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Posts posted by willpwr

  1. I was told the spoiler about tonight's episode by a coworker today. I quit watching this show after Sara was killed. I was so upset by what I felt was the propping of someone who contributed greatly to the dislike of one of my favorite comic book characters along with the awful writing for said character that I just couldn't continue watching. I'm not sure how I feel about the spoiler or if I will watch tonight's episode, I probably won't, it's a matter of "too late" for me. The show was already ruined for me. I'll give the two episodes after a chance, though. I want to see the aftermath and how it affects Oliver's growth as well as the team and hopefully brings them closer together so it can have a season 1/ season 2 feel again.

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  2. A threat to go to the rocks is nothing even close to bullying. He was warning her of the consequences of voting for Jeremy instead of Wentworth. He was letting her know that her blindside scheme would not succeed and if she went through with it, she, Tasha and Keith would be drawing rocks.

    He was using the rules of the game and the leverage his alliance had to try to get his way, just like Kimmi was doing by trying to blindside Jeremy.

    She ignored the warning and ended up voting herself out.

    If he had physically threatened her, called her names, or yelled "You better vote with us or else!" that would be bullying.

    By your definition of "bullying" nearly every castaway bullies and gets bullied as most at some point are pushed into voting in a way they would prefer not to, to maintain their place in the game.

    I think we're getting a bit OT here but please don't generalize my statement when I'm talking about a specific situation. Spencer WAS telling people they better vote his way, Spencer had immunity and was definitely in a position of power at that point so they weren't on equal footing at all. We didn't see everything that happened and what we did see was pretty ugly. We don't know everything that happened so if she felt that way then it's her right and I won't try to diminish her feelings on that. I don't even like Kimmi and I was pretty neutral on Spencer until the last few episodes. I'm not saying Spencer's a bad person, he took things too far which he himself has admitted in post interviews. If you want to continue this discussion feel free to PM me.

    I think Tasha could have won if the final 3 had been her, Kass and Abi. Same with Spencer.

    • Love 2
  3. That makes no sense whatsoever.

    Just because Kimmi "feels" like Spencer "bullied" it doesn't mean he did.

    If Spencer "felt" like Kimmi assaulted him, but she never laid a finger on him, would Spencer's feeling make her guilty of assault? Of course not.

    In tbe same way, if a fragile, emotionally unstable person "feels" bullied, when no actual bullying occurred, the other person is not guilty of bullying.

    In fact, false accusations of bullying are a form of real bullying.

    False accusations of bullying are a form of real life bullying but someone who is in a position of power being aggressive towards someone that's definitely not in a position of power the way Kimmi was and that was trying to make others vote his way by threatening to go to rocks when he was in absolutely no danger whatsoever is not bullying? I'm sorry, but assault and bullying are not the same thing at all. Bullying has a lot to do with how the person feels and an imbalance of power. I stand by if Kimmy felt bullied by Spencer then she has the right to feel that way.

    I think Jeremy was a worthy winner. I think he would have won even if Spencer hadn't basically shown his ass there at the end. Jeremy was a strategist which was shown by the way people would go up to him to discuss strategy. He was respected and trusted which showed a great social game. I still don't think he sandbagged challenges, they just didn't seem in his wheelhouse tbh but he was able to win the one that mattered the most.

    • Love 3
  4. Where did I say he wasn't a worthy winner? Or that the moment defined him as a person?

    I merely agreed it wasn't his finest moment. He and Wentworth are my favorites of the season. This has been the case since before the season started. It doesn't mean that I'll ignore his bad moments or make excuses for him.

    • Love 6
  5. It's not about taking someone's word as gospel. Sometimes we form opinions based on what we see and Spencer, imo, came off as very arrogant. Obviously mmv and there is no right or wrong way of viewing someone but what may be clear to you may not necessarily be how someone else sees things.

    • Love 3
  6. And then he skipped along to vote her off... very age appropriate reaction.

    I like Jeremy but it wasn't his best moment.

    I'm glad he won, though. Finally, one of my picks wins! I'd have preferred my other pick but overall pretty pleased with this season.

    One other thing, if Kimmi feels like Spencer bullied her then he bullied her, it's about how she felt not how we decide she should feel based on the very little we were shown of a tribal that probably lasted hours. As for him bullying Jeremy, since Jeremy never made that claim, think it's pretty safe to say based on Jeremy's little wink that he realized he had his second goat there and he'd just let Spencer continue to bury himself.

