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Posts posted by sinkwriter

  1. On 3/8/2020 at 4:46 PM, Thomas Crown said:

    Bonus points for me for the casting of Doc from the Love Boat as the old neighbour.  

    I didn't recognize him right off the bat, but as soon as he spoke, I was like... how do I know you? And then it dawned on me. Glad to see he's still around. (He'll always be Doc to me. Heh.)

    • Love 1
  2. Quote

    Giuntoli has become an amazing actor.

    Just the look of devastation he gave Sophie when she pulled up to the cemetery... gut-wrenching. He looked like he was on the verge of sobbing and was barely holding it together, like on some level he feels like he doesn't deserve to be there, talking to Jon or asking for his forgiveness. It was impactful for me, watching David in that moment. Terrific acting.

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  3. So we see Eddie trying to make amends with Sophie and apologizing to Jon at his gravesite, totally grieving and feeling responsible (I thought David Giuntoli did a terrific job), but have we ever seen Delilah that apologetic or truly sorry for what she did? I don't think so.

    I liked what Gary said to Sophie, but I wish he had said, "I hated what he and your mom did to Jon..." It's not all on Eddie, and I wish the show would remember that because I'm tired of Delilah's part in it getting brushed off as no big thing. As if Jon pulling away during their marriage was reason enough for her to have an affair and get pregnant with someone else's child.

    • Love 18
  4. I thought Leah was going to tell Shaun that she was only interested in him as a friend, so I'm not sure how to take her "I love you" when she didn't add any "but" to that statement. If she does love him romantically, then I think I'm willing to cut her some slack.

    When Shaun was new to his relationship with Carly, she took her time with him because he was clearly struggling and afraid. Here, I don't know what Leah's issue is, but I think her way of saying that she's a mess is her way of showing that SHE is afraid.

    All her other romantic relationships seem to have been pretty messy, so maybe deep down commitment is really difficult for her and she's not ready or able to dive into that with Shaun, no matter how willing he is to change or work on things. She ran from some of her issues in the past, and she may be running in this case too. It's easier to push someone away than deal with deeply seeded inner crap going on. It's not healthier, but it's a human reaction. It's disappointing to Shaun, but sometimes this kind of stuff is really hard to work through and she can't be rushed through that just like Shaun can't be rushed through whatever he's not ready for. It's not as simple as saying "She recognizes she's a mess, so why the hell doesn't she do something about it?" It's just not that easy sometimes.

    • Love 2
  5. 15 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    The two girls running to West was stupid.

    That part annoyed me so much. I mean, yeah, I can see someone getting excited seeing a "famous" person and wanting to get a selfie. But the police and the suspects were clearly in a standoff, guns pointing at one another. If anything, those girls would know not to rush right into the fray! They'd probably film the whole thing for putting it on the internet so they could say they were there, but not jump in the way. That was just drummed up so that they could give West a mini storyline. It was so stupid.

    • Love 13
  6. On 2/20/2020 at 9:54 PM, tennisgurl said:

    The movie set stuff was fun, especially Grey on the set spreading rumors about Dex, until he finds out he has to shave his beard to be in the movie, and then he just up and left.

    I think that was my favorite part. LOL.

    Actually, I half wondered if he was going to go through with the beard shave, especially as a passive aggressive act of defiance after his father complimented his beard.

    • Love 5
  7. 3 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    On a completely shallow note, when Bradford was holding Chen after they rescued her, my eyes could not help but wander from his handsome face onto his toned bicep - my word, Eric Winter is a beautiful man.

    Sorry, I just had to get that out. Carry on. 

    may have noticed the same thing. Maybe. 😉 Just saying.

    • LOL 3
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  8. 4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Plus, I had a really good laugh at Edrisa taking down the killer and Malcolm's exasperated "I was talking her down!"

    That was probably my favorite part of the episode, LOL.

  9. 20 hours ago, Regalbegal said:

    So, Eve is back. yay....?...  I at least hope she will push forward some resolution on the girl in the box. 

