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Posts posted by tardistravler

  1.  I did like that Arianna shut Stassi down! Of course she is gonna cry and moan about it, despite the awful things she has said. Plus, a wedding shower is no place for a confrontation.

    I used to feel sorry for Lala, as well, but her yelling at James for alcohol was not cool. Maybe he will actually redeem himself by the end of the season. Plus, the whole I can't talk about my bf is annoying. There is no shame in gold digging!

    Does Peter actually work at Sur full time? 

    • Love 1
  2. Despite how Schwartz treats her, I don't think that it justifies her being nasty while drunk. Of all people Scheana should criticize her for that. 

    Katie should just marry Jax cause he is the same way, if not worse.

    I sorta like LaLa despite her flaws. 

    • Love 4
  3. Me thinks that Amber wants to lose weight without putting in the effort. Hell I don't want to go to the gym and exercise, but I do. The same goes for Cait. You can bitch and bitch, but you gotta get out and move around.

    I really now understand why everyone thinks that Farrah's child is feral. Girl needs to brush her hair once in a while. 

    • Love 5
  4. I know I am nit picking, but it grinds my gears when parents scream halfway across the room to get their kids attention, rather than going towards them.  People do that in the library all the time. If they don't listen to you the first 3 times, continuing isn't going to help.

    • Love 9
  5. Love Christina getting everything on discount.  You go girl! 

    I mean it would get exhausting when you have every resource/time available and not do anything to help yourself. Especially when you constantly complain about how negative you effect everyone. Plus, I imagine the psych probably won't bullshit her like everyone else is.

    • Love 7
  6. On 10/14/2016 at 2:04 AM, iheartla said:

    Leah is such a thoughtful kid, offering to go check on Amber's chicken. For all of Gary's faults, he has done a bang-up job.

    I agree. Same thing with Maci. Despite the hate, I love seeing Cole doing sports and activities and Maci and family are right there. 

    • Love 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    So I guess Sophia's formal schooling is done, huh? Debra will probably "homeschool" her. Shudder. 

    And who exactly do they think will work in this establishment? Better put in a revolving door. The day the Feral Princess says I can't go to the bathroom is the day I walk. 

    That is why wherever they are, they better be on good terms with the labor board. Isn't it illegal to not allowing someone to go to the bathroom (in reason I know). 

  8. Vandy, my sister works with mentally ill people. One of her philosophy's is to get doing something, anything to get outside your head. Plus it helps to get some perspective on people who are legitimately not able to function due to their mental illness. 

    I think alot of it has to do with the fact that they aren't worried about paying pills or slugging it 9-5.  Or how bout interacting with that babeh you have.

    • Love 6
  9. Ok so I don't know if Amber has thryoid issues or not that would prevent her from losing weight. Anyways I think that she just wants to take the easy way out. I am about her size and I am loosing weight by not alot of sugar (I still have trouble with it :) ) and exercising. Plus I work full time and still have the time to cook a meal haha.

    • Love 3
  10. I love that the one employee that already worked there and was like we had to do x and x. Farrah was like nuh. I would be scared that she assumed that 40 hrs is only 3 days. I hope Farrah realizes that working 13hrs a day requires some breaks and a lunchtime. The Cali labor board is going to be Farrah's next enemy.

    • Love 5
  11. So I know that Tyler is just trying to leave her, but Cait really does nothing to help herself. I have both depression and anxiety and it took hard work (therapy) and trying to keep myself busy. The best advise my sister ever gave me was not to sit around doing nothing, sitting inside my head. Lo and behold she regained her permanent spot on the couch.

    Ryan looks like he is on some stimulant with his creepy eyes.

    • Love 10
  12. I feel that skinny girl in blue dress was blunt.  She was doomed to be the nasty evil skinny chick. They should have had a bigger girl on there sharing their struggle with weight loss. Although Whit would probably think that she just hated herself, ect.


    13 hours ago, Barb23 said:

    I agree that Buddy is quickly catching up with Whit. It sounded like he was going to change to a healthier lifestyle after he told Whit that he had been to the doctor & had high blood pressure (not to mention weight gain) on the episode when Whit claimed she was happy being fat. It seemed like the lightbulb went on & he realized his weight was affecting his health & he better be doing something about it now before it got out of hand. But I guess Whit got to him & he's gotten worse instead of better.  I also have to keep rewinding  when he talks because of his being out of breath or mumbling.  I wish he would get some better fitting shirts. He is always  wearing the same shirt that doesn't fit anymore & it's  stretched to the max. Don't know how he gets it buttoned & it's not a good look. 

