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Posts posted by willpwr

  1. Kelley's good at maneuvering that bus! Someone mentioned previously they'd be more suspicious of the person talking about someone looking for an idol over the person trying to get along with everyone. I think she played that beautifully, though... she was asked about Dietz, said he's a good guy but he spent a lot of time looking for idols, meanwhile Dietz is acting like he has nothing to worry about and is at a party. That could lead others to think he probably does have an idol.

    • Love 5
  2. I may be wrong but I thought Tasha asked Woo what happened and then he told his story. I didn't see it as trying to elicit sympathy but rather a bonding moment about overcoming obstacles. Now, Abi... yeah, she was trying to elicit sympathy...

    I like the second chance concept for the challenges. Is Monica really a bigger liability than Stephen in the challenges? If I were Bayon I'd rather get rid of Stephen and Kimmi TBH just to keep the tribe strong. On the other hand Jeremy admits he doesn't trust Spencer and that Spencer will align with anyone... as long as it keeps him in the game... yes, that's someone you want to keep... not smart at all. Kelly's alliance is already gone, she's actually in a worse position than Spencer. Monica should have played up Spencer being untrustworthy instead of trying to outright form an all girl's alliance.

    Next week's previews look interesting, I'm liking this season so far.

    • Love 5
  3. Considering how "sneaky sneaky" she was getting her idol she sure wasn't very stealthy when observing Kass. It was funny watching her in the background. As one of her few fans during San Juan del Sur I'm glad she's getting airtime. 

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  4. I'm glad Abi wasn't voted out so I can see some more "mistakes". I was laughing during the Vytas yoga session, he really seemed to think all the women would be impressed otherwise why all those moves that emphasized his junk and butt. Except for all the Joe adoration this was a pretty enjoyable episode.

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  5. Maybe it's tacky but it's her storyline this season just like Kelly's is that she thinks about her loss every day. It's not necessarily true but apparently they're supposed to play up to their storylines or Jeff calls them out on it. Her dad doesn't seem bothered by it. That being said, if she messes up, I hope it's a massive mistake though and makes good tv. She's my favorite but I like entertainment, too. Quite frankly, I believe her face is too expressive and she needs to watch how she rracts as it's not good game play however I thoroughly enjoy her reactions.

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  6. She's admitted before that she doesn't blame her dad. http://parade.com/348840/joshwigler/does-kelley-wentworth-blame-her-dad-for-her-survivor-exit/ I don't think with her it's about not being able to admit she's made mistakes. She seems pretty smart and willing to take self-responsibility. She knew she was the bigger threat. I'll be honest, I didn't like the people on her season so when I saw her in the background having the same reactions I would around some of the people on her tribe I figured she had good instincts. Her storyline, though, is that it was her dad's fault or "let's see how she plays on her own" since per the episodes it looked like her dad and "ricegate" messed up her game. Missy argued with Dale and then told Jon that Kelley wanted him out, before that, Kelley and Missy were kind of loosely allied which is why she was aware that she wanted Jon out. Who knows if ricegate hadn't happened how that vote would have gone down. All in all I was impressed with how she handled herself.

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  7. I am so excited she's back! Hopefully she'll prove me right about being a much better player than what was shown last time. Actually, I think she has already shown that since she got more airtime this episode than on her entire season.

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  8. "That still doesn't deny the fact that up till that point, Laurel was more important to Oliver than Diggle was. Oliver has never mistreated Diggle whilst being in love with Felicity. Because his love for her doesn't cloud his judgement. And isn't that the kind of relationship that is good for Oliver and his relationship with Diggle?

    Laurel still calls Oliver out on his shit (in fact KC prides in Laurel doing so) in almost every episode. Nothing has changed in that regard so I don't understand the point you're making? The point is that Oliver rarely (if ever) listens to Laurel when she does so and that has nothing to do with Felicity or Diggle. It has more to do with the crappy relationship they've cultivated ever since the pilot. He listens to Diggle and Felicity, though. And Laurel has never been a moral compass to Oliver. She'd been his shame because of what he did to her and her family so saying that she was or could've been his moral compass is pretty fallacious."


    Bringing this over from Public Appearaces...


    I fully agree with this but would also like to add that Felicity has actually helped Oliver see that what he did to Diggle by prioritizing Laurel over him was wrong. Diggle and Felicity usually back each other up. The "find another way" speech was initiated by Diggle but Felicity finished it, that to me shows their partnership. They both stand up for each other which is why an Oliver/Felicity relationship should never, if done correctly, diminish Diggle because Felicity will not put up with is (which has been shown in the past) and they all respect, value and trust each other,


    Laurel took it for granted in Season 1 that she was Oliver's priority, asking for Felicity's job, etc. In Season 2 basically kicking out the rest of TA out of the Arrow Cave as if they did not matter so that she could talk to Oliver. 