    • Love 2
  7. She was probably more pissed about the Abi vote because it was their opportunity to take control. She understands it's a numbers game and that she was at the bottom before so I don't think she took that vote personally. She voted for Spencer before also due to not having numbers but towards the end of the game I think it stings more.

    • Love 1
  8. Jeremy's not sandbagging challenges. He was asked on twitter and pretty much admitted some challenges just aren't his thing. He's never been a challenge beast tbh. Keith is much better at challenges. Joe isn't the only player that told Kelley she was getting voted out. According to a behind the scenes blog, Kelley was told by a few players she was going home and that they didn't see the harm in telling her since they thought there was no way she had an idol. I don't know why Joe gets so much credit tbh as far as her still being there, she saved herself by being smart and keeping her idol to herself. He tried to protect her in the beginning but he gives up pretty fast unless it's a challenge , she saved him at one point but he pretty much admitted that HE changed after the merge and started ignoring the girls unlesd it was convenient for him. Jeremy has been brought up a few times to be voted out but not as first option. Oh and Kelley didn't pick who went on this reward, Keith did, which he so awesomely explained his picks so not sure how she screwed up the picks.

    • Love 4
  9. Disliking someone isn't sexist but the way "bitch" has been throwing around along with some derogatory terms followed by some people, not everyone talking about loving the bromance that's where I'm talking about double standards. People can like who they want but it's easy to judge from the comforts of our own homes and talk about how people are evil and how they dislike when people openly gloat about winning/others losing followed by how they'll cheer if that person loses. Please, keep in mind, this is in no way meant to single out anyone and I'm not saying people are wrong for how they feel or why they feel that way and I'm not trying to change minds but we're not even out there yet some of the speculation seems pretty persona. Can you imagine if we were actually competing? BTW, based on everything I've seen and how supportive they seem of each other... I think it's pretty safe to say Kelley doesn't hate her dad and as far as the woman scorned thing, pretty sure she's in a solid relationship. A lot of the player's have said they dislike in-game Abi yet like real life Abi. Joe's a nice dude but he wasn't entertaining to me, I agree if he had stuck with the 5 it'd be a whole different game but tbh one move won't make or break you. It's a series of events that lead to a win/loss. Jeremy's still my top pick to win but I'm liking Spencer's chances. Jeremy's doing something right if he had people going to him for strategy and if it's between him and Spencer, he can honestly say that he saved Spencer (when they voted out Monica) and protected him a good portion of the game (when Spencer's been shown kinda tagging along).

    BTW I'd love to compete against each and every single one of you in a game and if we all compete the way we post I think it'd be an exciting match-up. I may not agree with everyone but it's fun to see all the posts and differences of opinion and thankfully things are respectful.

    • Love 7
  10. I find both Andrew and Ciera smug and annoying but I'm more bothered by Andrew, tbh. It's not just his attitude in Ponderosa or in game, it's that months after he still hasn't gotten over it. It seems to me that Ciera's judging game play, Andrew's judging people's worth as human beings. It's not the same thing.

    • Love 16
  11. I think the smart thing to do would have been to take Jeremy. Jeremy should have been his first choice since he had just saved him. It would have been understandable. I don't think the issue is that he took Tasha, more that he spoke about their alliance in front of everyone after stressing that there was no hierarchy, that they're all equals, there's no alliance, just voting blocks... He contradicted himself in a huge way.

    • Love 12
  12. [quote name="North of Eden" post="1749979" timestamp="1448513452"


    Also Wentworth isn't as smart as people think she is. If she were truly clever instead of waiting for Abi to leave all she had to do was "accidently" drop the pendant she wears around her neck through the bambo...it's not like Abi is the kind of person who would graciously volunteer to go under the shelter to look for it so there was the perfect excuse. I really, really wanted her to get caught red handed.

    So it would have been smart and clever to potentially blow up her game by underestimating someone else? Maybe she believes it's better/smarter to play it safe and wait for the risk to be lowered. I don't see anything wrong with that. There's such a thing as being too clever for one's own good and underestimating oponents just like Stephen showed.