    For some reason I still don't quite trust her. I do wonder if she has some connection with the girl in the box (I'm not forgetting a plot point, right?). Maybe she'll be part of fulfilling  the revenge on Martin foreshadowing.

    13 hours ago, Trini said:

    Did I ... miss something from a previous episode between Dani and Malcolm?? The whole thing were she seemed really hurt that Malcolm didn't want to talk seemed weird. I didn't think they were that close at all? It seemed really 'off' and out of character, since I don't think they've really established that the relationship between them is like that.

    I was really confused by her behavior too. I felt the same way, like I'd missed a scene or an episode and needed to go back and watch it. I didn't understand why she was so hurt by him. I know they've been hinting here and there, but it felt like a big jump, like I missed something.

    • Love 1
  10. On 2/17/2020 at 9:48 PM, Chaos Theory said:

    Martin’s nightmare made it look like the girl in the box might actually be alive and coming back for revenge which is an interesting development.

    Malcolm's so obsessed with finding out what happened to her because the body of the girl in the box was never found, right? And his memories of her state in the box are certainly incomplete and fuzzy at best. Maybe it's possible that somehow she didn't actually die, and now Martin's (deep deep) subconscious is actually worried about it? I agree - I think that would be a very interesting development.

    • Love 1
  11. I know it's the least of this episode's plot issues, but I kept thinking, "Wouldn't the FBI or the cops eventually be able to track down that assassin's purchases, if she keeps buying up all the Bender board games?" LOL.

    • LOL 2
  12. On 2/11/2020 at 2:10 PM, Gothish520 said:

    The scene with Gary and the driver with the gun was very well done. I figured the guy wouldn't shoot, but still held my breath. I used to be more of an angry driver, honking my horn and flipping people off, but I soon realized that it's not worth the possibility of getting hurt just to let someone know they are a dick.

    Agreed. I thought the guy getting out of his car was going to result in Gary getting beat up or something. I didn't expect him to pull a gun. So I gasped, and held my breath, waiting...

    I was kind of bummed we didn't see anything with Gary addressing it in some way after the driver walked away, because in the moment it seemed pretty sobering for Gary. I thought it might help him snap out of the state he'd been in and finally reach out to one of his friends and say, "So, uh... this happened to me tonight and totally freaked me out..."

    • Love 2
  13. On 1/23/2020 at 10:19 PM, kazza said:

    So, I haven't been 12 in a while. Is Grease really an appropriate middle school play?

    When I was a senior in high school, we really wanted to our choir / musical director to do Grease, but the principal voted it down. We were so mad. (Especially because we ended up having to do Bye Bye Birdie instead, which felt like the complete opposite and very uncool. LOL.) 

    But he may have turned it down because it would have been edited to shreds until you think, "What's the point of doing it at all?" -- he would have insisted we cut out or tone down the plot points about teen pregnancy and all the comments and jokes and songs about sex and, well... if you even listen to the lyrics of Greased Lightning, I think he knew the parents would not be cool with the guys singing about a car being a real pussy wagon. 😉 

    So yeah, I couldn't believe that a middle school got permission to do that show. No way they'd allow that. Not the real stage version of Grease. No way.


    On 1/23/2020 at 10:47 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    She has a real reason to be pissed, and I'm glad that Delilah's temper tantrum ("HOW CAN SHE STILL BE MAD AT ME? IT'S BEEN MONTHS!") didn't sway Sophie at all. 

    I was all for Sophie's anger. By jumping ahead a few months, I felt like they were going to skip right over Delilah getting any consequence for her actions. Her son's already fine with her, her friends are calling her the best mom ever and being all sensitive and apologizing that she's having such a hard time with Sophie, as if Sophie's being unreasonable, and I'm like, HELL NO. Delilah needs to take some fucking responsibility for her actions. A quick "Sorry" just doesn't cut it.