    Oliver with Laurel is going backwards, he needs to move forwards, at this point it seems like Felicity makes the most sense. I want my heroes to grow.

    • Love 13

    That still doesn't deny the fact that up till that point, Laurel was more important to Oliver than Diggle was. Oliver has never mistreated Diggle whilst being in love with Felicity. Because his love for her doesn't cloud his judgement. And isn't that the kind of relationship that is good for Oliver and his relationship with Diggle?


    Laurel still calls Oliver out on his shit (in fact KC prides in Laurel doing so) in almost every episode. Nothing has changed in that regard so I don't understand the point you're making? The point is that Oliver rarely (if ever) listens to Laurel when she does so and that has nothing to do with Felicity or Diggle. It has more to do with the crappy relationship they've cultivated ever since the pilot. He listens to Diggle and Felicity, though. And Laurel has never been a moral compass to Oliver. She'd been his shame because of what he did to her and her family so saying that she was or could've been his moral compass is pretty fallacious.  

    Replying in the relationship thread,

    • Love 1
  10. Have we seen Jeff say anything on the race negative about Hayley? It was Tyler her called her the wicked witch and that he would rather be sitting waiting for his fanny pack for hours than spend any time with her.

    There was a rumor on the previous page which is what I'm referring to.

  11. Weirdly enough Hayley and Jeff are actually very close.

    Which kind of disproves the rumor as supposedly nobody likes her. I buy that they're close in real life but I still think if they had to race together they'd be too busy arguing to get anything done.

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  12. That rumor sounds like sour grapes to basically place Hayley in the "woman scorned" category as if she didn't have a valid reason at any point to get upset at Blair. She had a valid reason at some point but took it too far and became verbally and apparently emotionally abusive. I give Blair points for not snapping. Hayley is in the psycho category for me, there is no excuse for that. Blair should have made more of an effort at the beginning, I agree but she's been latching on to every slight, real or imagined and keeps putting him down to build herself up and it's sickening especially considering her job. She is the one that put on the ditzy blonde persona at the beginning and then got upset when he didn't take her seriously, I'm not saying that was right of him because he should respect his race "partner" because that word implies they are equals and they both need to keep that in mind. FREE BLAIR, she's lucky she didn't get stuck with anyone else especially Jeff since apparently he's into name calling, too.

  13. I haven't been watching this season and just decided to look at the forum to see if it was a mistake to have quit but so far no regrets here. :) Just to jump in the wedding speculation, I say future... Oliver getting married showing him he can be Oliver Queen and the Arrow and the wife being shown wearing her veil so a lot of speculation can build over the summer as to who he's marrying.

    • Love 1
  14. I actually don't think Cookie's in that bad a spot. She could have played it cool but Lucius admitted in his sleep that he killed her cousin, now I know that cooler heads prevail but she had an instant reaction and she COULD have killed Lucius but didn't which is a positive for her. In fact at the end of the episode I think she went there to try to reconcile because she wanted her family together.Cookie's in good with Jamal and now she's in good with Hakeem and Andre, she finally has all three of them talking to her and has said a few times she wants the 3 of them to run Empire. The thing dividing them was Lucius but another point in her favor there is she didn't snitch and Lucius will probably end up figuring that out and so will Jamal, so yes, she could have played it cool but how many are that cold blooded that when someone brags about killing their cousin they'll just smile? Still Team Cookie here. I hope she gets her family together, it might not be pretty how they get there but I hope they reach that point.

    • Love 2
  15. I for one would honestly probably have liked it more if we had been shown Missy's deplorable behavior. I would still dislike Reed and think the whole thing was an attention-seeking ploy that said way more about him than about Missy, but I probably would've felt some satisfaction from seeing someone call out someone who did those things.


    Have any of the other contestants talked about specifics in the case of Missy being an 'evil stepmother?' Like did she seriously take more rice to give to Baylor/her alliance than to Reed/Josh/the other idiot dudebros? Did she really give Baylor a better sleeping position than everyone else? And more importantly, why the fuck did everyone just sit there and let her do that?



    When Cassandra and Dreamz tied for second (with no votes each!), they each received the second place prize of $100,000. However, someone stated earlier in this thread that now they take the second and third place prize and divide it evenly between the tied players. I don't know if there's confirmation on that though.

