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Posts posted by LadyArcadia

  1. Hmm, I'm not a dancer, but Emma said on the live stream that he should have come down slightly to match Allison's height, and he was emphasizing their height difference by holding her too high. Is that wrong, or are there two schools of thought on that?


    I think she might not have been clear on what she meant.  There's a difference between compromising frame vs. lowering in the knees more.  A leader should never compromise frame because of their follower's height.  Always, always big, tall, and open.


    However, (as judemorrigan said) in some dances (Bolero) my partner has to go deeper in the legs for me to do the movement correctly.  


    But overall, no.... a leader should not come down or compromise their frame to match their follower. 

    • Love 2
  2. My partner and I have a pretty significant height difference (see picture).  He absolutely should not do anything to compensate for me.  The only change he needs to make is his hand around my back in Tango needs to be lower so that I can wrap my arm around his and tuck it under his arm properly.  But that's very minor.  


    Riker's overall frame should stay the same regardless of the height of his partner.


    And basically as stated above, it might be Allison's issue.  You should take care of your own frame... period. 

    • Love 3
  3. I love the idea of this.  I want to see the initial news reports, the confusion, the disbelief, and the reality hitting people as we go through the beginning with them.  


    I hope they don't try to explain what caused it.  At this point we're past that.  It will soften the impact of the show.  I just want to see the shock and horror as people realize what's happening around them.

    • Love 7
  4. First time on this board...


    Hubby and I agree ghoulina! We believe Glenn was bit. Didn't he say to Nicholas-"I'm gonna die because of you!" or did we hear that wrong?


    He said, "Noah died because of you!"


    I have to admit I'm a bit surprised there's even doubt as to whom Rick killed. I thought it was pretty obvious he turned and killed Pete on Deanna's command.

    • Love 6
  5. Why are they still going to DC?  In Season 2, the jackasses that attacked Herschel, Rick and Glenn in the bar said the roads to DC were completely blocked. Rick or Glenn should remember that.


    I was shocked Ty died, but... meh.  Kill off one of the core (Rick, Carl, Daryl, Carol, Glenn, Michonne) and I'm done with this show. Everyone else is expendable. Note, I did not include Maggie. Although I love her, I think she can go.  I want Season 1 Glenn back.


    I missed the sign and the symbol on the walkers' heads. I'll have to rewatch for that. I also missed a lot of the dialog because as soon as Brillip showed up I started screaming, "Noooo! We got rid of you! Get off my TV!" and couldn't hear a thing. 

    • Love 6
  6. I've ripped on this season and 12's reign so much I think it's only fair I give praise when it's due.  I actually enjoyed this episode (except for the last 3min).  It was scary, funny, and had interesting twists.  It felt like Doctor Who.  


    And as much as I really hate Clara, I enjoyed their moment together on the sleigh.  If that is the type of relationship we will get next year, I might even tolerate her.


    Kudos. It was my favorite so far.

    • Love 1
  7. Not sure I follow what you are getting at here.


    Meaning, it's the zombie apocalypse and Maggie has lost most of her family to humans, not zombies.

    • Love 3
  8. Maggie has lost Hershel, Beth, her mother and half-brother



    ...and of those, how many were killed by humans?



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  9. That's why FPP went back to the church after - I don't think he really believed that Gareth & co. were cannibals, until he saw the foot. That's when he realized that Rick's group was telling the truth.


    OOOOOOOH!!! That's what that was all about?!  You know, I hate it when shows dumb things down for the viewers, but that went over my head.  That makes much more sense to me now.


    Another thing that didn't make sense: I get that Beth went stabbity on Dawn and Dawn reacted and accidentally shot her in the head. But, why did Beth stab her in the first place?!  She said something like, "I get it now"  Get what?


    All I can piece together is Beth "got" that Dawn was a bad person (which she already knew) and decided she'd stab her in front of two hostile groups ready to kill each other?


    What the fuck was she thinking?  Am I missing something? I have to be missing something.

  10. I've gotta say, they were pretty dumb cannibals. I understand it for plot reasons, but which self-respecting cannibal sees meaty, bulky Abraham and Eugene and instead decides that stick-thin Rick looks more appetizing? Seriously, when Andy Lincoln turns sideways, he practically disappears, he's probably the member of the cast with the least meat on the bones. Eating him would have been frustrating as hell, like sucking on a particularly tiny little bird.



    You know, for a moment I thought I was completely desensitized. Then I read this.

    • Love 5
  11. Huh.. speaking of the old crew...


    Remember when Dale was taken out by one walker in the field? 


    Now Tyreese can take on several bare-handed?



