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Posts posted by madmax

  1. I thought this was still filming; didn't realize it was on until it showed up on the DVR.

    As others have said, there was a LOT going on.  A little hard to tell them apart in these first couple episodes.

    No one really jumped out at me as the stellar performer as in other seasons, but I think season three was the same for me.

    Gotta say, swapping kids is the ultimate insurance plan...

    5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    and who was born a "Hebrew" before being traded as a child to the Irish mob, right?
    --which would make him a potential a triple spy.

    Pretty sure the "Hebrew" was killed by the Irish kid, who then assimilated to the Italian mob.  Of course, I could be wrong.

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  2. This may not belong here - I've seen other threads about actors' past work - but I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread.

    Watched Silverado today, one of the few non-Clint Eastwood westerns that I love.  Seeing Kevin Costner that young and enthusiastic after seeing him as John Dutton was a very big change!

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  3. 7 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Don't know if any of you want to see Alone :The Beast where 3 strangers team up to survive

    They are burning through all the unaired episodes on History Channel

    Check your local listings

    We saw the first episode and looked for more, but there were none.  I'll have to tell Mr. Max and we'll DVR it.  Thanks for the info!

    One of the contestants is the brother of Jordan from season 6.

  4. At the end of season 8, right before the plane crash.

    I hated it when Jackson and April got together.  yes, I know, so many people loved Japril and all that, but I really liked them as friends.  And there was no lead up to it, either.  It was just "Ooh, I want to be bad and forget I love Jesus, c'mere, Jackson!" and he went like an obedient puppy.

    Derek's just making me hate him more and more.  "We're going to Boston."  Asshat.

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  5. I just binged the whole series over the last two weeks.  

    Had a big old pile of mess I was going to post, but let's condense.

    I like Beth, I love Rip.  Jamie was only good when he was cowboying.  On the fence about Kayce (or however it's spelled), don't like Monica or the kid.

    I really like the bunkhouse crew and love their interactions.

    Sometimes the business stuff goes over my head.  Especially the POA.  Why would it be a Utah POA if the ranch is in Montana?  I wouldn't think that Beth was that stupid.

    Looking forward to season 4.

    • Love 7
  6. 7 hours ago, auntiemel said:

    I don't think medical shows need to go into Covid mode. I think of them like The West Wing when it comes to politics - an alternate universe. I wouldn't have expected them to address real-time political events. Those didn't happen in that universe. It's not a documentary.

    Unfortunately, they will.  Most especially Grey's.  They like to do the "ripped from the headlines" thing.

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  7. 10 hours ago, kariyaki said:

    I’d rather them ignore it. I don’t watch these shows for reality, I get enough of that, thanks.

    I'm with you.

    When "Everybody Loves Raymond" was such a huge hit, I couldn't watch it.  It was like seeing my mother-in-law on my big screen.  It was hard enough dealing with her in real life; I didn't want her in my leisure time, too.

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  8. On 9/17/2020 at 9:46 PM, chitowngirl said:

    November 12 premiere date with Station 19 crossover 🙄 Never watched Station 19, never will. I can always follow what’s going on. Crossover episodes need to stand alone for syndication purposes, so I feel no need to be “goaded” into watching Station 19.

    I hate crossover episodes.  Yeah, they stand alone and you can basically follow, but there's usually some minor thing in the other series episode that ends up being a big deal later.  I hated the Private Practice crossovers, I hate the Station 19 crossovers, I've ALWAYS hated crossover episodes in any series.

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I agree.  They knew she was coming in 2 days.  There was no point in him being alone for those two days.  I think something like that happened in the US version, but the person, I think came the very next day.  Maybe in the US version, they have back up people just in case someone taps out early. 

    There have been instances in the US version where the replacement came the next day and others where they came a few days later.  And some where they never got a replacement at all, even when one of the partners tapped on day 2.  I think it all depends on if they have someone lined up as a replacement.  Maybe it's the next team that's supposed to go out, since they would have already had their shots and have their passports lined up.

