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Posts posted by Tallulahbaby

  1. Momma Dee's wedding lived up to the ghettorius glory I expected. I don't know who had on more foundation the bridesmaids or Ernest. He looked like he had been embalmed. The horns sounded like the 4th grade beginning band experiment. ooohh. What was that technicolor mop on Deb's head ?

    Margo needs to stop playing games, shave that shit off the top of her head and go model. High-fashion runways would snatch her up. She's has the body and everything. I think she's focusing more on music unfortunately.

    Bish should be walking for BALMAIN, Giorgio Armani, or some shit but no she sitting in crusty Atlanta entertaining fuckery. Her bone structure is everything

    Joseline popped Karlie, like you pop a bad child lmao. What's funny about this is that they both told the truth about each other.

    And that bridesman, Chanel. That neck was as big as a treetrunk.

    And we all know Joc had no place to live, that's why he's with KD.

    Ooh you ain't never lied about Margeux. She was made to stomp down a runway. Lavin, Chloe, Costume National, Proenza....she'd kill it.

    Kalenna needs to stop with those thigh high cut off circulation boots.

    • Love 2
  2. So this episode has taught me that I am uncool because:

    1. I would not fuck a married man. Or any man I just met whose last name I can't even fake. And if I didn't know, but found out after the fact, I'd give a damn that he was married.

    2. I would be PISSED AS ALL HELL that someone I was supposedly friends with gave less than a fuck about sending some rando dude up to sleep in a room adjoining mine, instead of sending him on his way after her little boink-fest.

    3. I think a chick *might* manage to go dickless four days in a row.

    4. I'm puritanical and prudish for believing that sleeping with the married man is, crazily, a worse transgression than saying someone did. (Is this the world we live in now?/RHOC)

    5. I care more about the incident than the reaction. WHO GIVES A FUCK whether Heather got upset again in the retelling. That happens, the more something sinks in, the more hyped you get.

    6. I am apparently a slut shamer. Because damned skippy I think it's trashy to behave like they did. I sure missed the memo when it was determined nobody was supposed to call a spade, a spade. 'Cause it's all okey-dokey-smokey to DO something. But bad to verbalize an opinion about it. FUCK THAT NOISE. I want a hashtag and campaign against all shaming.

    7. I like to say fuck.

    Much of the outrage was due in part to everyone acting like BFD. If they really owned their "sexual agency" (buzzword) they would have been fine with apologizing immediately for upsetting their friends. But they were so defensive over being busted due to their own sloppiness they made it a bigger thing than it had to be. That whole crew is on some old peer pressure, high school shit. Yeah, I'm officially unloving "be cool, don't be all ... uncool." That's exactly what people say who are doing some uncool shit, and don't want you making them think about it.

    Still side-eyeing Sonja for a host of shit, but no doubt she was bringing it this episode with her Dorinda imitation and side quips about LuAnn's married dude, Ramona being green, basically busting her out and then snarking on her 80's designed jeans "so 80s. So you!" Sober Sonja was hilarious.

    Now, what now? KRISTIN is the gross one in this scenario? Woowww /Flava Flav.

    Oh snaps. That was some eloquent shit right there!

    Did everyone forget when old Lulu gleefully translated what the fortune teller said in Morocco about Mario cheating on Ramona. Babygirl was tripping all over herself to say it.

    • Love 13
  3. Ok the million dollar question. Where the hell everybody's edges on this show. Tiffany, Dime-a-Dozen, Rasheeda's artist, Kaleena, etc. It's like it's an edgelessfest going on.

    Tammy, Deb can handle herself. She didn't need you out here embarrassing yourself. Remember how that drawstring got snatched?

    Why is Karlie still pressed over Joc to be plotting with Sina?

    And oop @ Kalenna supposedly talking shit about Rasheeda. Chile...

    Opening scene was cringe worthy, Ashley is a terrible actress. Just read your lines without all that over exaggerated emotion.

    I don't like you. Edge less fest......

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Sina acting a fool in the baby's gym? Oh man

    Joc ain't got no place to stay...duh!

    Oh Kalenna, a privilege? Yikes! That set Deb OFF!

    I hate Ashley Nicole. And Rasheeda looked hella dumb with her crusty ass Kirk. Ugh, I wouldn't let him kiss me for a. million bucks.

    Karlie is messy and I love it.

  4. Kristen is the best fucking background actor ever! The faces, the utter revulsion in TH's about the stupidest shit. It's fucking amazing to watch her watch things, like every single thing is fresh and new.

