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Oh Sunny. Sigh. She is either trolling the viewers or her stylists truly hate her. Why would she wear that Party City Bozo the Clown wig?! She literally stuffed her face with fries as she was cooking and speaking. Few things gross me out as much as lip smacking and she did it during that segment and when she jammed jeff’s Fish sandwich into her pie hole. It’s really classless That being said, GZ’s pasta looked yummy
That would be awesome.. sigh...
Baked in Vermont is the network’s lowest rated show supposedly.. which makes me so sad. I love it. I bet that’s why they keep changing her time slot.
Sunny’s wig took several passes through the food today. Katie’s long nails were grossing me out too.. tie your hair back and trim your nails if you’re handling food!!! (At least if you’re on tv lol)
Sunny sticking her fingers in the food then into her mouth and then touching other things is beyond disgusting she’s becoming more and more unbearable
GZ’s grilled chicken looked delicious!!! always tht it looked intimidating to cook a chicken that way but I think I’m gonna give it a try gz’s face during katie’s Preparation of her Pinterest-swiped Bloody Mary shrimp dish was very funny. Sunny! Please stop talking with your mouth full!!!! Gross!! And I think she licked her palm when GZ was giving out the sandwiches!!! Ugh and that trifle...
I thought I heard that too!!!!! Omg I tht it was just me!!! Lol i found sunny to be super annoying today.. nonstop talking and interrupting also, what did Katie show us how to make?! How to shape beef into a patty? And btw what she referred to as ‘her’ secret sauce is Russian dressing.. come on.
Thought the salmon and orzo recipes looked delicious! Sunny’s wig was so distracting this week
First off.. Katie... what the hell kind of shirt were you wearing?! No. Just no. Bad. Fire your stylist. No friends to try and talk you out of wearing that? I literally can’t hear the word ‘moment’ one more time.. come on. I was confused why they had a guest on to promote a cookbook but didn’t allow her to cook or at least assist in the meal.. love how Katie said how her recipe along with those of ‘other chefs’ were included in the cookbooks. I would definitely make GZs pizza
I completely forgot about that disgusting breakfast Mac and cheese with the eggs Katie made a few months back.. the comedian should have posted on you tube about that!!!!
Since when does a cake or Jell-O shots equal a casserole?! Just because you’re making it in a 9x13 doesn’t make it a casserole...
I don’t think Katie qualifies as a milennial Any more.. sorry Katie! Think that came to an end for her 2-3 years ago. If she’s a milennial I should start collecting Social Security lmao (and I’m in my 40’s) I could not believe the misuse of ‘edification’ again!!! This could be her new ‘moment’ recipes did nothing for me this week. Using mugs is so Pinterest to years ago also why have Sasha Cohen on for the drink segment so they can have her add a garnish..
With a pocket square no less!! Sunny’s wig looked a little off kilter to me Would make GZ’s pasta any time.. so easy!
Sunny is not a trained chef.. she owned her own catering co but from my understanding didn’t go to culinary school.. I agree with the volume.. when I went to taping of show.. it was loud sitting in audience!! It seemed like Sunny was screaming into her mic.. don’t think she even needed one lol I know!!!! They are doing to fries what they did to hot dogs last year!! Ugh!! Nope!!! i do miss Marcella because I thought she added some culinary expertise and I feel like learned ideas etc from her now we have Katie who asks sunny if the cheese will melt because of the hot fries and chicken she was putting on top of it oh boy
Would love Eddie as a permanent host! He’s got a great personality and I would totally eat those wings too!