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Posts posted by willpwr

  1. Regarding fishing...

    Julie told me there was one guy from Florida who claimed to know all about fishing, but where they were located, the fishing sucked. Or he sucked, I can't remember which she said was worse. She told me the fishing equipment they got was useless because of those two factors.

    Wasn't sure if that should be spoilered, but just in case, I did.

    Some of the best fishing in Central America is where they're located. It's why a lot of people go sport fishing there. The guy must have just sucked. I imagine it's Drew since he's in her tribe and his brother mentioned Florida in the first episode.

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  2. From what I understand, she did Rhythmic Gymnastics from 3 to 15, she quit because training was 25 hours a week, her coach was too strict and she wanted to have free time with her friends plus she didn't think she was good enough to seriously compete. She's mentioned that in a few interviews. I'm not sure what the difference is or if there is one between that and what I consider regular gymnastics. She's also said in the past that she's a kickboxer.

  3. I think sometimes people use "method acting" as an excuse for bad acting, being an asshole,lazy, etc because they can claim that nobody can tell them that they're not in character even if it makes absolutely no sense. True method actors do exist, though and they can be awesome but I think some people just latch on to that without really immersing themselves into their character and it makes me wonder if they actually understand what it is. From my understanding it's used to "react honestly as the character" but KC can't seem to separate her personal feelings from certain scenes. Paul Blackthorne is a method actor, uses a different accent, SA mentioned that whenever PB had to film a scene with him, PB would recreate the feelings of hatred toward Oliver before filming would begin to get his mind set into the role. I view PB as a method actor, I don't view KC as one.

  4. Christine Brecht @stinestinks  ·  Oct 1


    Did she get fired?


    Christine Brecht @stinestinks  ·  7h 7 hours ago
    Sorry haters, but you aren't ruining my life. Thank you to TMZ for making stuff up though! Reporting at it's finest.


    Looks like TMZ article might not be true. I doubted it because Tim said he wants to be on BB and Christine said she's willing to do All-Stars and thinks being one of the most hated will help her.

  5. In that interview she says that Laurel had to take care of her father and sister since she lost her mother at a young age. Isn't that something that she should have confirmed with the producers first? I don't know, I always feel that her interviews from S1 seemed more thoughtful and better prepared but that's also the time frame that she lied about having fight training and reading the comics. I'm not sure when or why she decided it was a good idea to turn around and say she didn't read the comics, etc. I'm going to try to be open towards her SL in S3, I've actually watched all her scenes in the hopes she'd grow on me.  In that interview she also talks about Laurel being forgiving and helpful, she says Laurel is "almost angelic.... so pure and so honest", I honestly did not get that in the way she portrayed her.

  6. I think the blue team should alternate who does "rock, paper, scissors", this is Reed's second time and both times he's chosen "rock", John probably remembered that which is why he chose "paper". Next time if it's a physical challenge where they have to be aggressive towards the other tribe and they have to sit out someone, I'd sit out Missy, she's shown to be a liability when going against her daughter.

  7. Q: Have you been secretly training in the hope it might happen?
    A: No, I work out a lot in general, but just because I enjoy it and not because I'm training behind the scenes on some kick-ass stunts.


    “It’s something I’ve been looking forward to,” Cassidy said over the phone last week while on a beach in Malibu, Calif. “I’ve definitely started preparing myself, as I know my character will turn into Black Canary at some point, but I don’t know when, exactly. Physically I’m trying to get in the best shape possible. I’m looking forward to the fight training.”


    She's aware that there's a difference between fight training and her regular workouts. I have a feeling she'll do fight training when she reads the comics which is when/if she's BC. When she was promoting S1 I don't understand why she said she had fight and stunt training for Supernatural and lied about reading the comics. The following was from last year when she claimed to have fight training, yet this year she says she hasn't had fight training.


    It’s a peach of a role and, as Katie says, ‘Laurel is lovely and I couldn’t be happier playing her. When I initially read the pilot, there were so many elements I was drawn to. I was infatuated with the depth [of Laurel’s character] – she’s gone through so much in her life. She’s driven and hard-working but you also see moments where she’s vulnerable and fragile and she has such a good heart. She’s an enormous amount of fun to play.’
    This being an action series, however, Katie gets to flex her actual muscles alongside her emotional ones. ‘I have had fight training for the show,’ she says. ‘When I was on Supernatural I played a demon hunter and so I had to do a lot of fight scenes then, too. I do a lot of my own stunts, so I try to stay as fit as I possibly can.