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  10. Finally finished this half season.

    Really getting tired of Maze's behavior.  How many times can she go down that well?  How many times do the writers think we want to see it?  However, Lucifer was pretty dickish with the "just a demon" comment but also, as Linda has said many times, Lucifer is all about Lucifer plus he was worried about Chloe.  I do wonder, tho, could Maze be gaining a soul?  Since all the other stuff was supposed to be impossible (Lucifer falling in love, Amenadiel fathering a child with a mortal), why couldn't a demon gain a soul?  It would explain her recent "human" behavior.

    I actually thought for a hot minute that Dan had kidnapped Chloe to keep her away from Lucifer, maybe to convince her dating the devil was wrong.

    Ellis still amazes me how different he makes Lucifer & Michael.  And I think the accent got better.

    I agree with the other posters who said it felt like God was just coming down to make the children stop squabbling.  I guess he skipped the announcement that he was going to turn the car around. 


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  11. On 8/27/2020 at 2:05 PM, MarylandGirl said:

    His not showing up when she got Zola was really awful, especially considering he was the one who initially suggested the adoption. And he often seemed so condescending toward her. I think watching the episodes in rapid succession, instead of weekly over the course of multiple seasons, made him seem like more of a jerk, particularly to Meredith, but also in general.

    It makes it really obvious when watching in rapid succession, but I wasn't a fan of his in the original run.  I didn't remember the other thing I really hated about the Zola adoption - Meredith was already freaking out that she wouldn't be a good mother and he just left her to deal with Zola on her own.  God, he was such a jackass.  I'm actually counting down the episodes until the plug pulling. 😆

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  12. Just finished season 7 and I think that's where my Derek hatred finally manifested itself.  Yes, Meredith messed with the trial (for good reason) but he was a real ass to her, not caring that she got fired, not showing up when Meredith got Zola.  Yeah, I was not sad to see him go.  At all.

    Another observation, which I'm sure has been made multiple times but...did these doctors ever hear of birth control?  How many unintentional pregnancies did this show go through?  And how many were Christina's, who never wanted kids ever?

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  13. 16 minutes ago, ForumLou said:

    Im probably forgetting but i only recall him seeing the medic about the blockage.  What else was there?  Yes i do think they would have made it, there were so many Impala Wes could have replenished the moldy meat easy.

    The medic treated them when they ate the aloe.  

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  14. I binged a couple episodes, so I can't remember exactly which episode the showdown between Michael and Lucifer was, but I think it was early in the binge and this was the first, so I'm putting this here.

    Ellis is doing a very good job of differentiating between Michael and Lucifer.  So much that I am not finding Michael attractive at all, but Lucifer very much so.

    • Love 9
  15. 1 hour ago, ForumLou said:

    PPS about Ryan..from one sleepwalker to another, please be careful dude!  

    I never had a problem with sleepwalking, but my youngest rugrat did.  I don't know how many times we had to guide him back upstairs.  Rugrat #1 had to stop him from peeing down the steps.  It really freaked me out, not knowing if he would walk outside or something.  Thank Jeebus he grew out of it or Camp Lejeune would have a fun time with him.

    It really bothered me to see Ryan sleepwalking because it brought back those memories.

  16. 5 hours ago, eyelash said:

    I've seen pictures of people ice fishing who have small fires on the ice nearby.  I kept wondering why she didn't haul several batches of spruce boughs out there and have them ready to light one at a time when her toe got cold so she could fish longer.

    I said the same to Mr. Max.  Why not have a small fire ready to go when she got cold?  Also, Kielyn covered her fishing hole with the boughs.  I wondered why neither of the others did?  Callie, I can understand because she wasn't used to the cold, but I think Roland should have thought of that rather than chopping a new hole every time he needed water.

    2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    Did Callie stay long enough to pass Fowler's record?  He went 87 days, I think.

    If Roland's big emotional breakthrough was realizing how important his mother was, when he literally skipped her funeral to prepare for the show, it seems like too little too late.

