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Posts posted by blaksheba

  1.  I mean in this case we see what his paternal aunt is doing or being allowed to do with the foster care. That is what she was talking about when she said to Quincy that she needed her check and that's where all those other kids came from right?  There were a whole bunch of kids in that apartment who I don't think she gave birth to. Yeah, that's the scary part of the foster care system. 

    That line confused me, but I figured it was  a cliche way to show the Aunt character was ratchet and low-down and used the kids to subsist, but, the line just lef  a bit of confusion for me, so I decided to just go with it as an indictment of the so-called welfare queen mentality until I came here. Because the writing can sometimes be confusing, I interpreted that scene slightly differently. I thought the implication was those were her kids and she was getting a a "welfare check"/benefits, because Quincy's sister was claiming QJnr as one of her dependents and so without QJnr living in her home, her "check" would be shorted.


    It could also be the way you mentioned, Represent, of those children all possibly being foster kids, and Auntie getting a check for fostering kids, but both my welfare theory and the foster theory would have have flaws in that if welfare, some social worker would certainly be checking in on the dependents, and would inquire about the aunt taking care of her incarcerated brother's child. Would Quincy and Auntie have said Candace was dead, and would the social worker just take that at face value. If fostered, can QJnr already be in the foster system without the Youngs knowing? Because again, wouldn't a social worker be looking into that case and contact the Youngs anyway. I don't know so, if anyone has any info on how the foster system works, please share.

  2. Please let this be the end of Gigi and Flash; their relationship is so grotesque to me. I can't support his working through his anger at Johnny breaking up Flash's marriage by schtupping Johnny's lovechild... keyword being "child".


    Even though they have this truce between them, Johnny and Flash still have animosity between them (Flash mostly), and Gigi seems to be a pawn for Flash to exact vengeance. Gigi may sometimes be annoying, but does she deserve that?


    This last episode was interesting, seeing how it looked like they'd have to lose artistic integrity for larger fame. Hopefully that was the taste they needed to go back to what's real music making for them. I am curious though, did they sign any contracts? If they did, I expect that will come back to bite them.


    I really like most of the band, but something about Ava's character is particularly endearing... must be her loyalty.

    • Love 1

    Has Jessup ever mentioned that he has a pregnant girlfriend before ?  She just shows up at work and convinces him to play hooky.  


    Yes, I can't remember which episode, but whichever one it was, someone had asked him if he had kids. Jessup mentioned he and his wife were separated or already in the process of  divorcing and while they were on an upswing, she got pregnant. 

  4. This show is starting to grow on me. I hope they keep Tobias around for a while. I really like his character.


    Speaking of race, has anyone else noticed the complete lack of any Asian people in the apocalypse besides Glenn??? I figured it was okay in Georgia, but in Los Angeles???? There are no Asian people in this franchise besides Glenn, zombified or otherwise. Like, at all. I know they keep killing/zombie-ing off the black actors, but at least they hired them for an episode. They're ahead of the Asians.

    I abhor that omission, as well as this other weirdness. I thought they would get this stuff right in this one, but there still time, I hope.


    I hope going forward there are members of all ethnic groups represented, and not as zombie chow either, but people that contribute to survival and matter as  characters.


    I honestly wish there were various groups of people followed in this "origin" show, rather than a static groups of actors. Sort of an anthology with the walker thread going through it.

    • Love 5
  5. This episode didn't help me like Maddie in any shape or form, she is super dry and not endearing, hopefully her characterization improves by the time they get to the desert. Nick and Tobias, I like a lot and am interested to see where their characters go. 


    I, like others, was really disappointed that the Artie, the principal met the fate he did. We didn't see what happened to him, but I guess he was bitten by someone early on, possibly the person that was on the other end of the walkie. I knew he was a redshirt from the time we met him in the pilot, but I figured he would make it at least another episode.



    Gloria was white, wasn't she?

    Yes, Gloria was white, I believe. That said,  I am almost certain that Gloria was a walker/zombie from the moment we met her. She didn't have any lines, nor did we get to know anything about her. She was already turned and eating someone when we met her. She wasn't someone we got mildly interested in, then blam --- zombified. I am not planning to go back to watch the pilot to verify this, so if I missed that, please let me know.


    What stands out about the other character deaths is that those three men were actually walking, talking characters when we met them, and were given some semblance of a personality and purpose even in the short time that we met them. So it seems more glaring that they pretty much became a part of our 150 mins FTWD universe for about 20-30 mins in the case of Calvin (I can't remember if this is his name) and Matt, and maybe about 40 mins for the principal, Artie. I don't think people just want to gripe about their deaths just to do so, but it is something that kind of jumps out at you. 

