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Posts posted by LadyArcadia

  1. I'm annoyed. Very annoyed. Every regeneration I go through the same thing. I'm determined to hate the new Doctor and end up loving him.  This time, I was looking forward to a new Doctor.......and I'm not liking him.  At all.  My dislike for the Doctor has always been before I've actually seen him.  This time, I'm growing to dislike the Doctor while I'm watching and I really wanted to like him.  <insert Tennant "I don't like it" meme>


    The episode was light, filler, fun. The episode itself was OK. But I can't get over my wish to insert someone else in this episode. 9, 10, 11, they all would have been better in this episode.  I can imagine the doubt that Robin Hood was real and the giddiness about the possibility he might be. Each one would have played it as skepticism with a bit of intrigue.


    Even the constant pissing contest would have been played up as respectful teasing.


    But this.......


    I can handle cranky. But, he's not cranky, he's an asshole.


    What makes him "The Doctor"? As far as I've seen he doesn't give a shit about anyone.  The Doctor loves humans. The Doctor saves the day. The Doctor loves his "stupid little apes."  The Doctor is the Earth's protector.  For Goddess sake, even the War Doctor that they all shunned was more empathetic!


    This man isn't "The Doctor" and that makes me sad.

    • Love 4
  2. Now wait a minute, how/when did 11 make that phone call?? As far as he knew he was going to die that night. He was up in the tower when he received the new set of regenerations.

    So, did I miss something?

  3. I wasn't too impressed when it was over. Then, I thought more about it and realized I had quite a few roaring laughter moments. I think I watched Strax falling about 5 times... And howled each time.

    Capaldi was ok. I don't know, it just missed something. When Tennant was introduced, we had Rose, Jackie, and Mickey to help us transition. When Smith arrived, it was immediately established that he was quirky and boyish. He had a personality right away.

    With Capaldi, I don't know what makes him unique and Clara isn't strong enough to help us. I didn't connect with him. Of course I'll stick around, but I need more character development.

    Side note: I'm firmly in the bi category and appreciated Jenny's pose session. ;)

    • Love 5
  4. There's nothing I can really say that hasn't already been said.  I'm just absolutely floored that Valerie is still there. Here's what I posted in the audition thread way back when


    Tapper also did not impress me. Nigel was right, she was too childlike in her moves. Not enough grit and soul in her tapping. I don't think she deserved to even go to choreography.



    My opinion of her hasn't changed. She seems like a sweet girl, but has no business being on the show this far.  The only thing she's impressed me with is her leg wave in the hip hop (that was seriously impressive).  Both her Samba and Viennese made me want to cover my eyes and cry.


    And now in opposite land, I actually really liked Rudy. His goofy personality sucked, and he is overall cringe-worthy, but I watched his performance with Allison 4 times in a row and got chills each time.  Maybe it was just Allison, I don't know... but I loved it. It was my favorite of the night and in my opinion deserved the standing O.  Also, his Cha-Cha with Jenna was out of this world as far as technique.  No one else on the show could have done as well as he did in that Cha-Cha. 


    Speaking of Cha-Cha... I call BS that there was only one awkward ballroom dance to MJ music. There are several MJ songs that make amazing Cha-Chas. They could have easily added another ballroom dance. 


    SYTYCD needs to stop bashing on the ballroom and DWTS needs to leave Contemp alone.  Learn your place, shows!

    • Love 4
  5. n a similar place of minority opinion, I thought Rudy and Jenna were fun in their number. I was slowly won over by Jenna last season, and while I see her often playing to the camera, it doesn't bother me. (Is it a ballroom thing to do that? I know Witney was accused of it too in her season, and wonder if it's a hazard/byproduct of competing in the ballroom scene.)



    Most definitely.  In competition you have to get the judges attention. I mean, you don't crank your head to do it, but if the judge (camera) is in front of you, you ham it up. Winks, smiles, you name it. A trick is to say your vowels when you dance. "AY EEEEE EYE OOOO UUUU"  Finish a move and go "ooooooo!" and "aaaaah!" That sort of thing.


    One of my instructors held a clipboard off to the side, like a judge. My one and only goal was to ham it up, get her to look at me, and make her smile.  It's all part of ballroom.


    Having said that, I know there's a lot of Rudy hate here, but I absolutely loved their Cha-Cha! One of the best we've seen on the show (excluding Pasha and Anya, of course).  I'm very surprised they focused on his face and not his technique. I thought it was really good!  Aside from botched ending, his technique was incredible. He wasn't billed as a ballroom dancer, so they could have easily gone the "But you're contemporary!" route. But they didn't.  I think that bus is on it's way.....


    And I'm sure I watched the whole thing but I cannot for the life of me remember Jessica's routine!


    But Emilio and Jasmine... wow!  Oh, I wish they would have made her pants tighter. The dancing was so good yet all I kept thinking about was if we were going to have a wardrobe malfunction.


    Valerie has to go. She's just not doing it for me at all

  6. I feel nothing for Clara. Nada. I honestly almost forget she's even there. She's supposed to be amazing and super special for saving every Doctor. She saved every Doctor! That's epic!  Yet.... I got nothing.


    I don't understand why there's such a disconnect with the fans.  For me, she's not the "Impossible girl" she's the "Invisible girl."

    • Love 1
  7. A few things I wondered about while watching:

    1. Why doesn't Jessica have the bleeds? She's been up during daylight for awhile now. Several hours in fact, since it took that long for Sookie to get her results back.

    2. Did TB ever address the "why didn't Jessica heal" question?

    3. Why is Violet going after Adilyn as revenge on Jason? Or if it's just that tasty fairy blood, why now? And why take them elsewhere to do it, when she can attack her in the treehouse (which is presumably secluded)?

