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  1. Lauren will get the final rose. This show is SO obviously scripted. Ben was told to tell these two ladies he loved them to make it less obvious that he will choose Lauren in the end. He's had the ultimate crush on her since she got out of the limousine. I doubt it's "love at first sight", more like the hots at first sight. She was probably his dream girl. She's cute and sweet in that southern California generic blonde look. I don't think either one of them has a personality to die for. They both seem like nice people and perhaps they'll be that 1 in 1,000 that work out and really do get married but, the odds are definitely against them. They select certain types for the show, not types that Ben would fall in love with...they want sparks that will make the show fit its stereotypical blend. They always need someone they will select as the dragon lady that everyone will hate. You really can't feel sorry for any of these people because they've gone on the show because they're wannabe models, singers, actors, etc. At the beginning, I believe women really did go on looking for love. But, now, the show supplies ample alcohol which brings on tears when needed. There is no TV, no contact with your friends, family or the outside world, minimum contact with "Prince Charming" on dates that would never happen in the real world. You have little time to get to know him. How can you possibly fall in love? In rare instances, there may be the beginning of a relationship but, as time has proven, over and over again, most couples break up. I doubt the odds are much better for Ben and Lauren but, I wish them the best. Jo Jo will have had 4 months to get over Ben and since she really didn't spend that much time with him to begin with, hopefully her heart has mended. Next week, some of the claws will come out. The following week will be nothing surprising. They're just teasing us as always! ;)
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