    • Love 3
  6. Does Hannah know? Or, just the audience, because Candace has said so to other characters.

    And Candace is older than Benny right?


    I remember seeing a stalemate of some sort where Hannah admitted she was aware that Candace was molested, and that when Hannah found out she broke up with the molester. Candace was 5, I think.


    I also believe that Ms. Sanctimony, aka Hannah, implied that Candace should move forward from the molestation and not be angry about it or something like that. Benny was in the room when they were arguing about this. I think it took him about 10 minutes to understand what they were talking about, because he is such a stoop.


    I think Candace is 26 and Benny is 27, if I'm remembering correctly.

    1. I have no idea what the make up department is doing to TS skin because ... I don't think Tyler Perry likes her deep down, I think he's jealous, hehe, so they're fucking around with the camera.
    2. Hannah gets on my  nerves sometimes, she just seems so self-righteous, but sorry, Candace needs to let her raise that baby boy. 

    Yes, yes. I agree, I don't think Tyler Perry has liked Tika Sumpter since that 2013 "Tyler Perry" talk show, when she correctly (and seemingly) playfully said to "You mean our show!", to which he responded pretty cattily that it was his show, he "only how he writes, directs and produces" theHAHNs. After that, there seemed to be a change in the direction of Candace's story.


    Also agree, Hannah is extremely self-righteous, even though Candace would need help, I don't think Hannah intention would be to help. She wants to control. I don't know if we're supposed to like Hannah or not. My step-mother thinks Hannah is fantastic, I find Hannah insufferable. I think TP intends for her to be seen as a more loved than hated kind of character. Hannah just sucks, and don't get me started on her boot-kissing relationship with Katherine. I just don't know what to make of that.

    • Love 2
  7. Claire from Degrassi falls in that category for me. I liked her in her first appearance as Darcy's sister, but I quickly stopped liking her when she became a regular character.

    Yes, Claire's character turned me off of Degrassi, a show I watched despite my not being in the target demographics. I guess they wanted the non cheerleader type to be the "everygirl", but she just grated. A lot.

    • Love 1
  8. I seriously can not stand Faith from BTVS. Her tough girl from "the streets" act grates on my nerves. The only time I like Faith was when SMG played her  when the two characters switched bodies. It's the way Eliza Dushku plays Faith I guess. I can't even watch reruns when Faith is featured. I just hate her.


    I also can't stand Fred from Angel. I hated her Mary Sueism.

    • Love 5
  9. Wow, Jennifer Beals acted the hell out of that scene after the car accident. 

    Agreed. I usually have  this show on in the background, but that small scene caught my attention. I was impressed.


    The "past lives" portion of the show was interesting too. Zedan's story, not so much.

  10. I liked season one Mary, but Mary has devolved into a silly, fickle idiot; one whom I can't wait to see get her comeuppance. Like others, I agree the scene with Narcisse's plain niece was to make us feel that Mary's cheating on Francis was fine, and like others, I thought that was BS.


    I like Francis a lot. Sometimes he comes off as a bit petulant, but I think  he has many more facets to his personality. I hope he can be happy with someone else, most preferably, Lola. I liked that Francis listened to Lola and was supportive of Mary's "feelings" for Conde (whom I strongly dislike). Mary is such a dumb-dumb. Conde tells her what she wants to hear. He never fully lies, but certainly never tells her the full story. I am not sure if the writers are trying to make him an outright opportunist without the sleaze factor, like Narcisse, or a romantic hero - either way, I will never like him.


    Greer is my girl! I like that she is learning to navigate her new life with a sense of humor and intelligence. She was not  my favorite lady while she was at he castle; I actually thought she was tres bland, but I like how the story is fleshing her out more. As for Kenna and Sebastian, I'm sorry to see that they can't just make her sensible enough to love the man to whom she is wed and not try harder to social climb. I do like that she was smart enough to do some investigation on her own with regards to King Antoine's soon-to-be widower status, but  the fact that now she and her husband may be headed towards the "separate lives" story like Mary and Francis is a bit repetitive.


    I would love to have seen more Catherine. I like that she is in support of a union between Lola and Francis.


    One thing that struck me with regards to infidelity was the gender bias. So, Francis can have sex with some random chick and still not be seen in a bad light, but Mary can only have a bosom-heaving make out session that has to stop prior to full on sex. I feel that the show tends to try to enforce 21st century values on certain areas, while still having traditional values while it relates to sexual freedom.


