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Everything posted by greenturtle36

  1. It was clickbait. She found an old FB account that he probably didn't even have the password for anymore, and reported it to FB and they took it down. It wasn't a "heroic" act; anybody could have done that.
  2. Last night, I found an old FB post of mine from when Joshie had been released from jail to the Rebers. And I said it was laughable, because friends of Jim Bob aren't going to report him for probation violations, or even watch him very closely. I said that he's "probably" going to access the internet anyway and they'll never tell on him. Well, if he found a way in PRISON to access the internet, knowing what the consequences would be, that's removed all doubt from my mind that he had access to surfing porn the entire time he was on house arrest. I mean friends of Jim Bob? Give me a f'ing break. That judge should have known better.
  3. Well if you think about it, I've never seen him say he loves Anna. Allegedly he said "I love you" when he was being hauled off to jail, but he was also scared shitless, and wanted to make a great impression in front of other people. His body language, demeanor, facial expressions, etc. show that he really can't stand Anna. so maybe being in prison is a great way to stay away from Anna and that could also be why he told her not to move to Texas. Because that would make it a lot more convenient for her to visit him more regularly.
  4. It was baby #4. And every photo of Josh and Anna about the pregnancy of baby #4, he looked "thrilled" (sarcasm). Josh said in the beginning he'd be fine with "one or two". Anna wanted all the kids. I can't believe with as much independence and money he had in DC, he didn't go get a vasectomy. But he probably believed the myth that a vasectomy makes sex less pleasurable, and refused to use condoms for that reason too.
  5. And all these years I thought it was "Tonti Town House." oh well. I'm not a big fan of fat shaming, but in the case of this particular individual, I'm actually fine with "Fat F**k", although "F**k Face" is fitting.
  6. As far as the deliberation needing more time, I was on a jury once for a possession of meth charge, and we took over 2 hours to deliberate. This is a much more serious crime than possession of meth, so it's going to take longer. It's hard to get 12 people to agree on something in a short period of time. They go through every "what if" with a fine toothed comb.
  7. The questions being asked by the defense show me that they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to IT stuff.
  8. Joshie "Like a Hero returning from War"? oh my fucking god. How utterly disrespectful!!!!!
  9. "Josh's future behaviors depend a lot on the reasons he did what he did. If he is just a cocky asshole whose frontal lobe just finished developing he'll probably knock it off. If he truly has a problem then he has a difficult road ahead of him. I think he shares a lot in common with many folks, and thinks he is all that and nothing at all, at the same time. Being so unsure of who you are, makes for some stupid behaviors." Oh he truly has a problem, and let me tell you, being under someone else's complete control doesn't stop anything if you're smart. There's always ways around external controls. Now, it's pretty questionable whether or not he's smart... My "Josh" was book smart so he always found ways around everything, yet not quite smart enough to not get caught. He finally had to find another woman who was completely unaware of his problem, and groom her by telling her how obsessive and controlling I was and never trusted him "and that's why I had to cheat on her." He actually messaged me just the other day and told me he was having health issues with his heart valve. And I'm like, what does he want me to do? Go back and take care of him? What happened to the love of his life, who was so much better than me and that's why he "had to" cheat? What happened to his parents and sister, who were in complete agreement that throwing me away like a used paper plate was the proper thing to do? What about the few friends he actually had, who gave him pity and said I deserved to be cheated on? Where is their pity now? I'm sorry, but you had your chance. You blew it.
  10. "Maybe Josh HAS changed. It is not impossible. I am very interested to see what happens next." Yeah, and I'm Smurfette. And for what it's worth, I really don't think Danica lied. I think she couldn't prove it happened, and I think she didn't have any funds to pay the attorney-- it said so in the court documentation. Rape cases get thrown out all the time because of "he said, she said" with no witnesses. That doesn't mean the victim "lied". "Maybe Josh HAS changed. It is not impossible. I am very interested to see what happens next." Yeah, and I'm Smurfette. And for what it's worth, I really don't think Danica lied. I think she couldn't prove it happened, and I think she didn't have any funds to pay the attorney-- it said so in the court documentation. Rape cases get thrown out all the time because of "he said, she said" with no witnesses. That doesn't mean the victim "lied".
  11. Regarding Josh's reaction to his 4th child, I am posting this link because I can't post photos to this page except to link them. Look closely at Josh's face in the photo (he's not even looking at the camera). Look at his eyes. If looks could kill! Notice his mouth has one corner up and one corner down. That's the microexpression for contempt. Contempt toward the kid, contempt toward Anna... If you ask me, he really did rough up Danica. He had to take it out on some female object, and a prostitute was a religiously justifiable means because, you know, sinners. In his eyes, Danica was Anna, Danica was the baby... which was a filthy dirty female. http://www.eonline.com/news/631910/pregnant-anna-duggar-shares-ultrasound-images-of-her-child-sounds-off-against-abortion-see-the-pics
  12. if the only sex she's ever had was "P in V" sex to make babies, I guarantee you, none.
  13. 1. Jim Bob sure looked stunned, didn't he? I think that says a lot about him. He obviously didn't think that molesting daughters was any big deal at all, why would everyone make such a fuss about it? Oh, I know: "christian persecution" 2. Josh didn't seek out help for himself because he doesn't want help. He's sorry he got caught, not sorry for anything he did. He even said "I regret recent media reports about my long ago past"... never once said he was sorry he did it.
