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Posts posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Eh, Kailyn goes to school full time at an actual university, not a technical or for profit one. She has the most education of any TM except Maci (terrifying). Many people don't have jobs while they go to school (Chelsea didn't and that wasn't exactly scholastically challenging/requiring lots of paper writing). The checks for the dads, BTW, are much smaller, hence Adam's bitterness and Jo's money worries.

    I remember Vee working at a day care center, I don't know about Jo beyond maybe a part-time gig and his "rapper" attempt. His mom was paying his way most of the time, I believe. Miranda had/has a government job. Jenelle and Leah don't do anything besides get new boyfriends/fiances. I believe Chelsea will go full time when the show ends.

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  2. Definitely agree. Kail is one of the least likable TMs and that's saying a lot. That doesn't make Jo a great responsible guy and not everything is either/or. I do give him more side eye at times because he had a supportive hard working family while Kail was essentially an orphan who was demonized by his family for dating another guy at 16 after Jo broke up with her. I'll never forget the episode where her mom was literally like, "Well, um, he's my boyfriend. I'm in love," when Kail asked why she always put her boyfriends ahead of her. That's heartbreaking. Jo has no reason to be lazy. I bet Kailyn is one of the first people in her family to get a four year degree at an actual university. That in itself is pretty great. She supposedly gets excellent grades and has worked for the newspaper. She could go to grad school.

    Can't stand the girl and her racist entitlement, and her marriage to Javi is ridiculous, and she does a lot of trashy shit, but that doesn't make Jo not a total loser.

    • Love 2
  3. It does look like he is according to several sources. He's also supposedly a college graduate.

    Looks like "traffic control specialist" encompasses a lot of duties.https://www.mymajors.com/career/traffic-control-specialist/

    There's also something to be said for class...while they likely have very different incomes, in another world, a South Dakotan esthetician would be highly likely to marry a South Dakotan traffic control specialist. Equal levels.

    • Love 3
  4. Tori might even be worse. Every time I see her I get the creeps for some reason.

    The breakups (she says she and Mike were constantly fighting...likely in front of Jace) and the continued psychological abuse are not, I'd argue, in the distant past. Clearly Jace has major problems caused by both women, and perhaps most due to his entirely absent father. However, yes, Jace should have been and honestly probably still should be put up for adoption. Jenelle was and continues to be deeply selfish and unfeeling. Her focus is 100% on filling the void of her father with a new man that she idealizes.

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  5. But that's what court is for...to figure those things out. It's not Kailyn's job. The court wouldn't order him to pay something he couldn't with his income. He also used the excuse that "he was having another baby," which also isn't Kail's business/problem. Again, get a job if you're so worried about money...and if TM is a job, don't complain about more child support. Don't buy such an expensive car, or rent more cheaply.

    If he's buying such an extravagant ring with credit (no one needs such a huge ring), he's even more irresponsible than I thought. No excuse for not at least going to school and preparing to work while he has TM checks coming in. Just pure laziness.

    I can't stand Kailyn, but I also can't stand laziness. What on earth does he do all day?

    • Love 5
  6. Nothing Jenelle says on that particular post contradicts anything said by her father, mother, siblings, the court papers, or the timeline on the same subject. Otherwise I'd agree.

    He was violent/a drunk, agreed to pay a certain amount to get Jenelle's mom off his back, didn't pay his child support, moved in with his mom, declared bankruptcy, stopped visiting them abruptly, and hadn't contacted his kids for over a decade. That's what all of them agree on, along with the fact that Barbara has called the cops on every single one of them and is emotionally abusive and manipulative. There's also no way to argue with court documentation which confirms all/most of this. We don't need court documentation that Barbara is mentally ill and psychologically violent and produces violent child after violent child (whether she is their genetic parent or not) because it's obvious.

    None of that absolves Jenelle. She will be the next Barbara and has already taken it even more over the top, partially due to fame, money, and access to drugs. Barbara was likely abused as well. That's how generational trauma goes. It will get worse until someone (I pray it's Kaiser or Jace) cuts the cord and ends the cycle.

    • Love 3
  7. The divorce papers, for one (was carried on for over a year, lots of documentation and details I left out--he was requested to complete anger management and domestic violence courses in order to have partial custody); Babs' past remarks; court documents on the shoplifting; interview with Jenelle's father; Jenelle's blog about the many "altercations" she witnessed as a child. Her siblings' trouble with the law is also common knowledge. The dad admits to not having contact for over a decade and not being involved after new boyfriend (Mike? Someone else?). Was Robert (Jenelle's dad) her siblings' father too? Can't quite follow that part. Anyway, he moved in with his mom and for over a year a battle ensued ("she won't let me see the kids," "he won't stop using illegal drugs," all good Jenelle/Nathan type stuff) until he agreed to pay up and they finally left each other alone and he went out of their lives.