    It could be argued that it would be out-of-character for Mary to have full-on sex with Conde whom she has had romantic feelings for almost a year (?) in show time, but its like the writers feel that despite the fact that the Mary they depict is about being heard and valued as a person; having decision-making rights despite being a woman; brazenly declaring her love for another to her husband; baring her arms in anachronistic fashions,  said woman must be seen as somewhat chaste. So despite that she made sure in about 4 or 5 episodes, including this one that they are free to do whatever and whomever they please, she is still relegated to passionate kisses, but not actual sex.

    • Love 1
  11. I am perhaps the only person in the known universe who can not stand Darryl Dixon. It's like they try so hard with him. If the "we brought dinner" joke had come from some one else, I would have like it. IDK, I just don't like this character. I'm sorry I don't, because sometimes it hampers my enjoyment of this show.


    Even though he was not the focal point of this episode, he annoyed me. I get that everybody needs to be careful here, but his belligerence just irks me. As stated by Rick in the episode, he and Lori used to drive through communities like Alexandria thinking "one day!", so as ghoulina pointed out upthread that pre ZA class differences may start to show in Alexandria. Maybe the writers are subtly pointing out that this possible reality may come to the fore. 


    This episode was interesting in calling back to previous seasons: isolated angry Darryl from season 1, and Rick last line seemed to channel season 2 Shane when they were on Hershel's farm. I also loved tough Glenn. I get tired of seeing Glenn play the background. Tough Glenn is always sexy.

    • Love 9
  12. So, did I hear right, Macy and Cynthia would have been awakened as a part of the witch coven had the bell-spell been enacted? That could have been interesting.


    The episode was good enough. I'm glad Jenny and Irving survived, since there was some negative speculation. The Henry/Katrina alliance seemed somewhat hastily constructed; the execution of which at least rid us of Henry/Jeremy in present-day Sleepy Hollow --- so, good.


    Amazing that it took two whole years for  Katia Winters, professional actress, to finally learned to display another emotional state other than wounded, pouty, and wide-eyed.

    • Love 4
  13. This was definitely the last episode.

    One can only hope. This show is terrible... just terrible. I haven't had such a visceral reaction to a show since the incredibly convoluted Salem.


    I had high hopes for this show when I first saw it, but little by little that dissipated. I was hoping it would be as creepy as The Returned, but nothing.


    The Maggie and Bellamy will they or won't they finally came to a head with a chemistry-less, passion-less kiss. I guess that's why the Resurrection PTB saved their couple for what is hopefully the last episode.


    It struck me as odd that Jenny was at Jacob's house. I guess Lu must baby sit her when Bellamy is at work. At the end, were they implying that he and Maggie live together or are  they just a couple?


    So many unanswered questions.  Why doesn't the hunger the resurrected exhibited in the beginning of the Season 1 factor now? Shouldn't there be a food shortage with all these newly-resurrected people in some parts of the world? Did the news report mention anything like that? What happened to Bellamy's gov't contact? Shouldn't she be working in the Bureau of the Returned?


    I came to understand tonight that my hatred for Rachel finally made itself known. I tolerated her because I thought her story was going somewhere sensible, but no. I was hoping she would get wished away as well.


    If this show returns next year. I simply can't watch. It is seriously bad.


    Sorry, I just needed to vent.


    • Love 3
  14. I didn't even realize this was going to be a new episode, so when my bedroom Tivo was switching to it, I actually stayed on Lifetime and watched the crappy Saint Bobby loves Whitney movie. My living room DVR did record this episode, but thanks to the reviews I have read on this and another forum, I  will delete Pittura Inframante unwatched.


    I hope the rewrites and reshot footage I am hearing about redirects the show, and goes back to the show with which we all fell in love.  

    • Love 1
  15. Reluctant Overton was cast as the Mad Scientist in Kyle and Regine's ill-conceived screenplay.


    Smirking, he read his line without trying to ridicule them,


    "Don't. Make. Me. Madder!"


    I think of John Henton's delivery every time I hear the term "Mad Scientist".

    • Love 3
  16. This episode was much better than last week's.  


    But I have a strange question.  While I was watching (in NYC), I was also watching Homeland on the computer.  At one point, I turned to the TV and it looked like Fox forgot what show they were running, because it was Gotham; I thought it was a commercial, but it was going on for quite a long time.  I went back to Homeland and then Sleepy Hollow came back on.  WTF?  I felt as crazy as Carrie (and if you watch Homeland, you know what I mean).

    The Gotham scene was an extended promo for next week's Gotham  episode.


    Somewhere at the beginning of the Sleepy Hollow episode, (or the end of Gotham), an announcer mentioned that they would be a scene from the upcoming epi. That reminded me of when AMC was trying to promote Comic Book Men or Hell on Wheels and would only show the preview for the next week's Walking Dead episode during the middle of CBM or HoWs to ensure viewers would watch at least half of the new show.


