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Posts posted by Nanna

  1. On 27/2/2017 at 5:08 PM, TeeVee329 said:

    I really, REALLY do not get why Kelly is a bitch about Valerie paying Colin for a business transaction (she hired him to paint a mural, he painted it, she paid him!) when she's already taken Colin back/forgiven him for PROSTITUTING HIMSELF FOR ART SUPPLIES DURING THEIR ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP.

    That is just proof that she is THE WORST. She wants him to make his own money and quit the sugarmomma (she's being right there for once), but when he makes money by doing what artists do - selling his artwork - that is somehow wrong. Why she forgives him for cheating on her from the very beginning of their relationship I don't know. That's just weird and really, really bad writing. 

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  2. Well well welly well well, I must say that Kelly took that pretty calmly. Her new boyfriend has been seeing another woman for the entire time they've been together and she forgives him when he starts sweeping the deck? Okay, seems legit.

    The scene between her and Donnas was weird. Somehow it seemed as if Kelly was more upset that Donna didn't tell her about Ray being abusive than she was about the actual abuse. 

    I still think the abuser story is sort of okay written, Ray being all "I need you" and putting the blame on Donna seems very real. But I'm kind of sorry that Ray didn't get to be a cool character who just thought most of the gang was bullshit. 

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  3. I remember going to school when this aired and everyone was talking about Kelly's new hairdo - we talked about as if she was someone from school: "Did you see Kelly's hair yesterday?" Apparently a very big deal at the time! Also, I can hardly wait till we get to the horrible painting Colin does of Erin. It's sooooo freaking bad, must be one of my fave moments from this season. 

  4. I REALLY hate to side with Brandon, but I kind of have to here. His girlfriend just cheated on him with his best friend, turned down his proposal and walked out on him and now seems to expect to pick up where they left off. If ever there was an excuse to get drunk and be stupid with his even more stupid friends and trying to bang the hottest girl around - this is it. And Kelly dares to act as if he's the one at fault because she was "caught in the middle" or some BS. She chose to be right there in the middle between those two assholes.
    I clearly remember one of the scenes that must have been cut: Ray playing his guitar in the hospital which seemed to charm Felice. He played "Obladi-oblada" and David remarks upon it later, something along the lines of "Who knew Felice was such a Beatles fan". I guess they didn't even bother to ask what it would cost to keep that song in the episode.

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  5. What you can learn from this episode is that you need to get the hell away from your boyfriend and/or "soulmate" if he utters any of the following: 1)"We were together in a past life." 2)"If you were to choose between your friends and me, what would you choose?" Both Kelly and Donna should be backing away slowly, not turning their backs to those bastards, because crazy.
    I really don't want to side with Brandon, but at least he asks Kelly to marry him and move in with him. I suspect Dylan would book a time at the nearest church and invite Kelly there, not telling her that he's planned a wedding ceremony for them because they were married in the wild west.
    I can't help but giving the writers a tiny amount of credit for how they've built Ray up as an abuser. His whole way of blaming Donna for everything (not giving him enough time, for ruining his career because she wanted him to come back, for spending to much time with her friends) and his way of painting a picture of himself as a patient boyfriend who's being let down by her again and again is really creepy.

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  6. So... Kelly didn't want to be a model in the first place if we're to believe her own words when the cover picture was shot. And now that she has an invisible scar she still doesn't want to be a model. What she wants is to complain about her "lost" beauty and that people only lile her for that. She's LVP for sure.

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  7. Good to know that Dylan was as obnoxious about his writing in his past life as in this.

    I find it funny that Warren's parents aren't going with him. He's 13 or whatever, and random students are taking care of him. Maybe his parents are tired of him and are looking forward to be rid of him, but the Walshes ruin that.

  8.   18 hours ago, Nanna said:

    This must be exactly the right place to brag about the BH90210 Jeopardy I made for a bachelorette party many years ago.

    Is it the right place to bring up the spirited defense of Yoko Ono as an avant-garde pioneer someone (I) wrote in the Rolling Stone Book of Women in Rock?

    It is the right time and place for sure!

  9. I'm sorry to admit this, but I love this episode. Priestly is funny for once and Ziering is great, he has funny bones but the show rarely let's him show it (crying Steve is the worst of course, a crime against humanity). 