    Both Ashleigh and Jenelle's brother have been arrested for assault, I think he's been arrested for other things too. Barbara and Ashleigh were estranged for a time because "she had mental problems." Ashleigh has publicly supported Jenelle's assaults. She's also come out (in magazine statements) against her father, confirming that they were all afraid of him and his rages were violent, especially when he drank. Jenelle posted a video of Ashleigh a few years ago screaming and cursing at her toddler aged son while he sobbed; Ashleigh has accused her baby daddy of abuse; etc, etc. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Something happened in that family, and it was baaaadd.

    It also simply makes sense. It's not black or white, but it's illogical to insist that Jenelle and her two siblings, one of whom, I believe, also has a child being raised by Barbara (could be wrong), and all of whom have had major trouble with the law, just turned out unstable and evil for no reason. We've seen Barbara be disgustingly verbally abusive on camera to both Jenelle and Jace, and the new husband she chose cheated on her, they got back together, he cheated and left again, yada yada. I think this happened several times. Sound familiar?

    • Love 2
  8. They were homeless for a while after their house burned down and Jenelle's dad did nothing to help/wasn't around. In the divorce papers, Babs says Jenelle's dad was an alcoholic and a physical abuser and he says she has severe mental health issues that make her psychologically/verbally abusive to the kids (which we've certainly seen). He declared bankruptcy at least once, maybe twice. Jenelle continued to see her dad occasionally for a while until Barbara got a new guy and either the new guy, Barbara, or Jenelle's dad wanted the visits to end. You can find the interview where he basically goes "whatever, she can call me, don't much care" when asked about seeing her in a variety of online sources. Can you say Daddy issues?

    Babs hasn't had the same level of substance abuse and jail problems, of course not, though she was picked up for shoplifting in 2001. But she got pregnant as a teen and all three of her kids have huge social problems and constant run ins with the law. The grandson she's raising is deeply unstable and aggressive/violent. She obviously played a major role in this, and of course the dad was worthless, as was the stepdad who left for a Hooters waitress. You might have 1 bad egg for a kid, but not 3 (or 4!). Jace honestly might be better off in foster care or being adopted.

    Jenelle is useless and it's too late for her, and unless she goes to intensive therapy ain't nothing going to change. She cannot be a mother. Ever. It's "nice" that Barbara took Jace, I guess, but she seems pretty abusive herself. I know from experience that psychological abuse can be the worst kind. She doesn't deserve to have to be a mom at this age and her history as a mother shows she's unfit as well.

    • Love 6
  9. It's so true: Kailyn wants to have Latino boyfriends and biracial kids, quote rap lyrics, get a huge butt so she looks thick instead of fat, get wraps, etc, but express racist crap all the time when she's insecure. So fucked.

    They're definitely not together. Wonder when they'll announce it.

    • Love 6
  10. To answer the questions about Jenell's dad: Jenelle's dad and Barb, and I think her other boyfriends as well, had cops called/DV/lots of fights when Jenelle was young (we can see the pattern unfurling...). He's never really been in her life and eventually just disappeared. Recently he was interviewed by a tabloid and he said something to the effect of not much caring one way or the other if he had a relationship with his kids and they could contact him if they wanted. Nice guy. You can see where she gets it. Barb had a revolving door of boyfriends, too. I feel so bad for everyone caught in that cycle, especially Jace and Kaiser. Their chances are so slim.

    • Love 4
  11. Every time I try to be really happy for Corey, I remember that he cheated on beautiful, responsible Miranda WITH LEAH...two months after they were married!... and I'm disgusted. Good dad (though he's in denial about Ali's disability), not necessarily a great guy.

    I don't get the "Leah is high" thing. I used to have severe clinical depression and anxiety. I'm not a parent and I'm not as dumb as Leah so I don't come off as ridiculous. But to me, she seems clearly depressed. That's exactly what extremely severe depression often looks like (the fatigue, constant stress, semi hoarding, etc). For people who haven't experienced it, it can seem fake, I'm sure. People don't always take mental disorders seriously, but they can be serious. I hope she gets real help. She's made awful choices, but her WV ignorant surroundings don't seem to think mental illness is real. Even if she is on drugs, it's likely self medication for the mental health problems.

    Jo needs to get a job or go to school. He's a loser.

    Jenelle grew up without a dad and around abuse and violence. She was emotionally abused by her mom and her mom's boyfriends. Her mom abused and was abused by her men. That's how she will raise and is raising her sons. Hopefully they, or someone down the line, break the chain.

    Chelsea is fine, but man, is she stupid. It's always hard to compare her to the other girls because she was always so privileged and has both parents.

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