    This was weird for me since Sleepy Hollow is already an established show and the promo seemed super-long. I'm not sure how big the audience is for Gotham (or how small the audience for SH has become), but it was as if the network was trying to lure the die-hard Gotham fans into watching SH. But, then again, it might be vice versa; the promo was intended to get die-harder SH viewers to watch Gotham.


    IDK, I just 2nd your thought on this, Neurochick.

  17. In terms of Crane noticing Katrina's beauty, I believe it's because she's his wife. I don't think Crane would consider it "proper" to comment on Abbie's beauty, since she's not his wife.

    Perhaps I should have been much clearer; of course Crane would most probably be titillated seeing his wife in clothing in which  he may have never seen her. Clothing has changed much since their time, as stated in the script.


    My annoyance  in this episode is that it felt that a point had to made. The corset and skinny jeans elicited stares of at least four men. Having random extras in the hallway gawking at Katrina, when she, Crane and Abbie were in the halls of the hospital were a bit like being hit on the head with a hammer.  Obviously a point needed to be driven home to the audience... now I guess we all know, Katrina is hawt!!!

  18. The whole attire scene at the hospital really? This was just another cheap shot to try and make the audience see how beautifully endowed Katrina is and why Ichabod is so taking with his enchantress! Hell I was like WTF you have Abbie right there in front of her and you are trying to tell me that Katrina is the "only" one these guys are noticing, yeah right a definite what kind of blind fools do you take us for writers?



    I think the ratings are beginning to reflect the unwillingness of the audience to sit through crap even if their 2 faves are there. I do think Ichabod is falling out of favor with a lot of viewers which is a shame, but the writers are not dong him any justice right now. Oh well I know I'm watching the next 2 episodes cause hey I am here for Nick and Abbie (I don't believe Jenny is going to have much of an issue with them) but yeah I think it will be Abbie to the rescue again only this time she'll be saving Nick. Can Abbie get just a little loving, I know she would love to relieve some of her stress and a drink at the local pub might not be enough. And of course episode 9 were there is hopefully tons of Abbie, Jenny, Irving and some Hawley thrown in. I'll keep some hope but my faith is fading quickly. BTW I stopped watching Twisted as soon as they had Jo sleep with the throw away guy.

    Agreed. That scene in the hospital hallway pissed me off a bit. It's like it tried to reinforce the enduring and accepted standard of  "beauty". If there are two women one white and one non white, but specifically Black, then automatically, the white woman is the most physically attractive woman.  I hate that even now we still have to argue about a woman's beauty, but society is such that women's physically attributes are more important than anything else, and tv/entertainment is a shallow medium.


    Little by little, the color is being drained from this show and stereotypes are being reinforced. The helpful/noble negro, the wilting, withering white woman and the resolute in his convictions white man. I just can't figure why we are still dealing with this bull... I simply can't believe that Fox or the showrunners themselves believe that white people only want to see shows where only white lives are reflected. Can't there just be one show that bucks the trend? Does a show have to be run by a person of color in order to reflect lives of people of color that aren't one-dimensional?  Almost every show on television features a mostly white cast with a blond or light haired white woman as the everywoman and a white man as the everyman... isn't anyone tired? Other people have thoughts, feelings, and conflicts that go beyond their race and ethnicity.


    That said, I won't be watching this show if this trend continues; and I totally loved this show at one point. If this show started out as a mostly white cast with Katia Winters as the lead actress and the people of color as simply recurring, I may have watched it anyway, but it is seriously insulting to have this change happen during  a season. I watch Orlando Jones promoting the hell out of this show before its season 2 premiere, so I thought he was going to be fairly represented this season...  he give no hints that he would barely be on the show, but I guess he couldn't give anything away.


    Whoo, I'm sorry, I had a lot to say about this... I didn't realize I was so annoyed. No one I know watched the show, so there was no one with whom to gripe about this.

    • Love 3
  19. What was Maggie thinking? She left and has no idea where her mind-numbingly boring sister is...


    I am going to miss seeing Lawrence Gilliard; I love him as an actor. So glad that he was in this show. He gave a great performance as Bob, even though sometimes the writing was a bit uneven. "Tainted Meat!" Loved it.


    I love that the Termites are gone and this battle wasn't dragged out too long. 


    I am sure that the walkers in the school will factor in son. Gareth's mentioning of the glass breaking soon surely could not have been in vain.

    • Love 13
  20. Also, my final silliness, Abbie's driving reaction sounds - just close your eyes and tell me what they sound like.

    I agree (if we are on the same track). I thought the way she was holding on, and the reaction noises, meshed with Crane's sidelong glances and smirks were intended to mimic some sensuality without actually going there. But maybe I'm reading way too much in to things.

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