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Posts posted by Calvada

  1. The Brewers get the win against the Phillies and head inside to celebrate clinching the NL Central (thanks, Oakland) and there's all these non-alcoholic drinks in front of Jackson Chourio's locker  🤣🤣  The kid is only 20 years old. 

    I didn't think they had a chance for this type of record after trading Burnes, the injuries to Devin Williams and other pitchers, and Yelich missing significant time.  But they keep fighting.  Like I said in my earlier post, they are a fun team to watch.  

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  2. 1 hour ago, blueray said:

    I saw this on CNN. First off, eww...

    And topic related question, wouldn't someone getting sick on the field, qualify as an excepted delay of game. The sick player can get off the field to take care of himself. Meanwhile they can get a new ball. I'm confused why this wasn't done. Or was it? I didn't watch the game just read about it.

    Matt LaFleur said that Shawn Hochuli (the lead official) came over to him after this happened and said they saw it and would MLF want them to take Myers out of the game if it happened again.  I guess vomiting is not like an injury where they see someone who is dazed or not able to put weight on one of their legs.  Some of the other Packer o-linemen said they threw up too (it was the second hottest game in Packers' history) but I don't think that happened when they were lined up, but either on the sideline or when walking off the field.  Several of them were very matter of fact about getting sick on the field/sidelines; apparently it's very common in hot weather games.  I also remember Brett Favre throwing up on the field once after being sacked.  

    This was a 3rd down and could have been a crucial play in the outcome of the game, since they didn't get the first down and had to punt.  But the Packers are playing with a backup QB who has been with the team only for a couple of weeks, so putting a new center in might have been a problem too.  I'm not sure how many snaps in practice Willis has taken from Jacob Monk, the backup center.  MLF told Hochuli that yes, if it happened again, please take Myers out.

    Malik decided to take one for the team and not hand off that ball or attempt a pass.  Player of the game honors right there! 


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  3. 19 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Davante had a great game today. Looked like his old self. 

    Davante was nothing but class on and off the field during his time in Green Bay.  When his playing time is done, if he comes back for alumni weekend, he will be very warmly received by Packers' fans. 

    He was so excited to be reunited with his college QB and then that imploded.  I feel badly that didn't work out for him.  I will always wish him well.  Except if he's going against the Pack, of course!

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  4. 8 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    The nose tackle for the Colts didn’t really throw up on the ball in Green Bay, did he?

    The Packers center, Josh Myers, threw up on the ball. He did try to aim it away from the ball. Don't know whether any of the Colts vomited on the field.

    But all was good because Anthony Richardson decided to do his best Jay Cutler impression and threw the ball right to Packers' defenders a couple of times.  

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  5. Saints have scored 40+ in each of the first two games - wow.  Carr has been great.  That's not something I expected.  

    And somewhere Davante Adams quietly weeps.

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  6. I remember babysitting for a 5 year old kid new to our neighborhood. We were playing Chutes and Ladders and he had a screaming tantrum because I assumed he would go down the chute when he landed there. Apparently the rule in his family was that he got a re-do for anything adverse. But only him! He told me if I landed there, I had to go down the chute. I was raised to play by the rules, that you can't win every time, and whether you win or lose, you are expected to be a good sport about it. Isn't that what games, whether board games or games on the playground, are supposed to teach kids?  Especially these games created for younger children?  

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  7. The Come From Away Book is titled The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland.  The author is Jim DeFede.  There's a second edition which provides updated information on several of the people featured in the book.  It's a great read - highly recommended!

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  8. My family played a lot of euchre for a period of time - when we kids were a bit older and before all my nieces and nephews arrived.  They had no patience for the adults sitting down at the card tables!  We always used to play euchre after Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and after Sunday supper.  

  9. Re Connections, I do several online puzzles every day and always end with Connections.  Some days the answers seem so obvious that I just fly through it,  but other days I'll have to walk away from the screen for a few minutes because taking a break seems to help.  I actually prefer the days when I have to think about it longer; I like the challenge.  

    My family also loved board games.  We played a lot of Monopoly, Life, Clue, Trivial Pursuit.  We were also big on jigsaw puzzles.  I still love to do them; I have one going almost always.  

