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Mrs. de Winter

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Posts posted by Mrs. de Winter

  1. 1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

    This always reminds me that whoever casts children for SPN is pretty damn great at it.

    OUAT was pretty good in this area too - and I believe both are shot in Vancouver.  So it shouldn't be that hard.  

    William almost make Oliver look smart. 

    • Love 3
  2. 2 hours ago, way2interested said:

    Think he means "cake," going with MG's whole joking about it being the most awesome cake.

    You are correct - he (Hector) clarified on Twitter that he meant to say cake.  And that "It's the best."   That must be some cake. 

    • Love 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

    One thing, I find it hard to believe that Chase could find William so easily but Felicity can't? Stop downgrading her skills! Grrr.

    I comforted myself with the knowledge that Felicity has been looking for a week or so - Chase could have been at it for a year - and could have covered whatever tracks he followed.  Because otherwise I would have thrown something at my TV.

    Rene - still a big bowl of just don't care.  If you are that pressed about the hearing - perhaps you need to give this some more thought. 

    I have been wondering about Thea's file from her father - glad they did not drop that ball.  It was good to have Thea back - hopefully both she and Oliver really do move on from the our bad parents define us stuff. 

    Felicity and Diggle continue to be the reason I hang on with this show even when Oliver is a box of rocks. 

    • Love 5
  4. 4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    If they can write it well enough, there is a whole lot of potential in contrasting the stone cold Oliver of the pilot episode to the self-actualized (I hope) Oliver of 5x23.

    I hope they leave this to his scenes with Moria - ST is so much better, light years better, suited to that type of emotional material.   Not to mention SA seems to step it up even more with her.   Even Thea would be a far, far better choice. 

    Speaking of Thea - do we have any hints of story lines for her next year?  I know she doesn't suit up again this year and Malcolm dies.  And Thea will not die - but I wonder if she leaves town.  I know there was the random Wild Dog romance thing, but no way that is about Thea.   There just seem to be way to many characters for next season (even with the flashbacks gone).

    • Love 4
  5. If we have to endure more stupid with the spawn, it had better come with an example of Oliver including Felicity in some decision about him to illustrate his growth.  I deserve this nice thing show!

    • Love 9
  6. 3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

    But wow did the Billy mention seem to come out of nowhere in that scene? 

    WM helped write the episode so I assumed the mayo would come up given her instance on how important he was in interviews.  I am ignoring this much like the apology for the kid.  Both are stupid and do not fit what actually happened on screen. 

    • Love 12
  7. 1 minute ago, Chaser said:

    Oliver was describing how to do the salmon ladder the same way SA did at a panel and I just remembered KC being like you should totally teach me and Facebook and all and I just started laughing. 

    Not sure if he taught her - but guessing he may have given her a few hints: 

    I'm going to need a video of this (and the behind the scenes/outtakes of the salmon ladder scene in this episode too)

    • Love 14
  8. 5 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    But the thing that proved Fiona evil was being willing to send all the other children to a land without magic and crush Tiger Lily's heart to protect her son? Any normal parent would do that. If I had a child, I'd do that.

    I think this would have worked better if it had been the episode before or after the one where we found out Snow/Charming could have had a life with Emma if they had not let her grow-up to be the Savior.  It would have been a good contrast.  I can see parents choosing either side and having regrets either way. 

    • Love 5
  9. So now that Rumple has Spawn #2 back he no longer cares about his grandson.  I am going to need both Emma and Henry to punch him in the face before the season ends.  

    I can't decide which was funnier - Zelena and the car or Belle and her I always knew there was good in you Rumple speech when she heard he was a Savior (which of course he is not).   Belle - always and forever an idiot.  She should just accept she doesn't really give a crap about the bad Rumple does and get over herself.   

    • Love 8
  10. So both of Thea's biological parents will end up dying - in front of her (it seems) - to save her.   I feel like that should mess her up more than ever.  But on this show it will probably not be a thing.

    Every time I consider Thea's child and young adulthood I want someone to punch Barry even harder when changes the timeline again so he gets the perfect future he feels he deserves. 

    But back to Thea - didn't Oliver find a file with her name on it on his dad's computer when he came back to Starling in the flashback episode? Did we ever find out what was in it?  

    • Love 6
  11. 6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I like the idea that Felicity was talking about Oliver and William but I think you're giving them too much credit.

    Quite possible.  But I don't necessarily think she was talking about Oliver and William - but was talking about the same issue which remains unresolved between them - that Oliver refuses to let her in as a full partner and reverts back to go it alone mentality.  The use of the word burden may have been a coincidence but seemed at least somewhat deliberate to me. 

    I hope Marc's response about Chase includes him as the one who set off the EMP, otherwise I will lose some respect for Helix.  If they wanted to eliminate Felicity as a threat - because she is really the potential threat, not whatever tech the Arrow Cave has - they could have just killed her at the Helix location where they would have known she was alone and no one could help her.  They have been pretty effective so far and blowing the device in the Arrow Cave just seems too convoluted. 