    When the show first aired I don't think I had watched a reality show yet (ask your parents) so it must have seemed weird to me then. 

    How do they get so drunk on one watermelon? 

    • Love 3
  10. Well, I also had a shirt like Kelly's. Turqoise.
    Dylan is really a douchebag in this episode (what else is new). He asked Val to do him a favour, to come straight to Mexico and do something potentially dangerous while he himself did nothing but messing up the whole plan. And then he acts as if she's a ho for wanting to get paid. And on top of that, he badmouths her to Cindy and Jim - when what she did was help him getting his money (and his stupid sister) back.

    • Love 8
  11. It's really amazing that Dylan seems to think that he's somehow entitled to abduct a child. Her parents stole his money, so that makes it okay? She may not be too happy, but she's not really being mistreated (although I guess you could argue there's something creepy in the fact that a grown man seems to be helping her showering). The FBI are maybe willing to close their eyes on Jonesy helping stealing the money back, but Christine is now supposed to cover up kidnapping. Anything for Jack McKay's son I guess. But Val and Jonesy are awesome as are Val's boobs.

    • Love 2
  12.   Quote

    And how do we get from "I don't like that Val lied" to "I'm going to call her mother." Whaaaaaaaat? These are nineteen year olds. When the sketchy friend announces that instead of going to Buffalo for Christmas, she went to Jamaica, and brought back souvenirs, the appropriate response from a nineteen year old college sophomore is "Cool. Did you bring back any hash in your buttcheeks?" At no point would calling the girl's mother enter the picture. Way to be ungrateful, Brandon, as usual.

    So much word. I can't belive I was on Brando's side in the fight with Kelly, but he was completely correct and his tone had a point for once. Too bad he actually called Val's mom, but I LOVED that he said he couldn't explain why he was asking if she knew Val went to Jamaica. Busted being a snoop! 

    Also, if Val was lying and didn't tell her mother that she was going to Jamaica, wouldn't she have - well, you know, called the Walshes to ask where her daughter was when she didn't turn up in Buffalo?! Did Kelly think that Val's mom didn't notice her daughter's absence? (Well, I guess Val could have lied and said she wanted to stay with the Walshes for christmas, but still, Kelly is a bitch).

    • Love 1
  13. Wauv, Brandon doesn't really get that people might be traumatized for more than a day or two when they've been through scary experiences, does he?! Brenda being held at gunpoint at the PP, Dylan being carjacked and now Kelly being trapped in a burning house - he acts as if they are really weird for taking more than a day to get past it. Apart from that, Kelly is SO annoying and will be for the rest of the show, sigh.

    • Love 1
  14.   5 hours ago, Nanna said:

    I aknowledge Stones for being groundbreaking and great and all that, but this has got to be the worst product placement EVER. Perhaps The Stones tried to keep a little bit of rock'n'roll cred by insisting on the "the hat is so rock'n'roll that druggies in rehab risk falling of the wagon just by seeing it"-nonsense?

    I went to see the Stones on this tour. They sold socks with their logo on the ankle... like, they were normal white tube socks with the tongue embroidered at the top about the size of a dime. I bought a pair just because of how insane that seemed... My point is that apparently at this point in their careers they were firmly in the "cashing in" stage. 

    Yeah, that tongue was everywhere for a while. I even thinck my hushand has an alarmclock with it, and he's not a Stones fan. Who knows, maybe he chose a Stones concert to study for his exams and got the clock while at it.

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  15. I aknowledge Stones for being groundbreaking and great and all that, but this has got to be the worst product placement EVER. Perhaps The Stones tried to keep a little bit of rock'n'roll cred by insisting on the "the hat is so rock'n'roll that druggies in rehab risk falling of the wagon just by seeing it"-nonsense?
    Kelly is really getting worse and worse, and it was annoing even when the show aired the first time.

    OMG, I just realised that I once turned down the offer of working at a Stones concert. I should have remembered that it would have given me the opportunity to wear stupid clothes, going back stage when I wanted to and playing Keef's guitars on stage. Instead, I chose working at a Madonna concert where none of those things were possible (and also, she sucked). I obviously fail at concerting.

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