  8. Straight men coming down with HIV is such a weird thing, because the odds of a man getting HIV from having heterosexual sex are so minuscule that when you hear it, you can't help but think, "Yeah, bullshit you've never done needle drugs or had sex with a guy" but then you (well, me, at least) feel like a dick for calling someone a liar about their private life. 

    The risk is lower for straight men but it is still very possible depending on viral load, the type of sex they have with a woman, if a condom is used, if the woman is using ART, etc. If Dick's goal is to use this as a platform and encourage awareness then I hope he wouldn't lie about how he got it. A lot of people believe that heterosexual men aren't at risk as long as they don't do needle drugs but that is just not true. 

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  9. Yes, she said that, I'm trying to find the interview. The interviewer asked her what was the deal with her giving dating advice and that's how she replied. 


    She was more diplomatic in the one with EW:


    There’s been a bad breakup. Who would get Laurel’s spare room for the night?

    Neither. [Laughs] I know that she was supportive for a minute, but she’s still secretly kind of like, “He’s with me.” I don’t think she wants to be involved.


    I remember having read the other one and thinking she really needs media training. Well, TBH, I think that after almost every interview but that one stood out even more and I stopped looking up interviews after because I was just getting frustrated.

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  10. I think she looks amazing but that was never the issue. It's more that she has her character stuck in her S1 role, and her acting and the writing aren't on the same page as to what is described and what is actually shown. Laurel is cartoonish to me, from her reaction to Slade telling her Oliver's secret to the way she pounds her fists after "beating" people up. I remember having read an interview where KC said something about how she had no problem giving Sara dating advice because she knew it wouldn't work out and Oliver would go back to Laurel anyway, I mean really? Who says that? She has such a way of talking herself up by putting the other characters down, such as her "fling" comment about Felicity, also.

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  11. At first he did. But he really took to not liking/trusting Derrick pretty early on as well, so he stopped giving a shit about him. Also, I think Donny is pretty perceptive and he knew that Frankie/Derrick were talking to and playing with each other much more than they ever did with him, so he basically gave up.


    I saw Donny try to play, try to make alliances, try to get people to see what was going on, etc. I don't think he just didn't do anything. But every time he tried, it backfired, so he did mostly give up towards the end.

    Donny said he didn't try to make alliances in post show interviews. He wanted to make jury and basically wait until her knew he made it to jury to actually start playing. From what I saw, he would wait until people were about to be eliminated to ally with them knowing he didn't have the numbers so that when they were eliminated IMHO, they could say, "well Donny warned me about what was going on, he tried to save me, I love him, if he makes it to F2 I'm voting for him", which is smart so I actually liked that he was doing that but he lost me when he started throwing himself pity parties. The attempts he made weren't real attempts because he wasn't really trying to do anything except make it look like he was there for people that he knew were going since he had figured out the votes already. If anything, I'd say he actually played/fought more towards the end with the way he was finally trying to use TA in his favor, but again, it was too little, too late because he took on the attitude that the person/people in power needed to prove themselves to him. He couldn't play with "these people" because they weren't the type of people he felt he could trust. I understand not liking someone but he really messed up his own game. He's smart, knew how to make them laugh, he knew who the weak links were but he tried the wrong approach with them, he let them know he thought they were stupid. I don't blame them for not wanting to work with him, TBH. If he had put his dislike aside and tried to play the fitting in game everyone else did and stayed up for the chance to win $500k, he could have won. That is why he's my biggest disappointment in the season because he had a lot of potential but he didn't really try, which he himself admits and that is why I can't blame anyone else for "turning on him" or not working with him.

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  12. I imagine Donny thought TA was gonna be a real alliance because I believe the cards TA the first got alluded to, or actually I believe outright stated, that it was an 'alliance.' Which was dumb and greatly contributed to this season being so boring.



    Sadly, Production seems determined to continue to cast people (mostly the men, IMO, but also the women) that will never allow that to happen.

    If he thought it was a real alliance then why didn't want to discuss strategy with them? He only discussed it pertaining to the tasks.

  13. Along that line, I thought "exile island" this season looked awfully familiar, like maybe we've seen it before as a camp in a previous season.  

    From what I've been reading online plus being from there, it's because they've stayed within the same area. San Juan Del Sur is not an island or a jungle. Ometepe and Zapatera are islands, since they used those before based on tribe names, I believe exile island is Ometepe and they're just staying by the coast/rainforest area in the main land. It's a tourist hot spot, I don't think any local would consider going there "roughing" it, a lot of schools take kids camping there on field trips. They're probably filming there so often because it's cheap and are probably being treated well by the locals.

