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Posts posted by Tallulahbaby

  1. 2 hours ago, princelina said:

    I didn't think this would be an unpopular opinion but apparently it is - I think she's a big dud!  And now that I've noticed her looking like Caitlin Jenner I can't unsee it and it bugs me.

    I thought she looks like if Gary Busey and Caitlin Jenner had a baby.  Those teeth!!

    • LOL 8
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  2. Question, didn't Ashley accuse Monique of drinking and driving a few seasons ago? She didn't beat her ass. And that to me is more damaging than someone accusing you of not sleeping or being annoying.

    I think Monique really DOES NOT like Candy-ah-chay (that's how mu hubby likes to say it)

    I kept rewinding the fight. Monique would not let go...it was really quite different from any other fight I have seen on any real housewives. Her lack of remorse on Twitter is scary. 


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  3. Vincent looks like he has a couple of bodies stashed somewhere. No chemistry between him and Amber and she knew it.

    Um the girl obsessed with serial killers (John Wayne GRACY???) needs to be obsessed with that extra toof 

    Lacey looks like Mary (the one with Dominic) blonde twin. She looks ROUGH for 29. And Poppy was not having any of it.

    Where can I get me a rainbow sequined jumpsuit?

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  4. 21 hours ago, Spike said:

    At the beginning of one of the Libby segments they showed her calendar with “Bond with Baby” written in.  Wouldn’t that be an ongoing thing rather than penciled in like a hot yoga class?

    That was the nurse writing it on the care board, in the room.

    I'm a labor and delivery nurse and we write the care plan on dry erase boards to involve the family. 

    • Love 2
  5. Nene was either drunk or on something.  She made no damn sense. And when Kandi and Porsha were going into her closet, she was laughing while saying, you betta not go in there.

    It wasn't until the camera man went in that she lost it.  I bet see didn't have shit that's why she freaked.

    This was a great episode. Shamari is a messy drunk, but I died when she said Ho- kanda.🤣

    Everyone except Nene looked great with their hair. My husband is convinced Nene had a wig on.

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  6. Even Mr. Tallulahbaby is concerned for poor Asuelu.  His eyes get so full and watery, I start sniffling...he just wants to care for his little family!

    What does Kalani keep telling my Asuelu he better behave? She needs too. She treats him like he is Ishi.


    8 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    Samoan Soap Opera

    Time of death? 0557, PST.?

    Leida, actress/model/aviator/dog whisperer/surgeon/grocery checker/etsy seller/choreographer/food critic. Needs to run. RUN, BITCH, RUN.

    I cant stand her and her. Faux mothering, but Eric is a dirty, tiny toothed, man.

    I saw that one picture he catfished her with. I even got fooled for 0.25 seconds.  The one where he was standing in the office. 


    As an Labor and Delivery nurse, I was so proud how strong Olga was. ( my husband was like, " I dont think they offer epidurals there.) Steven is silly but i really like him. He steps up so far, more than any other fools on this show.

    I cringe at Ashley's Live/laugh/love house. But at least it is clean. 


    I loves me some Larissa. I dont know why, but I do. Coltee is so damn robotic and creepy.  I love that she said, " he thinks all latinas want to have sex all the time. We are suppose to shake out boobies and butt





    She looked disgusted.  I wonder  what he makes her do. Or how bad he is.


    • Love 16
  7. 10 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    Skeletangelina Jolie & Dirt "Derpface" Bourdain - Let's start with next week's preview; she was pregnant? Wait, wut? When and with who? Let that mot be the editing monkeys toying with my delicate organ of anticipation.

    I don't understand 'roid Rage Dean's objection to Hazel, I would have guessed he was legit looking forward to threesomes & human centipedes. Maybe he's upset that she's not putting out? Or not hot for him? His sexcation has been ruined, ruined, I tell you! I'll give him props for calming down and giving the fairy tale story of the Pauper and the Buffalo Plaid Dummy his reluctant blessing. Did Derpface really need to point out their flagrant sexual chemistry, which they have "in droves?"  I can smell their human rutting season pheromones through my TV screen You guys too, amirite?

    I am certain I wasn't alone feeling sorry for the malnourished waif who had to give up her child for lack of money when her eyes began to swell as she told the producers that she was going to be homeless after he leaves. She seemed very depressed, especially at the prospect that he may not return for her (which could happen!). Meanwhile she appears to have gotten attached despite his idiotic way of talking and clueless expressions, and her feelings were genuine.

    Manaus Plush Emoji Museum of Art & Unicorn Annex - The miscarriage is last week's news, it's OK to snark again. I have some capital questions.

    • What's the deal with the two oversize dog kennels with junk in them?
    • What's the deal with the mattress without sheets or protection? Five minutes in the Manaus heat and it's going to be a moldy hot mess of human sweat stains.
    • What does it feel like to be comforted by a translator app robot voice?

    Olive Oyl's fear that PyroPole won't return is irrational. Why, just ask any of his ex-girlfriends. He always comes back (sometimes with Crazy Glue, spray paint, matches, etc.) even if there's a restraining order. You'll never be rid of the flammable blend of neurosis, jealousy, OCD and drive for revenge that you married over your mother's tears.

    Random question: are you ready for motherhood when you'll be fighting your baby for the same toys?

    Mother Pole ran out of money, so Kriny must accept that Pole has to return to the US for his mother to work, make and save more money to give Pole so that he can return to Brazil. Had he not spent so much money on Mickey Mouse dildos, pastel-hued unicorn plushies with iridescent horns, white tiger plushies, and giant stuffed poop emojis (I'm just cruel now, all of these items are necessities of life in a town that doesn't appear to have garbage pickup), he could have stayed a couple of days longer. Forty-eight hours of missed fighting and misunderstanding opportunity. Life is so unfair.