    And a big second, third, twentieth to the Curtis needs to tone it down sentiment.   And it needs to happen quick or he is going to be headed to the top of my list of acceptable cannon fodder. 

    • Love 2
  12. I was worried given someone new was writing the episode but perhaps she went back and watched a few older episodes because this made a good use of the relationships and history.  Two things that have been sorely lacking this season. 

    Felicity and Oliver's talk at the loft where she asked him to let her help carry his burden struck me as her asking Oliver to include her in the way he didn't with the kid.  So, I get her anger at the end and her call back to the lie in that moment. 

    I am confused as to who blew the bunker.  If it was Helix - why not just blow the bunker - why do the fake Chase is here thing?  I would like it better if it was Chase - but I hope they clarify one way or the other. 

    I did think the Lyla and Digg stuff seemed off.  Given everything the show has shown and told us about Argus, the idea that Lyla is about to cross a line is ludicrous. I am pretty sure you can't be in Argus without a willingness to cross lines.   I get Digg turning something of a blind eye but Oliver damn well knows better.  He and Lyla even had a conversation about it in a previous episode when they talked about their willingness to do whatever it takes (in contrast to Digg and Felicity).  Felicity and Lyla's decisions here can certainly be questioned - but pretending this is a massive shift in their actions is just weird and undercuts the tension for me.  

    The nickname thing makes me dislike Wild Dog.   It is disrespectful and rude - particularly when you have been asked not to do it.  Having a kid do it does not change that.  I does make me hope he and his spawn go away. 

    I am looking forward to next week - not a sentence I have typed this season about Arrow.  Let's hope it is the start of a trend. 

    • Love 13
  13. 2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    Lyla probably crossed lines every time she walks into the ARGUS building.

    True.  And in fairness Oliver sounded even more stupid about Lyla given he has worked for/with Argus directly. 

    • Love 2
  14. Umm, Lyla is the head of Argus - which puts chips in people's heads to blow them up if they don't do what they want them to.  Why is Diggle surprised his wife might cross a line? 

    • Love 5
  15. 6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

    I can't remember if I ever spec'd this in writing or if I just thought it, but does anyone else wonder if they are planning on blowing up the whole island??  And follow up, how could anyone blow up an island that size without nukes involved?

    There has to be some reason that Slade and the others would help Oliver - this seems as good as any (help or blow-up too). 

    Maybe the hacks and things Felicity was made to do for Helix give Chase access to whatever he needs to blow the island?  Or he takes over Argus somehow?  I am sure it will be something well thought out making a great deal of sense :)

    • Love 1
  16. I was shocked that Snow snarked at Regina about the curse - I truly thought she was no longer allowed to say anything mean to her.   Of course all I could think was that she should really point out that Regina stole Emma's childhood (via the curse) so she could shut it about the wedding.  But that might just have been me. 

    Charming continues to be the parent Emma really missed out on having.  His explanation of why he wasn't in a hurry to have the wedding was heartbreaking - and actually put Emma before the town and their need for hope.  Take a few notes Snow.  And learn to knock!  Once again Emma is close to some - happiness - and you mess it up. 

    The writers really have no idea what to do with Belle do they?  Why on earth would she an Zelena interact given Zelena's desire to kill Rumple (and his to kill her)?  Oh, and a big - shut. up. Belle.   There was no reason you couldn't have asked for help with the Blue Fairy when you went to warn Emma about your spawn being back and wanting to kill her.  Oh, wait. 

    I found myself wondering if I might have had more use for the Evil Queen if Bex had been cast instead of LP - I enjoy her so much more than LP and find her hurt little girl undercurrent much more believable.  Regina needs to tone down the holier than thou routine - it really, really doesn't work when you have destroyed whole villages - and still have a vault full of hearts,

    • Love 7
  17. 10 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    So Susan filmed recently.

    Well she was about as interesting as a corpse so perhaps she is the one in the crate. 

    Sigh - I know this is not the case, but it would be a fitting end for her. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

    Her ballcap is off, so this could be toward the end of 5x19 or the beginning of 5x20.

    But strangely her glasses are on - I didn't think she was wearing them when she was out with Helix in 5X19.  I guess she has an extra pair in the lair? 

  19. 4 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

    I wonder why Oliver is wearing gloves in that purple picture.  Anybody have an idea?

    I think he has them on when they are trying to climb out of the elevator shaft with Diggle too - so perhaps he used them when climbing and this is right before or after (assuming they fall). 

    • Love 3
  20. 3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Please post it in the Spoiler Only thread too.

    Nevermind, Wonderwall already posted it.

    Sorry was trying but opened the old Spoiler Only thread - which my computer objected to in a big way :(

    I guess Robert makes sense given the title. 

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