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  14. There's usually one at each tribe's beach.  But they sometimes get put back into play after someone uses them.

    Oh okay, so John really is pretty dumb to have believed her lie then. Got it! I was confused, thank you for clearing that up. :)

  15. I think TA as a whole crossed a bigger line than the "joke" which I understand some people view differently, some agree that Derrick tried to stop it in a joking way and others think he encouraged it. TA decided to paint Amber in a completely unflattering light and basically slut shamed her to win $5k, to me that was sexist behavior and they all partook in it.


    Derrick was interested in controlling the group think as to how they voted, otherwise he was interested in fitting in, he didn't want to make waves. To me there's a huge difference. If he was seen as a leader he would have become a target, it's why he talked himself down as a competitor and propped everyone else up. At that point in the game, Frankie was seen as more of a leader than Derrick and he's a much better competitor that has been shown to have acted spitefully so it would not have been smart to rock the boat.

  16. I've thought Camren looked like a young Michelle Pfeiffer ever since she and her crew competed in America's Best Dance Crew. I'm sad to have read that due to her age she can't do the majority of the stunts but I like knowing that she actually can if they let her, it makes her more believable to me in the role. I'm glad her acting seems to be improving, I made the mistake of watching Battlefield America which was just an awful movie. I think if she shows the same dedication to acting as she does to dancing that she's gonna be pretty great so I'm looking forward to watching her grow as a performer.

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    I think he considered it an alliance because it was his first chance at one. He has said that his plan was to wait for someone to approach him about an alliance, rather than search one out for himself. Then he found out that America voted him onto Team America, so he grabbed onto that as an alliance, thinking that Frankie and Derrick were seeing it that way, too. Since they already had their alliances, they didn't see it that way at all. For Donny, it was a game alliance as well as a way to make extra money; for the other two, it was just a way to make extra money. 

    I never thought he considered TA an alliance until it was convenient for him. He specifically told Frankie and Derrick that he didn't ask for Team America, he went on the show to be Donny Thompson and play his own game, not someone else's. They both looked at each other with surprised expressions on their faces. Prior to that, Donny had already been going around the house badmouthing Derrick because he figured out his game pretty much right away. He wanted Derrick gone from the start. Derrick and Donny have both admitted that Derrick approached Donny from the start to try to form an alliance and Donny turned it down because he didn't like/trust Derrick, there was a point at the beginning when Donny was sleeping and the other guys were excited about their TA mission and went to wake up Donny to discuss strategy and he told them he'd rather sleep. I honestly don't understand why all of a sudden he's talking about TA turning on him, that was never a true alliance, it was definitely not a F3 deal.

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  18. I think Henry is Ichabod's weakness because he views it as him having failed his son even though it wasn't his fault, he doesn't see it that way. I think he is very stuck on the roles he views everyone in, such as his "son", his "wife", the "witness" and he needs to let go of that because it is really affecting his decisions. He is putting his wife and child who he doesn't really know above everyone and it seems like he's doing it because in his mind it's the "right" thing to do, an honorable man would put his family first, etc but he needs to open up his eyes and his mind because he risked everything when he decided to essentially sacrifice the other witness for his wife that was apparently very good at deceiving him and hiding her true self from him. Now he's back to talking about as witnesses they need to work together to save the world because it's the right thing to do, so of course while Awesome Abbie and Kick-Ass Kindred are fighting evil, he's... kissing his wife. 


    As funny as I think Ichabod is when he's dealing with modern technology and being snarky, at this point I can't root for him and Abbie to get together because he's made too many selfish decisions and no matter what he says about her importance to him, his actions have proven otherwise.

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  19. After Derrick's initial attempt to deflect the direction of the conversation, I always considered Derrick's lack of comment a strategic decision. I felt Derrick's "her father would want to punch you in the mouth" comment was a totally unambiguous warning to Frankie that his comments might make folks (viewers and other HGs) uncomfortable. Did anyone else besides me think this conversation seemed like it could've been a sound bite lifted straight from last season?

    Derrick actually made those kind of comments a lot this season, I hadn't thought of them as warnings before but thinking about it in this way it makes sense. He makes them in a joking manner, so as not to offend, reminds the HG he's talking to that family members are watching and are likely to be upset plus mentions how he pictures them reacting, usually violently because as he's said, it would upset him (which could be seen as him telling the other HG's to put themselves in the situation where it is their family member being spoken of that way so that they hopefully stop), the other HG instead continues with the offensive behavior so Derrick lets them dig their own grave so to speak.

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