    • Love 16
  13. I'm going to give everyone a pass for what they said about Joe in the first episode. They are living in some pretty brutal conditions and if I'm being honest with myself, I don't know how I'd react in that situation. I know I'd like to be classy about it but when people are cold and hangry then it's surprising just how self-righteous one can be. Actions speak louder than words and some of the same people that were upset chose to get past it and work with him.

    • Love 6
  14. I don't think it was stupid to not vote out Joe. Stephen had just cemented his alliance in front of everyone and they were supposed to just vote however Stephen wanted? Why? So the top 3 in the alliance could just vote everyone else off one by one? I'm glad they finally made it interesting, of course I'm not expecting it to last. At this point, I saw keeping Joe as a way of preserving the #'s momentarily and weakening the only true alliance in the game. Joe can't win every single challenge and he just proved it. The talk before was about having the voting block with the strongest members, Joe is the strongest and a shield to everyone bc he's always up as a target.

    • Love 24
  15. I don't think Jeremy is a misogynist. Has he made some sexist statements? Yes, he has. Do I think he hates women? No. Not at all. His first season he allied with all women and he sure seems to love his wife. He chose a different strategy this year, it doesn't make him a woman hater.

    • Love 3
  16. Maybe because she was never seen looking for one before and she ended up having one. Perhaps she doesn't want to paint an even bigger target on her back.

    Maybe because she was never seen looking for one before and she ended up having one. Perhaps she doesn't want to paint an even bigger target on her back.

  17. Jeremy admitted on twitter it was dumb of him to underestimate her when that video came out. Stephen admitted they were arrogant and condescending towards the 3 women on his review. Andrew admitted in exit interviews that they didn't believe the 3 women deserved to be there and he's since changed his mind on Wentworth. These are things the contestants themselves have admitted to.

    • Love 5
  18. I don't think anyone really expects people to play the game just so that their favorites get elevated. There was a lot of talk about making big moves and it's frustrating to get hyped only to not have anything come to fruition. If Joe had stepped up the way he was talking about then his biggest supporter would still be there. If Joe hadn't run his mouth to Ciera and Kelley then his biggest supporter would be there but it looks like Joe is trying to be everything to everyone and he needs to make a stand instead of being so wishy washy. And as a Jeremy fan, his video was condescending, to say he didn't think Kelley had an idol because in his case, first he had to find a clue and then get the nerve to get it in front of 18 other people and how he couldn't picture her doing that is pretty messed up and I'd think that regardless of who it was said about because imho it implies the feeling of superiority when someone says they can't picture someone else doing what they did.

    All in all it was some sloppy and arrogant gameplay which is why it was so satisfying to see the blindside.

    • Love 4
  19. I think the comparison to Jeremy is like comparing apples to oranges. Jeremy started off on an alpha male tribe that's working to protect the men. Kelley started on a much weaker and more volatile tribe.

    Jeremy has pretty much had everything go his way, always surrounded by his original alliance. Jeremy underestimated Kelley and what was supposed to be an easy elimination because he believed he was the only one ballsy enough to get an idol due to it being during a challenge. A truly smart player wouldn't make the mistake not to split the vote. As a former ally of hers, he should know better.

    Kelley has had a lot more adversity in game than he has and therefore I respect her survival more than his and I say this as a fan of both of theirs.

    • Love 7
  20. Stephen, to me, comes across like one of those outcasts that's nice until he's let into the cool clique and then he lets his bitchy side out and gleefully picks on the new outcast (in this case, Monica). Do I think Stephen intentionally scored for Angkor? No, quite frankly, because I don't think he's that talented and I personally know what it's like to fuck up and then cover it up, like "yeah, I meant to do that!" We'll see if at the end of the season he regrets not voting for Spencer. I don't understand in the strategy of lying in a confessional in this game, it's not like Big Brother where that can make sense.. if he meant to throw it then he should have owned up to it right away, I'm more inclined to believe his immediate reaction which was that it was a mistake instead of what he's selling now after he's had time to think.

    • Love 7
  21. The way people react when she talks is gold. If people were buying what she's selling, I'd be annoyed by her but it's just so funny to see the faces people make and the ridiculous things she says that at this point she doesn't bother me yet. In fact, I would love for every master manipulator on a reality show to have their own Abi to deal with.

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