    4. Bill wrote a book on Hep-V? Was this mentioned before now?


    1. They seemed to be minimizing the impact of Vamps staying up during the day. I seemed to remember in S2 it was quite debilitating.

    2. Yes, she wasn't feeding, for months. Once she fed off Lafayette, she healed.

    3. I am confused too. At first I thought Violet made a mistake and thought it was Adilyn that was with Jason. I hope they explain why she went after Adilyn, who had nothing to do with it, rather than just waving it off. (Who am I kidding?)

    4. Yes, at the end of the last season he wrote a book on what happened

  8. I keep reading "shitter" and that's not quite the same thing..


    On the episode: What's bugging me more than anything is how immune the vamps are to Adilyn. She's supposed to be absolutely irresistible to vamps. If Erik couldn't stop himself from eating Claudine, Violet shouldn't be able to smile and have a conversation with her, in a treehouse, with hardly any witnesses. (ha! I misspelled her name "violent" at first - how appropriate!)


    They've said she's in danger, but they're not showing the danger by letting her prance around all over the place and attend parties full of vampires.

    • Love 3
  9. As for the waltz, I've seen a lot of amateur waltzed attempted at weddings so I'm pretty much used to seeing the butchered kind.  Valerie's dress was absolutely lovely and I thought they did a decent job compared to other waltzes I've seen, just not to the standard that it should be on this show.  That said, they both have a light radiating in them when they dance (versus other dancers who dance beautifully but come off as cold), so I think they'll

    make it far.  They pretty much just need to make sure that they don't completely screw up and they'll probably sail into the top 10.


    The issue for me is this was supposed to be a Viennese Waltz.  The Viennese Waltz is much faster and far less rise and fall (due to the quickness of it).  It makes sense why you'd compare it to a bad wedding waltz. It wasn't even recognizable as a Viennese.
    • Love 1
  10. I clearly know nothing about dance. I thought that waltz looked sloppy and Valerie's arms looked like floppy muppet arms.


    I really liked the opening number.


    Clearly you do. It was terrible.  No movement, baby steps and too much up and down.  They needed to be into their knees more and should have been gliding across the floor. The body contact issue was fixed.  Both are important, but if I had my choice I would have preferred the focus to be on the movement rather than maintaining contact.  It was terrible in frame. It reminded me of a tentative prom dance. Outside of frame they did fairly well.  Yikes.. bad... bad.. Viennese Waltz.


    And Nigel got it completely wrong with the skeleton hip hop number. My favorite of the night. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Carly(? still learning names).

    • Love 4
  11. Looks like I'm going to have to fumble around a bit to figure out how that works, but thank you!!!  This will be great!


    ETA: Got it! You're a life saver!

  12. When Sonya first came on it was such a breath of fresh air.  When Mark choreographed last year it was another breath of fresh air.  Both of their first routines were praised as being new and different.  They both shot the show with a jolt of much needed adrenaline. Why can't Nigel see that new choreographers are needed?


    I know Contemporary is Contemporary, Argentine Tango is Argentine Tango, etc..  Although they all have the same core, new choreographers can bring something new to the table.  Change it up!


    ... and bring Wade back!

    • Love 1
  13. I remember on the TWoP boards it was discussed that sometimes choreographers have to go with alternate music because the one they chose couldn't clear in time. I'm wondering if that's what happened to Benji this time. Either way,  I think they got rid of Nick because while he's never done WCS, he really did make it very hard work - and i don't think this WCS was actually that hard, compared to the one that Pasha & Sara did. I also bet they are annoyed that Jessica's clay feet, so to speak, showed up so early. 

    I call straight up BS on that. It's all Mary bullshit. Just like "oh, my gosh you're a Latin dancer doing a Quickstep!"

    The ballroom dancers are cross-trained in most, if not all, ballroom styles. Nick has most definitely done WCS before. I felt bad he had to go along with her comments.

    I hope it was a music issue, because that was terrible.
    • Love 1
  14. Awww man..  I wish the TWOP forums were still up in archival.  I love watching an older series and reading what other people thought of it when I finally get around to it.  Bummed to see there were no comments on this. I just saw the first episode last night.


    I loved it.  I loved how they portrayed Sherlock as a "high-functioning sociopath."


    I thought I was brilliant when I shouted, "Hey! That's Moriarty!" to my son who has already seen it.  So proud to display my sheer brilliance to my son, only to have him laugh at me at the end.  heh.. well played, show.


    I'm convinced both pills were poisoned and he'd built up a resistance to iocane powder.


    I'm in.

    • Love 5
  15. I think that JaJa might have been fine had they told her to go take A LOT of basic jazz/ballet and ballroom classes between callbacks and the Green Mile and that is one thing that we really don't know about - what do they communicate to those that make the Green Mile off screen before they come back. Of course, any astute dancer would do that between auditioning and callbacks or even before auditioning.



    You'd be surprised. Dare from a couple of seasons ago was my guest teacher at Larkin. Fast forward a bit and I switched styles and started taking Ballroom at a studio that have a close relationship with the Larkin folks.


    Turns out, Dare came back home on a break from the show and my ballroom offered to have him come in and work on his technique.  He refused.


    He was eliminated the week after performing a Cha-Cha. 



  16. So... Valerie Rocky the tapper?  Sooo reminds me of a young Ally Sheedy!


    That's it!  I couldn't figure out who she reminded me of.  I wasn't that impressed with her audition. It was too.... child-like.  I'm not sure why she made it; she'll have to grow on me.

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