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Posts posted by Lola82

  1. I love how different All Stars feels from all the other Challenges. TJ is much more relaxed around the older contestants joking around with them. And the structure is also more chill, they showed the apple catching bloopers in the previous episode and in this one Leroy mentioned the cameraman. 

    Ayanna’s speech and reactions to it was hilarious. Poor Leroy was so confused. She seems like she goes to the line “you’re disrespecting me” any time someone questions anything she does. 

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  2. How did Olivia twist this in her head to make sense for this kind of betrayal? What a dummy.

    I’m very impressed with Nurys but I really wanted to see Horacio in the final. I guess the silver lining is that we’re going to see the alliance start imploding. 

    • Like 6
  3. 42 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    But we heard Roger; they're going to have to get a boat America from Inverness during the Revolutionary War. It's got to be close to Yorktown. Total chaos. So they're going to land where? Then get to the cave and another boat back. 

    Omg I didn’t even think of this point! This dodo is willingly heading head first into a war!

    • Like 1
  4. I loved the episode, I’m glad it didn’t end on a cliffhanger. And the less Bree/Roger scenes there are, the better. This storyline is too hard to buy into. Some rando reads their diary and decides he’s going to kidnap a child and go to the past and then travel to another country on the hope that the child remembers a random cave he’s been to many years ago. All for some possible gold? And he know for fact that he can travel back with it? It’s too wacky even for this time traveling show.

    Jamie cracking jokes while he’s injured and Claire cursing him out is my favorite interaction between them always. 

    Ian in battle mode is also always welcome.

    • Like 9
  5. Brady is giving off some serious Screech vibes. The show has not given us any reason why Lily would be into him.

    I can’t remember if I ever liked Miranda because I find her intolerable on this series. She’s a 50+ woman with a law degree and presumably some savings. Why is she still crashing at Nya’s place listening in on her sex life?! It’s so pathetic. I got the feeling that she was only half-joking about moving in with Carrie.

    I’m guessing LTW is starting menopause. That “pregnant or menopause” storyline has been done to death.

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  6. 14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I face-palmed that so hard. Roger's guard should've already been up after Rob read the journal, but nope, let's just leave this guy alone in an office surrounded by a treasure trove of valuable personal information. 🥴

    Also agree with your second point. I grew up in the 80s and things were way more loosey-goosey in terms of child safety, but even back then red flags would've gone up at an uncle arranging a children's sleepover. I feel like so much of Roger and Bree's storyline is them being idiots so the plot can happen. I

    It drives me crazy how casual they are with this secret, personal information. How hard is it to put a lock on that chest? Also, it made me nervous to see the fireplace so close to the desk, I was half-expecting those letters to end up being burnt. And I’m still having a hard time believing they wouldn’t read through all the letters at once, their parents are in the middle of a war, there’s no curiosity to see how/if they make it out?!

    It would be hilarious if Rob gets killed right away in the 1700’s for being some kind of witch (warlock?). At the very least, it would be a nice change of pace to see a time traveler not know how to adapt to a different century. 

    • Like 3
  7. Miranda’s disaster date was done much better on Friends when Ross dated the messy woman.

    Why does Carrie always looks so uncomfortable around other people that aren’t her friends? This is the third time I noticed this season her getting all mumbly and awkward any time someone comes near her. It’s like she’s afraid of getting poor person cooties.

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  8. I really enjoyed the William/Ian/Claire confrontation. And, in general, Ian somehow became one of my favorite characters.

    I don’t think we’re supposed to know who that guy was but from Roger’s reaction, I thought for a sec that it was himself from the past.

    Edit: just rewatched the scene and it almost looks like a grown up Jemmy! That would be interesting.

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  9. 7 hours ago, JeanJean said:

    Can we keep Che and lose Miranda? I really liked Che last episode and this one. I find Sara tremendously likeable as an actor, anyway, maybe it's a holdover from their Grey days.

    100%! I think Sara acts in a very real way that I really enjoy and compared to Cynthia’s cartoony, manic acting these days, I’d happily swap them out.

    • Like 12
  10. 1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:


    Also, they found the death certificate, which prompted them to go back, you'd think they would do some more digging to find more information. Roger has time to go to the library. 

    Roger wanted to start looking through his books and Bree stopped him saying she doesn’t want to know. She’s the worst.

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  11. It’s driving me crazy that they haven’t read all the letters. And now Bree encountered some kind of portal but doesn’t even mention it to Roger? Their lack of inquisitiveness is astounding. 

    • Like 13
  12. Charlotte went full American Psycho about the business card. “It’s embossed and has the real logo, wow!”

    The first scene with Carrie and the biker was the most natural dialogue the show has had. As a NYer I’d also be apologizing that I’m not used to the bike lanes and I never stop there, etc. Although, it is creepy that she went over to his place after. And, as always, one flaw and she dips.

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  13. 17 hours ago, Ziggy said:

    I have to know, was I the only one yelling at the tv when they were about to amputate Williams arm?

    I was yelling when all the bile came out. Barf! I don’t know what’s harder to watch with this show - the rape scenes or the festering bloody close ups.

    • Like 3
  14. 16 hours ago, RedInk said:

    Except…and I want to agree with all of this because of the atrocious rewrite of Miranda…Che flat out said Miranda could not expect anything traditional. And she responded that she tried traditional, and it didn’t work for her. Miranda flew out to surprise Che, she wasn’t asked to go. And Miranda hasn’t had any talks about expectations at all. Miranda is just not acting like a 60-something, intelligent attorney with agency, which is what she is. She is acting like someone on the verge of a collapse, and it’s unclear if they’re writing her that way intentionally (because she’s breaking down) or if they’re writing an actual love story (and they’re insane). I just can’t put it all on Che, who really can’t know how Miranda is feeling about this because Miranda is expressing that she’s interested in all of it. It just doesn’t track because no one would behave this way. In real life, why would Che be even remotely interested in someone who would leave her family and life’s work for a relative stranger? 

    LATE EDIT 😉: And I forgot to type this because they’ve really dropped her storyline, but the organic development of feelings for Miranda’s esteemed professor, who is a perfect match re: intelligence and humanitarian interests, would have been the way to go for about a million reasons. And why this sharp turn in writing is baffling us. 

    I agree with your whole post. Che is just living life, working on their career and Miranda is the one who’s gone off the deep end and turned herself inside out to fit into Che’s life. With better writers, this would be an interesting story to watch Miranda spiral out. They started an alcohol problem last season and that didn’t go anywhere. She goes to AA now and has no more struggles? Come on! This “love” story needs to crash and burn asap. 

    • Like 7
  15. Omg why in the world are Bree and Roger waiting to ask Jemmy about the Spaniard?? Do they think he’s going to retain this random memory for years and years? They don’t need to touch the gold if they don’t want to but I call BS on Jemmy remembering where this cave is at this point.


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