, it would take years for him to be declared legally dead.  Time that would protect Pen or any other lady making her still the wife not the widow.  Someone like Pen who wants to find love would find this a hardship, the not being able to move on; but, another lady would be just fine.  

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I don't think it's fan service.  I think it's because he does feature into the story moving forward.  They're paying the actor so they probably feel like they should use him. 

    I kind of like the small bits of him.  I don't need more if they're going to make him as toxic as they did last season but I do like the humor he adds.

    It will be interesting to see Lestat from Lestat's POV instead of Louis or Armand.  Louis and his self-loathing are painting Lestat as more toxic than what he may be.  And Armand has an agenda.  Being a book reader, I could spot the inaccuracies in Armand's recollections.  

  11. 18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    I'm really sick of "imaginary Lestat." I don't give two figs about the actor or the character, and I know he's not really supposed to be in this part of the story so his constant presence just feels like gimmicky fan service to me. 

    I don't mind the imaginary Lestat now that Louis and Claudia are in Paris.  I think the mistake the show made was having him show up in Romania and now we have 3 episodes of him appearing.  Lestat was a part of the Paris Coven, Armand and others knew him, and Lestat's "murder" is hanging over both Louis and Claudia's heads like the Sword of Damocles.  This is where Imaginary Lestat should be showing up especially with Louis and Armand dancing around each other.  

  12. 25 minutes ago, mrsbagnet said:

    I will forever refer to this episode as Penny Got Fingered.

    I know we're not supposed to agree with Portia in the scene where she's telling Penelope to marry Lord Debling, but her line about security being romantic was spot on.

    Portia knows firsthand what can happen to a lady who makes a bad match.  She's been scheming these last few seasons in order to overcome her husband gambling away their daughters' futures.  The last thing she wants is to put any of daughters into the position she is currently in.  Marrying Lord Debling would secure Penelope's future and all of the Featheringtons' futures if one of the husbands does something stupid or if Portia's forgery gets discovered.

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  13. 11 hours ago, patty1h said:

    I didn't understand what Daniel and "Raglan" were talking about in the first scene in the restaurant.  Raglan recognized Daniel as a writer and it was ??? after that.  Can someone please break it down for me.  

    Raglan works for an organization called the Talamasca.  Their MO is to watch and record anything supernatural that happens in the world.  If you watched the first season of Mayfair Witches, it's the same organization that Ciprian works for.  Raglan and the Talamasca know about Armand, Louis, Lestat, etc., and they also know that Daniel has met Louis back in the 70s.  We see that Raglan has hacked into Daniel's computer and downloaded some Talamasca files onto it.  And Daniel is intrigued enough to open said files while interviewing Armand and when Louis and Armand leave the room.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, janie jones said:

    Well to each their own, but my husband and I were friends for a while and did not immediately fuck when we told each other how we felt, and we live in the 21st century. I would assume that people in olden times who had to worry about shaming themselves and their families would also not hop into bed instantly.


    Since this is an adaptation of a romance novel, I choose to look at it through a romance novel lens.  The main couple fooling around at the 50% mark is a medium pace for a romance novel verging into it being a slow burn.  With the way the show has been going, I don't expect Colin and Pen to actually have sex until episode 6 after they get married.  The show is not moving fast compared to a typical romance novel.  

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  15. 5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    You know, I just was randomly thinking about the show and specifically Will Mondrich. That character's arc so far this season is him being elevated to the aristocracy and contending with its strange rules both freeing and confining a self-made man such as himself.

    This subplot seems disconnected from all the other goings-on. But what if the writers try to connect them?

    Colin in a previous season was going to do business with Lord Featherington v.2, but Mondrich had a spidey-sense about him, and ended up warning Colin off. That in turn led to Colin bringing Mondrich an influx of new customers.

    Maybe Colin will come to Mondrich's aid as people start to shun the business again. Maybe Colin will help Mondrich work through his conflict over being nouveau riche.

    Maybe Colin will complain about how all Featheringtons are scam artists. 