    I also appreciate the fuck out of this whole cast. When I heard the islands lasted four days I was like, "Fuck!" but now I'm all "Fuck Yes!" because they keep the drama in all kinds of directions, then they "make up" and let it simmer for a better explosion later. It's kind of perfect for me. While other casts make teams so an entire season becomes a drag, they fight/love so often it's like I get four episodes in one.

    MINIONS! We already made a boatload of cash overseas but we're going to take up half your screen tonight anyway. Because there's apparently a lot of overlap between people who will watch these silly women and who will see what appears to be a cartoon about silly little yellow things. Maybe I should interpret it as a read not an oversized plug invading my screen.

    I can't even with the battle at the end about the f-word (which I will not say because I have class). I don't think it was producer-driven drama (though they sadly couldn't let a half episode go without Bethenney yakking, adding in that coconut scene). I just think these broads were drunk as hell. Shit-faced even. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be Sonja watching this after being lectured. And if this is what's spurred the Great Rift causing a few epic Twitter tirades, well...I can't wait for the blogs. I'm wondering if Luann/Dorinda even remembered what happened.


    Lastly...I feel like Ramona is a special kind of human being. How the fuck can you watch yourself on tv for 800 years and still claim to be this benevolent caretaker who wanted to be selfish "for once." For the record, I was with Bethenney and Carole in their argument, though I also fault the guy they were talking to for choosing to turn his back to them. Ramona was a jerk, but he could have made a different choice.

    I feel like she and Vicki from OC should meet, on tv, for drinks, because it may create some kind of vortex and that would be interesting to watch.

    Plus, Kristin is just freaking gorgeous. I don't mind that she doesn't do much. I love her style and her faces.

    Besides she looked like the only one who really enjoyed her vacation. Lol

    Her hubby still is a dick.

    • Love 9
  5. Hey all! It's been a while since I've posted, but I definitely have been watching. I might throw a comment about previous episodes here and there, LOL:

    Joseline/Jessica: That battle was anti-climatic, to say the least. And goodness knows I'm not wasting good money to throw at anyone to prove a point, especially $1s and $5s. That's laundromat money, dammit. My take on these two is that Jessica came to ATL with one of two intentions: thinking she was going to get put on and ride Joseline's coattails, or to start shit with her get her "in" on the show. Whatever the case may be, it's not really working for her. Big-booty "former" strippers with multicolored hair and minimal musical talent are a dime a dozen in Atlanta (everywhere it seems, nowadays). And if she came to expose Joseline, it's too late, because everything exposed about her is old news and/or she's already owned up to it. I think that's what makes Joseline likable to some(myself included)…she gives zero fucks and is clearly an open book about everything.

    Karlie/Margeaux: Grouping these two together just because they were in the same scene, LOL. So Karlie has a record label now? Okay. And I'm not sure I believe she's 50, but she's definitely creeping up to it, because you can see the age in her face and especially her hands. It's really a shame she doesn't own up to it, because she looks damn good for someone in her mid 40s. Getting older is a blessing ladies, and don't let society tell you otherwise! As for Margeaux, add me to the list of people who kind of liked her song. I like her in general, really. Once you subtract Nikko out of the equation, she seems like one of those cool boho punk club kids you see running around Greenwich village. I could have hung out with her in a former life, LOL.

    The Jordans: These two are clearly being prepped to join the cast of L&HH LA, because goodness knows that show needs the ratings boost. I snickered at this group of "hedge funders" inking a "multi-million dollar" deal with them. More like scribbling an agreement on a notepad with Pookie n' Em to meet up at the local Shoprite parking lot to shoot a straight to DVD movie. That is more along their speed. That said, I am glad to see Stevie making a real effort to rebuild his career from the ground up. I was listening to an old Faith album a few days ago and I saw he had some writing credits on it. He was a real name in the business, and seems be working hard to make it mean something again. And as long as he throws a few projects at Joseline to keep her busy, he should be fine.

