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M. Darcy

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Posts posted by M. Darcy

  1. Wow, Linda is really trying to win worst mother of the year award.  But its probably realistic - I don't have first hand experience but I'm sure that not every parent is 100% ok with the situation immediately after their child comes out.  I'm guessing that is her problem with how she is treating Johnny. 


    Ah, I was wrong about the stupidest plot ever (which is stupid on its own without even involving Billy Mitchell).  Heh, yeah, I am surprised the Billy isn't involved -normally plans do not go that badly without him screwing something up. I thought that bouncers were the attackers but they were just asses on their own.

  2. Yeah, Phil in the old days wouldn't have set up something that was so easy to figure out.  Poor Johnny.  But he probably saved Sharon's life - if he had been downstairs and had been also knocked unconscious, he wouldn't have been able to get Sharon the medical help so quickly.  And, also, he's not the one who sent over the idiots who attacked her.

  3. I think I focused more on the second part of the clue which mentioned the oldest Governor of California and since the category was about Jerrys.


    I forgot to mention the best part of last night (besides Andrea winning) - an entire category about Lord Rickman of the Alan! 


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  4. Aw, Ian was very sweet in yesterday's episode.


    I think Phil was behind that attack.  I think he wanted to prove a point to Sharon (what point, I'm still confused about) so he told the guys to act as obnoxiously as possible so Sharon would fire them and then they were supposed to trash the bar.  I don't think they were supposed to attack Sharon though.


    Going by the Eastenders tweets right now, I was right about Phil!


    Does the justice system in the UK really work this way?  I mean, if a public defender is assigned to a case, must he pretend that his client is innocent?


    I'm not an expert on the British justice system like I am with the American (thanks to years of watching Law and Order) but I've been recently watching Rumpole of the Bailey and going by that - yes.  Rumpole always seems to treat each person he is defending like he is innocent.  Even when it is obvious that he guilty. Though, I should point out that after watching Rumpole, I am now more confused how the British justice system works.


    Oh, update on the Washington DC "crisis".  When I asked WETA when they were going to show The Escape Artist,  I got a tweet back  saying that because of the pledge drive, they were unable to show it.  I nicely replied that it seemed that IMO its not going to help the pledge drive if they don't actually show the programs that people want to watch.

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  6. Neither of the PBS stations in DC are showing it either. Ack - I just read in the Post that WETA has no plans to show it and MPT is showing Part 1 on Monday at 4 am and Part 2 on June 23 at 4 am. What the heck? Time to go yell at WETA on twitter.

    Blech - does WETA think we would rather watch Suzie Orman than David Tennant? Oh well, it's Game of Thrones instead for me.

  7. The end of the Luck of the Fryish when Fry is reading his nephew's tombstone and we see it says "Here Lies Philip J. Fry, named for his uncle, to carry on his spirit".  Gets me every single time.  


    The end of The Sting when you hear Fry and Leela whisper that they could both use a shower.  Billy and Katey  just nailed the emotion in those two lines.

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  8. I wonder if cop lady is actually interested in Max or if they are replaying the Kate/Phil storyline where Kate was pretending to date Phil to get info on one of his crimes. Though, it doesn't  make sense in that she isn't investigating the crime is she - she is only the family liaison.


    Sigh.  Back when Phil was a criminal. Now he just seems so boring.  He is being nice to everyone.  What happened? 

    Maybe the attack on Sharon will bring back bad Phil


    I can't believe Jenna Bush Hager snagged that exclusive interview this morning with President Bush!

    And, right when Iraq is falling apart.  Because I am sure she asked the man responsible for the war all about it.  Seriously, does the Today Show not get what it looks like when they have that puff piece about the Bushes and then the very next thing mentioned during the news is the disaster going on in Iraq. 

    • Love 4
  10. Natalie Cassidy actually said that Sonia killed Lucy!  It was one of those awards shows that seem to happen every week and they interviewed cast members and she said she killed Lucy.  She acted like she was joking but it all makes sense now. 


    Hmm, who else is missing from the Square.  Maybe that is also why Mr. Papadopolous is never seen.  

  11. Thanks for answering my question!  Its probably cheaper for the costume budget too to just have the sash as opposed to prison uniforms.


    Billy is such an idiot.  Maybe he will go to jail for burning the passport (I'm assuming its a crime).  Its just a year.  Quit whining about it.

  12. Rachel has really been on fire this week.  I've been feeling really angry about how people have been convicting Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in the media and I'm glad she has been talking about it.   And, she's been fair - she's pointing out both sides have been doing it and showed that his Republican Senator has been pretty disgusted by this also.


    I wonder if she will be on tonight - she hasn't been on the last two Fridays.

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