  14. For what it's worth, Anna is not the first woman to think that if she keeps having baby after baby, her husband will finally love her... if you read Genesis, poor Leah said, with each new baby she had, surely now my husband (Jacob) will love me! He never did. Just like Josh and Anna's marriage, it was an ARRANGED marriage. Here Joshie, since you can't lay off the porn, let's get you a wife to have your needs righteously fulfilled and make lots of grandchildren... aw shit.
  15. According to her own belief system, she is. They teach that marriage is a "threesome" between man, woman and god.
  16. Hmm, who to believe? The woman or the child molester and serial cheater who lied to his wife? Hmm?
  17. "I wish that from now on that the Duggars would listen to their children a little better instead of bullying them into a marriage they neither want nor need." Ain't gonna happen. It's their way or no way! Children are not individuals but extensions of themselves. That's exactly right, he was pushed into a marriage so he could "meet his needs" legally, and he still did what he was doing.
  18. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" wow, he's the first man to ever publicly state that, so it MUST be true...
  19. oh god yes. Aside from being raised with the idea that women were inferior to him, and only exist to serve him... women are not human to him. They are objects to be used by him. Have you ever heard of "micro expressions?" Like on the show "Lie to Me." Where you can look at subtle facial expressions on people. I've seen a few pictures of he and Anna together, and I noticed one corner of his mouth is pointing down while one is pointing up. That's the micro expression for "contempt". It's typical of christians to blame accusations on "the devil" and "the devil is lying to you" and "the devil is causing people to lie about me because of Jesus" and all that crap. I know that's what he told Anna. But yes, you are spot on. He likes "pussy", but he most definitely hates women. On the question about biker's rights, you sparked my curiosity, so I took a look. Apparently, bikers fight for their right to ride motorcycles without their helmet, among other things... they don't like safety regulations and they don't like sobriety checkpoints. They claim it infringes on their rights. Whatever that means.
  20. according to this link http://www.ibtimes.com/anna-duggar-secretly-visits-josh-rehab-ask-about-danica-dillon-report-2218805 Josh Duggar apparently denied the tryst to his wife. “Josh told Anna that since he was living a life of sin, he isn’t surprised that people are making things up about him,” the source said. “But Josh doesn’t confess anything until he is absolutely caught in a lie.” Anna Duggar reportedly took him at his word. “She believes everything Josh says. She actually thinks he’s getting better,” the insider said. I took that to mean, he was claiming that she lied. I thought it meant he claimed she lied about the whole thing, maybe it was just about the rough part.
  21. Ok wait a minute here. He told Anna the encounter never happened, and that Danica Dillon is lying and "people are making things up about me" because of christian persecution bullcrap. Now, the reason for dismissing the lawsuit does not say that at all. It says that she was not injured by the contact, and that she consented to it. OK, so which is true, Josh? How can she have consented to something she's making up? How can she be "not injured by" contact that didn't happen? It either happened or it didn't, Josh. You didn't deny that it happened in the documentation submitted by your lawyers. You just lie to your wife, yet again. You shitbag.
  22. but, but, but, but, but, but but but but but but but but... they are CHRISTIANS!!!! and that all that matters in the eyes of the lord! you don't need any stinking school, you don't need any stinking credentials or licenses or training of any kind! All you need is Jesus because Jesus doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called-- a kid with a slingshot killed the giant blah blah blah blah blah. I wish that were a joke. That really is what they think. When I was in the church, any self righteous unschooled person could call themselves a "counselor" because Jesus automatically qualified them. they would get very offended when you asked about training, credentials, licenses, etc because that is "worldly" stuff and that's the devil. I wish that were a joke.
  23. Oh god. I know what she's trying to do... create a "ministry" by showing everyone what Jesus can do to a wretched evil sinner, Fireproof style... See, if she leaves him, imagine the millions of people who will never receive the message of Jesus through her endurance of suffering... puke!
  24. "I only suggested that possibly Josh might do better with someone who's interests align more with his own" This goes way beyond just wanting more interesting sex. Sex addicts can't be satisfied, regardless. Less than 48 hours after I finally left my husband, he was already cheating on his new mistress, who he swore up and down he would never cheat on because SHE knows how to satisfy a man and SHE is more adventurous in bed... by the time she caught him, 2 months later, there were about 6 or 7 other women... "any husband who manipulates being caught viewing porn as an offence initiated by the wife's disinterest, or unavailability, or unwillingness to be more like a porn star is a selfish, sexually unappealing loser who does not deserve to have the company of a wife." yyyyyyyyyyyyyup. He told me when we first got together that he absolutely does not look at porn anymore (snort), but of course when he was married to his previous wife, he HAD TO because she was never interested in him (snort). That's what he told his mistress before I left him... that he HAS TO because of me, but of course he won't do it anymore because, you know, SHE doesn't like porn in her home... Snort, then she better stay far away from Jeff. Yep, that's his real name, I've been saying "Josh" in quotes all this time because it's a comparison to shitbag Duggar. But his name's Jeff. "I have not believed Josh and Anne were in love since they moved to DC, and she was always making comments about wanting to get pregnant while nudging Josh. As well, he always looked annoyed, or indifferent to any affection she offered." I'm not sure they were ever really in love with each other... it was, after all, an arranged marriage. They were in love with the idea of getting married and being able to have sex legally. They didn't even know each other. Females aren't even human to him; they are objects to serve him. Period. "What if he gave her a disease WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT???" douchebro doesn't give a fuck about her OR his kids, and his behavior proves that.
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