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  10. By my reckoning, Jan can't be the killer, since Sazz was dead before Jan broke out.  Or do we think the police waited a few days before going to the home of the guy who was integral in sending Jan to prison?  

    Escape from prison is a federal crime if the person is being held in a federal facility, or in a state facility pursuant to a federal order.  I don't see how Jan fits either of those.  There might be a federal UFAP warrant, but the investigation of Sazz's murder and the prison break would still be a local/state issue.  If there was evidence to show that Jan used interstate communications to hire someone to commit the murder, that would be a federal crime.  But then all that info would be provided to local law enforcement as part of a BOLO or APB and there would be a federal arrest warrant issued for her.

    I realize this is done just so Det. Williams has a reason to give them information (to screw over the feds), but it's aggravating when they show the FBI take over a state investigation.

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  11. I'm wondering how it can be that the FBI has taken over the investigation.  Where is the federal crime?  Homicide can be a federal crime if it takes place on federal land (such as a national forest, federal prison, etc.), if the person killed is a federal official or a employee, if it occurs during the course of a federal crime such as bank robbery or kidnapping, or if someone crosses state lines with the intent to commit murder.  That last option would only come into play if they know who the killer is and that they traveled to New York specifically to kill Charles or Sazz.  

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  12. I have not seen highlights of all the games played today, but in those I've seen none of them had a field as crappy as what the Packers and Eagles played on in Brazil.  The NFL spent millions and millions to hold a game there and the teams had to play on a cow pasture.  

    Best thing I saw Week One thus far: Rebecca Andrade's red coat.  I'd love to have that.  But would it look as good without all those Olympic medals as accessories?

  13. It seems every season for the first week or two there's some rule they want to emphasize, then they ease off.  Maybe it's offensive pass interference or roughing the QB.  This year it seems to be illegal formation.  Every OT in the league does this to some extent.  But when the official warns you, then throws the flag, perhaps consider changing where you line up.

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  14. On 8/30/2024 at 2:03 PM, Bastet said:

    All my soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. is like that -- pretty containers that I refill from big bottles via Costco.  A lot of those just pour, but the big shampoo/conditioner bottles have pumps, so I still have to hold my breath and hope the damn thing will work when I give it that first twist.  Just less frequently, since they last so long (especially the shampoo).

    Same, so as not to waste, but also so the bottle has a shot at actually being recycled; if it's dirty, forget it.

    I do this for shampoo and conditioner for a couple reasons.  First, the two niches in my shower won't fit really tall bottles.  Also, as I age and am feeling the first twinges of arthritis that is a family legacy, those big bottles become very difficult to hold.  Especially in the shower!  For me, it's the conditioner that lasts a long time; I have short hair so the amount I use is somewhere between a pea and a grape in size.  I usually figure about 2 1/2 bottles of shampoo to 1 bottle of conditioner.

    I do this for laundry detergent too, but that's because I don't like those big containers with the spigot.  They always drip.  So I buy them, but fill a smaller bottle with the detergent.  In the kitchen, I also transfer dish soap from very large bottles to a more user-friendly size.  And I do this with olive oil from Costco.  That's another huge bottle.  So I fill a smaller bottle to use when I want to measure out a tablespoon or so, and I also have a spray bottle I fill.  

    The big bottles are economical but not convenient for all.  

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  15. 22 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Today's peeve:  Pump bottles that don't work.  At least one third of the time, they won't open.  You know the ones for soap where you're supposed to twist the spout to open so it pops up.  Some of them never work.  It drives me nuts.  I have two right now.  I will have to decant the liquids into older containers. 

    And if you do get the pump to work, it seems often the tube is short, so you have 10 to 20% of the product left and you can't use the pump.  I had a bottle of lotion that I use daily where this happened.  I turned the bottle upside down and every morning would open it and pour lotion into my hand.  A friend told me she would never do that; she would toss it into recycling and open another bottle.  But that's what they want you to do, so you spend more money by buying lotion more frequently.  I had about 10 days worth of lotion still in the bottle!  

    I got so frustrated by the pumps in liquid soap bottles not working that I bought reusable ceramic bottles for my bathroom and kitchen that I fill from giant bottles of liquid soap I buy at Costco.  Less stress for me and fewer bottles to recycle.  

