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I am going to visit my sister in Florida this week, I have been speaking to her quite a bit. 2 of our brothers voted for Trump and we just don't know how to get past it. It says something truly unpleasant about them. My oldest brother sent me a sarcastic "don't move to Canada" text that I haven't responded to and said something on one of my sister's Facebook posts that she did not respond to, but he later posted on her wall asking for forgiveness. I think he thinks he is just being a brat and doesn't understand but I can't make excuses for him. I had to shut down a couple of woman I work with on Wednesday who confirmed my opinion of their intelligence by being happy that Trump was elected. This election has just sucked all my optimism out of me. I am desperately afraid for my daughter, she is twenty in school part time and has serious problems with depression and anxiety, under Obamacare I am able to keep her on my insurance, if I am no longer able to do that I don't know what is going to happen. I think there will be a great deal of drinking on my sister patio this week. Hugs and vibes to us all.
I am in for Secret Santa, I just started vacation today. I am trying to be positive but I am scared out of my mind.
Seriously, fuck MS. Take care. buffyjunkie, I hope there is a smooth, stress free transition. I had vacation two weeks ago and don't even remember what it felt like. I am on my second 6day week in a row and it has been crazy at work. I am just exhausted and really need to have my daughter step up and do some cleaning and all I am getting is excuses, I am sorry but coming home after the cluster fuck that is my work day to a complete disaster and hearing the excuse that she didn't have time to pick up because she slept all day is not really making me happy.
I don't know how I am going to get through to the election, I work with a group of Fox News watchers who spout opinion based on complete misinformation as fact. They don't seem to understand that not everyone agrees with them. I know it is completely useless to argue with them. I just may cause myself permanent damage if I keep biting my tongue. Hope that everyone has a great weekend.
I have enjoyed the 1st two episodes of Orphan Black. I am still amazed by Tatiana Maslney's performances. Right before it came back on I decided to watch the first episode while on lunch at work and got my new coworker hooked, He is already through the first season? My daughter is getting into the swing of things at the community college, seeing as she didn't really go to high school it took her a bit to figure out how to be a student. A number of my coworkers are Fox News watchers, so I don't ever discuss politics at work but the other day they were talking about the "bathroom" bill in NC and I actually stated my opinion that a person should use the bathroom that most closely fits how they present and they have been giving me the side eye ever since. I may have blown my cover.
Has anyone watched The Passion of the Nerd video reviews of Buffy on youtube, they are quite good, he is about half way through season 3. It is taking him forever. I don't remember how my daughter slept as an infant, it was so very long ago and I am pretty sure I spent the first few years of her life catatonic, even if she wasn't. Super vibes for KPC.
KPC, all my best vibes are for you and Dad2, we never go wrong telling the people we love that we love them and why.
Just getting over an awful stomach bug. I wanted to post this on Facebook but decided against it, Was so sick the last 2 days I would only wish it on Donald Trump but he is so used to spewing shit he probably wouldn't notice. Vibes and thoughts for all.
So I got the reply from my ex regarding having him contribute to the costs of his daughter going to college. He thanked me for all I do, said he had no money because of egregious child support payments (which he stopped paying a year and a half ago) reminded me that he had gone bankrupt in 2005 (that was 11 years ago, right?) again because of those egregious child support payments, having nothing to do with the costs associated with the mail order bride who returned herself to the Ukraine. I can't help remember that this was a man who looked me straight in the face and with conviction told me that he was a race horse that I had strapped to a plow. Oh well I guess I will work all the OT available and hope not to burn myself out too badly. Vibes to all.
Hostile I wish your dad super healing powers and am glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. The storm is going to pass south of us so we might get an inch. I am very happy about that. My daughter has started classes and I am already nervous about her falling behind and getting stressed and just blowing it and a considerable amount of money. Please send good study vibes. Her father finally replied to the email after I resent it and texted him to look at it. He said and I quote that he had sent a "quite a chunk of change" in October, That "chunk of change" was a check for $500 which was put toward the ticket for Alexa to go see his mother. The ticket was $790 plus of course there were traveling expenses which I of course covered. He owes me at least 3 grand in child support but that $500 was "quite a chunk of change". Vibes to all and Go Patriots!
Truly Madly Deeply, wrecked me. That and The Body are the truest representations of grief I have ever seen. The Body was on today, I don't know why I watched but I did. Yeah for new kitties. I sent the email, expectations are very very low.
Hi all I have a question for you, as you know my daughter's father is, well you know, but my daughter is entering community college, also she is currently in the midst of costly dental repair and I of course continue to feed, house, and clothe her as well as providing her with health insurance. Should I reach out to her father to see if he would care to throw a few bucks her way or is it just not worth the anger I will feel when he tells me he will not do it? Vibes to all,
I got my Secret Santa gift and it was marvelous, New England Patriot wine glasses, such a great gift combining 2 of my passions. Christmas was very low key, I cooked we ate, there were a couple of gifts, she liked the bit of clothing and make-up I got her and I love the bathrobe she bought me. We did have a bit of a blow up on Xmas eve because she didn't get the cleaning done and the tree never got up and she got made at me because when I got home I wanted to just finish a couple of things and get the trash out and she just wanted to keep telling me she would do it like she had for the 3 weeks she was suppose to be cleaning the house.But I put it behind me, no use being pissy. She spoke to her 90 year old grandmother, who she visited in October, her grandmother asked if she had done anything about her weight problem. Way to go grandma, she will without a doubt call you more often for all that lovely fat shaming and emotional abuse, now I know where her son got it from. She could stand to lose a couple of pounds and get in better shape, but you know when she was really thin, she was suicidal, so I will take the couple of extra pounds. I have to work today, it sucks.
My computer has been sucking, so I am blaming that on my lack of posting, also my life. I am however taking full responsibility for being a sucky Secret Santa, my poor victim will be getting gifts, but they will be late, not together and without gift wrap or any cute note hiding my identity, My Secret Santa gift has arrived, but I am being a good girl and waiting for Christmas to open it, it might be my only gift. My daughter says she is getting me something (I have been hinting for a bathrobe because the one I have is actually older than my daughter) but I am not holding my breathe. She is also suppose to clean the house and that hasn't happened yet, so no tree is up at domicile dusky. Yeah, to Erratic. that is truly awesome, My daughter is enrolling in the local community college in January, taking a couple of courses and getting her feet wet, I am very excited that she is finally doing something and more than a little nervous that I am about to pay a couple of thousand dollars and have her say after a month that she just couldn't do it. Work is work, right now we have a really horrible temp that is not only completely incapable of doing the job, but has a bad attitude, doesn't ask questions and is rather misogynistic. So a really fun package. I also work with a bunch of Fox News watchers, which is stressful, I had a coworker say that he needed to go buy a gun because of Syrian refugees. I want to say something but it just isn't worth it, you know facts don't register with Fox News watchers. As far as health goes, I am old and fat and my back hurts more often than it should, and I am often very very tired, but I seem to have flown through menopause without even 1 hot flash, so yeah me. I will probably not go see Star Wars.
I am in, so very very in.