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Posts posted by Tazmania

  1. I love it when actors hang out with production crew. Anyone who has been on a set would know that actors are generally very insulated and they are kept insulated by design. So when some decide to mingle, it is always fun for the other staff.

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  2. While I do think they kept Laurel out of the party so that she wouldn't be kidnapped, if she were at the party, why would DD think she was important to Oliver? DD knows she's important to Quentin, sure, but he wasn't threatening Quentin's loved ones, he was threatening Oliver's.

    In the public eye, Thea's his sister, Felicity's his girlfriend, Diggle's his bodyguard/head of security who's been glued to his side for 4 years now. Laurel's public connection to Oliver is she works for the DA, which explains why they run in the same circles now that he's running for Mayor. And that they dated some years ago, but that just means Laurel's part of around 67% of the 18-49 female demo of Star City.

    So, while it IS super hilarious that all the recappers are all going "trolololol Laurel isn't a loved one bwahahaha", from DD's POV -- well, she isn't.

    Oh I totally agree with everything you said, I just did not see the point in bringing it up that she was not a loved one. She hasn't been the loved one since S1 so that debate is kinda pointless. PS: Another thing that bugged me a lot was Laurel's presence at Oliver's various political public events. Can an ADA publicly endorse a mayoral candidate like this? Should an ADA publicly endorse a mayoral candidate like this?

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  3. I've seen reviews mention how Laurel wasn't targeted by DD when it comes to weakening Oliver but it is like people forget that DD/Quentin have a deal so of course he wouldn't target her since it breaks that deal and right now they haven't had DD declare he's been betrayed.


    I don't think Darhk would have cared for his deal with Quentin but the most logical answer to that is that she was not at the party and Darhk picked up people from the party. 

    Secondly, her role was written in the rescue of the team with her sonic cry. She has played the damsel far too many times, I am glad the writers actually used her character differently this time. 

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  4. I'm kinda annoyed at myself that Oliver was adorable enough, and O/F were legit incredible, that I'm willing to handwave the lying liar who lies part.




    The level of adorable was sky high ... I think I am gonna go run back in time like Barry and will erase episode 4x08 forever 

    • Love 3
  5. Felicity: Ok, first off, Oliver, we're fighting an immortal here. Maybe deal with your DNA issues later. Second, Oliver, can we all remember what happened when you didn't tell Thea the truth? When you didn't tell me and John the truth? I thought you were breaking this habit. Look, clearly I'm willing to put up with a lot from you! You've killed people! You go WEEKS without getting on the salmon ladder without your shirt on! You keep talking to Malcolm and you've apparently shown him a secret dark entrance to our nice big Arrow Cave! AND you haven't given me a code name yet! What I'm saying is, although yes, I know I told you just a couple of episodes ago that we're good and solid and all that, we're walking a fine line here and if I find out something big, it's OVER and you'll have to hire Cisco or Curtis to do your computer stuff. I recommend Curtis. He already has problems remembering that he's married when you're around. On second thought, bring in Cisco. I'll head over to Team Flash and Caitlin and I can do more bonding and maybe have a girl on girl scene if Flash thinks ratings are falling.

    ....ok, maybe Felicity wouldn't actually have said all that much.

    A lot will be forgiven if either of the shows will go for some girl on girl action between Caitlin and Felicity.

    PS: I think Oliver not getting on salmon ladder in all his shirtless glory is a valid Felicity complaint. She would voice that.

  6. The fact that Oliver thinks he can successfully lie to a woman who knows him so well, she knows his DNA sequence is rather laughable. He couldn't lie to her successfully when he barely knew her in season 1, now that they have worked together for 3 and half years and have been living together for 6 months, he has no chance in hell of lying to her and that not coming back to bite him on the face.

    I hope everyone chews him out when they find out about this idiotic lie.

    • Love 8
  7. This was the weakest episode of the show so far. 

    The only thing I truly liked was any and all conversations between Dr Charles and Dr Connor Rhodes. Another character that works well with both these gentlemen is Sara Reese. Give her more to do. Would love to see them both mentoring her. 

    • Love 1
  8. She's definitely stuck with Team Arrow through a lot, but this is different.  They've been together, they'll have been 


     That is pretty serious.  If nothing else I bet she takes a break while Curtis takes over.


    I am totally looking forward to her anger.  I've never felt he deserved it more.  And I was the one who was unhappy with her in 4.06...because then he didn't deserve it.  Now I say blast away, Felicity, blast away.


    If Felicity does end up breaking up with Oliver because of his lying ways, chances are that both John Diggle and Laurel Lance will side with Felicity for obvious reasons. John Diggle hated Oliver keeping secrets in S3 and froze him out till Oliver took a bullet for him. This would be like a deja vu for him, plus he used to be very protective of Felicity ... at least back in season 2. Laurel too would side with her because if there is one person in the world who can empathize with Felicity about lying boyfriends, it is Laurel. 


    If this season has established anything, it is that Thea Queen does not give two fucks about her brother and takes most of her social/tactical cues from John Diggle & Laurel Lance, as they would be against him for being a douche, chances are that Thea will also show her middle finger to Oliver. The only place for Oliver to run to is either a sofa in Joe West/Barry Allen's weird dad/son bachelor pad, Rip Hunter's time machine or Lian Yu. Going by his track record and production team's obvious affection of that particular British Columbia national park, he will end up in Lian Yu. 

