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Posts posted by cherryblossom

  1. One thing I have noticed while working is there are "optional" things and then there are OPTIONAL things(note that as we say optional but unless you have been here some time and gotten the lay of the land, you need to go).  I imagine Kyndall is a young thing that doesn't have clue about real life experiences and hearing subtle undertones.  I had a friend who didn't hear those so when there were OPTIONAL things on the weekend, she said she had something else to do-ball game, out with friends.  Boss didn't say anything but she was really creamed at her evaluation.  I, on the other hand, knew better and attended.  I doubt she would have listened to me as she was almost 10 years older

  2. 2 hours ago, KristyMc19 said:

    Don't y'all think it's crazy how it's dwindling down to the very end and they STILL haven't danced in boots yet?!  Not once! Would they really finalize the team without even seeing the TCC's attempt to dance in boots?  I'm sure it's a different feeling especially being on the field not to mention adding extra weight to your feet when doing the kick line!  O.o

    I know they have been on the practice field already so I imagine they have gotten their practice boots.

  3. 18 minutes ago, dalgal214 said:

    So I've kind of talked this over with a current long standing Vet...I think I'm going to resign from posting. I've been talking this particular girl about the board and she and I both are somewhat emotionally invested. 


    A lot of these girls are my close friends. We have pool days or go to brunch and have fun. I see these girls in the best light possible. So I go to bat for them because I love them. And as a viewer you all are entitled to your opinion and I can't say that if I didn't know them that I would think differently.


    i probably shouldn't have gotten on the board in the first place, admittedly.


    maybe I'll post again in the future after the squad is announced. 

    I think you would have been more comfortable a year or more ago when it was a "kinder, gentler" board without me feeling I need to hit the ignore button and just skim comments

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  4. When I first met my husband, I helped him with his photography and he said it was never a good idea to be photographed with a drink in hand or putting food into their mouth.  Sooo true and that was over 30 years ago, way before social media!   I don't remember ever being photographed with a beverage in my hand.

  5. Yes they have sent girls out on tests before.  Remember the girl from years ago who couldn't talk about current events.  They sent her out or wanted to send her out and she told her boyfriend to reply to them that she couldn't because "he didn't do nothing at work all day".  They never got an email and she was gone.  I would imagine that RC that go out could be fitted with any number of uniforms left over in the closet.

    • Love 2
  6. We see that Kelli has an office but I don't know that we have ever seen where Judy's office is.  I imagine there is a lot of work with arranging for other groups to work with DCC, promotional items, the calendar etc.  I know that people have talked about Judy's stool she sits on in Kelli's office.  She would like to sit in something else but said it even has it's own twitter following!

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  7. 2 hours ago, AmberRP said:

    I agree that she does look young, but I really think a makeover and learning different makeup can really change that! Also, not all of her pictures have her looking as young as she does in that one. I'm hoping she'll be considered more of a "ladies dcc" rather than the conventional "sexy" look of a "guys dcc." She's my favorite rookie candidate (she is an AMAZING dancer) so I'm really hoping she makes it! 

    When I think of young, I think of Jenna.  She looked all of the 18 years she was when she tried out but the dancing sold everyone and she has turned out to be a well grounded woman.  Some of us bloom a little later!

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  8. 2 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

    I don't see why they wouldn't be able to audition for another team quickly. If they need a solo they could just use the one they used for DCC finals. I don't think all of the other groups require solos, but I'm not positive on that.

    I just read on the Mavs audition info that they do not require solos.

  9. 2 hours ago, SopranoKris said:



    Doesn't make you wonder?  And they end up earning 4 times as much as we do.  I'm actually in the process of going back to school to get my DNP. I will *not* be squeamish, that's for sure :)

    Congrats on DNP!  Have had a number of friends receive theirs.  Gave up on my PhD and just retired after 36 years in academic life.  Wait, I hope this is the small talk forum.  Sorry

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