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Everything posted by visaidso

  1. Oh ok. I guess I figure that could be why he hadn't gone back to the gravesite in several years. It could be generational. All of my friends are in their 20s and 30s and I find it hard to name more than one with parents that are still married to each other.
  2. About David visiting his dad's grave, isn't his dad buried out of state? I feel like David so desperately wants to be married and loved that he is being unrealistic and a doormat. I feel like every single person on this show is a candidate for intensive therapy. It's like they look for people with serious issues. Does anyone else think Neal is super passive aggressive? When he did that whole "Do you miss me? I don't miss you!" thing I was totally shocked. You hit the nail on the head. It's almost like he was trying to make her mad. (edited because of typos!)
  3. I have worked in law enforcememt in Texas for years and in the old days when someone would get cited/arrested for a fight they would have to take anger management classes. Those classes were often called BIPP classes, which stood for Batteres Intervention Prevention Program, as it was mostly geared toward DV/FV cases. Is it possible that that is just the code for the class he had to take? Again, not sure if it is him. He has a super common name and I would hate to think a show that I watch is putting their participants in any kind of danger like that.
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