    It just occurred to me also that it is weird that Simon is MIA when his old boxing buddy is now finding himself elevated in society. I appreciate the real-world reasons that we aren't going to get on-screen Simon, but it might have been nice to have an allusion to Simon still existing and caring about his boy Mondrich.

    I also wonder if Mondrich is going to ever have to pay the piper for throwing the fight that got him the riches he used to set up the club. The gangsters who took out Lord Featherington 1.0 have to know that he was involved, and maybe when he was a random working man he was not worth the effort. But now that he's a quasi-lord or regent or whatever, maybe they want payback.

    I could see Colin becoming Mondrich's partner in the club.  While it is technically true that a gentleman does not sully his hands by being seen to work, there is leeway here.  One requirement of that leeway is being from an old aristocratic family who does not have to give a shit about social norms as well as being a younger son.  Will is too new to society for him to be still working, and his place there is rather convoluted.  He's there because he is the legal guardian of a peer not because he is a peer.  He is being held to a higher standard than Colin.  Colin could do whatever he wants and society will reward him for it.  

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  16. 1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

    Every time someone couple wanders off together I remember the whole feigned hysteria where Lady F demanded marriage when one of her daughters was alone in the Orangery with they shyster cousin. 

    Continuity, people, at least make a stab at it.

    A young lady is only ruined if she is discovered.  By other members of the Ton naturally.  Maids, footmen, carriage drivers, etc.  may know but they don't count.  Lady Featherington caused a scene in the orangery to force the new Lord F to propose to her daughter.  If no member of the Ton saw Colin leave the ball with Penelope, then he did not ruin her.  Now his sense of propriety and his sense of honor may and probably is telling him he must now propose to Pen after what he did in the carriage.  

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  17. 14 minutes ago, janie jones said:

    It was unrealistically soon, but if this show did endless scenes of them breathing in each other's faces like Kate and Anthony, I would cringe to death. I was glad they (the show) got to the point right away.

    I don't even see them as being unrealistic.  Colin and Penelope know each other.  We have seen this in the last 2 seasons.  This is not the time for a slow burn.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Might Pen's mother refuse to give Colin permission?


    Lord Vegetarian withdrew his suit and Colin is not hurting for money.  Portia would never refuse Colin.  She needs all three of her girls married to respectable men in order for one of them to produce the male heir who will inherit the Featherington estate.  Or if that lawyer from episode one realizes the will is forged, then all three Featherington girls are married with husbands that can support them plus Portia.  She would lose her home, but Portia is a survivor who would make the best out of splitting her time between married daughters.

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  19. 1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I’ve done that hike dozens of time. It’s hard when you land on B or C gate 2-something and then have a half hour to cover the ground to the end of E. 

    And every single time I have to dodge the idiots who stop in the middle of the walkway to check their phone or chat.  I don't know what it is about airports, but as soon as people walk through those doors they lose all common sense.  And don't get me started on trying to run to the bathroom in that 30 minutes especially during the holidays.  I do not understand why it always falls to the moms to take their sons to the bathroom when dad is right there.  There will be a line out the door to the ladies room while the men can just waltz right on in.

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  20. 10 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

    And maybe we can get something more going on Benedict? 


    Question.... as I binge the shows and really need to go back and rewatch, haven't we seen or had mention of the Smythe Smith Quartet? 

    I believe there was a reference to them last season.  

  21. 11 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    I think we went to that only decent restaurant if it's the one recommended on Yelp and local newspapers as the only decent one, LOL.  I forget the name now.  I remember the rocking chairs, LOL, that's where I sat to research the best restaurant at the airport.  Don't get me wrong, the food was good, it was just by my standards a total sodium bomb. 

    I was joking there a bit.  In NC, we have two fast food chains where even the worst location of the chain will still result in a decent meal--Bojangles and Cook Out.  I am an adventurous eater within reason and airports are the one place where I am going to with fast food every time.  I know the Charlotte Douglas Bojangles is more expensive than my local one and that it will not be as good as them, but there is little chance the food will be inedible or give me food poisoning.  Of course, whenever I fly into Charlotte I rarely have a long enough layover to truly contemplate my food choices.  And I will always have to go through Terminal E. 

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