    • Love 3
  9. He's basically going to be Uncle Ollie, I guess.  And yeah, I think he's going to visit the kid (Baby Mama, I ain't calling her by her name bc she doesn't deserve that respect), is in more episodes.  


    Baby mama is that random chick Ollie had once had unprotected sex while he was cheating on Laurel, she does not deserve a name. Baby mama was thirsty hoe who had unprotected sex with someone's boy friend in the past and a mean as fuck manipulator in the present who is making moronic demands on a person just because she is in a position to ask it of him. 

    • Love 5
  10. He cuddled up to Laurel like the douche he was when he kept the pregnancy a secret. I guess it makes sense he'd cuddle up to Felicity like the fucking douche he is while keeping this a secret.

    And this is why he ruined it ... 

    I thought Felicity was different, she was special and that Oliver has changed but he pulled exactly the same crap with Felicity what he did with Laurel ten years ago. 


    • Love 1
  11. It was that one rare Arrow episode where Laurel was like the 8th worst thing after Malcolm Merlyn, Vandal Savage, the Hawks, time travel, Oliver's blackmailing basic bitch baby mama, Oliver's evil spawn and Oliver's lying cheating self. 



    • Love 14
  12. Vulture review of Flash 208 (the reviewer is not Jenny Raftery, but someone who doesn't care for Arrow)...

    The Flash Recap: Learn to Fly

    By Angelica Jade Bastién December 2, 2015 2:04 a.m.


    I have tried reading one of her earlier reviews and got so bored because almost 3/4 of the review was a complain that Iris was not getting her due. It was exhausting . Jenny Raftery, on the other hand, is delightful.

  13. But the real stars for me were Felicity, Barry, and Oliver. I think the reason GG and EBR work so well together is that they seem to me to have very similar acting presences. I think Charlotte Ross (and maybe others?) have talked about how Emily is a very giving, responsive person to act in scenes with--that she gives you something to react against, and that she will react to whatever you put out as well--and I think GG is, too. GG's eyes always follow and react to his scene partners. His face and body are never static--not just waiting to deliver his next line, but infusing scenes with a warmth that the writing doesn't always provide. He's a very open, loose, energetic presence. That's how I feel about Emily. So when they're in scenes with people who are on that wavelength with them, they really come alive. (I actually think the same is true for Carlos Valdes, but I don't think his serious work is up to par just yet.) And while SA (and DR, actually) doesn't get to show that side as often, he certainly reacts well to that type of energy, because I LOVE his scenes with Barry, almost as much as I love scenes with any combo of OTA.

    Couldn't agree more with this. I think someone mentioned earlier that it seems Emily and Grant are friendly in real life and it spills into their on screen camaraderie was also correct. They are a delight to watch and are sort of a buddy comedy onto their own in any scene they do together. Would love it if they show them texting each other or calling each other randomly to remind the audience that these people are friends and have genuine affection for each other.

    • Love 5
  14. Well since the conversation topic was why Iris was not included in the crossover, I don't know why I would blame the other characters rather than the writers since she could have been easily written in if the writers used an ounce of creativity.

    I still think making Iris Kendra's friend makes so much more sense than Cisco dating Kendra but hey, they could have easily gone both routes if they wanted. Not like Iris was too busy with her other storylines


    So yeah, I blame the writers, not the other characters for the Iris problem. (Her absence and under use)

    There is a reason they chose to introduce Kendra to the audience via Cisco and not Iris even though that romance was destined to be doomed. These crossovers are important events and the producers want to give maximum screen time to their more popular characters, that's Cisco - a far more popular character than Iris on the show - who was chosen to be part of this story. Yes, Iris has comic book history, but the TV audience chose to react more favourably for Cisco and that is how network TV works. Give more screen time to things that work with the audience and less time to those who fail to connect.

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  15. I just meant that if she went to journalism school those would be skills that she would have learned. Granted she would still need a supercomputer or something to make her investigations as quick as she needs it to be. And, it is highly unlikely that 4000y Old Immortals would be something crossing her desk as a newbie journalist.

    She didn't go to journalism school, according to Flash's pilot, she was working on her post grad degree in Sociology. She was later shown to take a journalism course for credits though it makes more sense for an undergrad degree and not a postgrad one but then again, I should just ignore everything because it is a super hero show where no one cares about what happens in professions like journalism, law or running an actual Fortune 500 company.

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  16. Tbh, I did not miss either Laurel or Iris and only realize they were missing when Thea pointed out. Thea was a delight in this episode though. She had a few lines but they were all excellently executed and fun. I generally like Cicso but that Hawkgirlwas so bad, she made me yawn every time she opened her mouth and by association, I didn't like Cisco in anything with her. Hawkman and Vandal Savage were also meh. Acting pool at Legends is really shallow I must say.

    In my opinion, this episode belonged to Oliver, Barry, and Felicity. Barry is way more fun with Felicity and Oliver than his own team.

    • Love 4
  17. Everyone who clearly wants Iris to "investigate" stuff clearly has never been a journalist and has no clue how print journalism works. Considering she is fairly new, Iris cannot be a investigative reporter (the reporters who spend a long time and resources on uncovering expose and stuff) so she is a beat reporter. Meaning she is assigned a beat by her news editor and it could be reporting from city council, or traffic reporting or crime reporting or entertainment or politics or sports (Linda Park is the sports reporter so that's out) but none of those beats include "investigating" a 4000 years old immortal dude who is after a flying couple that gets reincarnated all the time.

    This, in my opinion, is more rediculous than a telepathic gorilla.

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