  12. I don't understand the whole "Clara ignored the world" outrage. As she said, there is a moon there (yeah, the Doc said it could be a projection, painting, etc. but you could tell Clara didn't believe that), and she knew that the Earth and humans exist after 2049, which they wouldn't if the decision either way made a difference since humans don't branch out into space until after 2049. Given that the outcome of her decision doesn't make a difference, choosing to save the moon creature opposed to murdering it is the moral way to go - killing something that isn't going to harm you is just a douche thing to do. The writers put in the panic for nothing once you suss out the logic based on what Clara herself knows, which the Doctor gave her the chance to use. In some ways, he's testing her out - he doesn't have much of a memory at this point, it seems.

    I don't care for the writing overall this season, though. I don't think they're writing Capaldi to the best of his abilities.


    That's another thing that pissed me off about the episode (it's a long list). 


    "Time can be rewritten"  - Quote said to every companion in the NuWho era.


    She's been a companion long enough to know this.


    There are things about Ten that I do not like, but I still can watch the majority of those seasons.  This season, I can't even seem to recall plots from previous episodes as if even my trivia fueled brain doesn't care.



    I'm rewatching the entire NuWho series.  Just finished up the Queen Victoria/werewolf episode.  All it's doing is making me remember how far better this show used to be.


    I've rewatched 9-11's episodes multiple times.  I have no desire to rewatch any of 12's episodes.  None.

  13. I love it when a show takes the main character, makes him unrelatable, and pushes him aside to focus on a secondary character who doesn't matter and is an insufferable arrogant bitch who doesn't want to be there.


    Yeah, that's a great way to keep a successful show, successful.

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  14. Right after Saturday's "moon" episode, I watched Tennant's first episode. The Christmas one. The differences were glaring and explains why I'm hating this season so much.


    • In the short time he was shown, he was quirky and funny "No, that was the Lion King"
    • He quickly assessed the situation and fixed the problem, without help from the companions. "I'm going to press the big red button!"  Showing that he is the smartest one in the room.
    • Although he was funny and made us smile, he also showed his dark side and not to mess with him "No second chances" and "Doesn't she look a bit tired?"
    • His primary concern was to save earth "It's DEFENDED!"
    • Summary: He was funny, he was lovable, he was not to be messed with, and he loved earth.



    • Even though she had no idea what happened. She didn't get a phone call from 9, she didn't get any warning of the regeneration, she loved the Doctor. She was confused, she was hurt, but she took care of him.
    • She took charge of the situation when the Doctor couldn't. She didn't overshadow him. She didn't take over. She didn't make him seem dumb. She did what she needed to do when she had to, but let him take over when she could.
    • She wanted more than anything to continue to travel with him. Her biggest fear in the end was that because he'd changed he wouldn't want her with him anymore.
    • Summary: She was strong, brave, but still scared. She was confused, but still loved him. She wanted to travel with him even though she didn't know who he was.


    The last scene is of them holding hands and looking up to the sky excited for their next adventure.


    What a difference between then and now.

    • Love 17
  15. Speaking of assholes.  You. Doctor. Are. One.  I'm still waiting to see one single reedeming quality.  Your name alone isn't enough.



    See the previous point.  Shouldn't you be treating the doctor with some damned respect, as you say?  Or maybe he actually deserved Pink's tirade after all.



    There's a difference between calling someone an asshole and flat out mocking them to their face.


    In fact, I think I'd probably respect Pinky a little more if he just said, "Hey, you're an asshole"  than the whole childish name calling he did.


    "Pinky" has no idea who the Doctor is at this point.  Unlike you and I, who have been observing him for years.  This "asshole" is the only aspect of the Doctor that Pink has ever seen.  He knows nothing (or at most very little and only third-hand) about how he's saved the universe so many times, how integral he is to the functioning of the universe throughout history.  He's just some arse alien who has been belittling him without cease and seems to hold bizarre sway over his girlfriend.  Why on earth would that deserve respect at all?



    I don't think there was any reason for him to go all 12-year-old "ooooohhh you're a 'LORD'  Wooooohoooooo"  The Doctor was an asshole in general, but I don't think anything the Doctor said to him specifically deserved that response.  Especially, if he lurves Clara.  A proper response could have been, "Hey, you spend a lot of time with my girlfriend and it's obvious you don't like me.  Who are you?  What's going on here? And why are you being such an asshole?"


    Again, I'd have much more respect for bluntness than the whole immature routine he did instead.


    And I don't recall when Clara could snap her fingers before, but I'm sure it happened. I don't pay much attention to her.