    Talking Glazed Ham Ricky - He is such an unctuous, slimy wad. Are we viewers supposed to waste tears and tissues getting emo over this satyr that is now married and engaged to two different women at once? Plan Bimena receives a message from his "ex-wife" and gets upset, imagine how upset she'll be when she finds out it's actually his wife and not his ex-wife. I think she said, "mentira here-o, mentira there-o, mentira all the time-o!" That's what I heard, anyway. She wasted a couple of weeks of her life banging a Shrek lookalike who always seems to have a "good reason" to ejaculate yet another lie, and prostate himself before women to "aw shucks" beg for forgiveness. Why doesn't he move to Utah and start off where Warren Jeffs left off? He was all emo saying goodbye to her at the airport, but he cheered up as soon as he laid eyes on the sexy customs agent, then the inviting ticket taker, attractive pilot, winking stewardess, hot uber driver, etc.

    I live for your recaps. Seriously. Talking Glazed Ham Ricky?????? That's EXACTLY what he looks like.

    But you didn't have anything to say about the fairytale couple,  Eeyore and the Pugilistic Midget!

    My husband walked by and wanted to know why she was wearing brown shoes with her white dress. I said, "they're taupe flats, honey."

    And what dummy uses an ATM card in Nigeria? Oh, that's right, Memaw Angela.cee1ff2e22aab806105df97d9e15d507.jpg.6b2cabadb4198eb7a8dbf42027111d01.jpg

    • Love 16
  8. I don't understand how Rachel can not tend to her baby crying and let some man she DOES NOT KNOW tend to her baby.

    I was furious. She is going to be one of those moms who puts dick before her kids.


    If Karineeee wasn't pregnant,  why does she look so bad? She looks preggers to me. Acne, weight gain, large breasts...

    Hazel is a cold one, no? And Tarik is ridiculous.  If Hazel does move to the US. I have an uneasy feeling about her and patience with Tarik's daughter.

    Is Melissa a teenager with her bolt on titties? Something is off with her. And Ricky is dumb as hell. Sitting around for 20 hours...desperation at its finest.

    Why do I have a fondness for silly ass Darcy? 


    An Angela? Oh my! She mauled Michael.


    • LOL 1
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  9. Thank you to whomever bestowed Annie with the genius name, Pingpong Annie! As she would say, "Oh my Buddha!"

    She's a smug, slick bitch who knew damn well Bahtman had no Baht/Pesos/Lira/Pounds/Euro/Yen/Dollars


    My husband commented Anfisa should be with Russ. I kinda like that.  I like Anfisa and am rooting for her.

    • Love 13
  10. 11 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    Yes, it did look like an infant seat, but it was large for that.  I had far more bulk and security gear on it than even any infant seat I have ever seen.  

    It is a swing for kids with special needs.  We have a park where i live that has several of these swings.  My son who has Down Syndrome and Autism is able to swing comfortably and safely in one of these.  He is 12. ?



     I got the heebie-jeebies with him just standing in front... leeering her at her with this weird stare and his hand hovering near her crotch area... he is really creepy.

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  11. On 12/4/2016 at 8:16 PM, chick binewski said:

    Is lead actress in a music video a thing? Did Bobby Zarin get a job as Phaedra's driver?

    If I had to go to the DNC with Porsha (civil rights are in her blood!) I'd need a whole bucket of Flock-o afterwards.

    I swear to God, I thought I heard her say, "Silver rights are in my blood"

    • Love 5
  12. 16 hours ago, Raspberry Beret said:

    This season for the most part has been a letdown. I'm pretty much over ATL at this point. If the rumors of Mona firing the cast are true, I can't say I really blame her. Most of these casts' storylines have ran their course.

    Joseline is no longer entertaining. She has really become mean-spirited and malicious. For someone that thinks she's supposedly better than the rest of the cast, she seems the most bitter and salty.

    I'm not even sure why Rasheeda and Kirk have lasted this long on the show. They're not entertaining and honestly should have been gone seasons ago.  I still don't understand why Tammy was brought back either. She wasn't even interesting when she was on the first time, a couple seasons ago. Waka is barely on the show and always "away on tour". While they might be "broken up" now, Tammy ain't going anywhere and will continue to put up with Waka. I wish they would've kept Kalenna over Rasheeda and Tammy.

    D. Smith and Betty Idol were too condescending for my tastes.

    I'm over K. Michelle. I was so disgusted with her "Nappy headed b*tches" comment. The nerve of her to say an ignorant comment like that all the while wearing that a full head of that hideous blonde yaki weave. I hope she stays gone for good.

    Stevie and Joseline should go their separate ways for good at this point. Their relationship is toxic and their storyline has gotten too dark (especially in light of those recent molestation allegations).

    Tiarra pregnant again with baby # 5...SMH.

    Scrappy and Mama Dee have ran their course as well. I would think Scrappy's proposal was cute, but it just comes off as another way to extend his time on the show and have a potential storyline for next season. I would be surprised if they ever actually go through with the marriage.

    Scrapp is Mendeecees 2.0. I hate that these folks treat going to prison as some sort of rite of passage. It was heartbreaking to see Scrapp’s son tear up on the phone with him and now we have another child growing up without his father. I’m tired of seeing families tore apart due to their parents sh*tty poor choices.

    Molestation issues????? What?? Do tell.

    So is Joseline pregnant? She really is an unhappy person.

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