    • Love 3
  14. On 12/12/2019 at 5:01 PM, Bulldog said:

    The thing that bothered me about the Liz reveal was that it seemed completely out of character for what we had seen of her up to this episode (either that, or there were clues along the way that I was too dense to catch). 

    Didn't Liz first come into the bar doing something kind of sketchy, like giving fake tours or something? I vaguely remember Grey giving her a hard time about it, asking her to leave, and her asking him to just go along with it. Sorry! I can't remember the details of what she was doing. I remember thinking she was kind of suspect right from the start and may have had hidden motives that we'd find out later in the season.

    With her setting up Dex and lying to Grey in this episode I felt like it was showing more of that sketchiness. I just didn't expect they'd wrap it up so quickly. I assumed they'd draw this out, and have her do all sorts of things in an attempt to isolate Grey from his former friends. I had no idea why she'd be doing that, but I figured they were going to make it agonizingly slow and annoying. So I'm just glad they didn't go that route and instead busted Liz right away.

    On 12/30/2019 at 6:00 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    And this is the scenario I suggested many episodes ago, although I said that Dex should encourage Ansel to move into a group home so that he would be less reliant on her (including if at some point something happened to her, or if Grey were not available to help out).  I agree that Ansel shouldn't live completely on his own without some ongoing support. Plus, a group home would allow for the possibility of a social life.

    I'm really worried about him now, mainly because they made such a point about him asking about how easy it is to get credit cards. Ansel, don't do it, man... that road can be dangerous.

    (I just don't want to see him misunderstand how it works or something, and end up in massive debt that Dex will need to help him with. She's enough of a mess on her own.)

    • Love 3
  15. On 12/10/2019 at 3:16 PM, Clanstarling said:

    I found it odd that Lucy wouldn't be the least put out that this guy she met once, who only knew she was a cop, showed up at her work to give her his number. I was with Bradford on that one. That's very stalkery, so I had him pegged as a bad guy from then on.

    For someone who was all "single men suck" at the start of the episode, I found it pretty annoying that she seemed to become obsessed with him so quickly and easily, with no concern that he came to her place of work. I mean, all the photos of him on her phone and the constant texting and everything alreadyIt just felt orchestrated to get to that ending.

    I feel bad for that poor girl Nolan and his partner found. She already had her "date of death" tattooed into her skin. I hope she finds someone to remove it or cover it up so she doesn't have to see that horrific reminder every time she changes her clothes. *shudder

    • Love 3
  16. On 12/9/2019 at 4:21 AM, Higgins said:

    Impending death can cause something called terminal agitation.

    *nodding  When my grandmother was in hospice, the people providing us information and aid told us there were a number of things that could happen when the patient is nearing death, including that sort of agitation. They wanted us to be mentally prepared for any possibility. There's no guarantee how the body will behave, and each person is different, I guess. In the end, thankfully, that's not something my grandma experienced.

    • Love 4
  17. On 11/24/2019 at 3:47 PM, Emma9 said:

    Their twin goofy grins when she said she was going to leave it on the moon were the most I've enjoyed this relationship at all.

    It's not even real, but in that moment I found myself getting all geeky excited for them. Like it was actually going to happen. LOL. It was definitely a cute moment, seeing them grin and exchange a look of "Wow, cool!"

    • Love 1
  18. On 11/14/2019 at 5:27 PM, SassyCat said:

    It broke my heart and I cried when he studied his parents faces for the last time, burning them into his memory.

    I cried too. That kid actor did a remarkable job in that scene. And I kept thinking about the dad, try to smile at your son. You don't want the last image he sees to be one of you crying and sad. I was so glad that the mom smiled through her tears and told him they loved him. It was a beautiful moment and so heartbreaking.

    About the Debbie thing... I understood her wanting to keep Glassman to a tighter schedule, but her walking right in on him with a patient, any patient, is beyond offensive. It doesn't matter if Glassman couldn't fix that squirrel woman's issues in 5 minutes - maybe he needed the five minutes to convince her to see a therapist and give her a name or two and let her know he wasn't judging her. Next time it might be Debbie walking in on him when he's not done with examining a patient! Or when he's in the middle of consoling someone who has gotten a terrible diagnosis. Or maybe in the middle of a moment where a patient is admitting her boyfriend hits her and that she needs help. Having Debbie barge in and say, "Time's up! Your next patient has been waiting," is just so wrong. It ruins the confidential, safe environment Glassman is meant to provide as someone's doctor.

