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Posts posted by greenturtle36

  1. It's horrible. HORRIBLE. To be married to a porn addict. He never wanted sex when I was actually awake to give it to him. He wanted nothing to do with me all evening long, then after staying up until 2:00 am surfing porn, then he decided it was time to drop his rocks, and I was not gonna go back to sleep till he got what he wanted. So, no, I didn't act like I wanted it-- at all. "Ya see? That's why I have to cheat. You don't even like sex." So yeah, unfortunately, watching porn with him wouldn't have worked.

    • Love 10
  2. To the person who said "maybe anna wasn't fun in bed"... AND JOSH WAS?

    whenever my "josh" would whine because I didn't like sex enough for his liking, I would say look: get on your hands and knees and rock yourself back and forth and see how incredibly bored you get after five seconds.

    That's what sex was like for me.

    • Love 5
  3. I haven't seen the "counting on" episode because I don't have cable.  I'll see it whenever it becomes available someplace else.  I'm really not interested in the sorority sisters.  I don't know if Josh was able to see his siblings' response or not, or if he even cares to... the point is, he needs to be FORCED to.  Like Tom Hanks' character said on The Green Mile, "WATCH you bastard!  WATCH!!!"   That selfish son of a bitch... and yeah I do mean that literally too.

    • Love 6
  4. Just curious.  Are you saying it is not possible for someone to accept the Lord (or go through therapy or something) and really change?  I can't be that cynical.


    Not completely impossible, but not probable.  It takes a lot of introspection to genuinely change.  Not just "whoops" because you were caught, and then swear up and down you've changed.

    • Love 11
  5. The betting pool for how fast Josh cheats again? My "Josh" sometimes cheated again a scant two days after I caught him, and he told me how "sorry" he was... again. Even if he doesn't score right away, nobody surfs backpage.com or eccie.net just to look at pretty pictures.

    There's ways to get prepaid smart phones that nobody knows about or can trace...

    • Love 3
  6. Makes sense. I guess once you've said, "Sure, I'll be happy to marry this serial child molester," in hopes of moving up in the world, you've pretty much decided your own fate.


    From the eyes of someone who was once an Anna... she didn't believe she was marrying a child molester.  She was brainwashed into thinking that Jesus changes people, because that's what the fictional stories like Fireproof and God is Dead would have you believe.  She knew he did it before, but she believed the bullcrap she's been fed all her life that saying a few words miraculously and permanently changes someone.  She believed him when he said "people change, I'm a CHRISTIAN now!"  And sadly, she's believing him again, because after all, he asked Jesus for forgiveness and he has CHANGED, right?   (no)

    • Love 10
  7. I have no doubt Anna loves Josh... I seriously doubt Josh loves Anna because I do not believe he is capable of loving anybody but himself.  I know it says "do not psychoanalyze Josh" so sorry if I am breaking the rules, but, I studied this crap in school.  trust me.


    Also, yes, it's true... when it comes down to having to leave your husband, the family is just about guaranteed to take the side of the cheating shitbag, hands down.  Especially since he was the golden boy.

    • Love 10
  8. oh and if you're not already puking at the thought... This plan to have another baby, why not name the baby Miracle, to keep the tradition of naming all of your children M names, and to symbolize this miraculous "change"... 


    Of course Josh will deny everything Danica claims, and claim that it's the devil, and "sin", and he is being persecuted for Jesus.  That's the thing about selfish, cheating shitbags... they LIE.


    Anna believes him because she so much wants to.  She SO wants to believe that enough religious rituals will actually perform a miracle like the movie Fireproof-- I'm sorry but Fireproof, and God is not Dead, and all those other sickly sweet christian movies that show miraculous changes from evil to good, are fucking FICTION!!!


    I wanted to believe my husband was getting better.  He was in "rehab"... and fucking another woman the entire time.  Showing up for group, lying to them, lying to me... a selfish cheating shitbag is a selfish cheating shitbag.  All this rehab is, is a coverup to get Anna to trust him again so he can keep on cheating.  I guarantee it.  Of course I'm preaching to the choir here.


