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Posts posted by SimoneS

  1. I had been going back and forth about getting Disney Plus. I finally gave in because I wanted to see The Mandolarian. After watching the first three episodes, it was worth every penny.

    Baby Yoda! The most adorable species evah! He/she is so sweet. I love how quickly Baby Yoda became attached to the Mandolarian, using the Force to save him, and then gulping down the frog. Ha. It was so sad when he/she looked scared arriving at the new place and seeing the Storm Troopers. I was surprised when he referred to Baby Yoda has an enemy. This must be how they view and justify their bounties. If the Mandolarian hadn't gone back for Baby Yoda, it would have been the end. I loved how his fellow Mandolarians came to their rescue. And of course, when he gave the Baby Yoda the ball it was an ahh moment.

    The Mandolarians have an interesting culture. I wonder where the foundlings are kept and who is caring for them. I noticed that all the warriors are men and only the armor maker and shaman was a woman. I look forward to learning more about our Mandolarian's past and the events that have caused his PTSD. I can't wait to see what happens next. Where is he going with his new child? 

    • Love 9
  2. 5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

    She could be a Caitlin replacement whilst DP is on Maternity leave or theoretically if DP wants to leave at the end of the season but I don't think they need to have her leave to have this character as a regular even though the cast is big now. 

    Another regular character? No, please no. If this show has another regular character, especially one with powers, Team Flash will practically have to live in Star Labs and never leave. We definitely will never see an extra again. Not to mention the characters will have even less dialogue, while doing even more standing around with nothing to do during scenes. And we will see even less of Joe who is already disappearing.

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  3. The appearance of John Wesley Shipp as Flash-90 is making me hold on to my belief that another Flash will die not Barry.

    9 hours ago, Trini said:

    Whoa - a series regular attached to Iris, that also sounds like a replacement for Caitlin?? 👀

    Interesting. This hasn't occurred to me.

  4. After thinking about it for a bit, I think Liz, Grey's girlfriend is probably on the run from her past. It will catch up with her just as she and Dex become good friends. Dex, Grey, and Miles will protect her, and she will end up having to leave Portland.

    • Love 2
  5. Sadly, I predicted Miranda's miscarriage. She and Ben deserved to have another child, not the ridiculous Owen.

    I should have known there was no escaping Owen and Amelia. What is he on now? Kid number 100? On a positive note, this is a lucky escape for the wonderful Linc. He will get a love interest worthy of him.

    Oh Maggie. I am sure that she will be fine eventually. 

    Too bad that car didn't take out Jackson. Better luck next time.

    • Love 7
  6. I acknowledge the arguments for not killing Cecile and Jenna are persuasive. I would accept @SevenStars' suggestion about a change in reality. Both Cecile and Jenna can disappear or be erased and no one remember that they ever existed. Honestly, if Cecile was used better and wasn't meta, she would be an asset. Stop giving her so much airtime and her own story, Wallace!

    18 hours ago, phoenics said:

    In previous seasons, the show had a lovely sense of discovery with the episodes revolving more around CCP instead of Star Labs.  Barry's job as a CSI was a really grounding influence and gave Joe a lot to do.  And honestly, it's an easier tie in to Central City Citizen as well - this show is DYING because they are trying to force that Star Labs Team Flash dynamic.  Flash isn't Arrow.  He doesn't need all this.

    I hoped that Joe's promotion to Captain was going to mean the return of the CCPD set, but that hasn't happened. Now I I think that elimination of the CCPD set and rarely using Jitters is budget cutting to hire new regular characters like Ralph. In the first couple seasons, Central City was a bustling city with people every where, now all the extras who appeared in almost every episode have been eliminated and the Star Labs set expanded.

    11 hours ago, Starry said:

    This. At the risk of being accused of only caring about a couple, this isn't the time for Iris The Reporter, this is the time for Iris The Wife. You can't sideline Iris' journalism for a stretch of episodes and two weeks before her husband dies you finally remember that she needs to do some serious reporting. This storyline should have taken place way earlier, around 6x03 and 6x04. Or they could have waited until the second half since this is a 6B story anyway. Of course they could have shown Iris The Reporter, Wife of Barry Allen at that damn press conference but what do I know? The writers' nonsensical priorities are hurting Iris as a character.

    I actually think that Iris can be both a reporter and a wife. To me the episode 5 last season was the best episode because Barry went undercover with Iris. The season would have been stronger and more poignant if we were shown Barry and Iris working together on the criminal conspiracy story. We could see Barry determined to spend as much time with Iris, while he also works to help her build the Citizen so she would have something to hold onto after he is gone. But nope, none of that.

    It is disappointing that the show continues to have same problems under the new showrunner.

    • Love 5
  7. If Dex and Grey are the true love/endgame couple, I rather that they just put them together or leave Miles out of their "will they, won't they" drama. Right now Miles isn't in love with Dex and he is still trying to figure out what he wants from a relationship with her. She seems open to being him beyond just sex since she agreed to let him meet Ansel. I rather Dex not break Miles' heart. He gets his own stories so he easily can meet someone else and have his own romance while still having a major role in Dex's stories. I did miss the captain in this episode. Camryn Manheim is always a treat. 


    I wonder if the "flip the script" comment from the preview is that Dex and Grey's girlfriend get drunk at the casino and end up in bed together. Now that would totally change the dynamic.

    • Love 8
  8. The triangle has arrived. It isn't too bad. I am ignoring Grey's new girlfriend because she is obviously just there to make Dex jealous and she probably has a secret past or something.

    I thought Miles was funny and sweet with Ansel. I like Miles with Dex, but if she isn't sure or if she has a thing for Grey, it is better he find out now before he gets more involved with her.

    I liked the other PI and the case of the week wasn't bad.

    • Love 7
  9. Cecile was fine when she was just dating Joe and popped up occasionally. She should have never become a member of the main cast or even worse had that invisible kid. If the show had any backbone, it would have used the crossover as a twofer and kill off both Cecile and Jenna. The emotional fallout would give us some great performances from Jesse, Candice, and Grant.

    • Love 2
  10. Reflecting on the season, three of the last four episodes have been bad, the Cisco-focused episode was best of the four and I thought it was mediocre at best. 

    I like Cecile, but she should not have powers (which I will never stop saying) and she shouldn't have such a prominent role, much less her own story. That story will Chester would have worked better if Joe was the lead. 

    I have noticed the lack of Joe this season. Is Jesse still recovering? Otherwise there is no excuse for his diminished presence and the show is worse for off for it.

    I really hope that these episodes are stumbles as Wallace tries to get to the crossover and not a sign of things to come. However, I can't help feeling like he is trying to give each character focus when they are all should not get so much airtime. Also, while at first I liked that he was teaming up different characters and taking them out of their comfort zone like Iris and Cisco, giving Cecil her own story, teaming up Nash with barely existing Allegra, and reinventing KillerFrost/Caitlin for the thrillionth time are not good ideas.

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