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Everything posted by Alunno

  1. I know we all like to watch our beloved show. But I found it very difficult to see Jock the first episode, knowing he's not here anymore. Is there any news on what had happend? Hei s my favourite judge on MS ever and I can't understand what's the secrecy is about the cause. I fear for the worst (yes, I tried it seriously 30 years ago) and it would be the worst to know it could have been prevented. Why would you not tell if it was a fatal desease? And yes, he does look more skinny. It really got to me, hearing the news. Normally I go about: I don''t know these famous people, it's more important to care about people in your personal life. I'm 3 episodes behind. So i'll have some catching up to do. Hopefully I get used to this new idea of having to know he is not living among us. R.I.P. Jock
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