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Posts posted by OhOkayWhat

  1. 4 hours ago, Eyes High said:

    Sam has to have the same endgame as the books,

    Why? Tyrion, Jon, Dany, it's possible....but Sam?


    4 hours ago, Eyes High said:

    it could be that Sam lets the WWs have Little Sam as part of some peace treaty, and that would certainly be the end of him and Gilly

    That's absolutely not the Sam we see on screen in the show.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Smad said:

    Of course legality means nothing in Weisseroff,


    22 minutes ago, Smad said:

    Westeros however had just fought the War of the 5 Kings,


    You answered yourself. Big terrible traumatic events (a war in this case) have big terrible consequences in everyone and every single thing. Legality is one of those things. Cause and effect. The writing makes narrative sense.

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, WindyNights said:

    The markets predicted that Cersei would sit the Iron Throne at the end of season 7 so there's that.

    The thing is, we did not need the markets to predict Queen Cersei. We only needed:

    -To ignore the books

    -To know that 7 was not the final season

    -To look at the show narrative as a whole

    (Knowing they love to work with Lena helps too)

    And the same narrative tells me:

    -Sansa will rule something.

    -Arya will not rule.

    -Tyrion will not suddenly become the Tyrion that some theories say.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Wouter said:

    Then again, the ending of ASOIAF/GOT is generally not predictable, except that it is a safe bet that the Others/NK will not win and that Cersei will die.


    Then, we see Cersei, now the Night Queen, sitting finally on the throne, hundreds of her undead troops in front of her.


    Fade to black


    End credits.


    (Somewhere, GRRM and D&D are giggling in front of a tv screen)

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  5. 40 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    I do wonder if this "Can't be tamed!!!!" business with Arya and Nymeria is just misdirection from D&D. The fact that the Nymeria moment wound up on her Making Game of Thrones "Journey for the Throne" collage, complete with a link to a page where they talk about the throwback "That's not you" line, makes me a little suspicious. Seems kind of hamfisted if Arya really does decide not to settle down in the end, doesn't it? 

    Remember we are the kind of fans who read all that extra behind-of-scenes stuff and commentaries. The 95% of fans only watch the show. And I think the narrative of the show itself tells me it will be a loooong time before Arya settles down finally.

  6. 5 minutes ago, GraceK said:

    ? .....You do realize that GRRM is the writer of ASOIAF right? He’s not just a fan on Twitter? 

    Why do people get so mad angry at the thought of a Targaryen restoration anyway? ? It’s purely speculation at this point. 

    He is not a fan in twitter. That's exactly my point. He loves to write about characters. Even if that character dies.

    In my case, I'm indifferent about a Targaryen restoration or a Stark rising to power or the Lannisters paying their debts.

  7. Even if GRRM loves the Targaryen, that does not mean a Targaryen restauration. GRRM perhaps loves Tyrion, but it does not guarantee he will be alive at the end. GRRM loves to write about certain characters or groups. That's the difference between fans and writers

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  8. 8 hours ago, anamika said:

    On the show none of that exists because we don't get her POV on this. She's just a killer.

    Disagree. Arya in the show, is much more than a killer. She struggles constantly with her own feelings. There are such scenes like this in 3.9, 4.7, 5.3, 5.6, 6.3, 7.1, 7.2 ...and many more episodes before and after those I mentioned.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Smad said:

    Arya/Sansa/LF/Bran made no sense whatsoever

    You didn't write why.


    1 hour ago, Smad said:

    that Cersei DOESN'T CARE

    The answer is very simple:They assumed she cares, at least, about staying alive.


    1 hour ago, Smad said:

    Dragon Fire and Wildfire exist in this universe and the WW can't swim. All you need is lookouts on either side of the wall and then send a super sonic raven and call for the Dragons. And have Wildfire stationed at those lookouts also. Both of those sources of heat should do the trick and melt the ice, after all it did so in the wight hunt episode.


