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Dina Grerogy

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Everything posted by Dina Grerogy

  1. Wow lost another couple. She is batting around .300 with home field advantage (her treatment facilities) so maybe pay more attention to the 'customers' she already has. If I were to stand there all tall and judgmental, assessing her life choices I would say that she is addicted to addiction and should probably work on centering and focus and perhaps sell socks on Etsy. @Alex I can tell you were an abusive a**hole. Stick with it and maybe chill with telling people they are too sensitive, especially if it is a majority. Perhaps they are right... Best of luck in your continuing recovery.
  2. Ugh right with you. Kristina seems to still be working thru some issues of her own-namely power issues. She seems desperate to be taken seriously as a 'professional' and so forth yet comes off looking almost as sad as the folks she 'treats'. I feel like other people react to her the same way I do and that just furthers the childish cycle. You notice the first thing she does is elbow her way into the middle of everyone asserting her tallness I guess. After that comes the classic interrogation technique of the pensive stare with a slight brow furrow to denote skeptical displeasure. It is kind of like she never made it past chapter 1 of some 'empowering' take your child to work book and has no other game plan than 'look serious and use generality-laden newsspeak'. She just comes off as trying way too hard and then staying in business mode to the point of not connecting with her patients or their families (notice the lack of thanks from everyone involved), much in the way that Taco Bell treats my burrito vs Chipotle. I think I will have to skip this series. Kristina plus another year of middle class and rich kids getting help is just tired. How about Intervention: Crenshaw where they actually try to help someone from the ghetto?
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