    • Love 7
  19. 19 hours ago, femmefan1946 said:

    Was anyone else annoyed by Jackson's "Bollywood Kiss"?

    Yes! (LOL)  I was like, finally West is getting some action... and then they copped out. It's 2019 and it's still somehow kind of a weird rare thing to allow two men to kiss on regular network TV. How often is it shown, where it's not some coy almost-kiss, where it's truly on par with what straight characters get to do? I'm not sure.

    Just the other night on Stumptown the lead female character kissed another female character, but the fact that they deem that allowable to show just feels like it's feeding a straight white male fantasy of women making out, rather than actual societal growth where people will no longer think twice if they see something outside of straight sexuality. I don't know... maybe I'm making too big a deal out of it, but I definitely rolled my eyes when West and the actor character got interrupted.

    16 hours ago, bros402 said:

    from what I gathered was that Malcolm had no family left. Therefore, he was a ward of the state - which would most likely mean that the social worker would act in loco parentis

    That was my thought as well. Which is why I was confused that she got kicked out. There's no way in hell a 12-year-old should be getting interrogated without some parental figure or social worker advocating for them. I know Wesley was supposed to, but I imagine it's never just a lawyer in the room for the kid but also a parent or guardian so that they know what's going on?

    • Love 2
  20. 14 hours ago, bros402 said:

    When he came in, he asked where the kid was - social worker lady said "I'm coming with you, I should be there etc" and Wesley said "No, you're on the other side, he is my client" or something liek that

    That's actually a part that made no sense to me. As a social worker, she IS on the kid's side. So I'm not sure why he said that to her. She should have been in there to advocate for the kid. Especially because she already knew him, right?

    • Useful 1
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  21. On a separate note, I kept waiting for them to cut to Lopez, when Wesley was having his meltdown, but they never did. It drove me a little crazy - I wanted to say, can't you see the guy is struggling? Go help him! End the interview, or at least pull him out of there and get the kid a different lawyer.

    Apparently I yell at the characters like they can hear me.  😉

    • LOL 4
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  22. 1 hour ago, Soobs said:

    Welcome to the world of The Rookie! How many times has Nolan had an intruder?

    I just wanted to shout at him, "Nolan! When are you going to learn to lock your patio door and close the curtains at night!" What's with him always leaving his glass doors wide open? He did that when he lived in his friend's house and it baffled me. It's like, yes, why not just walk right in, neighbors, strangers, anyone walking by... 😄

    • Love 6
  23. I think the big issue for the 15-year-old kid is that his life would never be his own again. In this day and age, he would never escape being in the news, being hounded, and being known as the kid whose real dad is a gay politician who once had an affair with his student.  They always say, be careful what you put out there online. The media certainly wouldn't be willing to leave him alone, and even after it died down in immediate news, it would be forever viewable as info on the internet. The kid's 15. That would be pretty damn awful, and I had no problem with Dex trying to find a way to protect his identity.

    I did, however, think the resolution to the issue was lame. What's to stop the sleazy brother from further trying to capitalize on it with a news network or some other outlet? Just because the politician decides to step down and the other side of the aisle promised not to say anything, doesn't mean it will never get out. It could all be for nothing.

    Also, I think the husband's freakout about them being "off message" was ridiculous. What's more on message for "Be you, be true" than being able to say, "When I was in the closet, I did all sorts of foolish, over-the-top, over-the-line things in order to hide who I was. It was all out of fear, and no one should ever have to feel that way about themselves. It's a horrible headspace to be in. But now I can stand proudly and I'm no longer tied to that fear because I'm finally honest about who I am and can truly be myself."

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