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  16. I've been doing a rewatch of The Rockford Files, I'm in the middle of season 3, and I think Jim gets clocked from behind in just about every episode.  When he comes to, he just shakes it off, maybe puts some ice on his head, asks for an aspirin.  (BTW - don't take aspirin after a head injury unless you want to risk a brain bleed.)  In real life he would be coming through every door on full alert for a bad guy carrying a blunt instrument.  Also possibly slurring his words, have a constant headache, be dizzy, or sensitive to light.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, Dimity said:

    I can't even imagine what it must be like to be an only child.  But growing up there definitely were times when I used to wish I could find out!

    There were a lot of those times for me too!  Now my siblings are my closest friends and their children and grandchildren are my heart   But I'm really glad I don't have to live with any of them 🤣

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  18. I've always been single, so I've always had to deal when I've been sick. No one was going to the pharmacy for me, making me soup, bringing me a cup of tea. However, not long ago I broke my right foot and was unable to drive for 8 weeks. My siblings and a couple of nephews brought me groceries, did my laundry for me, took me to doctor appointments, took out my garbage/recycling, and did anything else I needed. I don't know how I would have managed without them. But I have to say while I was so grateful for their help, I absolutely HATED being so dependent on them!  I've always been an independent cuss and I dread the day when I cannot be that anymore. 

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  19. 15 hours ago, Palimelon said:

    It can be a bit jarring though to rewatch old shows you enjoyed and notice how some of the songs have changed. And if it's a scene you really remember, then it can be a bit jarring, especially as the new song just doesn't fit. 

    WKRP in Cincinnati had a story about the unexpected pregnancy of the wife of the station manager - Mr. & Mrs. Carlson. They are in their 40's and don't know if they are ready for a baby at their age and because they have a troubled teen.  Anyway, there's a scene where Mr. Carlson goes into the booth to talk with one of the DJs, who is not aware of the pregnancy.  Mr. Carlson asks Venus if he knows how old his wife is, says he'd like to have a girl, Venus says we all would, then Mr. Carlson says but a boy would be nice too, he doesn't care, and what would Venus prefer?  Venus is looking at him with this great WTF expression and says girl!  Mr. Carlson says I'm not fussy, and Venus says apparently not.  Then Mr. Carlson leaves to speak to his wife (to tell her that he wants them to have the baby) and he asks Venus to play something soft and sweet.  He goes to his office to talk to his wife and suddenly over the speaker comes "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" by Maurice Chevalier from the Gigi soundtrack.  That song is not on the DVDs (I think they use "We've Only Just Begun") but there's still a shot of Venus in the booth clutching the Gigi album as he contemplates Mr. Carlson having no preference between a girl or a boy.  It's just not the same without the original song.  

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  20. 1 hour ago, Raja said:

    Jim Rockford is the only character that I remember who regularly hurt his hands when throwing bare knuckled punches. 

    Jim also ended up in the hospital a few times; he didn't just shake off being beat up.  However, he and other TV PIs were always getting knocked out by someone bashing them on the head from behind and never seemed to have long-term consequences.  It was amazing when Elementary had a story line about Sherlock sustaining a concussion after being assaulted and ultimately being diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome.  

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  21. I am at a point in my life when I am reminded of my age on an almost daily basis.  But yesterday when the Brewers honored "The Kid" Robin Yount on the 50th anniversary of his first major league season, I swear I actually could hear my arteries hardening and my bones creaking.  How can that have been FIFTY years ago?  

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  22. I always wanted the master bedroom closet from Hart to Hart.  As mentioned above, I shared a bedroom with 3 of my sisters, so I had one-quarter of a small closet.  The thought of a closet that you could actually walk into - wow!  The Harts were millionaires, so it made sense they had a lot of clothes and a big closet.  But a lot of TV characters, even those who shouldn't be able to afford a huge wardrobe, seldom wear the same thing twice, so just where are they keeping all those clothes?  And they all seem to have a couple dozen coats. Where are those?  We rarely see an entry closet or even a coat rack as they come into their home, whether an apartment or a house.  

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