    Callie stayed 89 days, so she beat Fowler's record.  And I thought the same thing about Roland.  So important now, but you couldn't take a day for her funeral?


    I knew Roland was going to win it, but it was good to see it down to 2 women and him.  And again, the woman had to be medically tapped.  Makes me wonder if there's a conspiracy here?  😉

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  17. 2 hours ago, GreyBunny said:

    Roland is doing well except his one weakness is not finding enough food with fat. Barring a freak accident like a bad slip on the rocks at Danger Cove (Rock, Bay, whatever), not getting a fat source is what’s going to do him in.


    The opening always shows a male falling on rocks.  I don't think we've seen that in the show yet and I wonder if that could be Roland.  I've always discounted it, because he usually films Danger Rock from a different angle, but one of the last episodes, I saw him filming from that angle, but I couldn't tell if it was him.

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  18. 5 hours ago, Avabelle said:

    Just for my sanity I wish they would fast forward and pick up to a place where things have calmed down. I don’t think I can handle one of the very special episodes dedicated to the non realistic frontline workers of Grey Sloan. 

    You and me both.  I watch this stuff to forget about real life, not relive it.

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  19. 18 minutes ago, ForumLou said:

    True true all you said.  Question about Duck though.  The last season with Jeff...i can't think of the guy's name, but he had to medically tap.  They tapped him though, he didn't tap them.  He so badly didn't want to leave and was just despondent. Duck elected to tap in order to walk out with the upset guy, so he didn't have to go alone.

    So i ponder...he did tap on his own volition.  But its hard to say he didn't make it, when he clearly would have.  He was just following his inner morals and what he could live with himself about.  I wouldnt mind seeing him give one more college try.  Plus he wasnt annoying at all like Suck it Kate!

    P.s.  kate is like a female Shane to me.  Shrug.  


    Yeah, Duck tapped so Charlie didn't have to leave by himself.  But he tapped.  And I really like Duck, but he tapped.  Mr. Max and I discussed it when it happened and we both think he wanted to go back to his family and used that as an excuse.

    Kate is a female Shane.  Toxic to all who cross her path.

  20. 22 hours ago, ForumLou said:

    One last comment on a not too too bad season, please don't bring her back for anymore redemption eps.  She is beyond redemption. Suck It Kate!  And please take her off the credits.  Just because the bitch screams and is bat shit crazy, doesn't make her worthy.  Ditch the bitch and suck it kate!  

    Ok this is my final comment on a pretty good season, can we have an XL not in Africa?  I know when it comes to badass locations, its the King.  I'm just getting a lil tired of it.  Ready for a change.  Just a thought

    They tend to put controversial people in XL.  Kate & Bulent this year, Jeff last year, Lacey and Shane the year before that, etc.  Unless they stop getting the ratings, they will keep putting people like Kate in.  Hell, they may give her another chance.  They gave Duck 2 chances at XL and he tapped both times.

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  21. 5 hours ago, SassyCat said:

    Gave me a new understanding of the mindset of vegetarians, vegans, tho no vegetarian could survive in that environment. 

    It always surprises me when vegetarians/vegans make it 21 days on Naked & Afraid.  Now 100 days?  I don't think so.

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    I would have freaked the hell out if all those wolves surrounded me!  I wonder if they're protected like the foxes.  He couldn't miss with the bow at 3 yards away.

    Roland still seems like the winner to me.  I just wonder with the weight loss if he makes it 100 days.

    1 hour ago, mlp said:

    Kielyn cries every episode, freaks out like a nut case after catching a fish then makes a speech about being a strong woman.  She certainly has skills and she seems like a nice person but I just can't root for her.  

    This.  I can't root for her because she's crying constantly. 

    16 hours ago, eyelash said:

    According to the Altoona Mirror (online newspaper) he is originally from Clearfield County Pennsylvania.  

     Holy crap, I wondered if he was from my area when he said the rocks were "slippy." 😄

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