    • Love 14
  9. I don't think Anna resents Meredith necessarily.  I most definitely think Josh did, and does.  It's a double whammy for Meredith because, not only did he not want another child, she was born a filthy dirty female.  Now, I do think poor Anna is stuck with the entire responsibility of caring for four babies, with one being a newborn.  Even with daddy not away in rehab, I'm pretty sure he didn't do much as far as caring for them.  He sure as hell didn't "care" in that he threw away $2100 in one night for pussy, money that was supposed to be for providing for his babies.  What a completely selfish shitbag.

    • Love 8
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgMi8Pap4v4


    Start around the 37 minute mark.


    couldn't really see his face, but she definitely seemed more excited than he was.  I also watched the "gender reveal" video where they ate the cupcakes and they were pink... he wasn't quite so disgusted looking on that video because he was after all eating a cupcake, but was pretty much, "yeah, we're having a girl."  not much emotion.

    • Love 3
  11. I've been looking around for the specific episode where Anna wakes Josh up to tell him she's pregnant with the 4th... I want to see his face.  I can't find the episode, but I did find the web clip where they oh so excitedly (cough) announce that "we are expecting!"  Anna is all smiles, but Josh is sitting there with, I can't even call it a fake smile... he's just showing his teeth, with some smirking here and there.  His eyes look like they always look... just "there", bored and disconnected.  I'll paste the link, but if anybody can tell me which episode is where she tells him she's pregnant, that would be great.  



    • Love 1
  12. whoa, hold on just a minute there:


    "they leave God out of the equation. They don’t pray to God asking for his help. Usually they solve the problem with deceit or manipulation. It’s really teaching how to live your life without God."


    So, you're saying that allowing child molestation to continue under your roof, and cheating on your wife is not "leaving god out of the equation"????   that isn't fucking deceit and manipulation?????????????????

    • Love 16
  13. re:  "That family has a vested interest in her staying married."


    I think it was an arranged marriage so that their Joshie could "meet his needs" "legally" and it would cure his "sin".  So if she divorces him, their Joshie will no longer have a "legal" outlet for his "needs", and no girl in their right mind would go near him after all of this.  


    Note I said "in their right mind", they'll have to find another brainwashed fundie who believes in the bullshit about "but he's SORRY and he's CHANGED and he's a CHRISTIAN now and how dare you judge our poor Joshie, Jesus won't forgive you and will send you to hell if you question what he did to the last one..."



    • Love 9
  14. I wonder out loud (and this may or may not already have been mentioned) why, if anybody had any vested interest in the marriage working out, why weren't they put in marriage counseling, instead of just shipping him away for months?  It's possible that, just like in my case, they went through a few marriage counselors already, to no avail.  One of the marriage counselors we saw, only saw us for one session, and declared that he would not continue because my "Josh" wouldn't stop whining and making excuses.  In fact, he walked out of EVERY session whining about how unfair it was that he "had to go through this bullshit" and that the counselor never wanted to address how it was all my fault (uh, because it wasn't?).  It got to a point where our counselor suggested that he needed to get help on his own, because marriage counseling was going nowhere.  So he referred "Josh" to a counseling group for men with sex addiction (it was christian based, but led by a licensed counselor)... and I told him that was his last chance with me.  He lied in group and gave lip service, but was otherwise non compliant; he threw a tantrum every time it was time to go to group, like a 5 year old kid refusing to go to school, etc.   Cheated again while attending group, at which point I left.  And LESS THAN 48 hours after I left, he was cheating on his mistress already, so tell me again how it was all my fault?  According to his mommy and daddy, it was...     I'm going on another tangent but just speculating, perhaps there have been marital problems for quite some time and perhaps they have been in marriage counseling (or not) and perhaps this was the last straw.  Maybe Anna said, "you're going away to get help, this is your last chance with me."  It would explain why she isn't in any way involved with him right now.  She's had it with him.

    Oh, just to clarify, if there was any marriage counseling at all, I'm sure it was some unlicensed church elder who told them to read the bible more.   And now that I'm on a roll, why isn't Anna in counseling herself?  She might be, again, with some unlicensed church elder... 

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