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Posts posted by Tazmania

  1. Just because an actress' name appears second to the titular lead does not automatically make her the "female lead". We have seen it with both Katie Cassidy and Candice Patton, their names do appear second, but neither of them have been second leads or female leads ... either in term of story or screen time.

    It is fairly obvious that both shows have just one lead and they slowly worked out what other characters work best in the story. In Arrow, it was Tommy Merlyn, Laurel Lance and Moira Queen in initial episodes who featured more, though both Tommy & Laurel gave way to Diggle & Felicity after first 10 episodes. In Flash, Barry worked best in one on one scenes with the three parental figures in his life, his own dad, his foster dad and his mentor Dr Wells so we saw those moments more. Cisco's screen time also increased gradually because of his popularity to the extent that he is now an integral part of the main cross over event this year. Iris never really was important to any plot in The Flash. In S1, Barry was pining for her and hiding things from her, as soon as she knew the secret and Barry stopped pining for her, her purpose and link to the story ended.

    Can we please all agree on that and stop calling both Candice and Katie Cassidy female leads and then get offended on their behalf? Both the shows have one lead character and then a whole bunch of supporting characters.

  2. Just because an actress' name appears second to the titular lead does not automatically make her the "female lead". We have seen it with both Katie Cassidy and Candice Patton, their names do appear second, but neither of them have been second leads or female leads ... either in term of story or screen time.

    It is fairly obvious that both shows have just one lead and they slowly worked out what other characters work best in the story. In Arrow, it was Tommy Merlyn, Laurel Lance and Moira Queen in initial episodes who featured more, though both Tommy & Laurel gave way to Diggle & Felicity after first 10 episodes. In Flash, Barry worked best in one on one scenes with the three parental figures in his life, his own dad, his foster dad and his mentor Dr Wells so we saw those moments more. Cisco's screen time also increased gradually because of his popularity to the extent that he is now an integral part of the main cross over event this year. Iris never really was important to any plot in The Flash. In S1, Barry was pining for her and hiding things from her, as soon as she knew the secret and Barry stopped pining for her, her purpose and link to the story ended.

    Can we please all agree on that and stop calling both Candice and Katie Cassidy female leads and then get offended on their behalf? Both the shows have one lead character and then a whole bunch of supporting characters.

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  3. Can we talk about this yet?

    Last week, Felicity: "how you usually spend your evenings....dressing in leather and tying people up..."

    This week, Oliver: "More bruises from her than from Deathstroke."

    ...or should we just leave things there?

    This confirms my head canon that Felicity is a real wild cat in bedroom. Oliver Queen had no idea how his life was gonna change when he asked her to drive into the sunset with him back in May.

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  4. Two episodes only and the verdict is in. Red head douche bag resident is a pain and then some. In first episode, he questioned his senior Dr Conner Rhodes methods. He also first mocked him for being rich and then side eyed for going to medical school in Guadalajara. This episode, he was rude to Dr Manning, who is supposed to be his friend, and called her an emotional pregnant woman for doing exactly what he was doing trying to save a patient. What an awful person to just be around with.

    I am watching the show for Colin Donnell. Liked the first episode because it had plenty of Colin, the second episode, not so much. Not enough Colin and too much of red head douche bag

  5. IIRC, non-fans of LL used the term "redacted" to tweet about the character without it showing up in KC's mentions or generate buzz for her. Fans/stans caught on so they started sending screenshots to KC and letting her know they were defending her. Non-fans switched to "Felicia" occasionally saying "bye" because they thought CL was brought on to replace her. Eventually the fans/stans caught on and repeated their behavior. About this time KC acquires a dog and names her Felicia. She also starts tweeting the hashtag "Bye Felicia" frequently. Coincidence or passive/aggressive behavior? I don't know but it did lead to some non-fans of LL becoming non-KC fans. Some fans embraced it as KC fighting back.

    That poor dog is long gone. No one has seen her since the end of S3. Never knew people get seasonal dogs. It indeed was a goodbye for poor Felicia. Hope she has found a more loving and permanent home elsewhere.

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  6. Nocking Point party was OK. I was really disappointed there was no Q&A. SA was hardly on stage at all; he spent the whole party mingling. (Trying to, anyway. Basically there was one group of fans that followed him around for most of the night. It was kind of frustrating for the rest of us that wanted to get a word in edgewise.) 


    Were they the group of women who call themselves Stephen's traveling bandits and travel across North America attending every con and Nocking Point party ever? 

  7. Is it me, or has S. 2 been almost devoid of scenes in which Barry (or any other character) even acknowledged Barry's former soulmatey interest in Iris?


    I think it was implicitly acknowledged by Joe in giving Barry the thumb's up to pursue Patty. 


    But it seems weird that it has gone from basically his all-consuming passion to barely even a mention.


    Even if they were going to go with "I've moved on" or "The timing's not right with Eddie having just died," it seems like it merits something more, no??


    Kriesberg is following the Arrow formula to the T. 

    S1 was a triangle between the hero, his long lost love/object of affection and her really nice and good looking boyfriend/fiance who loved the girl to death. Both Tommy and Eddie died rather heroically at the end of S1 of the respective shows and when S2 starts, its like both the heroes forgot that they were crushing so hard on these girls when they had actual boyfriends but now that those guys are dead, they must move on to other women. Oliver did that with Isabel and Sara in S2 and Barry is now dating Patty. At least they are giving Patty and Barry sometime to grow into their relationship and I really like their first date  - unlike Oliver having a random one night stand with Isabel and the weirdest lunge in the history of TV sex with zero build up. 

    Not sure if they are gonna turn Iris into Flash's Laurel Lance or would they give her a different destiny with actual purpose. 



    I like that Connor got his degree from Guatemala. Foreign degrees are looked down up (looking at you, ER) but often it's a better education because they have to learn to diagnose without the expensive equipment.



    I think it was Guadalajara, not Guatemala.

    Colin Donnel's Conner Rhodes was, by far, the most compelling character. I also liked the shy medical student who was overwhelmed initially but did okay when the occasion called for it, the rest of the cast was not given much so I am not sure about them. I didn't like the douche face red haired resident who first tried to snub Dr Rhodes for being a rich boy from the right side of the town and then gave him side eye for getting his degree from a developing country. I think I am gonna hate him for sure. 


    I am tuning in next week because they gave me shirtless Colin Donnell this week and there will be more shirtless Colin Donnell next week. I am shallow like that. 

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