    In ricegate episode, it was pretty much confirmed that Missy was put in charge of cooking the food as well as food distribution, it's why Baylor went up to her and said she wanted more rice even though they were rationing before Missy got there. Supposedly Missy was feeding Jon and Alec a lot of food (she allegedly even had Jon calling her "momma") and making more food than the blue tribe ate so they actually threw away rice daily before the switch. The only one to openly question her was Dale and we know how that turned out. Missy was lucky to always be part of the majority alliance and most of them seem pretty laid back.


    Oh, okay, thank you for explaining about the votes.

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  16. I stopped watching this show the week Kelley was eliminated so I was actually happy to see her at the show even though she didn't speak. One of the reasons I stopped watching was actually due to Missy and Baylor and their, IMHO, bratty and entitled behavior in regards to ricegate, votes, etc. I actually agreed with Reed's speech and yet was disappointed by it at the same time because I agree, there is a time and a place and kicking someone while you know they're down is just not something I respect. I believe the reason some people were nodding along with Reed's speech was pretty indicative of behavior that was not shown but Reed had no leg to stand on considering his actions (I'm basing this off of videos on the cbs website and interviews). In regards to Reed's vote, just out of curiosity but if Jack and Missy had each gotten one vote, how would a tiebreaker be decided? 


    I'm glad Natalie won and am surprised by that but I gained a lot of respect for her in the few episodes I watched. 

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  17. You mean a complete and utter asshole?  I agree, Dale is a complete and utter asshole.  And I didn't think much of Kelly trying to make excuses for him, either.  Didn't find that pair any more endearing than Missy and Baylor.

    I could be wrong but I thought she said she agreed with what he was saying but not how he was saying it. I don't see that as an excuse. He had a point when we see the blue tribe begging for food because they were unwise with rationing, he was an asshole in regards to how he was making his point which she pretty much told him when she tried to calm him down. What excuses did she make? I see her relationship with her dad as a lot healthier than Missy and Baylor's but that's just IMHO. I agree that Dale is an asshole and it might help explain why they didn't talk for a few years but I just don't see her enabling him the way Missy enabled Baylor.


    *In regards to the rice, I can understand how eating bigger portions might help win competitions but unless they know when they are getting more rice I don't think it's wise to make more than they eat and take it for granted/assume they'll just get more. If they're out of rice for even 2 days while they wait I imagine that would do more damage than doing portion control.

    • Love 3
  18. There are a lot of coconuts in Nicaragua and John Rocker caught fish before he got voted out so I think they just didn't look/don't know how to fish. On the first episode Josh and Reed found a crab and ate it. Maybe they were conserving their energy but if they really looked I'm sure they could find stuff. They were there during mango season, maybe production had them in a very small area and got rid of some of the vegetation, I haven't seen a lot of native fruit trees that are pretty abundant in the area. Even on the small islands there are fruit trees. They are in San Juan which is known for giant river shrimp that people can catch with bare hands and are the tastiest shrimp I've ever had. I just don't understand their food issues unless production severely limited where they could go/ what they could do.

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  19. I heard the interview, her alliance was with Jeremy and Natalie. I like that she's not afraid to express her opinions and after hearing the interview I dislike Missy and Baylor even more but can understand why Jon and Jaclyn voted how they did, however, if I were them I would have still sided with Kelley just because she seems more upfront than Baylor and she's already turned on Jaclyn before so why wouldn't she do it again. Then again, maybe I'm just biased because I too think Kelley's a cutie with nice dimples and I thought her facial expressions in the background scenes were made of awesome. I also agree with her opinion re: Jon, Drew and Keith.

  20. I don't know how strategic Jon and Jaclyn are, though, because if they're thinking post merge and Baylor has already proven to be untrustworthy, why would they team up with her to help her potentially get to the merge and back with Josh who is her strongest ally? To me the choices Jon and Jaclyn had were two smart players, one who could be a goat (Dale) and who had stuck with their alliances vs two people that weren't concerned with rations and were painting Baylor as an innocent victim when she started the rift with Dale in the first place. Baylor and Missy seem pretty smart, too but they seem more interested in themselves instead of being team players. Post merge, Kelley would have had Natalie and Jeremy who I'd rather be allied with than Josh. 


    Edited because I wrote the wrong twinnie's name.

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  21. I think they voted out Kelley because they view her as a threat, she has a better social game than her dad and they were concerned with how smart she and Dale are per the conversation Missy and Baylor had with Jaclyn.

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