  16. I purposely didn't post about the show because I was so angry.  But... almost a week later and my thoughts haven't changed.


    I'm now officially hate-watching. This isn't the show I fell in love with.  I spent the entire time yelling at my screen.  Some of my thoughts:


    • Who the fuck do you think you are snapping your fingers at the TARDIS, Clara?!  Fuck off with your entitled ass!!  You should never, ever been allowed to do that.  People bristled when Ten did it, let alone you!  You're not that important and it pisses me right off that you pulled that shit.
    • "Sir?"  "Lord?"  Who the fuck do YOU think you are talking to the Doctor like that, Pinky?  I don't care that he's been an asshole to you, shut your mouth and show some damned respect.
    • Speaking of assholes.  You. Doctor. Are. One.  I'm still waiting to see one single reedeming quality.  Your name alone isn't enough.
    • Clara, how cute! You wanted to sneak your boyfriend on the TARDIS and trick the Doctor!  No.. that's not cute.  That's more of your arrogance showing. It was dangerous and stupid.
    • Danny and Clara are in lurve.  Great... .go away, together. Now.  Both of you.


    I'll continue to watch, because it's Doctor Who.  But, I'm not happy. Not happy at all.

    • Love 5
  17. Are we supposed to feel bad for Oswald? He seems so . . . I dunno, earnest in his endeavors. It's not his fault nobody cooperates with him. And we'd all be walking like penguins if we had to swim in a river. I did like Carol Kane as Ma Cobblepot . . . didn't she play the same role in Batman Returns, or am I wrong? Oh, and I'm still prone to going "wak-wak-wak" anytime I see him.



    This is driving me nuts. I said the same thing to the hubby last night.  "Hey! How cool they got Carol Kane to reprise her role as The Penguin's Mom!"


    ...and yet. I find nothing on the internet backing this up.  I could have sworn she played this role before.

    • Love 1
  18. The Easter eggs didn't bother me but I probably missed a lot of them.  I didn't even realize that Riddler got introduced tonight.  What I really liked was that the physicality of several of the characters I did recognize really fit their future identities, Catwoman and Penguin in particular.  You could pick them out with no reference to who they were.


    I'm the same. I didn't realize until I came here that he was The Riddler.  I just thought he was a cute nerd, and I love me some cute nerds.  Who knew I'd crush on The Riddler?  ha! 


    I'm a casual Batman fan, so it's fun for me to learn who they're supposed to be.


    I thought the acting was terrible in spots, but the storyline grabbed me.  Oswald, of course, is a highlight. I agree Fish was a bit over the top. Let's hope she quickly becomes Penguin food.


    I'll be in for the long run.  I loved it.

  19. It didn't. The progress of the soldier went toy box in the home -->Rupert --> Orson --> Clara -->young Doctor in the past. We may find out later on that one of the TARDIS crew travelled back to the home to leave the soldier there, but it's path is clear as it is.


    "Timey-Whimey Wibbly-Wobbly"

    • Love 1
  20. IIRC, Capaldi had several lengthy speeches (lengthy by TV standards, that is).  I thought his performance was quite good, actually; not his fault the episode was pretty iffy.


    What I mean was, this episode was the "Clara show." (again).  And I didn't even really dislike her at first, but I feel she's overshadowing the Doctor. We need a Clara-lite or Clara-free episode.


    He isn't showing us Doctor Who through Clara's eyes. He's showing us The Amazing Adventures of the Perfect Schoolteacher and her Wacky Alien Sidekick.




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  21. I did like Capaldi a lot in this though and found that I could understand everything he said for once :)



    That's because he didn't say much.


    The "Doctor Clara" comment from earlier is spot on. I said the same thing when we watched it.  I'm bummed because my husband is finally watching it this season....and this is what he's getting.  I keep having to tell him, "No! It's good. Really! This episode sucked. Well, last week did too, but.. it's not this bad usually. Really!"


    And although I called the Doctor an asshole last episode, I'm kind of loving the Clara insults. She thinks she's so pretty and super speshul and he keeps knocking her down.  Keep doing that. I approve.


    ETA: Oh and now Clara can drive the TARDIS because she has a telepathic connection?  Fuck no.

    • Love 2
  22. I didn't really see Colin Baker, but that description would apply to Jon Pertwee's Doctor. Like Frasier, the writers gave Three his fair share of humbling moments. We saw the same thing in this episode, as when Clara is the one fetched from the dungeon, rather than the Doctor (or Robin).


    I didn't see it as humbling. I saw it as dumbing down the Doctor for the sake of boosting Clara.

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