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Everything posted by Specsy

  1. Just finished the show for the first time, this last episode was insane!! Like a lot of other people, I was genuinely concerned for Tommy and just could not see how he was going to get out alive. His screaming that he almost had it all and how he walks away from it all crying was so gut wrenching. I am 100% on Tommy's side and I'm okay with that. I actually really despised Campbell in the second season, he had absolutely no redeeming qualities and the way he didn't even pretend to be a good guy anymore made me hate him so much. He didn't even have a dog in the fight like the other gangsters, he was there just to ruin any and all of Tommy's plans. As for the whole Grace vs May thing, it is unfortunately a bit one sided. I loved Grace in S1 because she gave lip to Tommy and wouldn't be pushed around by him. and I spent the first two or three episodes of S2 dying for her to come back. But when she finally did, she seemed so blah. Where was her charisma and word play and self control? She changed so much while she was gone and I can't tell if they wrote her that way or just messed up. Maybe now that she has nothing to hide, she's an open book, but she's no match for Tommy like she used to be. May on the other hand is certainly shaping up to be and when directly comparing the two it is hard to imagine why Tommy would choose Grace except for the history they share. I think Tommy's brush with death made him realize how stupid all the barriers he puts up really are. How he was so close to being with a women he loved and the only reason they weren't together was because he thought it wouldn't work or they were from different walks of life. So surviving after all makes him decide, f**k it, I'm getting married. I guess it could be either woman but with the baby it's gotta be Grace plus I don't think he loves May.
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