    But that is precisely the irony within the narrative! All those preparations are not possible precisely because nobody cares/believe except those who saw the NK undead troops. 

    Also once the dragons come to destroy the ice....yes, the NK kills them the same. 

    And that is assuming using the frozen sea was the only NK plan.

    The wight hunt was a very good plotline to show the contrast between the utter indiference of millions and the terrible desperation of oh so few people.

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Smad said:

    the pacing is off and most of the storytelling is nonsensical. Or are you going to argue that Winterfell last season made any sense at all? Or the weight hunt

    The pacing is rushed, but only in some cases. And Winterfell plot makes total sense (and wight hunt too), precisely because they are consistent with the characters involved in the plots.

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, anamika said:

    As per Javi, Arya seems to be doing her own thing in KL, leading people out to safety through the tunnels etc. And well, I am guessing Sansa will have some plot with Cersei considering she has no other story left on the show.

    As per Javi, as you say. The problem is, specially this year, I doubt (a lot) about the spoilers/leaks. HBO did a good job about it. Therefore, I rather follow the narrative of the show to make my predictions.

    And in the show the Hound's narrative is strongly tied to Arya instead of Sansa. And Sansa narrative is tied to the North. And the North is not only a place, it's its people too.

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  12. 5 hours ago, anamika said:

    As for Sansa, if anyone is going to be stuck being her 'personal protector'.... well someone is going to be there at WF next season who she fancies in the books. The Hound knows that Arya can take care of herself.

    The problem with this theory is Arya' list: Cersei and Gregor. And Arya going to KL means the Hound going with her. Also, Cleganebowl.

    • Love 2
  13. 38 minutes ago, Smad said:

    Jamie could take over for Brienne as Sansa's personal protector maybe. He won't be useful against the dead but he could still protect people when they need to flee south. And no one can compete with Jon Snow's nuclear resistant plot armor. Jamie's is maybe at Matrix-style-bullet-dodging level.

    I doubt Sansa will want that.

    About Jon's armor, it's resistant as long the Red God wants it to be. Once the mission is done who knows what the Red God will want.

  14. 40 minutes ago, WindyNights said:

    Even Kit Harrington acknowledges...

    Once again, interviews are not scripts.

    40 minutes ago, WindyNights said:

    Tyrion's pretty stupid for trusting Cersei though...

    Tyrion trusts Cersei wants to survive. Later he finds she is pregnant, and that's a new reason too.


    40 minutes ago, WindyNights said:

    She has to do stupid things like marry Ramsay for the plot to work

    Marry and to destroy the family of her husband. She have seen that before. She also knows who killed Joffrey and how LF plots.

    40 minutes ago, WindyNights said:

    not tell Jon about a possible Vale army for the Battle of the Bastards to work.

    Very traumatized girl with trust issues, girl that also is 100% sure Ramsay will trick Jon, whatever he does. It does not matter if she is right, it matters she thinks she is.

    Again, every single thing mentioned, makes narrative sense.

    • Love 2
  15. 30 minutes ago, WindyNights said:

    He doesn't really need to do that. Betroth Sansa to Robert Arryn and march the Vale army to Winterfell for her birthright. Simple.

    The Boltons can't take a two front assault from Stannis + the Vale.

    Ultimately, Cersei didn't offer Littlefinger anything to march North. All she did was give him permission to go do it. It's an unnecessary step.

    That's not even getting into how Ramsay flayed a prominent northern family while LF was on the way to Winterfell. 


    Who say Robert want to marry Sansa? Who say Sansa want to marry Robert? With Ramsay is a different issue. She does not know him and she is counting on that marriage ending more or less soon.

    About the Bolton troops. Look at the map. LF needs their permission to be able to betray them in time.

    About Cersei. Look at the map again. He needs also her permission. It's a long way to Winterfell.

    About the northern family, he was already in the way to Winterfell to meet Roose and it seems like he already made a deal with him.

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