    That is huge red flag to Whit's denial about her weight issues. It's not always about being happy with your fatness. It's about having a functional body that won't give out at age 50. Say she doesn't lose weight, but exercise and diet help with the inside stuff like your heart, plaque buildup, energy, ect.

    • Love 4
  13. Yes she is sick as shit. She talks a mile a minute and has an excuse for fucking everything. I love her excuse for getting up around noon, that is was because it was summer, not because she is a crappy mom. 

    I hope that the father gets custody. Can the husband use this footage in court?

    My boyfriends cousin is like this: feeding/creating drama in her life. Soon nobody is gonna wanna deal with her crazy ass. 

    • Love 3
  14. I agree with the MJ scenes. My bf sits next to me while I watch this mess on my laptop and he thought it was really unsexy. That whip cream thing worked in like 1990's Varsity Blues only because Ali Larter was smokin. 


    I still love Asa. Despite her fake pretension, I love the relationship that she has with her family, as well as, her love of food. Boy do I wish that I could attend one of these parties and eat all the food.


    You could tell that everybody at that party was heavy inebriated. Plus, I think that I agree with MJ that Adam might not like the idea of a surprise wedding. Plus, you shouldn't talk about that shit when the dude is like two feet away from you. 

    • Love 1
  15. I agree. There is a big difference from being a laid back mom to just being lazy and have your kids destroying stuff. My mom was really laid back, but she got annoyed when we purposefully destroyed stuff that they bought. 


     I tried using the "I don't want to engage" statement that hippy mom's husband used. I didn't go over too well. haha

    • Love 2
  16. I love Jeremy just dropping the kid off and leaving. He doesn't want anything do with Leah.


    At least now the girlses can get all the lunchables, breakfast and juice that they want. 

    • Love 1
  17. Exactly. This is not the same as Jenelle, who refuses to let Nathan ever see his kid - out of spite. If Javi wanted to see his son, he could have gone to the family photo shoot. Sorry he had a rough day at work, we've all been there. It doesn't stop us from being parents. What is Lincoln going to think when he looks back at the family photo shoot from that year and his dad wasn't even in it? And why? Because he's being a petulant brat who can't stand the fact that his wife is getting along with her ex. I used to love how good Javi was with Isaac, but now I see that he just wants to be the only "dad" in Isaac's life. He can't see the bigger picture - that it's better for the kids if all the parents get along. 





    Mmmhmmm. Why DOES she live 45 minutes from the school? She has no job, she's not going to school. What's the reasoning she can't get a place closer to the school? I swear, Leah seems to WANT to do everything the hard way. She moves more than most people change contact lenses. She gets impractical homes with stairs and steep driveways. Sometimes I swear this chick creates drama on purpose to make people feel sorry for her. I know people have posted before that while Leah certainly isn't responsible for Ali's health issues, she does seem to enjoy the pity she gets because of it. I am really starting to think she craves that victim status almost as much as the drugs. 


    Yup. I there is no excuse to not get food when most grocery stores are open almost 24hrs. Hell stop at dollar general or something.  Or it could be that she has no energy for all of "mommy's helper pills" that she takes.  I mean depression can take alot of energy out of you, but according to last season she got help with that. :)  Plus the only people that really feel sorry for her now are people that have enabled her up to this point. 

    • Love 4
  18. Leah is still a hot mess. I wonder if Corey can use the footage to prove that Leah is an unfit mother? 


    I can't hate on Chelsea despite the baby voice. She is the only mother that seems to have gotten it right. With the amount of money that these girls they have more resources available then most two parent households. 

    • Love 2
  19. Maybe our good old friend Desmond is under that hatch. hehe poor Desie his storyline made me cry alot. Anyways i wonder if it is a secret spot to hide in case the abbies ever got in. 


    I really get tired of of Pilcher's lectures every episode. It's like if you are so disgusted and annoyed with humanity why did you save all the adult people. He should have just frozen teenagers or small children and be done with it. Plus, for the last remaining vestiges of the human race, he should be teaching some survival skills. 


    I really do believe that they are in the future. I just am really hoping that there is some sort of random group that has survived without help of Dr Pilcher, just to spite him. Be like bitch I survived without your precious little town. 

    • Love 4
  20. I am thinking that there are more humans alive than wayward pines. I like to think positively in that the future of human kind does not rest on Wayward Pines soley. They might not be as "sophisticated" as people from wayward pines, but know how to survive the abbies. 


    Maybe this situation only affected North America and the other parts of earth are ok. IDK it seems kinda stupid though to not have farms and stuff. 


    Oh and I bet a billion Wayward Pine dollars that Pilcher was the one who created these abby things. He just has a God complex and wanted to be the benevolent savior of mankind. 

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