    Rasheeda/Kirk/Ashley/Erica? I'm so over Rasheeda and Kirk, because he is constantly making her look like a damn fool, and I don't feel sorry for her. Why? Because a man gets away with what you allow him to get away with. And it doesn't matter how long you've been married, or how many kids you got, continuing a relationship with a man like that makes you the dumb ass. He has made it clear he doesn't respect you, and it's going to make you crazy if you continue to be with him. I'd bet dollars to donuts that Kirk isn't even in the room with Ashley. And speaking of Ashley, could this broad get any MORE thirsty for some fame? She isn't in the least likable, not even cute, and has the absolute phoniest laugh I've ever heard. And Erica, do you not have anything else to do but to be Rasheeda's watchdog? I peeped all that shit you were talking about Scrappy too. The Asthmatic Prince of the South wasn't fat and ugly when he slid that ring on your finger two seasons ago, was he? Stop trying to latch yourself on someone else's story line.

    Girl, you ain't never lied. Amen and Hallelujah to your whole post.

    I like crazy ass Joseline,too. She's as real as they get.

  6. I have so many questions for this episode....

    Jessica said she threw money back at Joseline but it was Joseline's own money (or vh1's?!). Who are these supposed "investors" that Stevie is talking to? Why is this movie called That time of the month? Who booked this hole in the wall performance for Jessica? Why does her butt look so disgusting? Is Rasheeda's storyline now Erica's too? I hope people peeped Erica bringing up Scrappy, calling him fat and ugly, bashing on him and shiznyee.

    Why is Rasheeda in bed with lashes and full make up on? Why would Ashley answer the hotel room phone and blatantly say "This is Ashley" without Rasheeda even asking who it is LOL? Why did Erica have her hair up, sneakers on, like she about to go to the gym and said she was "ready"?

    When will Dawn get a better weave? (That's all I have for that bitch LOL) Side note: I kinda liked Margeaux's song, in my opinion, she performed way better than that disgusting thing we call a human Jessica Dime.

    Good questions. I didn't sleep well last night because I needed answers to those exact questions.

    1. Joseline was talking how sex-ay Stebbie is in a suit in a meeting. If that t-shirt and back pack get up was his suit, what does his everyday-not in a power meeting -with investors look like?

    2. What people in the industry does Mimi know? Then penny dime claimed she knew people too! Well show me these people!

    3. Did Karlie's store go outta bidness?

    5. Ashley tried to be like a broke ass Apollonia in her lace get up. And Kirk helped her pick that outfit? Um, okay.

    Whitney Trillbert...you are wrong for making laugh like a hyena at 630 in the morning....scaring my kids. The 3 year old waking up asking are you okay, mommy.

    • Love 3
  7. Okay, I just looked up Karlie Redd. And her Wikipedia say she 50!!! ,that she was born in 1964.

    It also stated she tells people she's in her mid 20's but ex boyfriends, say she is definitely 50. Daaammmnnn.

    The tweets on the after show???? KILLED ME.

    Someone said , "Oh, so I don't need no money to start a Record label?"

    Yes, they did. I was crying.

    Then someone had to say "Kirk is too ugly to be cheating on ANYBODY" OH LORD. Jesus come take me now.

    I'm ashamed to say I kinda liked Margeux's song.

    Oooh Kalenna is gonna come at Deb? I'm not missing that!

    • Love 5
  8. That club looked sorrowful. Did they get advice from Peter Thomas? And spelling things with a capital K does not make it Klassy. Don't believe me? Ask a Kardashian.

    Where was Karlie Redd's messy ass? .

    Is that Mimi's real townhouse? It looks pretty nice.

    ZaldamoWilder. ....now you know Taliban Tony was working hard to make them coins. That's why he didn't text or call. He's working with hit makers. Which he so kindly informed Kalenna, she is not a member of that club.

    • Love 3
  9. On the aftershow..the tweets scrolling by were KILLING me.

    Talking about Mama Dee's purple rain blouse.

    Mimi was whispering again....

    Nikko looked like a black Gilligan with that bucket hat on.

    Rasheeda giving advice about marriage??? O hell nawl.

    All i can say about Kaleena and Taliban Tony is where they furniture at? That house is ridiculously empty.

    Oh Yung Joc, where all your money? Oh that's right, you got 8 babies to feed...

    I'm gonna sing I Deserve at church next week. Thanks Mama Dee.

    • Love 3
  10. So Joc like all kinds of different women. Alright.

    Baby mama #4 looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

    Angie Stone/Jill Scott wannabe wife still claiming Joc? She needs to settle down.

    I find it hard to believe Kalenna and Tony had $75,000.

    Kirk is an Ole peanut head.

    Mimi is not whispering as much. Thank Baby Jesus for small miracles.

    I could listen to crazy ass Joseline talk all day. She cracks me up.

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